Showing posts with label Daley. Burke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daley. Burke. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Does Officer’s Safety Mean So Little to FOP Lodge 7 in Chicago?

Chicago, IL-While there is little in the way of union protection in Chicago, the cops have a bargaining agent of sorts. Currently cops pay dues for advocacy in labor matters to Lodge 7 of the Fraternal Order of Police. I have to question what the membership has gotten in return.
Years have gone by without a labor contract and when it was resolved somehow FOP has little to show in results. Chicago police officers are undermanned, outgunned, and demoralized as they’ve been reduced to whipping boys for the local African-American reverends and politicians.
Officers are endangered by firearm regulations that jeopardize their safety.
1. Incredible as it seems officers are only given 30 rounds of ammunition for practice per year. Aside from placing street cops at risk hostages and innocent bystanders are endangered over this intolerable policy.
2. Officers don’t have shotguns or carbines to deal with heavily armed street gangs. If the department won’t pay for the weapons at least they could let the cops buy and use their own.
3. If cops are injured on the job and placed on disability the department bars their right to carry a firearm for simple self-defense. Police officers arrest criminals and dismantle criminal organizations.
The criminals affected by law enforcement are entitled to bail, early release and other loopholes that allow them to roam the streets. It’s not uncommon for cops to be shopping, attending a movie or event and cross paths with the criminals they’ve arrested.
We know violent criminals carry guns despite all laws. We also know that cops by their very nature are slow to violate gun laws or department policy. The playing field here is not a level one.
Several officers have gotten behind Illinois legislation that would allow cops on Duty Disability or Workman’s Compensation status to continue carrying their guns so they can protect themselves and families.
FOP lodges, The Illinois Police Association and some other groups have endorsed this effort. Lodge 7 on the other hand apparently, feels little or no need to protect cops by supporting the bill.
Lodge 7 has a dismal track record in the last several years.
I’d advise Cops to discontinue paying dues to this poor excuse for a labor organization if they refuse protect the rank and file cops they claim to represent.
Perhaps it’s time to find or create a new labor advocate that does care about the safety and welfare of Chicago cops.
Cops are afraid to challenge anyone at Lodge 7 because they may arbitrarily deny representation for cops falsely accused of wrongdoing.
It’s Lodge 7 that Chicago cops must trust to protect their pensions that have been raided by the Daley/Burke rats.
I just can’t help but believe that Lodge 7 has shown more loyalty to the Daley/Burke rats than dues paying cops.

If the rank and file cops can’t obtain Lodge 7 leadership’s support on such a simple piece of officer safety legislation it’s time to submit that PAR (personnel action request) form to discontinue paying dues to this outfit.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chicago’s Government Rules by Extortion

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s politicians and their appointed bureaucrats are dismayed by the decrease in traffic fine revenue.  The outgunned, undermanned, demoralized and endangered Chicago cops can’t protect Chicago’s citizens but city officials want cops to bring them bags of cash.
The Chicago Sun Times released internal city documents that detail the decrease in traffic fines and stepped up efforts to threaten the jobs of cops that seem reluctant to become full time revenue agents.
Traffic law and parking enforcement was never intended to become a tool of extortion but rather a way to reduce accidents and insure the orderly and unobstructed flow of traffic.  Instead it’s only about an out-of-control criminal municipality extortion racket.
Chicago’s politicians want to increase the amount of money forcibly taken from the unemployed along with thousands of people doing all they can to keep from losing their homes to foreclosure.
To be effective police need to be trusted by their community and simple cooperation is necessary. Turing cops into extortionists on a mission to take food from the mouths of citizens, is horrible public policy. The resentment of police over this kind enforcement of can easily endanger the very lives our cops.  
This style of enforcement keeps people from wanting to conduct any business within the city’s borders. This despicable attempt at governing drives productive people and their money out of Chicago and that can’t be good for anyone.
Chicago’s politicians want solutions for the fiscal crisis as long as it does not affect their own over-bloated budgets along with their own corrupt and wasteful ways.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Richard M. Daley’s popularity has tanked

Chicago, IL—Perhaps it’s because taxes skyrocketed during a period of lavish spending, corruption and waste. Maybe it was that clandestine midnight raid to demolish the historic Meigs Field Airport on the lakefront or parking meter fiasco? Possibly it was because of the failed effort to turn the Olympic Games into a massive and unprecedented extortion and racketeering enterprise. Could it have been his un-American stand on Chicagoan’s right to self-defense that has put Mayor Richard M. Daley’s popularity in the toilet?

