Showing posts with label Daley-Burke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daley-Burke. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why The Obama Presidency is Failing

Chicago, IL—The Presidency and legacy or Barack Obama is turning into a sad chronicle. Obama’s parentage and foreign beginnings were not that of a typical American. Being the child of an inter-racial couple along with his father being a confirmed Marxist shaped him into being un-American . Obama admittedly became Saul Alinsky foot soldier in the cold war against the American way of life as a community organizer. Obama never really fit into the concept of the American Dream.

Despite his peculiar upbringing, his exposure to the Leftist political types positioned him to enter the twisted and corrupt Regular Democratic Organization of Chicago. The Daley/Burke dynasty needed obedient African-Americans to sway Chicago’s Black vote to the Daley/Burke slated candidates and Obama showed some promise to deliver.

Obama’s personality along with that broad smile made him useful. Obama made it to the inner circle and was soon up to his eyeballs with those two infamous felons, Rod “Blago” Blagojevich and Tony Rezko. Timing is everything because Obama gained absolute power over the Justice Department just in the nick of time to derail any investigation or prosecution over his own dark activities.

Obama was placed in the United States Senate where he would not lay claim to a single achievement other than to prove he was Daley/Burke puppet. His career as a Senator was truly unremarkable.

The fickle finger of fate pushed this relatively unknown politician into the position of being a viable Presidential candidate. The Daley/Burke machine longed for access to the Whitehouse and the opportunity for unlimited opportunities for enrichment. They soon called out their forces and thrust this gangly young stranger into the limelight.

Being an unknown candidate has its advantages especially if he or she seems likable. A history of public policy crafting always works against a candidate depending on his or her political directions. Obama had no baggage in that regard and the uninformed voters demonstrated their enlightened racial tolerance as they made a choice between an aging liberal running as a Republican and a more vibrant appearing unknown claiming to be Democrat.

The George W. Bush Presidency was a real disappointment for Americans. He got us mired into two never ending wars. Bush also drove us into massive debt. Bush along with his father brought sad chapters to America’s history.

America wanted change, not Socialism but a new direction away from the wars and massive debt. They trusted a stranger with this task and elected Barack Obama.

Obama’s first two years came with the gift of a Congress bloated with a Leftist majority. They gave the stranger blank checks he began to write. The problem is all those check were written against an overdrawn account. Far too many Americans can’t seem to understand that we jail people that insist upon engaging in that kind of behavior.

The mid-term election came along with question from the new Congress. Thankfully the Tea Party emerged and slowed down the Obama force march to Socialism.

The courts have now ruled Obama’s greatest achievement, Obamacare as Unconstitutional. This is solid evidence that the politicians pushing the new law had placed their Socialist leanings before their oaths to defend and protect our Constitution. At some point we call this kind of political action Treason.

Today all Obama has to show for his efforts is bailed out Wall Street criminals, failed auto makers and crooked banks. It’s fair to say we aren’t even close to determining what that massive multi-trillion dollar debt will total.

The most troubling Obama Administration effort of all was the creation of a carnage crisis for the governments of Mexico and several Central American neighbors. This was an effort to enable mass murder in order to use this manufactured horror for a misguided propaganda effort to shape public policy.

In the zeal against our second Amendment Obama and his henchmen set out to demonize American gun rights. They knowing used “stimulus” taxpayer funds in a scheme to deliver thousands of firearms to violent gangs and cartels south of our border. They somehow convinced some gun dealers to go along with the sale of guns to felons who were delivering the weapons to some of most notorious criminals on earth. The results were predictable.

The most troubling aspect of this case is anyone that knowing provides a weapon to a criminal and then the criminal uses the weapon in a murder is also guilty of murder. Aside from countless foreigners being murdered we have two dead American law enforcement agents. The Obama Administration claims of incompetence and ignorance are hardly a valid excuse. We have executed may criminals for this exact conduct.

