Showing posts with label David Gregory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Gregory. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2012

NBC’s David Gregory Became a Gun Criminal Today on National Television

David Gregory in the act of flaunting DC's gun laws!

Washington, DC—The nations’ capitol city has some of the toughest gun laws in America.  The laws are strict, punitive and the police have a zero tolerance policy for violators. 
On NBC’s, Meet The Press, moderator David Gregory had his own gunfight with the Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre.   Gregory’s shrill voice battled, advocated and demanded that the NRA back a new ban on what he calls, “Assault Weapons”. 
To demonstrate his position against the Second Amendment’s evil gun rights Gregory imported a banned 30 round ammunition magazine for an AR-15 or M-4 carbine into the District of Columbia.  Possession of the magazine even without a gun or ammunition is a serious crime there.
The problem is that violation would land any ordinary citizen a year behind bars along with a lifetime criminal record.  There are no special legal exemptions or permits for well-meaning news media members.
I’m not going to suggest that there was criminal intent here or that Gregory was trying to do anything more than to try and provide a prop in order to prove a point.  The fact is that ignorance of the law is no excuse.
It’s very similar to when Americans that are legal owners of handguns forget that had it in some carry on bag as they place it on a TSA airport conveyor belt for inspection.  The wrath of zero tolerance has stuck a number of retired cops, celebrities and even an anti-gun member of the Illinois Senate.  Forgetfulness can be a serious felony.
Gregory should not get a free pass on this from his employer or DC officials.  To do so would send a strong message that laws only apply to some people.  
What should happen is the ending of cruel no-tolerance policies designed to snare, humiliate and victimize law-abiding gun owners.