I know Daley miscalculated and misread Chicagoan’s desire to have a meaningful way to defend themselves, families and businesses with firearms. Perhaps the city should have conducted a poll on the issue rather dictating an unconstitutional ban. Dictators have never been big on polling their peons.

The Mayor and aldermen are quite happy that they and no other citizens can carry firearms lawfully. These guys are so insecure they don’t want law abiding Chicagoans to enjoy that absolute right. The truth is gun control have been exposed for decades as a costly failure. Gun laws and bans only victimize the law abiding and never the criminals.

With the ill-advised replacement gun ban the city has set up every cop for being personally sued for violation of civil rights under USC: 1983. The city will be paying out millions of dollars in court judgments if they dare try to enforce their new defective ordinance.

Daley is down to a 37% approval rating and more them half of Chicago’s voters want him permanently exiled. What a great time for a fiscally Conservative African-American who believes in gun rights to unseat the Daley/Burke Crime Syndicate.

Imagine taxes lowered and businesses enticed to return to the City That Used to Work? Imagine employment returning and the shuttered commercial and residential property thriving once again. That could happen but never under Richard M. Daley.

Ghetto Rats Murder Yet Another Chicago Cop This Morning

Chicago, IL—This time it was an off duty cop who was simply cleaning the windshield on his brand new Buick automobile in front of his own house. The officer had just arrived home after his shift protecting Richard M. Daley’s residence.

Details are scarce right now but it appears there were multiple assailants and apparently lots of shots fired at the scene. The officer was still in full uniform when he was murdered.

This senseless attack happened shortly after 6:00 AM near the intersection of 74th Street and Evans Avenue. Police are still processing the crime scene and trying to determine the motivation and identification of the killers.

This was a career Chicago cop facing mandatory retirement August 14th on his 63rd birthday.

Chicago’s African-American community is in a non-stop, mid-summer orgy of violence. The underpaid, undermanned, out-gunned and demoralized police department is totally incapable of keeping a lid on the ghetto carnage.

Chicago’s corrupt politicians have wasted millions on questionable projects that were never wanted or needed while they allowed the department to degenerate into the mess that it is today.

Mayor Daley will certainly scream about guns again, when he knows full well it was his own corruption and mismanagement that facilitated this deadly anarchy. The Daley/Burke cancer on Chicago must be taken out for good and the streets returned to the law-abiding folks.

The law-abiding citizens of Chicago need to get firearms, training and courage to stop the armed monsters in their tracks. Police alone will never be able to reclaim Chicago.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Major Federal Court Complaint RE: Chicago’s Gun Ban

Chicago, IL—The U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions in the Heller and McDonald matters will bury Mayor Richard M.Daley and other Chicago officials under litigation.

For some 28 years Chicago’s politicians violated the civil rights of citizens to keep and bear arms for lawful self-defense. Many people were arrested for being in possession of guns city officials banned. Their firearms were confiscated and ordered destroyed by local courts that marked the victims with a criminal record.

Many people were denied employment because of the criminal record they were branded with for engaging in constitutionally protected activity. In addition these people sat in jail cells, paid for bail and legal fees. Some people even had their automobiles confiscated. There were other factors too numerous to mention here that were simple punishment that was unlawfully administered.

A class action federal lawsuit was filed, Second Amendment Arms, et al. vs City of Chicago, et al. seeking compensation for those victimized by Chicago’s politicians. The fun part is that those responsible and named individually as well as in the official capacities. Perhaps these despots can be bankrupted for their transgressions.

