Showing posts with label Daley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daley. Show all posts

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Crimefile’s WIND Radio interview in Chicago on Gun Rights

Chicago, IL—In light of the Supreme Court decision on the McDonald case that struck down this city’s 28 year-old gun ban, I was a guest on Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson’s drive time radio show.

It was a fast moving half-hour show. You can listen to it here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Now’s the Time to send Mayor Daley and City Hall your Message on Guns

Chicago, IL—Chicagoans had a great civil rights victory in the Supreme Court yesterday. The law abiding people living in the Windy City may now possess and use handguns for self-defense. The days of providing criminals with a population of unarmed and defenseless victims are over.

Law-abiding people throughout the United States have proven to be responsible with their gun rights including the right to carry them. Those perpetrating unlawful gun violence are always the same troublesome criminals we fail to keep locked away.

Chicagoans need not accept Mayor Richard M. Daley’s violence enabling agenda of eliminating meaningful self defense. Above all Daley and their cronies are power hungry politicians that will never risk losing power by angering voters.

The end of the gun ban is the best crime fighting tool Chicago has had in decades. Concealed carry rights would end government sponsored domination criminals have over the people of Illinois.

Daley and the City council of Chicago need to hear from voters demanding that no new gun ordinances be enacted and tell him to stop fighting concealed carry in Illinois. Call Daley and your Alderman today at 312-744-4000 and tell them who you are and what you want, before they violate your civil rights. Of course you will only be able to leave a message. If you don’t call you deserve what you will get, more tyranny.

There is also a rally planned for downtown Chicago on July 9. 2010. Attend this event and bring every friend you possibly can!
Chicago July 9 2010 Gun Rights Rally

Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Daley Can’t Restrict Guns In Chicago Like In DC.

Chicago, IL—An angry Mayor Richard M. Daley vowed to make new laws to thwart today’s McDonald Decision by the United States Supreme Court.

It’s been two years since the gun ban in the District of Columbia has been defeated. DC officials required training, testing, fingerprints, ballistic samples to obstruct would be gun owners. That crap will never work in Chicago.

Right now the gun ban is dead and Chicagoans can buy all the handguns they want. There are huge problems for residents of DC who could not simply purchase their gun in a nearby state without violating the Gun Control Act of 1968. There is only one approved gun dealer in DC that must follow every dictate of that city. So far only 800 handguns have been delivered under this gauntlet.

Chicago is very different since Chicago residents can buy guns from any dealer or private party in the State of Illinois and bring them into Chicago if they have a valid Illinois firearm owner’s identification card.

The City of Chicago cannot prosecute you for a law they make after you bring the gun into the city or before they make their laws. They may make some reasonable requirements to allow you to register that gun but they have no control over how you obtain it.

Now is a great time to buy a handgun if you live in Chicago.

Don’t become a frightened sheep waiting for Daley to tell you whether you can protect yourself or family. You will surly bleed to death first.

Call your state representatives and demand concealed weapons permit law now. Trust me those phone calls work at the state level.

Note: In a very technical sense the law is still on the books until the 7th Court of Appeals writes the proper order as mandated by the high court. However it will be absolutely impossible to prosecute anyone since the Court made it very clear that the Chicago gun ban violates citizen’s second Amendment rights. People convicted of violating the ban can have their convictions reversed if they file proper motions with the courts.

Very few cases ever involve only a failure to register ordinance violation. There are usually other violations connected.

The McDonald case now opens the door to anyone arrested for Unlawful Use of A Weapon (UUW is carrying a concealed weapon in Illinois) to challenge the law itself. If you have a right to keep them, you also have a right to bear them.

U.S. Supreme Court Shoots Down Chicago’s 28 Year-Old Gun Ban!

Chicago, Il—The long awaited opinion on Chicago’s facilitation and enablement of violent crime has been handed down this morning. Chicago’s infamous and un-American gun ban is no more!

