Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Understanding the bankrupt ghetto culture of our big cities.


Chicago, IL—I was born and raised here, growing up in challenging circumstances with a dysfunctional, single mother who often left me to fend for myself. Whether she abandoned me with friends or sent me off to a boys' home for three years, I was forced to navigate a childhood of extreme poverty and neglect. By age 14, I had no choice but to get a full-time job and find my own apartment, or face being placed into foster care. Survival meant lying about my age, which I did to secure a job at Jake’s Pup in the Ruff in the Uptown neighborhood. By day, I attended Senn High School, and by night, I ran the hotdog stand alone. I found a small apartment and convinced the landlord I was 18. From there, things gradually improved, and I was thrust into adulthood much earlier than most.

The reason I share this background is to highlight my understanding of the realities of poverty, hunger, and parental neglect—issues that plague Chicago’s ghettos. However, despite those hardships, I didn’t grow up surrounded by the rampant drug culture and violence that has now become synonymous with these neighborhoods. 

At 19, I lied about my age again and managed to get hired by the Cook County Sheriff’s Police. This was all fine until I received my draft notice from President Lyndon Johnson. Hoping for an occupational deferment, my captain, Packy Walsh, discovered my real age. Instead of firing me, they reassigned me as a civilian until it was time for me to report for duty in the armed forces.  I had hoped be sent to the Coast Guard, but the Vietnam War had other plans, and I was trained as an Army infantryman. Although I received orders for Vietnam in 1968, I was rerouted to Germany, where I served as a medical corpsman at a large dispensary, similar to today’s urgent care centers.

After my service, I returned to work for Captain Walsh as if I had never left, this time in the Fugitive Warrants, Transportation Division. I spent my days dealing with the most dangerous criminals in Chicago, transporting them from jail to the various courthouses in the county, and even to County Hospital for medical treatment or the Cook County Morgue for Coroner’s Inquests. This job exposed me to a tragic and broken culture. Later, as a member of the Chicago Police Department, I truly saw the horrors of ghetto life—needless violence, child neglect, abuse, and the worst kinds of cruelty.

President Lyndon Johnson’s "war on poverty" was a socialist disaster. He and other Democrat politicians threw billions of taxpayer dollars at the problem, but instead of helping, they destroyed the black family structure. Overnight, the black community was transformed into a single-mother nightmare, with young women ill-equipped to raise their children properly, left to shoulder impossible responsibilities. With discipline gone from schools controlled by teachers' unions and massive political corruption at the hands of white liberals, black Americans were programmed into a cycle of dependency. They were led to believe that they could only survive by voting for the very people who kept them in misery.

Today, black Americans are trapped in a modern-day plantation, not much different from the days of slavery. They fill our prisons, jails, and death rows, kept ignorant, dependent, and in poverty by white liberals, Communists, and Democrats. The damage is so severe that it will take generations to undo. 

Black Americans deserve better—they should be competing for excellence and striving to achieve the American Dream. It all begins with education and training. Affirmative action, DEI hiring, and participation trophies strip people of their dignity. What truly matters is hard work, competitiveness, and the desire to succeed.

We need to provide remedial education so that black Americans can read, balance a checkbook, and manage a budget. We need to train them for real jobs or help them start their own businesses. 

Voting for Democrats has done nothing for them but serious harm. It’s time for black Americans to escape the plantation and start competing for their share of the American Dream.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Today’s Democrat's and Their Ruthless Exploitation Homelessness

Los Angeles, CA— Growing up in the 1950s and 60’s, I never saw the so-called "homeless people" living in garbage on our streets. Such a sight was unheard of in our cities back then.

The financial impact of homelessness on our cities and population is astronomical. These individuals damage property, set fires, assault, annoy, intimidate, injure, and even kill innocents. The cost of their crimes includes not just the damage they cause, but also the additional expenses for police, criminal prosecution, defense, and judicial services.

In the past, we enforced laws against vagrancy, public intoxication, and drug use. Most importantly, those who were a danger to themselves or others were placed in secure mental heath facilities. However, liberals decided that involuntary commitments and jailing people for "being poor" were inhumane.