Can the city afford the continuation of violating the gun rights of people that will be able to sue for every arrest over the possession and carrying of firearms? Yes, I said carrying since the court held that the people have the right not just to keep arms but to bear them as well.

If you think you should be made a member of the class to be compensated you should contact the lawyer listed at the bottom of the attached complaint.
Chicago Class Action Gun Complaint

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

New Daley Gun Ban Is Object of New Litigation

Chicago, IL—The ink was not dry on Chicago’s defiant new gun ban before a new federal District Court lawsuit was filed against Mayor Richard M. Daley and the City of Chicago. The new case is Benson vs City of Chicago.

The plaintiffs are asking that the new effort to keep Chicago’s law-abiding citizens disarmed be declared unconstitutional and an injunction be issued preventing its enforcement.

The complaint which is attached below also contains verbatim quotes from members of the City Council insulting and criticizing the United States Supreme Court as they conspire to violate the Civil Rights of Chicagoans.

The gratuitous remarks of the Council members quoted complaint are a window into their lawlessness and intent to simply defy the law of the land.

Benson v. Chicago Complaint FINAL[1]

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

NRA takes Daley to court over new gun ban law

This is an announcement from the NRA today:

NRA Supporting Chicago Residents New Suit Against Mayor Richard Daley and the City of Chicago

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Fairfax, Va. -- The National Rifle Association is supporting a lawsuit against Mayor Richard Daley and the City of Chicago's newly adopted gun control ordinance, which violates the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago. Last Friday, the City Council rushed through passage of this ordinance in response to the Court's June 28th decision rendering Chicago’s draconian handgun ban unconstitutional.

“The Supreme Court has now said the Second Amendment is an individual freedom for all. And that must have meaning,” said Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. “This decision cannot lead to different measures of freedom, depending on what part of the country you live in. City by city, person by person, this decision must be more than a philosophical victory. An individual right is no right at all if individuals can’t access it.”

Just four days after the Court struck down the nearly 30 year-long handgun bans in Chicago and Oak Park, Mayor Daley and the City of Chicago enacted the most restrictive anti-gun ordinance in the United States. In the words of Corporation Counsel Mara Georges, the top attorney for the City: “We've gone farther than anyone else ever has.” The so-called “Responsible Gun Ownership Ordinance” provisions include: a prohibition on all gun sales inside the City; a prohibition on possession of firearms for self-defense outside the “home” -- even on a patio or in an attached garage; a prohibition on more than one assembled and operable firearm in the home; and a training requirement to obtain a Chicago Firearm Permit. However, range training would be impossible since it will now be unlawful to operate a shooting range inside city limits.

“The Supreme Court told Mayor Daley and the City of Chicago that it has to respect the Second Amendment. By enacting this ordinance, their response is 'Make Us',” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “The NRA will not rest until Chicago's law-abiding residents can exercise the same freedoms that our Founding Fathers intended all Americans to have.”

Recent statements from some of Chicago's city officials reflect their complete lack of respect for the Supreme Court decision. Alderman Daniel Solis stated, “the decision made by the Supreme Court is not really in the best interests of our citizens.” Alderman Sharon Denise Dixon denounced what she called the Court’s “blatant… misreading of the law.” And another city council member even went so far as to say, “[w]e’re here today because of their poor judgment."

The case is Benson v. City of Chicago.

-- NRA - ILA --

Daley’s Defiant New Gun Ban Is Published Here…

Chicago, IL—In a move that can only be described as lawless Mayor Daley and his City Council have defied the United States Supreme Court edict under McDonald vs City of Chicago. The court has struck down the gun ban as it more importantly established that no state or local governments can infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms.

The written formal order is forthcoming from the 7th Circuit court of Appeals where the matter was remanded. The fact remains that the gun ban was formally and finally declared unconstitutional and gun rights infringements are forever unenforceable nationwide. .

