Showing posts with label Conrad Murray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conrad Murray. Show all posts

Monday, November 07, 2011

Conrad Murray Verdict Is In

Los Angeles, CA—The loonies are all over the Criminal Court Building at 210 Temple Street. This is the location of many high profile trials that attract idle and pathetic people who apparently need to get a life. They chant, carry signs and demand guilty verdicts and punitive maximum penalties. They absolutely have a First Amendment rights to show their ugly ignorance.

Anyone observing a criminal trial who would pray for a guilty verdict or cheer if one was reached needs serious mental health treatment.

The jury has deliberated on this Manslaughter trial less than three days. We are all trying to fathom what the jury has guessed who was responsible for Michael Jackson’s death. The verdict will be read at 1:30 PM Pacific time.

The verdict is Guilty--November 29, 2011 is the date for sentencing. Judge remands Murray to custody pending sentencing even though he may well get probation.

I have to ask what defense lawyer would allow a client suspected of a serious crime to be interviewed by police? It was Murray's own words that caused this conviction. NEVER TALK TO THE COPS UNLESS YOU LIKE PRISON.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Take On Conrad Murray and the Trial Evidence.

Los Angeles, CA—As the trial of Conrad Murray winds down I will give you my take on this case. Michael Jackson died because of Murray’s negligence and deviation from an acceptable standard of care we expect from physicians.

Saying he was negligent does not suggest he was grossly or criminally negligent.

Murray failed when he left dangerous drugs unattended nearby his patient Michael Jackson that he knew was a tortured drug addict. Jackson would do what’s expected of any addict and that is to recklessly self-administer drugs.

The jury here has to guess who administered the fatal drug dose. We must assume that Jackson wanted the drug that killed him and used an opportunity created by Murray’s negligence to consume what became his poison.

Murray should be disciplined by his peers on the medical boards where he practices medicine. Murray should have deal with the allegations of negligence and medical malpractice in a civil court.

From a purely technical point of view Conrad Murray should be found Not Guilty of any crime.

On a side note this case should not have been televised and the jury should have been sequestered.

What I think does not count, the jury will do what juries do.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Massive Legal Blunder by Defense Lawyer is Aiding Conrad Murray’s Prosecution

Los Angeles, CA—We are all used to seeing videos and hearing audiotapes of suspects being grilled by the police. The suspects squirm, lie or give investigators information that helps them foreclose on the suspect’s defense options. You never see defense lawyers present during these interrogations because they would never allow that to happen.

We live in a great country that gives us all an absolute right not to answer cop’s questions. The reality is only a tiny percentage of suspects are savvy enough to keep their mouths shut and ask for a lawyer.

Conrad Murray actually had a lawyer who offered his client up for a police grilling. This mistake is beyond jaw dropping in its effect on criminal lawyers everywhere. The jury is about to hear prosecutors play the interview recording as his red-faced lawyers have to deal with the blunder.

There may be a slightest benefit for Murray in that the unsworn testimony he gave investigators may make his taking the stand during the trial unnecessary. The defense attorneys can tell the jury, “You’ve all heard what Dr. Murray had to say.”

I’ve yet to hear the interview or read the transcript but if it wasn’t damaging the state would not be using it against him. My question is if his lawyer simply gagged Murray would they even have succeeded in indicting him?

The truth is if every suspect was able to take back their statements to police the jails and prisons would be nearly empty.

We live in a police state and talking to them can even cost you your life even if you are absolutely innocent.