Some 28 years ago, Chicago’s politicians outlawed the possession of handguns within the city by all but police, private investigators and City Council members. The result was predictable, law-abiding citizens were at the mercy of violent criminals that were relentlessly victimizing them unchallenged. Meaningful self-defense was absolutely outlawed by these politicians.

Chicago politicians long believed that the Second Amendment was some meaningless and obsolete antique and ignored it accordingly. For decades they’ve simply been violating Chicagoan’s Civil Rights.

Even before the anticipated decision was delivered these thug politicians are planning new violations of the law of our land with additional ingenious obstructionist ordinances that violates rights. In the end it will be taxpayers footing the legal bills and jury awards against the bankrupt City of Chicago.

The National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation came to the aid of several Chicagoans including Otis McDonald that wanted the illegitimate and un-American law shot down. Chicago’s politicians wasted millions of taxpayer’s dollars in a miserable economy fighting to continue their, Thug Protection Program.

Associate Justice Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr
. authored the opinion for the court

What the court’s action does is to remand the fate of the Chicago gun ordinance in the hands of the 7th Circuit court for further action consistent with today's opinion. They must write the formal order.

The entire opinion is below:

McDonald vs City of Chicago

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Threatening Mayor Richard M. Daley

Chicago, IL—Politicians and threats go together. That has never been more prevalent in my lifetime than right now. Politicians are reaching their corrupt greedy fingers in American’s pockets more than ever as turn taxation into extortion and slavery.

At the same time despite a solid Supreme Court ruling many politicians still are doing all they can to keep law-abiding people disarmed and unable to defend themselves and families from criminals or a criminal government.

Threats are the product of the powerless. They are nearly always hollow and the people making them have little ability to carry them out. Threats are little more than an annoyance.

What idiot wanting to kill or hurt someone would give their victim a warning? The target simply could take precautions minimizing the threat.

In recent years lawmakers have conjoined the word terrorist to threats and raised their significance. Most threats are considered felony crimes. This is a horrible sign of a very troubling government.

During the reign of the Third Reich, making a threat against Adolf Hitler was a capital offense. The arrested many on flimsy evidence, held show trials and executions always followed.

Christopher Traynor Fox, 39 of San Jose, CA is accused of making a telephone threat against Mayor Richard M. Daley. Officials suggested this was over Daley’s stand on gun control.

Normally politicians get threats and never make them public because doing so empowers their tormentors.

Things are changing as frightened politicians hide behind armed bodyguards and have their visiting constituents searched like criminals. This is always the first sign of the formation of a police state.

It was just this week when Daley at a press conference picked up a combat rifle with a bayonet telling a reporter he’s stick it up his but to show the effectiveness of the weapon.

Daley was much more of a threat to the reporter than Fox was making a prank call from thousands of miles away. We will have to wait and see whether this was a credible threat.

Fox is being held on $1 million bail as officials are arranging for the expensive extradition process to bring Fox to Chicago for a show trial. This is at a time when extradition is only used in very important cases because of difficult economic times.

With this kind of a heavy handed approach, Daley is asking for an escalation in threats and violence. Daley may yet make himself a target of opportunity for someone that can tolerate a corrupt, nasty dictator. We can only hope.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chicago Parolee Identified As Dead Home Invader

UPDATE: 27 May 2010 No charges against elderly man who killed home invader
Chicago police News affairs says there will be no charges against the 80-year-old man who shot and killed a burglar who had broken into his West Side home.

Police questioned the homeowner for several hours after the early Wednesday morning shooting but released him without comment.

Family members and neighbors said the man was a Korean War veteran and his 83-year-old wife is a retired nurse. They said the couple have been married about 60 years and have lived in the same house on the 600 block of N. Sawyer Ave. for 40 years.

The man, his wife, and their 12-year-old great-grandson were all unharmed.

Chicago, IL
—An 80 year-old Korean war veteran defended his elderly wife and 12 year-old grandson from a career criminal this morning that had invaded their home. The robber fired a shot at the victim who returned fire killing him.