Mayor Richard M. Daley made no bones about it saying he would find other roadblocks to keep Chicagoans from enjoying their absolute right. Daley kept his word and placed the taxpayers of Chicago in the position of being the ATM for every person that finds their Constitutional rights violated. Daley did so by conspiring with other politicians and bureaucrats under his iron fist to willfully violate Civil Rights.

Here is the final insult to the Supreme Court and every citizen of Chicago:

Gun Control July 22010

Saturday, July 03, 2010

How McDonald Impacts Concealed Weapons Nationwide

Chicago, IL—The major war on gun rights is over and the people won. The United States Supreme Court applied the Second Amendment to the 50 states for the very first time. That means state and local jurisdictions can no longer infringe on you rights to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms. McDonald trumps any and all gun bans outside courthouses, commercial aircraft and correctional facilities.

Prosecutors and judges all over the country are going to stop prosecutions over weapons carrying for self-defense cold. Mayor Richard M. Daley’s new gun ban is dead before it will take effect.

Mayor Daley Says No Guns For Negroes!

Chicago, IL—Not so long ago in American history African-Americans were shut out of the voting booth through extortionate poll taxes. Blacks had no money and voting was impossible. It took a while but the courts intervened and the poll taxes were outlawed.

There was another outrageous obstacle preventing African-Americans from voting and that was literacy testing. The majority of Blacks, were just too poorly educated and could not pass the tests local governments required. If a voter could not pass the test, the voter could not vote. Again the courts finally intervened and banned the illegal practice.

A Constitutional right is just that, a right. Government can’t require anyone to either, pay for, be tested for or wait in order to enjoy a Civil Right. Mayor Richard M. Daley and the City Council have defied the law of the land and civil liberties of the people of Chicago by attempting to circumvent the United States Supreme Court’s edict in McDonald vs. City of Chicago.

The City of Chicago has done all of the above to violate the Civil Rights of Chicagoans with their brand new gun ban scheme. In order to enjoy the right to own a handgun they are requiring extortionate fees, testing, and waiting up to four months as a scheme or artifice to prevent gun ownership.

Government can require fees, testing and waiting before granting privileges such as driving an automobile. Government cannot treat Civil Rights in the same fashion as privileges.

The law-abiding African-Americans of Chicago have suffered the most because they have been at the mercy of armed criminals, an undermanned police department and early inmate release programs by corrections officials. Imagine being poor and living in the ghetto without the meaningful ability to defend yourself.

A trip any day to Chicago’s Cook County Morgue is a lesson in murder and racial discrimination. The overwhelming percentage of murder victims brought here are Black. This demonstrates both the enablement of violent criminals by Daley’s failed gun ban and preventable suffering by victims that were barred from defending themselves.

Chicago’s Aldermen and Mayor, on the other hand have the right their office gives them to carry concealed weapons. They are overpaid, part-time workers that live and work in relative safety as they drive safe cars and commute to safe locations to do their work and play. The Mayor and at least one Alderman have 24/7 bodyguard details of armed Chicago cops.

This is nothing less than a Civil Rights issue. The very ugly origin of Gun Control in America began in the South during Post-Civil War Reconstruction as a way to keep the newly freed slaves disarmed. The concept spread North as a way to keep immigrants disarmed.

If the pathetic politicians of City of Chicago were really concerned about gun safety they’d offer free classes in existing schools. Obviously they only demand it now to enable them to violate Civil Rights. Free classes on gun safety would certainly be good public policy.

It is not the fault of Chicago’s African-Americans who have been kept ignorant and needy by a Socialist run school system. The culture of entitlement addiction and gratuitous violence has been tolerated and indulged as a way to keep this population away from the American dream. Educated and elegant people just don’t vote the Socialist ticket.

This film is a real eye-opener.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chicago Politicians Are Conspiring To Violate Your Civil Rights

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s politicians know the Chicago Gun Ban violates the Constitution of the United States. They know that the Supreme Court will shoot down the ban one week from today.