In reality, allowing people to live in filth and life-threatening conditions is far more inhumane. Tolerated homelessness has clearly impacted the quality of life in every major city run by Democrats. Allowing these conditions has created huge opportunities for theft and waste of taxpayer money. Despite the politicians throwing huge amounts of money at the problem, we see no discernible or positive results. Their solution? Throw even more money at it.

What's really happening is that numerous nonprofits are being awarded record sums of money that is simply being stolen. These nonprofits, in turn, grease the hands of the corrupt politicians who grant them these lucrative contracts. By opening a nonprofit and contributing to these officials' campaigns, one essentially gets a license to steal.

Those who are unable to care for themselves—clearly mentally ill or addicted to drugs, alcohol, or both—need serious intervention. I don't want to punish these unfortunate individuals. They should be in secure mental hospitals, where they can receive treatment for their health conditions, sleep with clean sheets in warm beds, take daily showers, eat nutritious meals, and perhaps even receive education or vocational training. They can certainly be released if they develop the necessary skills to become reasonably self-sufficient.

Despite billions being spent on homelessness, the problem has only worsened. Clearly, despicable politicians and their friends are profiting at the expense of the most vulnerable people in our society.

Monday, July 03, 2023

Democrats are rebuilding the Ku Klux Klan in America

Your City, USA—During Post slavery and Civil War Reconstruction, law enforcement was primitive and significantly challenged. Crime was out-of-control and there were insufficient police resources to deal with it.  The only immediate answer was to draft a vigilante militia force to protect the public. 


The first significant response was the creation of the Ku Klux Klan.  They took a pretty much a terrorist approach wearing their hoods to conceal their identities.   


The Klan slowed down crime all right.  It was in part because the sight of alleged offenders hanging from various trees that made quite an impression.  


There was only a couple of problems in that there was a lack of due process, trials and accordingly no appeals.  Punishments were influenced by anger, prejudice and the amount of alcohol that Klan members were consuming. 


The Klan was quite popular and many of our respected Democrat Congressmen were members.  They were invited to parade as heroes in our Capitol. Make no mistake Democrats created and continued with the Klan until recent times.


The Klan proved to be a violent blight in America with their seemingly total immunity to laws.  The cure was to begin arresting and prosecuting them over lynchings and terrorism.  However, when their cases went to trial, jurors were not inclined to convict their, “First responding” heroes.  


Things began to change when local police multiplied and took over the reins of policing communities. The newly formed FBI waged a successful war on the Klan. Finally in the 60’s. 70’s and 80’s the Klan was driven out of business. Today they are no longer the heroes, but only a detested memory of a very dark past. 


Today, our Democrat politicians have let thousands upon thousands of violent criminals out of jails and prisons. Likewise, the dangerous mentally ill are allowed to roam the streets without medication or supervision. Finally, our police have been castrated and forbidden to be more than just scarecrows.  As a result strong armed, mass violent shoplifting attacks against retail establishments with zero consequences now plagues every major city.


Under these circumstances, with no government intervention the only tool for our survival is a return to local vigilante militias to take over the protection and public safety duties. Why you ask?  There’s no other solution.  Apparently, we’ve not learned from history. 


This cannot end well. 


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Saturday, May 24, 2014

YouTube Maniac Behind Santa Barbara Killing Rampage

Isla Vista, CA—Yes, I’m calling him, The YouTube Maniac.  Elliot Rodger was a very affluent young man with a sleek black BMW living in the paradise of this coastal community.  The problem was this fellow was an apparent serious social looser who could not get laid.  He was also under the out patient care of a psychiatrist.  
The killer was the 22-year-old son of Peter Rodger, an assistant director on the wildly successful Hunger Games film series.   This young man traveled the world with his father and actress stepmother.   This privileged youngster had access to stunning stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry. 
Last night, the young Rodger stabbed three people to death then drove around looking for young women to shoot and kill.  Before it was over seven lay dead.  Police have not yet released the names, ages or sex of any of Rodger’s victims.
Before his rampage, Rodger placed a nearly seven minute video on YouTube lamenting his inability to win the affection of any woman.  On the video he made it clear he’d get even with females by killing as many of them as he could.  The stark reality is that he went on a very tragic killing rampage making good his threats.
He stalked his victims from his BMW with a gun until police caught up with him, killing him in an apparent gun battle. 
Right now we will have to wait to learn more about this twisted soul and his motivations for his murderous assault.  By all appearances Rodger had wealth, privilege and a great car.   Just what made Rodger such a pariah to women?  
This tormented killer seemingly had it all.  However Rodger obviously lacked the most basic of social skills and mental health.   I can’t imagine what his family is going through right now.  I can’t begin to think about the families and close friends of Rodger’s victims.  What a huge and senseless loss.
My first question is what medically prescribed drugs was this youngster taking? 
Here is Roger’s last video before he began his deadly rampage.

As fast as I posted this video YouTube removed it…  Somehow I knew this would happen. 


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Don’t have a Dog? Go to a Shelter and Let one Rescue You Today!

If you never owned a dog your life has been incomplete.  Owning a dog is not difficult or burdensome.  The only bar to dog ownership are serious allergies, landlord prohibitions or you’re gone away from home for long periods of time. 
Today there are a surprising number of dog friendly employers that allow pets to be brought to work.  I’ve even seen this at locally owned TV stations.  I think many companies are learning that being dog friendly is actually good for business, productivity and certainly employee morale.  
Dogs are a tremendous cure for depression and walking them insures you get more exercise and perhaps a longer life. 
Dogs are also wonderful matchmakers for their unattached owners!  Dogs make it a lot easier for members of the opposite sex to approach each other on the street.  Egos always interfere with our first meetings but when a dog is present ego problems seem to simply vanish.    
A dog will bring a smile a minute to your face and that translates to improving your appearance and personality.  Dogs are fun, funny and lovable. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. 
A dog will always help you through a crisis, heartbreak or even a bad day.  Their loyalty to you is never in question.   They sense when you’re sad or lonely and will give you the special attention you need. The money spent on food and veterinary healthcare will bring you priceless joy in return.
I’ve seen good relationships and marriages saved simply because laughter is returned to a house house with the introduction of a new dog.  When laughter leaves a home that is a sign that divorce may not be far away.
Housebreaking and training your dog is easy.  The dog will be training you at the same time!  Instructions don’t come with a dog but pet stores have lots of books and the Internet is filled with lots of helpful information.
Shelters always have an abundance of dogs of every kind and size that are in desperate need of adoption.  The truth is that they adopt us asking for only love, kindness and some food in return.  
The only downside is that their lives are too short.  But when they pass on there is always another doggie that needs you as much as you needed the loyal friend that just crossed that Rainbow Bridge.
If you believe in Heaven and it’s reward you will see every critter you ever loved there or it would not be heaven. 
The last thing I will say is that dogs will bring out your best behavior.  When I was a cop arresting people, I always asked they if the had a dog when I was booking them.  I did this to make sure that the dog was not locked up in some dwelling without food and water.  I would help the arrestee notify friends and relatives to avoid a tragedy.  What I learned doing that was surprising.   Virtually none of the people I arrested owned dogs!
Perhaps it’s true that the Devil’s work is done with idle hands.  Dogs will keep their owners busy loving them and that seems to prevent and incredible amount of anti-social behavior.
If you don’t have a dog perhaps you need to be rescued!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unintended Dangerous Consequences of Immigration Amnesty

Los Angeles, CA—In addition to the felons and mental patients we know about there are some 11,000,000 people that are forbidden to possess guns in America.  Illegal aliens are currently in the class of prohibited possessors.  Most of them are from Mexico or Central America.  
Things being the way they are we cannot determine these alien's criminal histories in their home nations.  Try getting criminal and mental health records from any of our Southern neighboring nations.  Background checks in that regard simply cannot be accomplished.  
If our government grants Green Card status or citizenship to the illegal aliens they will automatically be able to purchase, possess and carry firearms.  We will have no way of knowing if they have criminal records for wife beating, robbery, rape burglary, drug trafficking in their own countries.  How about the dangerous mentally ill among them?  It only makes sense that once criminals are discovered they will want to relocate where their recent past is far behind them. Coming to the USA is an obvious first choice. 
It is the political Left that is demanding amnesty for those that have trespassed into America.  It is the political Left that's been demanding full background checks on gun purchasers.  Here these two philosophies are colliding like speeding freight trains in the night.
Remember the political Left long ago put in lifetime gun bans for people convicted of a huge laundry list of crimes.  Here the illegal aliens are set escape whatever crimes they committed in the past like they never happened.  If you’re a dangerous illegal alien with amnesty you will suddenly have total legal access to firearms.  Of course if you are a natural born American citizen you will never have gun rights if you did something regrettable even as a juvenile and you’ve lived a clean life for decades.
Remember what George Orwell wrote in his book, Animal Farm, (under Socialism), “Some pigs are more equal than others.” 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Arizona Lawyer Arrested for Shooting His Secretary’s Ex-Boyfriend

Tempe, AZ—Tempe criminal lawyer, Joseph Palmisano, 48 is being held for Kidnapping, Attempted Murder and Aggravated Assault today.  Apparently the lawyer’s secretary’s former boyfriend, Ryan Hall, 25 was at the law office when something went terribly wrong.
Hall was conscious and talking to paramedics and police and is being treated at a local hospital where he was listed in serious condition.  
Somehow this case has the familiar impression of self-defense.  It’s unlikely that the lawyer talked to police because of his training and experience.  With only one participant talking to police, cops can be counted upon to label the loser of the battle the victim as the arrest the winner as the suspect.  
We will have to see how this case shakes out but the defense investigation was made for the best self defense specialist private investigator I know at to find the necessary answers. Okay that's me!  

I'm looking for information about Ryan Hall and I'm hope people that have it will contact me with that right away at housedick @   

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Understanding Gun Law Realities in the United States Compared to Europe

The United States is always viewed as more violent and singled out by gun related homicides.   To begin I don’t really think it matters how someone is murdered. Is it any better to be strangled, stabbed, poisoned or beaten to death?
Europe for all but the last 35 years has not had racially or culturally diverse populations.  Everywhere there is diversity culture clash in Europe violence has increased.  The Nanny state of the UK has alarming crime and violence with their immigrant population.  The UK is in such a state of panic they are regulating the manufacture of kitchen knives eliminating sharp points!  The UK's perception of weapons laws are somewhat bizarre. With each new weapon law they make crime escalates. 
The vast regions of the United States have few or no homicides.  They mirror any European nation in crime statistics.  Oddly enough these are areas that are controlled by Republican or Conservative politicians.  They are also filled with productive and self-reliant Americans.  Gun bans and other regulatory schemes such as registration do not exist or are tolerated  in these places.
Then there is the other America.  Larger cities exclusively controlled by Leftist Democrats.  They have every kind of gun ban or regulatory scheme that criminalizes mere possession of firearms.  These are the places that have sensational murder rates. 
On the political map above the red areas controlled by Conservative have few crimes and fewer gun laws.  The Blue areas are Controlled by Leftist Democrats and have every manner of gun bans and gun laws.
Are the people in Chicago made with inferior DNA material?  Are they mutant or somehow sub-human?  Are they born with special genes that make them unproductive, ignorant and violent?  The answer is clearly somewhere in the political landscape.  Crime seems to be revered and accepted wherever Democrats assemble.
In the Conservative areas of the USA there are those notorious gun shows.  Thousands of people can be found mingling together with all manner of firearms.  There’s never a discouraging word or any kind of violence. 
Today the Democrats are dictating policy to the Conservative areas trying to force their failed values and laws on them.  Of course gun bans and restrictive gun laws are paramount with the Democrats.  Someone please tell me why peaceful, law-abiding productive Americans must be saddled with the failed policies of the far Left politicians living hundreds of miles away? 
The vast regions of the USA with few restrictions can match any European nation on crime.  To suggest that the gun rights of Americans create or fuel crime is an outright lie.  We know what happens when you outlaw guns.  That failed policy guarantee’s that only outlaws will have guns.  
Strangely it’s the political Left wing fringe that fears the gun owning Conservatives as somehow a threat. The political Left has been making plans with the NDAA along with FEMA resettlement camps.  We must keep the political Left’s poison, lawlessness and Socialist tyranny away from Conservative areas at all cost. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Do More Guns Increase Crime? Here’s your answer!

St. Louis, MO—Last April the NRA held its Convention here.  More than 60,000 attendees came to see both the political side and the large gun show.   The NRA visits scattered locations throughout the nation every year.
These conventions are never held in the gun-unfriendly states but in states where the attendees can carry loaded and concealed firearms.  The various convention centers must suspend any gun carry prohibitions they may have any in order to win the NRA’s business.
Never less that 60,000 NRA people, most all of them well armed stay for about five or six days in these cities.  The crime rate never rises and there’s never been a known arrest of an attendee for violence.  You also never hear about the NRA attendees being robbed, raped or murdered.  The cowardly local criminals always lay low when the NRA is in town. 
Across this nation there have been tens of thousands of gun shows and again nobody settles their arguments with guns.  There is never misuse of the massive amount of firearms on display or carried by gun show attendees.
We don’t have a gun problem except when the law-abiding are precluded from the keeping and bearing of firearms.  We do have a serious crime problem that’s been fueled by a failed violent Drug War for over four decades.   The real problem is the courts simply refuse to separate the convicted and dangerous offenders from society.
By the way the next NRA Convention will be in the Spring of 20123 in Houston, TX.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chicago Politicians Must Face Violence Crisis, Here’s a Solution

Chicago, IL—The Windy City has been off to a violent start of summer. They have a major shortage of officers to deal with crime.

There is a simple solution to deal with this urban nightmare. Ignoring this problem will have dire consequences affecting rental property, businesses and the quality of life for years to come. Chicago’s lost enough taxpayers to safer and less hostile communities.

There are several thousand honorably retired Chicago cops around. Loads of them are fit, trained and still have their uniforms and equipment.

They can be brought back to cover weekends and evening hours. These officers can be assigned, to less strenuous beats while the younger officers are sent to do the heavy lifting.

The retirees should not be forced to reside within the city because many of them moved upon retirement to the suburbs. This will not exceed the overtime rates of regular officers.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chicago’s Secret Race War

Chicago, IL—Let me begin by saying that African-Americans born and raised in Chicago have made important contributions to our military, public safety, medicine, arts, entertainment and business.  This is not an attempt to denigrate people on account of skin color.
Nobody knows the truth more than the productive and law-abiding African Americans that have tried to make the Windy City a better place.  This is more about misplaced sensitivities, dangerous and shameful denial.
As temperatures rise here African-American criminals commute from South and west side ghettos to stalk, beat, rob, rape and kill white people on Chicago’s Gold Coast.  This phenomenon is fueled by avarice, greed and simple racial hate.  If they can achieve sufficient numbers unstoppable flash mobs savagely swarm businesses and victims.  
Bank robber Willie Sutton said it best when a reporter asked him, why he robbed banks?  Sutton answered with a smile, “That’s where the money is!”   I won’t discount the fact that it’s no secret that lots of young, affluent white people either live on or visit the Gold Coast.   The Yuppies bring cash, credit cards, I-phones and their exceptional vulnerability that has become attractive thug bait.
Chicago’s predators were created by a racist and Socialist system that was designed to keep African-Americans, ignorant, poor, aimless, dependent and without hope.   That program worked beyond the creator’s wildest dreams.  An underclass exists now that will blindly support more Socialism that will keep them in power for generations.
Here the dangerous predators are all nearly exclusively African-American and their victims are all nearly exclusively white. There are virtually no cases of Whites victimizing African-Americans in similar fashion. 
City officials and local media have engaged in a conspiracy to hide the racial aspects of the Gold Coast’s violent crimes from the public.  Perhaps they don’t want to frighten tourists or damage patronage of hotels, restaurants and theaters.  They certainly don’t dare expose the failed social planning responsible for this untenable situation.   There is a race war going on that’s being kept secret but for various police bloggers that refuse to remain silent.
There are two huge problems that continue to contribute to this frightening metropolitan disaster.  A lack of sufficient police manpower and Chicago’s continued unlawful restraint of the right to meaningful self-defense and self-help facilitates this one-sided war. 
The African-American thugs know the city’s deliberate limitations.   They know they face little risk and the high probability they will escape interference and justice for their vicious acts.
The only way to combat this war is to properly warn the public, immediately increase police manpower through rehiring already capable, trained and equipped police retirees and to legalize self-defense.
The anti-crime plans offered by Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats are supported and put forward only if they can’t possibly work.   

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why We Have Pretend Border Security

San Diego, CA—There are security interests and vital border concerns for Mexico and America. The solutions offered by both nations are intentionally a total farce.

Mexico is awash with drugs, government corruption and incredible violence. The lucrative and insatiable illicit US drug market fuels it all.

The United States can’t control the addicted or their spending habits. The open border, guarantees the free flow of narcotics along with the criminals that bring them here.

Mexico’s officials have been whining that American gun rights, threatens their internal security. Thousands of weapons purchased by the Mexican government fall into the hands of their criminals. Add to it the efforts of the Obama administration to deliberately ship thousands of guns purchased from licensed American dealers to the same criminals and you have a massive mess.

Any claim that either nation’s governments want to repair this disaster is pure hogwash.

The cure is a simple one. Mexico and the US could cooperatively and tightly seal the border. Mexican criminals would be unable to deliver their drugs killing that illicit commerce. The flow of guns to Mexico would end but for the millions already stolen from the government over the last five decades.

Mexico and the United States could solve their problems with simple border security. The truth is the massive political corruption of both nations will never allow the interruption of the drug trade. We have a Drug War simply to insure drug trade profits.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Microsoft Patents ‘Avoid Ghetto’ Feature For GPS Devices

Chicago, IL--Carrying a firearm in this city is forbidden and only the law abiding obey that unconstitutional mandate. So what do you do when government holds you down for muggers, rapists and killers? You do whatever you can to avoid the savages that inflict harm. Here is an idea I had several years ago that is finally being developed. A filter for your GPS that will warn you as you stray near dangerous ghettos. There is no question that this will save lives!

I always recommend that law-abiding gun owners always avoid conflict. This application will help you do just that!

This ought to prove fun when the Liberals and whiners call this idea racist. No it's all about taking steps to insure personal safety.

Microsoft Patents ‘Avoid Ghetto’ Feature For GPS Devices « CBS Seattle

Thursday, August 25, 2011

California’s Real Live Horror Show is About to Begin

Los Angeles, CA—The Golden State has spent all of its gold and is billions in debt over reckless empire building. That as they opened the doors to millions of illegal aliens they’ve turned into Entitlement Zombies.

There is already a huge medical care crisis here. Thousands of business fled from California’s tax tyranny taking needed jobs with them. Of course the uninsured and unemployed have been left behind.

California has one of the most lenient criminal justice systems anywhere. Before the courts will send criminals away to a prison they need to rack up as many as five felony convictions.

California’s prisons are so overcrowded that the courts have ordered the release of some 60,000 inmates. The deadline is rapidly approaching and the hardened criminals being unleashed will easily outnumber cops by a significant margin.

Even if these convicts wanted to get productive employment and go straight they’re unemployable and will face the reality of no jobs in an already depressed economy.

They will be releasing the first 9,000 and on the average we can expect three felonies per convict each day. The additional beatings, stabbings and shootings will shutdown the already overloaded hospitals.

The most dangerous counties in the state are the same ones that refuse to issue firearm carry permits to law-abiding citizens. You don’t have to accept this tyranny since the Supreme Court as recently ruled twice (Heller and McDonald) that the keeping and bearing arms is constitutionally protected activity.

California’s citizens need to either flee for their lives or stand their ground to seriously deal with an army of dangerous criminals.

My advice is to take the following seven steps.

1. Rethink security for your home and businesses with the understanding police either can’t or won’t respond to burglar alarms. That means you’ll need stronger locks and reinforced entryways.
2. Get professional training to use firearms and of course adequate firearms and ammunition. You will have to simply ignore the unconstitutional laws that forbid you to carry a firearm for self-defense out of necessity. By the way necessity is a valid defense in all 50 states to disobey certain laws.
3. Hire a licensed security expert to conduct a security audit for your home and business.
4. Don’t rely on alarms or cameras since they never stop determined criminals.
5. Raid your animal shelter for their biggest dogs. They need to be rescued and now they can rescue you too. Dogs are far more reliable and loyal than humans. Treat them well and they will protect you, your business and family for sure.
6. Keep your property well lit at night.
7. Women and children should not walk anywhere alone. Stay as far away as you possibly can from troubled neighborhoods.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cooking The Books On Crime Statistics

Phoenix, AZ—After leaving Chicago to open my detective agency in Phoenix I learned that over-reporting crime was all the rage in this city. This sent me into a police culture shock.

I had spent my prior years learning that as a policeman my job was to kill crime with my pencil rather than a gun. The City of Chicago wanted to create an illusion of low crime and at the same time show our uncanny ability to solve the more serious crimes at a much higher rate than the national average.

Crime reporting nationwide by police is done through the Uniform Crime Reports made to the FBI. There are the more serious Part One Crimes and then there are the lesser Part Two crimes.

The whole thing becomes complicated with those abused, wasted and mismanaged federal funds created and maintained during 50 years of political progressives controlling Congress.

The most common examples for Chicago cops are as follows.

1. You respond to a call of a burglary and find no suspects or viable leads to solve the crime. The door or window has been broken and property stolen. The only acceptable report you can now submit if for Criminal Damage to Property and Theft. These ate Part Two Offenses.

2. You respond to the same crime and catch a burglar with the loot and arrest him. Now you write the crime as a Part One offense and you call it cleared by arrest.

3. The burglary detectives “investigate” the burglar you caught and they pin (at least on paper) every possible similar neighborhood crime on him with dubious evidence that will never stand up in court. This is not about obtaining false convictions but showing that multiple crimes are now solved and cleared by arrest.

4. You find a strangled or beaten to death prostitute in a dumpster. You assume that’s the case since she has needle tracks on both arms and because of the neighborhood where she’s found. You have no suspect to arrest in this case or witnesses that can tell you what happened. This is not going to be a Part One Murder offense but merely an investigation into a death of unknown causes. It will never get reclassified to a Murder unless there is a suspect arrested for the crime.

The most common examples for Phoenix cops are as follows:

1. Whenever possible theft by shoplifting with or without an arrest is upgraded from a Part Two offense to either Burglary or Robbery boosting this to a Part One crime.

2. Every offense involving a Part One Robbery, Sexual Assault or Murder is written up as a Part One Kidnapping in addition.

3. A thief reaches into a convertible car and steals a GPS device and that’s considered a Part One Burglary crime again with or without a suspect.

4. At a domestic disturbance call the woman of the house claims that her husband threatened her and took $20.00 on a dresser as he left the house while putting a hunting knife in his belt. I remember only too well a Phoenix cop, Reginald Mark Nash, Sr. calling that an Armed Robbery in his report. The cash of course was community property of that marriage.

Crazy you say? Perhaps but that’s the way it is. The cops that don’t play along with this charade are destined for new careers elsewhere.

Chicago kills crime for Public relations purposes. They want citizens to have a false sense of security that crime is low and the police are effective.

Phoenix on the opposite end of this attracts visitors and new residents with sunshine. Since World War Two, Phoenix has grown faster than anyone could imagine, so killing crime is apparently not necessary. In addition crime prone communities can get millions in special federal funds corrupt politicians can steal or otherwise mismanage.

Now the City of Phoenix along with its Mayor and police chief are under federal investigation for artificially boosting their kidnapping statistics. The only real crime here is robbing the taxpayers.

The whole system of Uniform Crime reporting nationwide has degenerated into an unreliable and expensive mess. Your city’s crime rate is whatever your local politicians and bureaucrats want it to be.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Why The Obama Socialist Agenda Must be Stopped Cold

Washington, DC—This has been unlike any election campaign season in decades. The difference is because the flow of political information was not being filtered exclusively through three TV networks and publishing giant’s Leftist propaganda monopoly.

Cable TV, radio diversity and the Internet has opened the door to free speech. The real political struggle is between American style freedom and One World Socialism. There is no reasonable or acceptable middle-ground for either side.

The dream of a One World Socialist Government is designed to prevent dissidents from voting with their feet to leave a miserable nation. Socialist politicians want to be sure there’s no place for their citizens to run.

Socialism has always had a really dark history of, mass murder, mass poverty and constant misery. The Party elite always turn the treasury into personal slush funds free of restraint or oversight. The rest of the population must cooperate or face treason charges for the slightest resistance. Socialism is not some romantic form of government with loyal party members singing around a campfire.

The Internet has educated Americans in a philosophy and form of government that is second to none. Millions of Americans have fought and died for the Constitution and Bill of Rights the Socialists want to shred. Thankfully our founding fathers put a safety lock on our Constitution to prevent destruction by a simple majority of voters acting on a whim.

Barack Obama’s birth origin is a carefully guarded secret that has so far cost him and his supporters $1.5 million to protect from prying eyes in the courts. There can be only one reason for Obama’s effort to keep those records sealed and that’s simple fraud. The Constitution dictates our presidents must be Natural Born Citizens. January will bring Congressional Subpoenas putting those records under some much needed sunshine.

Barack Obama’s political life was created in the bowels of Chicago political corruption. Obama’s close political associates were all criminals, Communists, thieves and thugs. Obama’s long time religious adviser was and is an anti-American, racist hatemonger. The Chicago Regular Democratic Organization is rife with white collar criminals involved in an ongoing conspiracy that has bankrupted that once great city. It is unrealistic to believe any high ranking member of this evil cabal has any integrity whatsoever.

Our economy was destroyed by the Socialists in our Congress dictating lenders provide millions of home loans to those unable or unwilling to repay them. That was not an accident but a design to invite the new Socialist form of government to replace what our founding fathers fought and died to give us.

Taxation to the point of slavery is nothing less than slavery. Confiscatory taxation always shuts down productivity and the economy of any nation. We have been shut down because our Socialist politicians have never found a new tax or tax increase they did not love.

These same Socialist politicians have raised their own wealth and standard of living at every opportunity. The more they tax Americans, the more bodyguards they hire with our money.

This mid-term election tomorrow is only a start on the road back to free enterprise, competition and productivity. The return of the once unparalleled American standard of living will be on the way only if we can stamp out Socialist Tyranny.

Obama’s agenda is dangerous for America, our citizens and most basic freedoms. Obama is a Socialist Traitor engaged in High Treason and he must be stopped cold. To allow Obama and his agenda to continue will bring the full wrath of Socialism and its deadly consequences visit our children.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Hanover Park, Illinois Is A Killing Field

Hanover Park was always a quiet family based bedroom community just Northwest of Chicago. That was until politicians forced this village to accept Chicago’s displaced inhabitants of Cabrini Green and other ghetto dwellings. The culprit is so-called Section 8 Housing that provides free or nearly free rent for those who refuse to go to school or work.

Murder has spiked in this village of less than 40,000 people to at least one per day.

What’s ironic is the people who began this community did it to escape Chicago’s crime and those minority groups that love to wallow in their own blood. These working middle class folks wanted a safe place to educate and raise their children.

I visited the posh suburb of Barrington Hills recently only to see lots of Chicago style ghetto cars in grocery store parking lots and African Americans using their government provided free money cards to pay for their purchases.

The murders, home invasions, kidnappings, sex assaults and drug culture of Chicago’s ghettos are now being shoved down the throats of those who once thought they were safe from that kind of a menace. Now it appears that the culture of violence is spreading like a vile disease in a rapidly changing community.

Those once valuable Barrington Hills homes will be going the way of Chicago’s once beautiful Garfield Park mansions in the 1950’s. Within a decade they were uninhabitable trashed out structures.

It looks like the Ku Klux Klan could surface once again under these fertle conditions.