The dead man was wearing a mask, and had socks over his hands to prevent leaving any fingerprints at the crime scene. He was armed with a .38 revolver.

The dead man is 29 year-old Anthony Nelson. Nelson was released from the Illinois department of corrections last December. He has an extensive rap sheet for drug and weapons violations.

Thankfully the elderly victim chose to ignore Chicago’s draconian gun ban and was able to protect himself and his family.

This justifiable shooting comes just as the Chicago Gun Ban’s legitimacy is being examined by the United States Supreme Court in the McDonald case. The ruling is expected to be handed down before the court’s summer recess in June. Legal experts seem to agree that the prohibition violates the constitution and will be struck down.

Mayor Richard M. Daley is unreasoably emotionally tied to the gun ban that only protects the likes of career criminals like Anthony nelson. The law has no impact on violent crime other than to enable it assuring criminals their victims have no ability to resist.

Barack Obama shares Daley’s hatred for gun rights and has voted against them in the Illinois legislature and the United States Senate. In an amazing paradox the Chicago Sun Times reported that the elderly victim was wearing a t-shirt with Obama Name and likeness on it.

Perhaps that information will find its way to the Whitehouse, where Obama can recognize that law abiding African-Americans disarmed by the gun ban are being slaughtered by vicious criminals every day. I doubt that our gun rights hating Socialist president cares.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sergeant Alan Haymaker’s Needless Death And Chicago’s officials.

Chicago, IL.—Town Hall is a busy police district. Cops working there like everywhere in this city are overwhelmed because of a manpower shortage.

Cops are at the mercy of the Daley/Burke Crime Families that run the town within a 50 member city council. This bunch of thieves, thugs and liars may bear serious responsibility for Sergeant Alan Haymaker’s death.

This city’s politicians once had the perfect incumbent Protection Plan. It was called patronage. They controlled nearly every city job. These workers had two functions, campaigning for the local ward boss and performing the actual work they were hired to do in the first place.

The government jobs in Chicago were all union, well paying and provided great benefits. The Federal courts took a dim view of the practice and dismantled the patronage game but only to a point. This crippled the politician’s reelection efforts and forced them to pay for campaign workers. The money for this quickly came from city contractors.

The city privatized what jobs they could and handed out huge cash contracts to their political cronies who gladly financed the campaigns and showered Chicago’s political whores with wealth. The cash was a true narcotic and spending on unneeded public works was put in overdrive.

State Street was turned into a cost prohibitive mall snarling already overloaded traffic patterns and adversely affected the stores income potential. Soon hundreds of additional millions more were wasted, turning State street back into a street.

Project after project sprang up for so called beautification that was never needed. Chicago has always had its own beauty that cost taxpayers nothing.

Huge concrete planter boxes sprang up everywhere complete with irrigation and federalization requirements for the installed plant life. There are three overwhelming problems with the planter boxes. The boxes snarl traffic, are downright dangerous and detract from the city’s natural beauty.

As a result of reckless spending by Chicago’s political prostitutes, the police department is undermanned, underfunded and crippled.

Police vehicles are in disrepair. Retreaded tires are used as officers are expected to quickly respond to hot calls where lives are on the line.

City officials found the planter boxes had another deficiency and that is the plants inside die from salt used to melt ice on Chicago’s streets. The fix here was a simple one, to skip the salt. That may have created a deadly trap for one good cop who was responding to a burglary call.

Instead of an impartial investigation of this accident and conditions leading up to it, is there a cover-up going on in Chicago right now? Many officers believe that is the case

When the Second City Cop blog and SLC publicized these facts the Mayor, Police Superintendent and others went into a rage about the revelations.

The fellow officers and family of Sergeant Haymaker will never let this outrageous act of official malfeasant conduct go unnoticed.

Chicago is in a crisis that can only be repaired when every last incumbent political creature is removed from office. Strictly enforced term limits will reduce the political corruption.