The Chicago City Council is openly exploring schemes to violate Chicagoan’s rights with infringements prohibited by the Second Amendment. They intend to make as many laws as they can to unlawfully demand special training, extortionate registration fees, and any other roadblocks to the right of law abiding Chicagoans to defend themselves, families and property.

Their goal of these outlaws is not public safety but simple anti-government refusal to follow the law of the land.

The arrogance of Chicago’s politicians must be met with any and all efforts to stop their criminal insurrection.

Cops have to remember their oaths that begin with supporting, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States.

Chicagoans can simply start with a call to the Chairman of the City Council Police and Fire Committee, Alderman Anthony Beale (312-744-4000). Tell him he will be punished to the fullest extent of the law for violating your civil rights.

Follow that call up with calls to Mayor Richard M. Daley and Alderman Edward Burke (312-744-4000) who are behind this criminal conspiracy.

The sad part here is Chicago’s taxpayers will be the ones victimized as they are forced to pay for litigation and civil payouts to people whose rights get violated

An Update: The Gun Ban is proving its value as it has facilitated lots of violent armed criminals to victimize the unarmed and helpless. So far police report eight dead among 52 shot across city over weekend. That does not include the beatings and stabbings.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Taste of Chicago Needs New Suburban Diggs—It’s Time for a Boycott

Chicago, IL—The “Taste of Chicago” has been an ongoing Chicago tradition for the Windy City’s top restaurants to join together on the lakefront and offer up the best food found anywhere. Chicago’s corrupt Daley/Burke Administration has taken all the fun out of this event.

The city’s government has extortionately taxed everyone especially vendors beyond belief. City inspectors will be out in force putting the arm on vendors for bribes as always. They have made parking impossible and the commute by bus, foot or even bicycle is now become a gauntlet of muggers, sex offenders and aggressive panhandlers for the visitors.

The Daley/Burke Administration has turned Chicago into an entitlement paradise.
It’s also place where the life has been choked out of business and productive taxpayers no longer want to live. Chicago is not a decent place to work or raise children.

The vendors can and must reassemble their event out in the suburban areas where they can acquaint people to really great food. Unless there are some major changes Chicago’ finest dinning places will have to abandon the city anyway.

On my last trip into Chicago a lunch of pizza for two with lemonade at Pizzeria Uno was $50.00 not including the shocking cost to park a car. It was also the first time I saw that place with over half of their tables empty. Civilization is not long for survival under those conditions.

The horrible news is that the politicians have moved thousands of entitlement addicted Blacks and Hispanics into affluent suburban areas. They’ve brought lots of drugs, blight and violence with them.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chicago Handgun Ban Should Have Protected These Armed Robbers!

Chicago, IL—Within the next two weeks legal experts expect that the United States Supreme Court will rule that the 14th Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment applying it to the states.

Simply put for the first time all 50 states can, no longer infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The failure of the court to do this until now has allowed some states to heavily restrict or ban firearms as their gun control schemes have spun out-of-control.

The target of this action is the 30 year-old Chicago handgun ban. The law was passed with the twisted and tortured logic that robbers, rapists and killers would somehow obey the ban on handguns. The only thing that happened was the wholesale disarming of law-abiding Chicagoans. Or what I called The Mugger Protection Act. It’s only the criminals, not the law-abiding that use guns for violent crime.

The law enabled cowardly criminals to do whatever they wanted by eliminating any and all meaningful self defense capability of their victims.

Some smart Chicagoans have recently begun to ignore the ban with the awareness that it was unconstitutional. They have acquired guns and on three occasions in the last three weeks fired their guns into the bodies of dangerous and armed felons.

What are the poor rapists, robbers and killers to do now? Is there no compassion for them anymore? I know that Mayor Daley and his City Council feels that this is just not fair to them!

Adding insult to injury an accomplice of the armed robber killed in last week’s North West side failed Fullerton Pawners stickup, Preracio Williams, 23 pictured above has been arrested.