Many Democrats and Independents that supported Obama are now suffering from a painful bout of Buyer’s Remorse. Understandably they want to distance themselves from Obama and his failures. They’re now all wondering why they passed over Hillary Clinton to support this stranger that became a massive disappointment.

Obama’s earliest detractors called him an empty suit. In hindsight that moniker was much too kind.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Government Pensions, Unions and Betrayal

Chicago, IL—Every state that has been hijacked by Socialists politicians over the last four decades has extorted from the taxpayers all they could. Understandably taxpayers have fled these places and there is no more to plunder.

Unions were strong in these states as they pushed hard on behalf of their employees to get fair working conditions and a livable salary with benefits. Of course these same unions have vigorously sought to destroy immigration laws that prevented the export of crime, poverty and narcotics into America across our Southern border. As a predictable result, our schools and medical facilities have been destroyed.

The problem is Socialists politicians have opened the treasury to illegal aliens, welfare cheats, the narcotics dependant and serial thieves. That is when these Socialists were not giving fraudulent vendor contracts to their pals.

All of the Socialist controlled jurisdictions are now bankrupt. They are demanding that the frugal states bail them out despite their chronic corruption. This should never happen. These same Socialists politicians have been allowed to squander the pension contributions of their employees. The results were predictable, insolvent retirement programs.

The price for bringing the foxes to the taxpayer henhouses is that there are no hens left. These jurisdictions have only one answer to their problem. It’s the same answer that any American has that lived beyond their means for too long, filing bankruptcy. Government is not somehow immune from the penalties of overspending.

It is a foregone conclusion that the promise of a retirement pension will turn into an empty promise for so many state and local government employees.

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy will allow the jurisdictions to halt payments, reorganize and make payments in a rate lower than promised. If that does not cure the problem which I suspect it won’t the next step is to convert to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Chapter 7 would give the pensioners paltry lump sums of whatever is left.

This was more about theft of government funds by elected politicians and the bureaucrats they appointed. These criminals need to be held accountable.

The hard cold facts are that those who are dependent on the pensions they earned to survive wont. There is no fix for this. Socialist politicians spread poverty wherever they go. Why should any, city, county or state be different?

The victimized employees need to direct their rage where it belongs, on the criminal Socialist politicians their unions supported.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cops Forced to Live in the Cities They Protect

Chicago, IL—For a city politician to suggest that if a residency requirement for city employees was lifted that there’d be a mass exodus is an important and very negative admission about that city’s misery index.

The sad truth is that the City of Chicago is no longer a decent place to live and raise a family. Residents of the city not sponging off of government entitlements are constant targets. They are targets of local criminals, and a city that can’t seem to find enough ways of making the city unaffordable through extortionate taxation schemes.

White people are now the all-time robbery and home invasion choice for African-American thugs in the Windy city. The stores in the upscale White neighborhoods are now the exclusive fertile prey for Chicago’s more mobile, African-American criminals

Sending children to Chicago’s schools is a dangerous prospect. A check of sex offender registries, consistently show that Chicago’s African-Americans dominate the list. One can explain why theft crimes are increased as African-Americans suffer from poverty but someone tell me please what poverty has to do with raping women and children? Again it’s about a bankrupt culture.

The Chicago Police Department had a hard and fast rule that prohibits cops from being assigned to the district where they reside. The idea is to keep cops from having to police their own neighbors. That’s sound logic but should be expanded to the entire city not just the districts.

Right now city employees that would try and sell their homes cannot because there are no buyers.

The City of Chicago cannot give their cops a deserved raise pay-raise but they can let them leave the city where they will pay less in taxes, parking fees and for goods and services in the suburbs.

Today Chicago is exclusively run by Communists, criminals and entitlement zombies. But for the wealthiest people who can afford to live in nearly all White and low crime neighborhoods Chicago disappearing middle income neighborhoods have become absolutely unlivable.

There is no fix outside changing the violent, drug-filled and bankrupt culture of the African-American community and finding decent and honest people to lead Chicago out of the darkness. Frankly without a civil war that’s never going to happen.