It should be a crime for any person or business to pay political contributions to any politician connected to a client’s work contract. Those businesses that work for the any should get the contracts without paying extortion to city officials.

Officer Down, Alan Haymaker.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chicago’s Savages, A Intimate Look

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s African-American culture of violence once again manifested itself in the brutal beating death of 17 year-old, Derrion Albert.
A video shows the orgy of violence between two groups. No word on the origin of their dispute has managed to surface. The video was shot at on the 300 block of West 111th Street.

In the meantime Mayor Daley blows money on the Olympics instead of dealing with less important matters such as human life. Every decision whether to pay contractors for things Chicago does not need or to hire more cops, ends with generous extortion payments disguised as campaign contributions from the contractors.

So far, no arrests have been made in this insurrection.

Watch the sanitized video of these wonderful people having fun below:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It’s Time For Another Chicago Gun Rights Rally!

It’s Time For Another Chicago Gun Rights Rally!
Chicago. IL—Last year it was a success but this year we need to remind our state local politicians they work for us instead of the other way around.

On Friday June 26th enjoy this festive event at your Thompson Plaza.
Chicago Rally

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Chicago Handgun Ban Headed For US Supreme Court

Chicago, IL—The Heller case last summer made it clear that Americans have an individual right to keep and bear arms. Not settled is whether or not states can enact gun bans. The Second Amendment was never incorporated into the Bill of Rights through the Fourteenth Amendment by the Supreme Court as the other rights have.

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld Chicago’s gun ban saying the Second Amendment is only a protection from federal government and not the states. So it’s now off to the Supreme Court and it looks like they will be forced to deceide the issue.

The most liberal Court of Appeals in the country is the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco and they just ruled that the Second Amendment is incorporated under the 14th Amendment. Because there are two opposite rulings on the same issue this will most likely be heard and argued but don’t expect any quick resolution. The answer will be at least one year or more from today.

There is a real underlying fact here. The City of Chicago accepts federal funds and used them to enforce unconstitutional gun laws. The Chicago gun ban is a federal gun ban under those conditions.

If you live in Chicago and want a gun go ahead and get one. The fact is you will need one. Survival is more important that Richard M. Daley’s world where only criminals have guns. Daley wants that young man in the picture to kill you and your families as you stand by defenseless and helpless. I only pray I can outlive Daley so I can pee on his grave.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Getting’ Ready For A Special Chicago Summer

Chicago, IL—As our economy is destroyed by Barack Obama’s Band of Bolsheviks the natives will be restless. Obama’s checks will bounce and gangs of thugs will be on the prowl. The obvious targets will be banks, jewelry stores; any cash based business along with expensive homes. Carjackers will be everywhere.

Chicago’s gun ban will leave the law-abiding citizens at the mercy of well-armed criminal gangs. The undermanned and outgunned Chicago Police Department will never be up to the task because mismanagement by Chicago’s politicians.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Chicago Corruption Fighter And Author Bob Cooley Has Blagojevich Information

Chicago, IL—Chicago cop, turned corrupt lawyer, turned Corruption fighter and author Robert Cooley talks about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich running a suburban Chicago gambling racket. Cooley brought down more than his share of rats.

Cooley wrote about his work as an FBI mole during undercover operation called Operation Gambit in his book, When Corruption Was King. As we speak Cooley’s book is being turned into a major motion picture in Hollywood.

Watch Cooley talk about Blagojevich in a 14 minute interview:

Part two 7 minutes:

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Chicago Parking Meter Outrage Fix Is Simple

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s Mayor and Aldermen approved a plan to make Chicagoans even more miserable than they are as some of the most overtaxed citizens in the nation.

They are going to let private vendors handle the meters and soon to be increased fees. This hurts business, jobs and citizens alike. Chicago's rank and file cops hate this meter extortion too.

