Showing posts with label Drug War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drug War. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Murdered UCLA Coed’s Felony Drug Arrest, Did the Cops Fail to Protect their Snitch?

O I 

Los Angeles, CA—21 year-old Andrea “Andy” DelVesco was obviously recruited into the Drug War when the UCLA police arrested her on four felony counts this June.
Police are programed by prosecutors to automatically give Get Out of Jail Free Cards to low level dealers so they can take down the upper echelon drug kingpins.  
Such was the case with this young Texas, double major coed.  She had little choice but to risk her life and become a snitch.
The complaint filed against DelVesco with the court contained an appropriate bail bond recommendation of $120,000.00 to be posted before she could be released from jail. 
What that meant is she’d have to post the entire amount in cash or wait until trial in a jail cell. These things aren’t quick and that could easily mean she’d spend a year or more behind bars before her case was tried of plea-bargained.
Most people don’t have that kind of cash lying around to they must pay a bail bond company.  The bondsmen risk their own funds but charge the accused a whopping ten percent of the total bond.  In this case DelVesco would have to pay $12,000.00 cash to the bondsman that she’d never get back.  On top of that she’d need to hire a lawyer and that would be well into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Because of her own foolishness at her young age, DelVesco suddenly had the worst nightmare of her entire life!
Simply put, police used extortion to force DelVesco into ratting out the criminals that put her in the drug dealing business. Once DelVesco agreed to snitch she was released on her own recognizance without posting a dime for bail.  Additionally she’d be spared from a felony criminal conviction record and a most certain prison term.
It’s easy to understand why the cops aren’t talking now, but the court documents reveal what happened.  The big reveal here is in the handwritten initials “OR” (own recognizance) on the documents.
The UCLA Police Department dropped the ball here by failing to protect their young and vulnerable tattler.  They should have known that the criminals they wanted DelVesco to finger would be both desperate and dangerous. 
If that lapse was not enough wait until you find out how police bungled things in the hours before DelVesco was murdered!  I’m holding out that outrageous reveal until I have additional documents in my possession.
It’s truly a miracle that this fire set to cover up Delvesco’s murder did not become a holocaust killing the numerous sleeping students in Delvesco’s building! 
In the end there is going to be a huge issue of liability for the failures of law enforcement to protect the youngster they recruited from a frightening and really gruesome death.  
DelVesco had a criminal lawyer; however since he’s most certainly going to be called as a witness he cannot now represent DelVesco’s parents ethically.  However, I just happen just know the right lawyer that wants this case!

Here is a link to an NBC 4 report with me by Patrick Healy:

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

End the Drug War Before it Kills us All

Washington, DC—The ultimate Nanny Laws are the drug prohibitions.  Drug laws are intended to prevent stupid people from harming themselves with nature’s chemicals and compounds.  
The idea was to protect the children.  There are better ways to do that than making the incredibly expensive and un-American police state and the deadly and vast torrent of crime and violence associated.   
First of all the cost of manufacturing the dangerous drugs that plague our society is really miniscule.  Creating the drugs costs no more that tea, soft drinks or Twinkies.  The price of drugs is driven by police enforcement and the associated risks involved. The risk associated with drug trafficking is exactly what inflates the profits.
Addicts pay incredible amounts of cash for illicit drugs simply because they are illegal!  The cost is so high and their addiction is so overpowering in the process we created a new class of thieves, robbers, burglars and even killers.  If drugs were not so expensive most addicts would not be involved in crime just to raise drug money to feed their habits.
We created another very ugly crime class of corrupt cops, prosecutors, judges, lawmakers and government contractors that shamelessly exploit and cash in on the Drug War.  They gleefully pose as, White knights but are the evil villains laughing all the way to the bank through every form of corruption.   
The suggestion that prohibitions stop or even slow down drug abuse is a sick joke.  If anything the prohibition makes the drugs more attractive.  Human nature tempts people to engage in risky behavior and to take walks on the wild side.  Sky diving and extreme sports have a similar attraction.  No matter the risk people are only too willing to gamble with their lives.
Drug treatment has been reduced to a scandalous scam.  It’s nothing more that a profitable way for crooks to help convicted drug addicts avoid jail. It’s not about meaningful treatment.  The only way for an addict to get admitted into a treatment program today is by court order after an arrest and conviction!  That’s beyond outrageous.  It’s not about treatment but obscene profits.
Parents are misled by the Drug Czars that their children will all be sticking needles in their arms but for the Drug War. That propaganda hogwash works to convince parents that they are incapable of raising their children without government intervention.  They become brainwashed into believing that if they don’t support the Drug War they’re bad parents! 
No right-minded parent wants their children tempted by anything harmful including drugs.   Government is not a third parent for your child!  Parents need to be parents.  Nobody said being a parent is an easy job.
Hundreds of billions of dollars are wasted on the Drug War every year.  Liberty and freedom has been compromised to the point of no return.
Taxing illicit drugs is just another way to inflate the price and invite every form of crime and corruption.  Let the FDA regulate only legitimate medicine and food purity.  Illicit drugs don’t need or deserve regulation.  For recreational drug users it should simply industry regulated and subject to buyer beware.  
Charles Darwin told us long ago that some people were just not meant to live.  Man’s law can’t change Darwin’s.
If we took a mere ten percent of the cash we waste on the Drug War and used it to treat the addicted that actually wanted treatment we could make vast progress against this cancer.
As for children we must protect them by making it a serious crime to furnish or introduce drugs to them.  
There is nothing positive about the Drug War.  It has killed more than all of the illicit drugs combined.  The fact is the Drug War is killing us.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Our Currency Needs Serious Changing!

