Showing posts with label Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clinton. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

It is time for a little satire on the FBI, I couldn’t help myself!

J. Edgar Hoover clung to the FBI director’s chair like a barnacle on a battleship from May 10, 1924, until his final micromanaging breath on May 2, 1972, a nearly 48-year reign of wiretaps, blackmail, and stylishly ominous fedoras. He outlasted eight presidents, proving that he didn’t just serve under them he obviously had dirt on all of them:

1. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Probably too quiet to be blackmailed.

2. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)  No relation, but still got bossed around.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)  Tried to rein him in. Failed.

4. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) Called the FBI a Gestapo. Not wrong.

5. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) A general, yet still no match for J. Edgar’s dossiers.

6. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) Well let’s not get into that.

7. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) The only guy who might have been as ruthless as Hoover.

8. Richard Nixon (1969-1974) Paranoid, but Hoover was two steps ahead.

Hoover was the ultimate deep-state puppet master, holding onto power with an iron fist and an extensive collection of blackmail files. His FBI wasn’t just a law enforcement agency it was a PR machine that turned G-Men into crime-fighting legends, all while Hoover made sure Hollywood knew who the real boss was.

And then he died.

Since then, the FBI has gone from fedoras, trench coats and Tommy guns to a rainbow-colored clown parade of bureaucratic diversity hires and woke HR memos. Once the nation’s top communist hunters, they’re now the official political hit squad for the Democrat Party. If you’re a Clinton, an Obama, or a Biden, congrats the FBI is your personal cleanup crew. If you’re a political opponent? Well, expect an early morning raid with CNN mysteriously on-site.

The days of square-jawed agents taking down mobsters and spies are long gone. The FBI is now a flaccid, metrosexual bureaucracy that couldn’t bust a jaywalker without checking first if it’s a protected class. Hoover may have been a tyrant, but at least he ran a competent one. Now? It’s just a taxpayer-funded joke that gets less funny every day.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Hitler's Hollywood, A Look at the Documentary Film

Hitler’s Hollywood, is a a documentary film about how Joseph Goebbels reinvented Hollywood film making for the Third Reich.

After completely cleansing Jews out of filmmaking, Goebbels used the relatively new media of talkie films to legitimize anti-Semitism and euthanasia as he glorified the concept of people sacrificing their own lives for the honor of the Third Reich.  

Goebbels was able to oversee the subtle mixture of entertainment, art and propaganda to indoctrinate Germany and soon all of Europe.  

There was no television during the Nazi administration 1933-1945 so attending your local movie house was your only option for seeing films. 

Before you could enjoy the Nazi entertainment film at your local theaters they’d show a newsreel (Fake News) film.  There were potentially serious consequences for those movie goers that came to movie houses purposly late avoiding the newsreels. That was seen as a form of resistance by the Nazis.  

This mixture of entertainment, art and indoctrination was not lost on our own Hollywood.  They later used films to legitimize homosexuality, gender confusion along with various societal and politically unAmerican aberrations.  

As we enter the age of YouTube and citizen journalism the mixture of entertainment and diverse propaganda is now in its own Renaissance Period.  Today nearly anyone can create video Media to promote whatever they please.  

Free speech is all about diversity of opinion.   The efforts to control and censor video content has become a hot button in our new media society.  It’s all fun until others want to silence your voice or content.  

As for this Documentary film, Hitler’s Hollywood, the grand and nefarious scheme of creating and shaping popular public opinion is laid out for all to see.  Below is the trailer. 

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Unintended Consequences of Meryl Streep’s Emotional Golden Globes Rant

Hollywood, CA—Tinseltown was once ruled by some over-emotional Conservatives.  There was a group of Communist artists here that included Lucille Ball that were considered by others as both dangerous and un-American. 
The result of that misguided political activism was a purge that destroyed promising careers in the form of Blacklisting. Today the shoe is on the other foot and the seeming majority Hollywood’s elite are Socialists. They pour millions into Leftist political campaign coffers.  

Today’s Hollywood power structure has little tolerance for Conservative artists.  The industry’s accepted screenwriters bend over backwards making films that display African-American heroism and legitimize the Gay lifestyle. I guess it might be called, Affirmative Action Filmmaking.  

I don’t want criticize anyone’s artistic products no matter their message.  Saying that, I’m a solid and unyielding believer in Freedom of Speech and Thought. 

Free Speech is messy by nature because someone will take offense to the opinions of others.  In recent years America has become a Nation of Crybabies that can’t deal with unfiltered speech. 

Politics has caused untold millions of intolerant people to unfriend people on Facebook. We should be discussing our differences and find common ground. Making friends is a better idea. 

On to the subject of the superb and gifted actress, Meryl Streep.  At the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony Streep delivered an angry and somewhat hateful rant insulting President Trump. She did this within the safety of a venue filled with like-minded artists and legions of bodyguards.

Sports and Art is a sacred common ground that should be free of propaganda and political acrimony.  These are great things that bridge people together. Streep’s emotional Golden Globe Ceremony display divided rather than united America. 

Streep made her millions from audiences that did not give a rat’s ass about her politics.  It’s fair to say however,  when she outs herself politically her entertainment products will suffer a boycott from intolerant people that take exception to her opinion.  Streep doesn’t care because she knows she will not live long enough to spend the riches she already earned.      

However, now all of Streep’s films will suffer somewhat at the box office, iTunes, Netflix and DVD sales.  In the mix of her innocent victims will be fellow, lesser known actors, the film’s investors and that long list of names appearing in the credits.  

Artists have a right to Free Speech and many of them wisely don’t express themselves politically because they don’t want to lose half of their fans that may be offended. Streep and the other Artists/Political Operatives are damaging their industry’s workers and should control themselves. 

Streep owes all those that made her films possible an apology along with repaying their predictable financial damages. 

The past election saw inexcusable violence from the Left and Hillary Clinton’s loss has brought out bad behavior that is usually seen only in Banana Republics. We’d be a laughing stock of the world but too many nations are holding their breath to see how our mess shakes out. 

We Americans all have a duty to block government tyranny, at the ballot box.  America has done that now it’s time to dictate to our elected officials, not the other way around. 

We need to become self-reliant and united Americans once again. We must learn to let each other cling to our earnings, guns and religions. We must learn how to be kind.  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mrs. Clinton or Barry Obama won't dare mention a word about this Hate Crime!

Charlotte, NC-- Rioting thugs beat, rob and strip naked an innocent white man in a parking garage.  When gun rights hating Liberals demand to know why Americans need large capacity magazines for their firearms this is exactly why.  It's unfortunate that some well armed citizen was not there to stop this cold. This was no protest but a racist insurrection by opportunistic and vile thugs. I see this as terrorism and a war crime.