What’s the solution you ask? That’s just too simple, crazy glue, washers, and courage. Hammers and pipe cutter work wonders too. If the meters are destroyed they can’t be used to extort money from anyone. If the cost of meter repair exceeds the revenue they are gone. That’s pure and simple.

The only question I ask Americans is whether or not the participants in the Boston Tea Party would tolerate parking meter extortion by any government?

Don't snitch on meter vandals!

If you’re picked to sit on a jury for someone accused of parking meter vandalism simply acquit that defendant. Shake his or her hand after the trial and government may just get the message!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Hey Daley! How Can This Be?

The Galco International “Miami Classic” Shoulder rig

Miami, FL—Despite being the land of the free when it comes handing out concealed weapons permits This South Florida metropolis has gone an entire month without a any homicides.

Yes it’s true! October 2008 went without a single murder in the land of CSI and Miami Vice. No wait! Today it’s 35 days and counting! Soon those kinds of TV shows will have to relocate to Chicago where there's never a shortage of active murder scenes.

According to “experts” like Barack Obama, Richard M. Daley and Michael Bloomberg that’s impossible! Could these fellows been somehow wrong? Their favored gun bans have only protected the criminals rather than the law abiding public. The criminals are enabled and get bolder by the week in places like New York and Chicago.

Could it be that Miami’s criminals are finding themselves too often at the wrong end of guns held by potential robbery and rape victims? Could it mean that armed law abiding citizens exercise their absolute right to carry firearms in a responsible and safe manner?

I guess Americans need to ask experts like Obama, Daley and Bloomberg to explain this phenomenon.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mayor Richard M. Daley’s Role In The Chicago Police Torture Allegations

Chicago, IL—Over a period of time during the 1970s and 1980’s there was a firestorm of torture allegations by Chicago police Detectives under the Command of the retired and recently indicted, Jon Burge.

I’m not privy to what went on in those South Chicago interrogation rooms where the most violent cop killers and other notorious criminals confessed their deeds. As the defense attorneys began to compare the stories of their clients a pattern of similar allegations emerged.

Police were accused of beating, suffocating and shocking suspects until they confessed. I am convinced these criminals were not treated like guests at Chicago’s posh Ambassador East Hotel. But I also seriously doubt the claims of the accusers. No police agencies had or used video back then during interrogations so only the people in those rooms know what really happened.

You can believe the killers or you can believe the officers. I don’t care who is right or wrong here but both sides deserved a solid investigation. Torture by police is wrong and so is making false allegations against cops. Suspects make such allegations because often it’s their only defense that may keep them out of a lethal injection room at the Menard Prison.

It was in February of 1982 when John Raba, MD was treating cop killer Andrew Wilson at the Cermack Memorial Hospital located at the Cook County Jail. Dr. Raba found some superficial injuries on Wilson that seemed to back up his tale of police brutality. DR. Raba did the right thing and sent a report to the then Superintendent of Chicago Police, Richard J. Brzeczek.

Brzeczek had a peculiar dilemma since Wilson was on the fast track to death row for murdering two cops and a McDonald’s security guard. Brzeczek needed to follow the lead of the man who had investigative and prosecutorial jurisdiction over both Wilson and the allegations made against the cops. The man who had the duty, power and Independent resources to handle that was none other than the current Chicago Mayor, Richard M. Daley who was the Cook County State's Attorney at the time.

Brzeczek dutifully notified Daley in writing including a copy of Dr. Raba’s report. Daley chose to take no action whatsoever beyond winning a conviction and death sentence against Wilson.

Jon Burge and his men were entitled to a full and complete investigation and review by Daley’s Office of Special Prosecutions that handle police brutality and official corruption matters. The officers may well have been cleared or if guilty prosecuted. Instead these allegations have been hanging over the detectives for three decades.

Now the US Attorney is pursuing a perjury and obstruction of justice case against Jon Burge. To prove that case they will have to prove that the ancient allegations of torture are true and that Burge lied about it decades later in a deposition.

To say this case involving White police officers and African-American suspects/convicted criminals has been a divisive burning issue in Chicago is an understatement.