Washington, DC—Our currency has fallen light years behind inflation.  Americans deserve a break! 
We should stop printing one-dollar bills.  Coins that are substantially larger than quarters are what we need so we can easily tell them apart.  The savings to taxpayers on printing costs demands we do this.
The penny has evaporated into insignificance even among the poorest of Americans.  They have become inconvenient refuse.  They break our vacuum cleaners as they clutter our lives.  It takes two cents to manufacture the worthless penny.  We need them out of our lives.
The one hundred dollar bill needs to be supplemented by returning the five hundred dollar bill to circulation.  We will be saving a bundle on printing the one hundred dollar notes because people will be using the larger bill more often.  Part of the printing cost saved can be spent on better anti-counterfeiting measures for the bigger bills.
The failed Drug War is what’s prevented larger denomination notes.  Big Brother wants to detect large amounts of currency easier.  The larger denomination bills would enable drug dealers to better hide their cash.  The Drug War was lost long ago and the world morgues have been over-flowing as a result of the related violence.  The loss of privacy, liberty and lives through violence has cost America far more than the drugs themselves.  Of course despite billions wasted on the Drug War we still have more illicit drugs on our streets than ever.
Far too many of those fascist bastards running our government want to eliminate cash.  They want to eliminate any and all privacy with government issued debit smart cards.  They want every American’s purchases, locations and amounts spent tracked.  That fits right in with airport cavity searches and regular warrantless home searches by bucket helmeted, boot wearing and armed government thugs. I for one will never adapt to that tyranny and will die fighting it first. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Legalizing Drugs, the Right Way

Washington, DC—Millions of America’s inhabitants are addicted to chemicals that have been outlawed.  The list of banned substances grows every day as ignorant politicians try to enjoin pathetic people seeking new ways to escape reality and experience intoxication.  The police state constantly increases its grip on innocent people that don’t use or want drugs.  Then there are all of us that must pay for the massive failure called the Drug War.
The simple truth is that drug laws have not prevented those who crave illicit drugs from obtaining them.  The laws have not saved lives.  On the contrary the laws have resulted in thousands of killings related to drug trafficking.  Unfortunately many killed are not involved with drugs.  Thousands of lives have been shattered and destroyed by bad police work, botched drug raids and false imprisonment.
The very worst of criminals and corrupt government officials are being obscenely enriched because of the Drug War’s guarantee to keep drug trafficking profits at the highest levels. We have the absolute power to put these criminals out of business in a single day, by simple legalization.
How should we legalize drugs?  Some say regulate and tax them.  On it’s face, collecting taxes on the backs of drug addicts sounds great.  The reality is that continued regulation and taxing of the drugs keep opportunities for government corruption and the same criminals we seek to bankrupt.  There should be no regulation of drugs marked to feed recreation and addiction.  Consumers of the poison need to beware and find their own methods of quality control.   How is that somehow different that what’s going on right now?
Drugs sold for therapeutic reasons still need the FDA and quality control.  There should be no changes here other than to let physicians prescribe whatever drugs they see fit for their patients.  Heroin has a legitimate place in pain management and treatment of elderly and dying patients.  Physicians cannot now use it for any patient for any reason.   In this regard cops need to be removed from our doctor’s offices.
We need to end the arrest, searches and, prosecutions of anyone for mere possession, manufacturing or sale of drugs.  We can do this while keeping the violent behind bars along with those involved with government corruption and money laundering.  That same should hold true for those who have not reported or paid income tax on their ill-gotten gains.  
If we take these simple steps, we do know that street crime will drop to the lowest level ever.  There will be no more turf wars, between drug lords. 
Right now many addicts have habits that consume well beyond $1000,00 per day.  They can’t earn the money any other way than theft, burglary, robbery, sex commerce and involvement in the illicit drug trade.  The outlawed drugs would not exceed to price of sugar, coffee or tea without the prohibition.
If the Drug War had any success at all I guess continuing it would have some benefit.  However we all know the Drug War’s only benefit is to make rich criminals richer.  Why do we tolerate and continue feeding this disaster?
I would like to see the day that addicts seeking treatment to get well can simply walk into a medical facility to turn their lives around.  Instead we have created scam opportunities for bogus government drug treatment contractors that do nothing more than warehouse addicts simply to shave prison time off of their punishment.
Drug addicts are easily hated and demonized.  They are a desperate lot that will victimize or do the most despicable acts just to feed their habits.  Perhaps it’s the right time to help these sick bastards become healthy and productive. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why We Have Pretend Border Security

San Diego, CA—There are security interests and vital border concerns for Mexico and America. The solutions offered by both nations are intentionally a total farce.

Mexico is awash with drugs, government corruption and incredible violence. The lucrative and insatiable illicit US drug market fuels it all.

The United States can’t control the addicted or their spending habits. The open border, guarantees the free flow of narcotics along with the criminals that bring them here.

Mexico’s officials have been whining that American gun rights, threatens their internal security. Thousands of weapons purchased by the Mexican government fall into the hands of their criminals. Add to it the efforts of the Obama administration to deliberately ship thousands of guns purchased from licensed American dealers to the same criminals and you have a massive mess.

Any claim that either nation’s governments want to repair this disaster is pure hogwash.

The cure is a simple one. Mexico and the US could cooperatively and tightly seal the border. Mexican criminals would be unable to deliver their drugs killing that illicit commerce. The flow of guns to Mexico would end but for the millions already stolen from the government over the last five decades.

Mexico and the United States could solve their problems with simple border security. The truth is the massive political corruption of both nations will never allow the interruption of the drug trade. We have a Drug War simply to insure drug trade profits.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Now It’s Time To Slam Whitney Houston and What She Became.

Beverly Hill, CA—She had it all a truly gifted voice, adoring mentors and legions of zealous fans. Incredible wealth was showered over this woman who traded everything for mind-altering drugs.

Whitney Houston managed to transform herself self-absorbed, filthy, disgusting crack whore.

She maybe missed right now but by no one more than those selling illegal drugs to her.

Houston was a monumental disappointment to anyone that ever helped her.
We have a War on Drugs and nearly everyone engaged in that war profits from its continuation.

We need to legalize the poison just to remove the obscene profits. Regulating and taxing this toxic garbage will be no improvement. I do mean legalize.

At the same time we must refocus on treatment for only those who want to be returned to health. Right now hundreds of billions of treatment dollars are wasted on those in treatment for cutting jail time rather than to quit drugs.

I hate drugs but I hate the violence, corruption and loss of liberty and privacy more. The Drug War has taken a huge bite out Americans Freedoms. We need to get liberty returned.

As for the addicted we know that don’t seek treatment the only correct way to help them is through tough love. Feeding the addicts has never been helpful.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston’s Hasty Exit

Beverly Hills, CA—It was here at the late Merv Griffin’s old Beverly Hills Hilton that the award overloaded Whitney Houston took her last breath.

It’s a sad tale of an African-American woman who despite immense talent could not escape addiction to the deadly poison that obviously killed her.

Houston’s public behavior so-often lacked any of the dignity of her mellow voice. She was well beyond the point of humiliation.

Despite her music catalog’s incredible earnings Houston seemed barely a step ahead of the process servers and collection lawyers.