To force cops to live in the city invites police corruption and racism. It is time to let cops get a little refuge from the misery associated with living with the criminals they are asked to arrest.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Chicago Police Department’s Civilian Crime Watch At Work

Chicago, IL—At first I was laughing at the Pictures but then I figured I should be crying about them.

Chicago has replaced taxation with extortion as they have bled business and homeowners dry to reward crooked contractors with millions for absolute crap Chicago does not need.

The city has installed surveillance cameras all over, but apparently there’s nobody to watch the monitors. Perhaps that’s not entirely true because some genius in the administration thought the homeless including felons could be put to service watching the monitors.

Remember this is the city that violates the rights of its law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms for needed self-defense. This is in the state that is letting violent criminals out of prison early. This is where the police department is badly undermanned, outgunned and profoundly demoralized.

Read more at Second City Cop.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Chicago Can’t Succeed in our Lifetime

Chicago, IL—After decades of rule by the Daley/Burke Crime Families Chicago cannot recover it’s once proud character. The city and its productive taxpayers have been plundered to death by the crooked local government officials.

The vast majority the inhabitants of this city are ignorant, drug and entitlement addicted zombies. They will vote only for someone who promises more handouts. They don’t care about jobs, education, or self-reliance.

African-American voters won’t cross skin color lines for Mayoral candidates without their tribal leader’s demands. The tribal leaders are the local reverends and Aldermen. The Daley/Burke Syndicate had this down to a science. They bought off the sellout tribal leaders with perks and cash long ago.

The second large voting block is the Liberal Lakefront Liberals. These are Jewish voters with a special love for Marxists. Remember it was the Bolshevik troops that freed the Eastern Europe Nazi Concentration Camps at the end of World War Two. Additionally the Lakefront Liberals have been brainwashed by the socialist college professors and never developed minds of their own. The Lake Front Liberals will blindly vote the Socialist ticket every time.

No Mayoral candidate with an agenda for jobs, commerce, and productivity of any color will get serious consideration from the majority of voters in this Bankrupt metropolis.

Police and fire services will continue to degenerate until the entire city is a, dog eat dog jungle. The Lakefront Liberal may ultimately fill the dietary needs of South and West-side cannibals.

To change this horrible direction only dis-incorporation and a total gutting of every entitlement program could bring change. The able bodied must work or starve. Breeding for entitlements can no longer be the primary occupation of Chicago women.

Chicago has three major industries in the ghetto, entitlement breeding, drug pedaling and prostitution. Ending the Drug War will put a lot of Chicago’s criminals out of business. Prostitution should be legal while pimping should remain a crime.

Eventually in some future, lifetime education, self-reliance and civic pride will be valued and a new Chicago can emerge from the ashes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chicago’s Media Shields Embattled Police Superintendent And City Hall Corruption

Chicago, IL—The Daley-Burke Crime Families learned long ago that owning the media insures incumbency protection. Today that ownership has never been more obvious.

Not once in recent memory has Chicago’s media undertaken an investigation of City Hall chicanery, their insider dealing or their violations of the Shackman Decree. Instead the local media editors and news directors are only doing, “puff interviews” of these miscreants serving instead as the Daley-Burke Public relations machine.

The local media welcomed Jody "J-Fled" Weis as they canonized him to Chicago’s Sainthood. Of course Weis had no real say in day to day operations since police operations are micro-managed by the Daley-burke Syndicate that serves its own nefarious agenda.

There was no way for Weis to succeed in public safety efforts under City Hall constraints. Weis was never equipped for the job by training or experience. Weis’0nly real job was to placate the local reverends and provide the media with meaningless doublespeak about crime control efforts.

The facts are that Chicago’s tourists are the most desirable targets for Chicago’s violent thugs because they never return to testify in court and the criminal charges are always dropped. Any arrests are rendered meaningless.

Chicago’s mass transit has been abandoned by police in favor of cameras. I guess cops don’t make campaign contributions to politicians but the selected camera vendors do. Cameras positively can’t identify or arrest anyone. Even the finest quality digital video of a crime without a living eye-witness is inadmissible hearsay evidence in court!

Cops themselves have been targeted because the thugs know they can’t summon sufficient help for back-up. The organized thugs have a wide selection of heavy weapons to use against the police. Most cops on the other hand are barred from carrying more than their underpowered pistols or revolvers.

There is only one proven cure for Chicago’s law enforcement troubles and that’s enough well-armed manpower to take the criminals to task.

Chicago’s media get’s there direction from City Hall’s political hacks rather than the experts. The real experts are the rank and file street cops who are forbidden by the department from talking to the media.

Chicagoans demand that cops to magically appear the second they press 911 on their cell phones. By the time a police communications worker can answer that call the crime is usually over and the offender has already fled. With any luck the victim is somehow still standing.

The citizens of Chicago have been forcibly disarmed by unconstitutional laws, and are at the total mercy of violent criminals. Instead of citizens struggling with cell-phones they should be drawing suitable defense weapons as the unceremoniously end the attacks. Thugs are notorious cowards and don’t want to face armed citizens.

Dealing with Chicago’s crime takes a combination of sufficient well-equipped officers, along with trained and armed citizens.

Chicago’s City Hall owned media is a part of the problem rather than the solution.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The FOP Marches To Remove Jody “J-Fled” Weis

Chicago, IL--It’s happening here Wednesday and it was not supposed to be like this. Superintendent Jody "J-Fled" Weis said early on that if he did not have the support of the officers he’d leave the department. They even had a survey completed and the results were kept secret. Of course it’s no secret that the officers openly talk despairingly about Weis’ inability to fit into the department.

The march will draw media attention as demoralized, out-gunned, out-manned officers openly display their disrespect for City Hall’s anti-police, Yes Man.

It is not a question of the popularity of Weis with cops, but his loyalty or lack of it to the simple mission of the Chicago Police Department. Weis has obstructed the mission in his zeal to kiss the asses of Chicago’s most corrupt politicians. Weis should be investigating and arresting those City Hall thugs instead.

Weis needs to simply walk off the job rather than pretend. Weis has dishonored the oath of office he took that supersedes the agenda of the crooks who appointed him Superintendent. Public safety and integrity must be the first priority.

Hanging a few cops for little misdeeds in the field while turning a blind eye to organized criminal behavior demonstrates nothing except his being a willing co-conspirator.

Mr. Weis, perhaps it’s time to enjoy your pension.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Chicago’s Lakefront Needs The return Meigs Field

Chicago, IL—With Richard M. Daley’s wise self-imposed exile, undoubtedly fueled by his approval ratings sinking to nearly 30 percent some of his foolish destruction may become undone.

Meigs Field
was a great little airport for general aviation and a historic landmark. It was the first airport I saw as a child so long ago.

Businessmen need a place to commute by air that’s convenient to Chicago's Loop. Meigs Field was important to business. Richard M. Daley spent his time destroying business in Chicago and Meigs Field’s removal was high on his list.

It was during the pre-dawn hours of March 30, 2003, without required approval from the FAA, Daley ordered the runways destroyed and stranded scores of airplanes tied down there. Chicago’s taxpayers have suffered ever since.

Whoever replaces Daley as Mayor should have the brains to restore Meigs Field to the taxpayers who supported the facility.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Who Will be the New Mayor of Chicago?

Chicago, IL—With today’s wonderful announcement by Richard M. Daley that he won’t seek re-election comes speculation on Chicago’s future.

The majority of Chicago’s voters are the most ignorant found anywhere. The schools here have been reduced to kindergarten style daycare centers. Too many of the high school graduates can’t even read the words on their diplomas. There are productive people here of every race but they’re the minority and can’t carry the weight of the thieves and slackers.

African-Americans in Chicago for the most part are addicted to entitlements, drugs or both. They will sell their votes for impossible and empty promises of more handouts. They could care less about new jobs as they demand larger balances on their government provided Link cards.