It’s Chicago’s African American community that has elected Daley to his positions as State’s Attorney and Mayor. They keep electing him despite irrefutable evidence that it was Mayor Daley that covered up the allegations. The available evidence shows that Daley is even more culpable than Jon Burge.

To absolve himself of misconduct Daley, through The Cook County Board handed two long time political pals a king’s ransom ($7.2 million) for what became a Cook County Special Prosecutor's 292 page whitewash.

I’m trying to understand why the media and the so called community leaders have given Daley a free pass on this outrage. It seems to be very corrupt to me on its face.

Recently U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) resurrected Daley’s Cover-up and malfeasance as State’s Attorney. Gutierrez is considering a run against Daley for Mayor in February 2011.

Read Superintendent Richard J. Brzeczek’s letter to Daley and Raba Report.

Here is a copy of the Cook County Special Prosecutor'e Daley whitewash trying to make a scapegoat out of Richard J. Brzeczek:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

When You Lay Down With Dogs You Wake Up With Fleas

What would possess a woman to husband shop at the Illinois Department of Corrections? What woman would expose a young boy to a dangerous criminal in her own household?

The answer is Julia Hudson whose mother and brother were shot dead in what Chicago police have described as an act of domestic violence. Hudson brought a terrible plague upon her family and neighborhood.

An additional heartbreak is the apparent abduction of Hudson’s seven year-old son, Julian King. Young King is the only known witness to the killings and it’s highly unlikely that he was allowed to live knowing what he knew.

A violent man convicted of Carjacking and attempted murder generally does not make the most eligible bachelor list. That did not prevent Julia Hudson from endangering her own family by bringing a predatory creep into her family’s home.

One family member who escaped the carnage was the gifted singer and Academy Award winning actress, Jennifer Hudson. Jennifer Hudson had already moved to a much safer, Near North Chicago high rise apartment building.

William “Flex” Balfour has not been charged with this new high profile crime so far. Balfour should have served at least triple the time he got for his last despicable act of violence. Illinois residents should be mad that this mutt was allowed to return to the streets.

Illinois and Chicago politicians Mayor Richard M. Daley and Barack Obama think the cure for violent crimes like this is gun control. Keeping criminals like William “Flex” Balfour behind bars will do a lot more than any gun law. This is precisely why today Chicago is the Murder Capitol of America.

There are some difficult lessons to learn here both for women who like bad boys and American politicians entrusted with lawmaking.

There is no question that Balfour is the leading suspect here. If Balfour was left behind bars for his last terrorist act we would not be suspecting him for the new crimes and presuming his innocence under our laws.

If there is good news it's that Balfour is about to be returned to prison for violating his parole. They can keep him locked up until next May with no new charges.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Daley’s Gunfight May be Over

Chicago--Mayor Richard M. Daley may finally be seeing the Light. He appears to be backing off his plan to fight rolling back the city’s unconstitutional handgun ban.

Daley knows any continued fight will cost the city untold millions in legal fees and civil damages paid to unlawfully arrested gun owners. Daley’s really in a no win situation and has no choice but to look for a new approach to curb violence.

Daley has expressed concerns for first responders to violence calls and wants some rules. The problem is only the reasonable and law abiding folks will follow rules. Criminals don’t follow rules.

There is one way for the city to deal with concerns and that’s though bringing gun safety education to Chicago’s gun owners. That’s simple enough. Daley can and should call on the world’s greatest firearm training resource, The National Rifle Association.

Daley needs to get facilities open in Chicago for training civilians about safety, the laws and liabilities of the justifiable use of deadly force. The Chicago Police Department needs to work out a protocol with armed civilians to avoid unnecessary tragedies.

The Chicago Police Department should use this opportunity to create a first-ever partnership with gun owners to suppress crime.

If gun owners are no longer targets for police gun confiscation teams they will be much more open to helping make Chicago a safe place to live, work and pay taxes.