The last photos of her are pathetic. It shows an entourage of parasitic types holding her up. It looks like they were propping up their personal ATM.

The good news here is the courts will take control of her music’s future earnings for her only child. Most of her inner circle will now have to suck someone else’s blood for a change.

As for the War on Drugs, that was won against liberty, privacy, and has made all the wrong people hundreds of billions of dollars or more. Our politicians love that cash cow and will never let it go.

As for drug treatment, it’s only available to people who need it. They don’t want or need it for a cure but to reduce they time they’d otherwise be spending behind bars. Treatment needs to be reserved for only those that want to change their lives.

Every drug addict in America knows they can do whatever it takes to get the cash to purchase what no War on Drugs can stop.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Billing The Drug War as Way to Save Lives was a Big Lie

Washington, DC—They warned us that without a war on drugs our children would all be sticking themselves with dirty needles and dying young from overdoses. That scare tactic worked very well and the people manufacturing and peddling narcotics got very wealthy.

Along with the drug dealers, government contractors, prosecutors, judges, cops, corrupt politicians, drug treatment contractors and defense lawyers got really rich. That does not take into account the corruption by the so-called, good guys.

The artificially high price of narcotics is keeping criminals on both sides of the Drug War incredibly wealthy.

They billed the drug War as a life saver but just ask the families of the thousands murdered simply because we created, fertilized and perfected narcotics commerce, what they think.

If narcotics could be sold without restrictions they’d cost no more that sugar tea or coffee. The profits would diminish and put all the drug warriors out of business the very day the prohibition ended.

Contrary to what we’ve been told legalization will reduce, not expand experimentation with drugs by our children. The strongest attraction to narcotics experimentation is the fact that they are the forbidden fruit of our age. It’s only natural for humans to resist society’s rules.

In the meantime deadly drug violence will continue along with an endless supply of cash to both sides to the endless and unwinnable Drug War. The only war won so far was the one against our battered Bill of Rights.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mass Prison Convict Releases—A Better Solution

Los Angeles--The United States Supreme Court has spoken and now 46,000 bogymen must be released from California prisons. With no jobs available as it is, the prospects for honest work for these proven thugs is simply non-existent. The majority of these criminals are drug addicted and will do anything to pay the cost of feeding their habits. California is about to see a firestorm of crime like never before.

A more logical way to deal with this is through ending the drug prohibition and letting out only drug offenders. Burglars, robbers, rapists and such need to stay put. With legalized drugs, their cost will fall to that of sugar or tea. These addicted convicts, won’t need to rob and murder to sustain their chosen condition.

Those in prison for possession, manufacture, sale or trafficking in drugs can be released. The Drug Lords, Drug Czars and such will be forced out of business in a single day. Selling drugs will have no better profits than selling tacos.

We can still maintain laws against driving under the influence and discriminate against the drug dependent for employment.

The death toll from the failed Drug War far exceeds that of the drugs themselves. Thousands of innocent people have died directly because of bungled crimes and drug enforcement efforts and that too will end.

It’s illogical to assume that legalization will cause us all to start sticking needles into our arms. Thankfully most of us will continue to have no interest in this very dark side of life.
Ending the Drug War will produce an amazing quiet in America like the years between the Alcohol Prohibition and the Drug Prohibition. Government can’t afford to continue as a nanny controlling vice.

With the tax dollar savings of ending the $100 Billion a year on the Drug War dangerous people can continue to be safely segregated from society in prisons where they belong.

The drug related business can be zoned far enough away from residential neighborhoods and local parks as to prevent additional blight.

I suspect that our politicians won’t see the error of their ways and we will see criminal anarchy on our streets like never before. Police will never be able to deal with the new carnage we will be forced to experience. The law-abiding better rethink their personal security and take whatever steps are necessary to avoid a trip to the Medical Examiner’s Office on gurneys.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Drug War Is a Real Killer

The Indiana Supreme Court recently ruled that citizens cannot resist police invading their homes without warrants. That’s a great ruling that will make deadly home invasions a lot easier for police impersonators.

In Pima County, Arizona a SWAT team just put some 60 rounds through an Iraq War veteran that served two tours of duty there protecting America. Frankly I don’t give a rat’s ass what the cop’s claim was that justified that kind of a response. The result was frightening and just what people in a Police State should expect.