African-Americans need to learn the sad truth, that the Leftists are worse than the Southern slave traders of long ago.

What Chicago really needs is a new pro-business attitude that will lure business and taxpayers to return. This will be an impossible uphill climb since Chicago’s expatriates will be skeptical about sincerity.

Daley’s Mad Dog hatred of gun rights has transformed the city into a mugger’s paradise. Self-defense rights need to be returned to Chiagoans both inside and outside their homes.

The police department needs to be turned around, eliminating hiring and promotion based on dubious political sponsors rather than qualifications. They must have additional manpower and heavier weapons. The cops and law-abiding citizens need to work together in order to take the streets away from the Hood Rats.

I feel that Chicago is a sinking ship destined to dissolve its charter and file Bankruptcy. The politicians here are world class tax revenue thieves and whores.

There can be no real hope for this city without a massive change in the local culture. Socialism has been a massive failure here

Saturday, September 04, 2010

At least One Masquerade is Finally Over in Chicago

Chicago, IL—The days of Jody P. Weis as police superintendent are rapidly coming to an unceremonious end. The former FBI agent had zero patrol experience on any large police department. Hired as a City Hall, “Yes Man” he was a square peg in a round hole. It appears he’s now become a sacrificial lamb offered for slaughter.

Upon arrival to the department Weis was quickly nicknamed J-Fed but that changed when he actually fled from an in progress shooting during a CBS2 television interview. His nickname was quickly changed to J-Fled as he was publicly humiliated for his cowardice.

One of the worst sins Weis committed during his tenure was wearing the uniform of a Chicago cop that he never earned. The only other civilian Chicago police superintendent in my life time at least was an Almeda County cop in California. That was before he became a criminologist and author. The late, Orlando W. Wilson never once wore the uniform, but he was both admired and well-respected by the rank and file officers.

The FOP, Lodge 7 is believed by many officers to be owned by the Daley/Burke Crime Syndicate. I can’t help but believe this planned protest to improve officer safety and bring the ouster of Weis is fully sanctioned on City Hall’s fifth floor. Daley will save face through giving some meaningless concessions, “for the good of Chicago.”

It will take a lot more changes to raise the morale of the rank and file officer than dumping Weis. The next superintendent must have independence from City Hall and the neighborhood reverends.

Blaming law-abiding Chicagoan’s gun rights for the carnage on the city streets must end as those rights are bolstered through solid support of a right to carry law. Police must enter into a partnership with the law-abiding public to keep the cowardly thugs under control or in prison. This can happen with the right leadership and citizen involvement.

The hiring and promotion based on anything other than real qualifications must end within the department.

For safety sake, officers must be immediately given wide latitude in obtaining and carrying proven police carbines and shotguns. Training should be an issue but officers get almost nothing in the way of in-service training for their handguns. This is an emergency that can’t wait for funding that will probably never arrive. Certainly every military veteran within the department has that training on the M-16/M-4 carbines already.

Manpower is a huge problem and police recruits just can’t fill the need for seasoned officers. Perhaps a temporary program to hire already retired cops would be cheaper than overtime to fill the manpower gap. Officers older than 63 can be hired as civilian investigators or be placed in other less active positions. Of course they can and should carry firearms.

I don’t expect much from the Daley/Burk team who just want the Weis problem to go away because it has been embarrassing. They have no intentions of giving up control over the police department’s day to day activities.

Chicago cops and their families need to participate in this effort:

Protest March

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley

Dear Mayor Daley:

I was born and raised in Chicago. Your father was an honorable and good Mayor that deserved my vote. Unfortunately, unlike your father you have miserably failed.

Your father was a fiscal conservative that spent taxpayer money wisely. He cared about the citizens above all. Being a cop under your father was an honor if for no other reason he showed real concern for their welfare and safety.