Such a partnership would be a win, win situation for Chicago. Mayor Daley could turn his lemons into lemonade. Chicago could be the model for every large city in America for gun safety and reduced violence.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Your Chance to Meet Crimefile in Chicago!

I’m going to be at Friday’s downtown Chicago Gun Rights Rally. I hope some of my old friends, new friends and blog visitors will stop by and say hello. This is our chance to let Mayor Daley know he is out-of-step with the law of the land.

This is also a kick off for obtaining conceald weapon legislation in Illinois. Read more about that here.
Read this document on Scribd: correctedchirally

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Reducing Gun Violence Through Gun Rights In Chicago

Chicago-Mayor Richard M.Daley is in an emotional crisis because of the Heller case reaffirmation of the right to keep and bear arms. Daley is wrong and of course he thinks I’m wrong. I have a new idea for my own hometown.

Like it or not gun rights are here to stay, even in Chicago. We have a unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor with those law-abiding people who need the protection the most and want guns. Nobody hates gun crime and violence more than law-abiding gun owners.

I have said the genocide in Chicago’s ghettos is no different than those bands of cowardly, armed thugs victimizing the unarmed and helpless in Darfur, Africa. A trip through the Cook County Medical Examiner's Morgue tells a sad tale about the truth that the vast majority of violent deaths are African-Americans.

The City of Chicago needs another approach to the entire problem. That needs to begin on Chicago's toughest, segregated African-American neighborhoods. With minimal funding using existing public buildings and churches, I can return to Chicago, start an outreach program to aid with some serious peace keeping.

We can organize these forgotten people into a militia. We begin with recruiting and training those with a valid FOID card right in their own neighborhood. We need to provide free training in safety, marksmanship and the justifiable use of deadly force. Most importantly we need to work out an understanding between Chicago police and the gun owners on a course of conduct during incidents where there is a police presence.

The militia members will learn that just like the police they can defuse a lot of violence without ever firing a shot. The militia will in turn pass on to others what they’ve learned about gun safety and responsibility. The program will rely heavily on the concept of personal responsibility.

We’ve learned that gun permits holders are an exceptionally well behaved segment of society.

Upon completion of training Chicago’s new Chicago Peace Militia will take what they learned and begin a new chapter of cooperation with police. This program offers the only real hope to end the strangle hold that violent street gangs have in these neighborhoods. Later this program can be expanded to every neighborhood.

The goal here is a simple one, we all can agree upon, to reduce violence and protect the children. Someday guns can return to being desired for only hunting and sports shooting. Chicago has nothing to lose and everything to gain working with the only viable choice they have. Government only works when there is a partnership between citizens and government.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Chicago’s Lawless Little Mayor

Chicago—Not since the day the late, former Alabama Governor, George Wallace personally blocked the doors of the University of Alabama has an elected official so outrageously violated people’s civil rights. Wallace used his own body to prevent two young African-American students, Vivian Malone and James Hood from enrolling in that tax supported school. Today Mayor Richard M. Daley has placed himself above the law of the land in his continued effort to support the genocide going on in the Windy City.

Chicago’s little mayor has vowed to ignore the ruling of the nation’s highest court and continue causing the arrest of law-abiding Chicagoans who lawfully possess handguns in their homes for needed self-defense.

In order to fight this Mayor Daley will award millions of dollars of taxpayer money to outside lawyers to fight off the litigation that began yesterday. We all know the law firms receiving the cash know how to generate giant kickbacks in the form of campaign contribution to keep the ethically challenged mayor in office.

Call Mayor Daley at 312- 744-3300 and tell him not to waste your hard earned tax money on a fight he cannot win. Tell Daley that he is violating his oath of office and the civil rights of the people of Chicago. Tell Mayor Daley to stop the genocide in Chicago’s ghettos by allowing the law-abiding African-Americans the human and now well-defined civil right to self-defense.

Watch the outlaw mayor rant and rave right here.