We have allowed the menace of drugs to be replaced with a much larger menace of bucket helmeted, armed thugs acting under color of law to wage war on Americans. The Drug War has become far more dangerous than any and all outlawed drugs.

The majority of crime in America is related to the Drug War. People are killed in police raids including innocent bystanders together with children and senior citizens. Then there are the people victimized because the addicted must pay the hugely inflated price of drugs because they are illegal.

Cops, snitches, suspected snitches, robbery victims and innocent bystanders die every day for the Drug War.

Next are the turf wars between drug traffickers and of course massive official corruption among bad cops, prosecutors and judges. Our crooked politicians love the kickbacks paid by government contractors that equip the drug warriors.

Last on the list is the beating that our Bill of Rights has taken during the four decades that the Drug War has been fought. The Drug War is a massive and expensive failure. We can put the Drug Lords and drug Czars all out of business in a single day through legalization.

Too many Americans insist on ruining their lives with drugs and will continue to do so regardless of the amount of drug laws on the books or the penalties. Enough is enough. Imagine the freed up cash that can be used for voluntary drug treatment and research to find a real cure.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mexico’s Gun Violence Is Not Our Problem

Mexico, City, Mexico—Mexico is run by a corrupt and pathetic group of criminals. Government whores thrive financially with the drug trade and the obscene profits as they conspire with the criminals.

Caught up are some police and drug rivals into a violent world of mass murder. The guns involved are often of German and American manufacture. They are supplied to the gangsters, not by American gun dealers but Mexican government officials. The guns are either sold or stolen in raids on government installations. Most of the weapons are fully automatic rather than the semi-automatic variety available at American gun dealers.

The Mexican government is whining about the guns that fall in the hand of “unapproved” drug cartels. They claim that is the result of American gun freedom.

If Mexico does not like American freedom they are free to erect along their border. Of course the gun rights haters living in the United States want to use Mexico’s mess as a reason to take freedom from Americans.

Mexico needs another revolution more than ever.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Californians Can Rejoice Marijuana is all but legal!

Los Angeles, CA—I don’t care what they do with drug legalization it will never cause me to become a user. Hell it’s all my physician can do just to get me to take the crap she insists that I take.

Now those happy cannabis consumers can lite up as long as they don’t get caught possessing more than an ounce, with little fear. The most that can happen now is a citation will be issued to appear in court. No arrests, no fingerprints, no mug shot and no perp walk! Of course you will have to pay your dealer for more weed since the cops will still confiscate the evidence.

They do want $100.00 from you as a fine you can pay by mail. Of course you have a right to make them prove their case in court. Let’s take a look at that cost. I have deliberately estimated this as conservatively as I can. The real cost to taxpayers could be double.

For the police stop, report, and property impound: $175.00

For a lab report end expert testimony in court: $500.00

Overtime pay for cop to appear in court: $200.00

For holding court on the matter: $300.00

Total cost to the city and county: $1,175.00

If they find you guilty their take is nearly a negative $1,100.00 (Oops! Bad idea)

If you do the math here it’s a lot better for the taxpayers if the cops just don’t get make these arrests.

This will not be so nice if you’re caught driving your car under the influence of the stinkweed you will wish you stayed home instead. Get ready for your perp walk and some very expensive high times.

This new law will not help the profits of the numerous Medical Marijuana providers since you get to cut out the cost of the doctor visit. Now there no more need for those expensive trips to Amsterdam unless you go there just to visit the pretty little dutch girls in the windows along the canal.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lindsay Lohan, Show Pony for a Police State

Beverly Hills, CA—Like most Americans I hate recreational drugs and the damage they do to productive lives. However, I hate the ill-advised and failed Drug War much more.

Lindsay Lohan
fell under a DUI conviction and was placed on probation for three years. They’ve doggedly perused Lohan as she stumbled and fumbled her way through the Hollywood VIP club scene and publicity machine. Lohan fell under the spell of the Happy Dust with the enthusiastic enablement of trusted friends and advisors from Hell.

Lohan’s problems need treatment, not non-stop Police State sponsored humiliation and exploitation.

The judge in this case, Elden S. Fox violated Lohan’s right to reasonable bail and due process. The judge also knows getting a hearing before the Court of Appeals will take longer than the month Lohan will be rotting in jail pending the next courtroom, television extravaganza. There’s no point in appealing Judge Fox’s rulings if she can’t be sprung from the Lynwood Gulag.

I challenge anyone to find a single physician who is not on a government payroll that will support our out-of-control and insane Drug War.

This is not about crime and punishment but raw government power. Lohan is getting the “star” treatment that will not do anything but satisfy the ego of government thugs.

I, for one, wish Lohan a speedy recovery from her drug demons and the government sponsored torture she is receiving. I want Lohan to succeed and be all that she can be. I hope she can somehow still pull off a victory.\

An Update!
Like I said Lohan was entitled to bail. Judge Patricia Schnegg, Assistant Supervising Judge for the L.A. County Criminal Courts has reversed Judge Fox's ruling and set bail for Lohan in the amount of $300.000.00. That bail will require Lohan to pay a bondsman $30,000.00 in cash in order to be released. Lohan will never see that 30 G again but she will be free until further action by the court.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Drug War, is a Constant Threat To Freedom And Security in America

Las Vegas, NV---Bad girl, Paris Hilton got snagged again for cocaine possession, this time in Sin City where she goes for a good time and to profit on her celebrity.

Hilton was stopped by police with her male companion whose driving irregularities caught their attention. After the stop and search, the happy dust was found in a purse believed by police to belong to Hilton. Today one happy Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer can now buy his girlfriend a brand new car with the generous retainer the Hilton family paid for their troubled loved one.

Far too many Americans have an insatiable appetite for drugs and it is a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. Drug money profiteers include both sides of the Drug War and they want to keep their flourishing illicit businesses healthy through stepped up enforcement.

The drugs themselves cost no more that coffee, tea and sugar to produce but the Drug War keeps the price so high that the addicted can only support their habit through serial crimes.

Many thousands of people die every year because of the Drug War. There are the innocent victims of theft related violence by addicts. Then there are innocent people killed in mistaken drug raids by both police and criminals. After that there are the turf battles and violence related to arrests. This theft, destruction and incredible carnage is even uglier than the damage the addicted do to themselves.

The addicted made their choice and the Drug War does not help them in any way. The addicted turn to crimes of every description to support their habit and that increases the damage they do to themselves, their families and the rest of us.

The Drug War has been lost decades ago and we have not learned our lesson. The only victory of this senseless war is over the Freedom and Liberty of Americans that want nothing to do with the poisonous products awash in our streets.

We must end the Drug War while we still have a little hope of seeing what’s left of our Bill of Rights.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Reduce the Immigration Crisis by Ending the Drug War

Just a little pile of drug money found laying around…
Phoenix, AZ—Some Mexican drug cartel allegedly just put a $1 million bounty on Sheriff Joe’s head.  Somehow I don’t think they could be trusted to pay up if someone actually whacked that lawman with the TV camera fetish. This sounds more like a political campaign manager’s scheme than reality.
The failure of the Drug War has been nothing short of spectacular considering the endless billions of dollars wasted on it. The only benefit of the Drug War is that billions more in illicit profits enrich criminals both inside and outside of government.
Drug laws do nothing to curb use, addiction, or deaths.  People prone to addiction are in no way deterred by the laws and that the prohibition makes the drugs even more attractive. Those addicted pay handsomely for products that cost no more than tea or coffee to produce. Drug law enforcement only drives up the price and profits.
Those concerned about deaths from overdoses need to examine the thousands murdered every year over drug trafficking related events. The overdoses are miniscule in comparison.
The Drug War has caused the migration of the worst criminals south of our borders looking to profit through the artificially high price of drugs set by the Drug War.
We need to put all of the Drug Lords and Drug Czars out of business in a single day through legalization. The USA would no longer be a magnet for international criminals.
We need to avoid taxing, or in any way regulating drugs beyond protecting children and using zoning laws to keep drug blight away from populated areas. If we try to regulate the drugs we will just make more opportunities for criminals.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Deadly Mexican Heroin Threatens Users---So What!

Government officials are warning the nation’s heroin addicts of a deadly shipment of especially pure heroin that puts users down like bad dogs.

I despise drug laws and the Drug War because they have destroyed our once sacred Fourth Amendment and has cost taxpayers untold billions. I totally resent funding the Police State that the Drug War has created.

The only beneficiaries of the Drug War are the drug Lords and over-paid government Drug Czars.

An early and quick death for those pathetic humans that have hooked themselves of drugs is the best possible cure to their problems. I have seen so many families torn apart because of addicted and their foolishness.

Untold amounts of innocent people are killed in crossfire between cops, drug dealers and rival drug dealers. I have seen lives destroyed by bogus prosecutions of innocent people as well as the destructive raids on homes based on then lies of police snitches. Yes, cops have killed many innocent homeowners after raiding the wrong houses.

Along with all the police raid and drug dispute mayhem there are of course the millions of burglaries, armed robberies and associated murders committed by heroin addicts supporting their drug appetites.

Drug addicts are monkeys on the backs of taxpayers, their families and loved ones. The Drug War is an ugly stain on America that must end through legalization. Taxing illicit drugs will only create new opportunities for criminals and must not be allowed.

A good heroin addict is a dead heroin addict.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

How to turn a Seven Year-Old Boy Into A Cop Killer

Columbia, MO—The local police SWAT Team gathered their resources and guns for an important drug raid. They were invading the home of Jonathan E. Whitworth, 25 on February 11, 2010. Also present were the suspect’s wife, seven year old child along with their two dogs.

In came the police heroes with their warrant as they quickly shot both pets in front of the child. You can hear the horrible cries of the animals on the video. I can’t imagine what the little boy thinks today about police officers. That trauma will haunt him for the rest of his life. I know he’d like to do to the cops involved exactly what they did to his dogs.

The raid yielded a very small amount of marijuana. Was this police action worthwhile?

It’s almost laughable that police charged Whitworth with child endangerment over the marijuana. Considering no less than seven rounds were discharged by police in this home, in the immediate vicinity of the child they claim was endangered.

This is precisely why I hate the Drug War. This kind of enforcement happens every day and is a cancer on our freedom.

The Drug War has been far worse that the drugs themselves. The Drug War has been a war of profit on both sides. It needs to end now.

The video is nasty and heartbreaking.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

We Can No Longer Afford Drug Enforcement in America

Everyday people are murdered because of our Drug War. People who are, or believed to be snitches, dealers, pharmacists, are killed because of the Drug War. Then there are ordinary people killed during the commission of robberies and burglaries by desperate drug addicts funding their habits.

The reasons for the drug related murders are varied and numerous. Cops needlessly risk their lives over the impossible task of eliminating drug abuse. They only effect law enforcement has, involves the correlation between drug prices and the level of enforcement.

The more enforcement we authorize, the bigger the illicit profits are for criminals. Drug enforcement is nearly as big a business as drug dealing. The entire industry needs to be shut down. Legalization and taxation is no solution because there is still a huge opportunity for criminal tax evasion corruption. We need to refrain from regulation of any drugs not involved with medical treatment.

The immediate impact would be a huge reduction in illegal immigration by drug criminals. Property crimes would be drastically reduced since the cost of illicit drugs is no more than sugar, coffee or tea.

Police and corrections people can devote their time to dealing with whatever crime is left. There will also be billions saved in the cost of prosecution and defense of drug crimes. Public defenders represent the bulk of drug offenders. The DEA budget alone is staggering. These agents could be all be redirected at foreign terrorists.

Some of the savings can also be redirected to providing medical interdiction and help to those who actually want it.

Would we have more addicts? Humans are always attracted to behavior that is deemed illegal. I just don’t see people putting that poison in their bodies just because it’s legal. Laws against impaired driving and such can still be enforced. Zoning laws can restrict where drugs can be sold.

Throwing hundreds of billions of our tax dollars away to fund an industry that makes even more money because of well intentioned drug laws is insane.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Annie Leibovitz Tortured By Creditors Or Drugs?

It’s been widely reported that the incredibly talented photographer, Annie Leibovitz has had monumental financial problems despite her ability to generate wealth.

Leibovitz defaulted on a $24 million loan that’s been collateralized by her famous photographs. She’s about to lose everything.

The problem here is simple drug addiction. In the 1980’s the late reporter Tom Fitzpatrick wrote about her selling her own prized cameras and lenses so she could obtain cocaine.

I don’t wish more hardship on Leibovitz even if it’s self-imposed. She is just a microcosm of the bigger problem in our country that has not nor will ever be solved by the Drug War.

Legalization of all drugs and free treatment is needed for those who have found a window to free themselves of that dreaded disease.