Now Williams faces a First degree Murder charge for the killing of his pal, Michael McMillan, 24 by the shop’s owner. That is of course in addition to the Armed Robbery charge. Now the poor lad’s life is ruined for sure since he won’t see freedom for many decades.

As for the late Michael McMillan, he got a sweet prison boot camp for another stickup. Now, he’s out of the gene pool.

Had the pawn shop owner respected Daley’s gun ban the two downtrodden African-American lads would have had a much better fate. I guess Daley figures that the victims are less important and expendable.

On June 3, a 27-year-old South Austin man shot and wounded a man who jumped through the window of his home as he was running away from police officers during a drug bust.

That was followed by another shooting on May 26. An 80-year-old Korean War veteran shot and killed a masked home invasion/robber in East Garfield Park. The veteran was also robbed at gunpoint last year.

Because of the Hale Demar Law, neither resident was charged with violating the handgun ban. In both instances, the slain robbers were convicted felons. It’s now expected that the pawn shop owner won’t face charges either.

Times change and now thing may turn against the unfortunate felons of Chicago.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Chicago’s Gun Free Zone is Killing Criminals Again!

Chicago, Il--For the third time in three weeks a banned handgun was used to shoot a felon during the commission of a violent crime!

It was just after 1:00 PM today when an armed robbery was attempted at the Fullerton Pawners, 5900 W. Fullerton by at least three suspects. The unidentified pawnshop owner opened fire on the robbers killing one and it’s believed he may have wounded a second. Police are intensively searching for the other two robbers at this hour.

It was just yesterday when Chicago police superintendent, Jody “J-Fled” Weis was parroting the philosophy of his boss, Mayor, Richard M. Daley.

Within the next three Mondays the United States Supreme court will tell the world about the lack of legitimacy of Chicago’s Gun Ban. Most legal experts agree the ban will end for good.

Again, the law passed by the Illinois Legislature after the Wilmette, case where Hale DeMar shot a home invader will block the prosecution of the store owner for passion of a banned handgun.

It looks like Chicago’s citizens have jumped the gun so to speak as they are getting ready for the return of their gun rights after 30 years. More lives saved by defensive use of firearms which is an absolute right for any sane, sober and law-abiding citizen.

Here is the shop's owner:

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Yet Another Chicago Resident Defies Gun Ban, Shooting a Home Invader!

Chicago, IL—For the second time in a week a Chicago resident has defended his home by shooting an intruding felon with a gun outlawed under Chicago’s 30 year-old ban.

This time it happened after police were chasing Aaron Marshall, 26 for fleeing on foot after a traffic stop where narcotics were dropped. Marshall ran and selected a house to break into and possibly hide. Marshall apparently picked the wrong home in the 300 block of North Pine to invade. An unidentified home owner shot Marshall after he’d broken through a window of that house.

Marshall suffered a non-life threatening gunshot wound to the left side of his body. He was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital where he’s being treated at this hour.

Marshall's criminal background includes a felony drug conviction in 2009 and a 2007 conviction for felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, court records show. Police say Marshall also is a gang member with a lengthy arrest record.

Of course Mayor Richard M. Daley has done all he can to empower robbers, rapists and killers by keeping law-abiding Chicagoans disarmed through the gun ban. Again we see another example of resistance to mayoral tyranny saving lives.

It will be later this month when the U.S. Supreme Court rules on the legitimacy of Chicago gun ban. So far in both recent incidents where citizens have used banned guns no charges have been brought by police.

Chicagoans are in the most danger while out on city streets and that problem needs to be addressed in the form of having the right to carry concealed weapons. That is expected to be addressed in the Illinois legislature after the gun Chicago ban is finally stuck down.

The Illinois Legislature addressed city gun bans after Hale DeMar shot a home invader in the Gun Free Zone of Wilmette, IL. This makes it nearly impossible for police to charge people violating the gun ban if the gun/s are discovered after a self-defense incident.