Your father was no fan of gun rights but he took no steps to leave Chicagoans defenseless through gun bans. He brought free but unneeded gun registration and promised everyone it would not infringe further.

You have turned over the streets to armed criminals. That’s because you left the law-abiding defenseless by violating their Civil Rights to protect themselves under the Second Amendment.

Cops always used department provided ammunition to qualify on a firing range four times per year. If they had to shoot extra ammunition to qualify that was also provided.
Now you have police qualifying only once per year with a measly 30 rounds. That endangers the police and public. Additionally it creates liability issues potentially costing many millions of dollars.

Shoulder fired weapons are both easier to shoot and substantially more powerful. Under your leadership only the street thugs have these and but for few exceptions the police are miserably outgunned as a result.

By comparison, every police car in the state of California has both an M-4 carbine and a repeating .12 gage shotgun.

Under your father’s leadership there as many as 14,100 cops protecting the city. Today, even with the cooked manpower books there are substantially fewer.

Under your father’s direction all Chicago cops were bright, large and strong men. That changed with affirmative action and as intelligence testing was altogether eliminated. Instead dumber, weaker and much smaller cops were put in the trenches and that has impressed nobody especially dangerous criminals.

Under your woefully unqualified Superintendent more cops have been ambushed, killed or maimed despite wearing modern body armor. Your superintendent may have worked for the FBI but he never once patrolled the streets of a large city enforcing laws. In fairness, no police superintendent can keep a lid on violence under the Daley/Burke administration.

You have traded public safety for frivolous projects that Chicagoans did not want or need to feed you campaign contributors hundreds of millions of precious tax dollars. That, as you have turned taxation into an extortion program, that has chased vital business and productivity away.

As a direct result of your mismanagement and disastrous leadership the City of Chicago is so badly broken, the needed repairs will take many years.

Last night two more cops were gunned down and the body count keeps climbing. Instead of well armed and trained police you rely on cameras, computers and now summit meetings with dangerous criminals.

Law abiding Chicagoans must be allowed to protect themselves with firearms when they are outside of the safety and comfort of their own homes. Right now only well-armed criminals and marginally armed cops have any firearms at all.

The voters of Chicago need leaders that can enable employers and tourists to return to Chicago.

Mr. Mayor you need to walk away from City Hall and not look back. The city needs real leadership like your father once provided.


Paul Huebl

Monday, August 30, 2010

FOP Lodge 7 Needs to Rethink Their Loyalty to the Membership

Los Angeles, CA—In a move that cost taxpayers nothing LAPD cops have enjoyed working three 12 hour shifts per week for nearly a decade.

Cops in every California police agency have both a shotgun and M-4 carbine in their vehicles at all times. That includes school police and campus cops.

Cops in Los Angeles seem to be feared or respected by both the African-American and Hispanic street gangs. Could it be that being much better armed than their CPD counterparts and that has the attention of the cowardly thugs?

LAPD officers have not lost manpower, nor have there been layoffs, yet.

The LAPD has not dismantled civil service testing and the promotion of most officers does not create foul odors.

FOP Lodge 7 likes to brag that all CR’s are issued only on sworn affidavits now. I’m waiting for the first prosecution of some mutt caught committing perjury. If they don’t enforce the perjury laws how does that improve anything?

Disabled California police officers never lose their right to carry a gun for self-defense. This is also true in the vast majority of states if for no other reason, there are right to carry laws for the law-abiding.

Laid off cops or those suspended and even fired, that are not under indictment, don’t lose their right to carry firearms in all but very few jurisdictions in America. Again right to carry insures this protection.

Lodge 7 must roll out of the Daley and Burke’s beds and advocate for their members. Maybe changing police labor bargaining agents is long overdue in the Windy City.

Update!!!: Things are shaking in Chicago right now at the FOP. Can they be waking up? Perhaps that the case as they have announced plans for the membership to rally around the Copshop at 35th & Michigan on 15 September at a later to be determined time. They will have something on their sight a very soon. So far they claim is for officer safety issues. We will be watching.