(720 ILCS 5/24-10)

Sec. 24-10. Municipal ordinance regulating firearms; affirmative defense to a violation. It is an affirmative defense to a violation of a municipal ordinance that prohibits, regulates, or restricts the private ownership of firearms if the individual who is charged with the violation used the firearm in an act of self-defense or defense of another as defined in Sections 7-1 and 7-2 of this Code when on his or her land or in his or her abode or fixed place of business.

(Source: P.A. 93-1048, eff. 11-16-04.)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Supreme Court’s Decision On Chicago’s Gun Ban Is Due This Month

Washington, DC—On any Monday this month, the legitimacy of Chicago’s 30 year-old gun ban will the courts issue. Legal experts overwhelming agree that in view of the earlier Heller case, Mayor Richard M. Daley’s favorite law is doomed.

Otis McDonald, pictured above and several other Chicago residents have sought help from the National Rifle association and The Second Amendment Foundation in getting their stolen gun rights returned.

Gun control has been finally exposed as a massive failure that has only facilitated and enabled violent criminals.

The issue for the court is not whether gun control is effective, good public policy or ineffective. It’s simply about whether our founding fathers meant it when they decreed that, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The silly argument that this was a collective right of state government not the people is now just so much, bogus revisionist history. Government always had the right and duty to keep arms.

The days of Chicago’s politicians protecting robbers, rapists, and killers may well be over for good. Perhaps we will see gun stores in the Windy City again and concealed carry permits for the law-abiding may be a reality here too. Chicago’s thugs won’t be very happen about that.

Mayor Daley will soon have his massive heart attack and we will all move on.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Daley Says He Will Find Ways Around The Law To Deny Gun Rights!

Chicago, Il—For 30 years politicians in the Windy City have aided violent criminals by keeping law-abiding people disarmed through a gun ban. Local government here has enabled violent crime rather than fight it.

Mayor Richard M. Daley is emotionally, pathologically and insanely motivated to find ways to circumvent the United States Supreme Court’s expected gun rights ruling in the McDonald case.

For nearly a half hour Daley used a table laden with guns as movie props to express his hatred for them and Chicagoans right to keep and bear them.

Daley made it clear he will dictate new laws designed to frustrate those who want the means to defend themselves and families with firearms. Daley will demand liability insurance, excessive training and extortionate taxation. Liability insurance for gun misuse is not offered anywhere and if there was such a thing Daley knows it would be unaffordable.

Daley falsely claims that without the gun ban the murder rate would be 30% higher. Every study ever conducted shows gun laws have increased murder rates and that millions of American citizens use guns to stop violent crimes without even firing a single shot.

Daley is a lawless thug using color of law to violate the Constitutional rights of citizens. All lawless thugs including Daley need to be stopped cold. They are a cancer in our government that needs to be cut out.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Legendary Chicago Mob Hit Man, Harry “The Hook” Harry Aleman, 69 Has Died

Galesburg, IL—Serving 100 years for a 1973 union official hit gave Harry Aleman a miserable but well deserved life. An Illinois Department of corrections spokesman announced that Aleman died of an undisclosed illness while in prison here.

Aleman’s life both in and outside of prison is a first rate Hollywood tale. Nobody but Aleman knew for sure but the hit man was blamed for well more than a dozen killings.

If the mob wanted you rubbed out they sent the ubiquitous Mr. Aleman who’d unceremoniously kill you. Several of Aleman’s victims were shot dead as they waited to be served in their favorite Chicago area lunchtime eatery.

Others were dispatched by being shot in the head with a .22 pistol equipped with a silencer at or near their homes.

Because of police and judicial corruption Aleman was free to kill again and again.

In 1972 Teamster steward, William Logan was shot-gunned to death. Part of the motivation to kill Logan may have been because of Logan’s in-laws wanted to end abuse and a child custody dispute between Logan and his wife.

Harry was arrested and indicted for the Logan killing after he was identified by less than perfect witnesses and tried for the crime. Aleman was tried by the late Cook County Judge, Frank Wilson at a bench trial. Most fixed cases in Chicago never involved juries. This case was fixed by Chicago cop turned fixer-lawyer, thrned government witness Bob Cooley for a mere cash payment of $10,000.00 to the judge.

Cooley who’d later write a book, When Corruption Was King, simply told FBI and Justice Department officials just how he was able to fix the case. That book is currently in development as a motion picture in Hollywood.

Aleman who was actually acquitted was tried again for the murder and this time convicted. The courts would later rule that there was no double jeopardy since fixing the first trial guaranteed the outcome.

The irony here was had that murder case gone to a jury the weak evidence most likely would have caused a jury to acquit anyway without a fix.

In 1990 outside his Peoria, Arizona vacation home Judge Wilson shot himself dead in an apparent suicide over Bob Cooley’s revelations. The hapless judge was facing ruination and a certain term in a federal prison for fixing the case.

Cooley was the basis for numerous federal prosecutions under Operation Gambit that dealt a heavy blow to a significant portion of the Daley/Burke Crime Family Cabal in Chicago.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chicago Cop Busted In Connection With Police Board Payoff Scheme

Chicago, IL—Chicago police officers disciplined for “sustained” complaints of wrongdoing are entitled to hearings before the nine-member Chicago Police Board. The board operates pretty much in secret and there have long been assertions with mysterious cases that show that, some officers are far more equal than others.

Clout seems to rule at the police board rather than simple justice. The secrecy seems to prevail and then video recordings made at the police board hearings never see daylight. The board is comprised of members that do little but sign off on hearing officer’s recommendations. They don’t attend the hearing but claim they read the transcripts. Board members are simply fortunate people that need not show up for work.

Today the U.S. Attorney announced the unsealing of a criminal complaint against 12 year police veteran, Victor Brown for lying to the FBI.

The FBI claims they have an officer/informant that paid $4,500 between 2008 and 2009 to Brown to fix his police board case. They claim to have recordings that show that when Brown was questioned by FBI agents he denied accepting cash or promising to fix cases.

The big question is obviously, is just how dirty are the board members? Since the current police superintendent Jody “J-Fled” Weis, was personally involved in the investigation it’s stained with the taint of insider medaling. The police board members are sacred cows that will be protected at all cost.

The US Attorney claims that this investigation is ongoing but somehow I don’t think that political holdover will be rocking the police board’s boat anytime soon.

I’m not going to judge officer Brown because I’ve learned long ago that things are not always as they seem in the city run by the Daley/Burke Crime families.

Today Brown was released on $50,000.00 bail. Brown is going to need a top criminal lawyer and investigator to avoid prison. If they sent Martha Stewart away for this, imagine what they’ll do to a Chicago cop.

Below is a copy of the complaint:
Brown Complaint

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weis Cowardice Makes the New York Times!

Chicago, IL--At least here the Daley/Burke Crime Family controlled Chicago media has obviously put a blackout on this story. The New York Times has not swept it under the national rug however as they covered this and other problems facing Chicagoans bracing for a very violent summer.

Chicago cops loath their police superintendent and city administration more than ever. It is not a good time to live or work in Chicago. Avoiding all city events such as the Taste of Chicsgo is advisable in this climate.

The NY Times left out some important and highly relevant facts that can be counted on to contribute to violence such as wholesale prisoner releases and the skyrocketing unemployment rate. Of course self-defense has been outlawed in Chicago for three decades of a gun ban so only criminals are armed.

It was Good Friday when Chicago police superintendent Jody Weis fled on camera from an in progress fatal shooting. The killer of Reggie Myers escaped because not enough police made it to the scene quickly enough. The shots could be heard on tape and Weis' now legendary sound bite, “Gotta run!” was made. That, as Weis fled from a CBS2 reporter and any personal danger.

You can read the New York Times article here.

Here is the “Gotta run!” video: