Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts

Friday, August 02, 2024

Is America Headed Towards a Civil War?

Chicago, IL—It seems likely. I predict that the Democrats will once again steal the 2024 election, as they did in 2020.

Over 70% of current American residents are functionally illiterate and are ignorant about our government and constitution. They rely on nonprofits and NGOs for disinformation, as these organizations provide them with cash and benefits under the control of the Communist White House. This control forces them to vote Democrat essentially through extortion.

Democrats have been manipulating the election process for decades introducing fraud through various means. The so-called "motor voter" scam allowed anyone, regardless of citizenship, to obtain a driver's license and register to vote simultaneously.

During COVID, Democrats exploited the situation to introduce mail-in voting, making it easier for fraud to occur. Ballots are printed or stolen and filled out multiple times. Our election system is less secure than those in third world countries. Ballot harvesting is our new way of life. 

The Democrat party has been taken over by hardcore Communists, no longer resembling its past self. The influx of Illegal, immigrant, low-wage, scab workers due to mass invasion has harmed American workers the most.  

Conservative Americans understand the situation and the liberties earned through the blood of countless heroes. As the government continues its Coup d’etat there will come a time when Americans take deadly action against tyrannical politicians and their bureaucrats.

Fortunately, many American police officers lean conservative and will defend the constitution. While the upper echelons of the military (generals) may be controlled by Communists, the rank and file troops understand the importance of upholding the Constitution.

If another election is stolen, the American experiment as we know it will be doomed unless a revolution dedicated to renewing American principles takes place.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

America has fallen.

Washington, DC—Nothing is more sacred than our own lives and that of our loved ones.  Since the beginning of time, human beings have found it absolutely necessary that they obtain and have available weapons to ward off dangerous adversaries.  Then came the politicians and their police with false promises of public safety.  

One certain thing about politicians is that power and control over others is what drives them.  Unfortunately, most humans have the traits of sheep. They would rather others make even their most personal decisions for them.  

Americans were fortunate that a brilliant group of young men risked everything to form a new government in 1776.  They demanded that its people have liberty and freedom above all else.  As a result, we have a Bill of Rights that no other nation can enjoy.  

To protect our freedoms, we were given the right to keep and bear arms.  Our founding father’s knew from experience that freedom was neither obtained nor maintained without consequential bloodshed from time to time.  The right of the people to keep and bear arms was and is very serious and necessary to enforce freedom and liberty.  

Politicians have done everything they can to disarm the American people however they don’t nearly have enough support to repeal the second amendment.  The same politicians have made 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws that absolutely violate the second amendment.  They have succeeded in maliciously imprisoning thousands of American people for the constitutionally protected activity of simply carrying arms.  

We the people were given the absolute right to control the government and not the other way around.  Of course politicians inherently hate this as it limits their own personal greed for power and control.  Throughout history, politicians have redundantly engaged in mass democide.  

Freedom is often equated with anarchy by politicians.  The same politicians regulate and tax every conceivable thing or behavior to death simply because the people are too intimidated to stop this.  In America, the balance of power has shifted simply because the people are afraid of the government when it should be the other way around.  

Today, Americans and those recent immigrants, both illegal or otherwise are fully dependent cowards.  If our Bill of Rights was suddenly on the ballot, most of those rights would be voted away.  Our pathetically ignorant population has no clue about history, political science nor real freedom.  

The politicians have run a scam on the population about the Bill of Rights.  They claim that our rights are collective, not individual.  They further do everything they can to convince us that the constitution is a “living, breathing“ document that changes meaning at their whims.  Of course this is just a convenient work around to avoid the political process needed to change the constitution.  

The second amendment has been castigated, violated and trashed by politicians at every opportunity.  The job of our judiciary is to protect citizens from the government however, they have done a piss poor job as they simply embrace the politicians that appoint or promote them.

January 6, 2001 was an example of the raw power of the American people.  If there was a failure, it was that they did not come to Washington with arms and gallows.  Our tyrannical politicians immediately weaponized, the FBI and every other federal police organization to make war on those who disagreed with them.  

I don’t care who anyone supported for president, the results of the 2020 election were so obviously fraudulent. Joseph Stalin said best, it’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.  Having worked in elections in Chicago for the Democrat party, I can tell you firsthand how votes are easily stolen.   

We cannot possibly have a fair election when people don’t have to provide identification or proof of citizenship in order to vote.  Americans should’ve taken to the streets rather than to allow those 2020 voting irregularities. Democrats used and abused the Covid pandemic as an excuse to successfully tamper with the way we conduct elections.

As a nation, America has fallen.  We can only wait and watch what happens next. History tells us it will be very ugly.

Monday, April 22, 2024

If you don’t like The legacy corporate media, do it yourself!

Los Angeles—You’re there as the joys or horrors of history unfolds before your eyes.  You must tell the story before the truth is lost forever.  By default you are the reporter! 

I saw another amazing movie last night on STARZ, Marie Colvin, the late war correspondent’s biopic.  The star was none other than my next wife in my next life, Rosamund Pike.  

Marie Colvin was a woman driven to place herself in harms way to cover the cruelty and suffering of war. Her life and story was an inspiration to the cast of that current blockbuster film, Civil War.

Colvin was an award wining but tortured soul, who was wounded and later killed covering the Mideast wars.   She was a chain smoker that self-medicated her PTSD with copious amounts of alcohol.  

War is Hell and war correspondents are needed but,  today’s news people have been too often repositioned as influencers and political propaganda peddlers.  

I only hope that the citizens of the world begin to learn learn proper writing, video photography and editing.  We all have the most amazing tool in our pockets to do this, our smartphones.  Use it to eliminate the middlemen or women and post YOUR stories directly for all to see.  You are the witness, you don’t need others to filter what you see and experience. Your smartphone is mightier than any sword.  The images you capture are forever.  Please roll with the technology. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

My review of the 2024 movie, Civil War.

Washington DC—We are a very divided nation and according to world history we must have unavoidable periodic wars since the beginning of time. We never learned from our mistakes and politicians never quit trying to become tyrants.

I thought this movie was going to come with political views, and then it would be easy to choose a side to support.  That however, was not the case.   But we did have two separate groups intent  on killing each other

This Alex Garland film is from the points of view of two unlikely female combat print photographers played by Kristen Dunst along with her unintended, young, novice sidekick, played by Cailee Spaeny.  Essentially the film shows constant danger, the inability to determine the good combatants from the bad ones.  In other words, you didn’t know who was going to kill you.  One of the things that happens during war is prisoners are somehow brought out of every prison and they of course, commit their atrocities without fear of reprisal.

They did not show any shortage of food or clean water.  This of course was not realistic.  This film had no shortage of gratuitous violence and was very intense.   There were plenty of psychopathic characters .  

The special effects were very realistic.  The ensemble cast was excellent in their delivery.  I think this is a realistic view of what happens during war, and it is certainly incredibly cruel.  

I’m going to suggest that you see the film in a theater with a wide screen.   I absolutely got my money’s worth for the $10 ticket.  

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Is Civil War Returning to America?

Washington, DC—We are a divided nation like never before or at least since the North and South rained carnage on each other not that long ago. 

Donald Trump won the election promising an end to importing crime, drugs, poverty and terrorism through a castrated immigration control system.  The Leftists politicians (that includes both Bush Presidents) never had enough votes to repeal immigration laws so they simply obstructed justice and willfully refused to enforce it.
From Gun rights, free medical care demands and the Global Warming theory, the Left and Conservatives are at constant odds.  

We settled it with an election that Donald Trump won. However the Left can’t emotionally deal with losing and are taking to the streets in some cases like thugs.  It’s laughable as they are all shooting cell phone video of each other’s bad behavior. 

The political venom is getting worse everyday.  The Left is well known for using violence as a political tactic.  It’s only a matter of time before the Soros funded agitators begin arson, bombing and shooting.  The violence will be contained in the larger populated cities where rioters will burn their own homes along with the local businesses they need. 

The police with somehow deal with this with little support from their Leftist mayors and local politicians. It could become an epic mess.

As for the rest of the nation the well armed and trained civilians will backup the cops and National Guard easily crushing the undisciplined and untrained Leftist troublemakers should they try and leave the cities.  

As for a coup d’e tat it just ain’t gonna happen!  The military and police will never side with the Leftists.

In short, a Civil War would simply control the population of the political Left in a big and messy way.    

The real solution of for the Leftists to get back on their meds and calm down.  They need to work within the system and help make this country the greatest place on earth.  

We all must all strive to support each other making sure no innocents suffer.  We all want full employment, health insurance and peace for all. 

Conservatives like me just want our guns, religion and wallets left alone. Communism/Socialism does not work. 

The followers of the political Left should begin to study the ideas of our Founding Fathers.  History is the best teacher.  Join the Conservatives because they’re the ones working for peace and humanity.  Let’s move forward working together in a united and freedom loving nation. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Martial Law, you, Cops and the Military.

Washington, DC—Only Farmers, the well armed and the prepared have a chance should things get out-of-hand.   

This divided nation has huge challenges ahead.  The political Left wants total domination over this nation and will stop at nothing to achieve a totalitarian Marxist state.  
The summer promises to have intense racial conflicts not to mention the hostile pre-election political climate. 

Should Barack Obama declare Martial Law our cops and military will initially balk.  The real muscle will surface when food shipments to major urban areas is interrupted. 

The moment they cut cell phones, power and water to our homes citizens will begin to gladly board buses to be delivered to FEMA camps.  They will direct us at least until the power to our cellphones fails. 

As for the cops and military we need only look at history.  The despotic leaders like Hitler and Stalin simply allow these public servants to keep confiscated property including homes and businesses.  Total corruption will rule.  Yes, much of our military and cops will fall to do the devil’s work. 

There is only one way for Americans to end such a conflict.  The homes and families of every Leftist politician must be quickly located and attacked.  They are the only ones that could possibly want a truce. War is an ugly business. 

The horror of such a historical event is just a matter of when not if.  History is the teacher.  What plans do you have to protect yourself and families?  Will you trust your government should Martial Law be declared?  

Every bad government always promises good things to the people they seek to control.  There will be good food and water for all if you cooperate.  They will promise to return citizens to their homes.  People will always believe what their told as denial because their new way of life.  

The second Amendment along with quick and decisive resistance is our only chance to thwart this kind of thing.  The sad truth is that most Americans would march to the ovens rather than to resist. That’s why Holocausts happen throughout history.  

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Big Bend, TX--With the sudden death of Supreme Court Judge  Antonin Scalia we can count on Barack Obama to appoint a gun grabbing Communist to the court.  That would shift the court 180 degrees to the Left. 

It remains to be seen if foul play was involved in Scalia's death however at 79 he reached life expectancy for males he was however considered in good health.

My guess is we are a year away or less from a second Civil War as the Left will destroy our hard won freedom. We can try to wait and see but by then it will be too late.  Arguably any appointment could face delay by the Senate but should that happen the unrest will be severe.  

Obama has prepared his Homeland Security just as Hitler did with his SS.  They've been given huge resources and more than a billion rounds of ammunition to use against guess who? 

Internment camps are ready along with thousands of coffins for those that dare resist. I see absolute doom on the horizon.  

Can Obama's effort to appoint a Communist pal like Eric Holder to the court get derailed? Delayed perhaps but it's unlikely he can be stopped.  Martial Law can't be far behind. 

We fought for freedom before but will our young men and women even understand the importance of protecting our Bill of Rights enough to fight for them? 

Will any future election in America ever be trustworthy?  

Food, arms, medicines and ammunition will begin disappear from our shelves.  God help us all! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Military Tactics and Rules of Engagement are Now Civilian Police Procedure

Chicago, IL—I can remember the days when the Chicago Police Department rejected the idea of SWAT teams as a horrible idea.   They did not want the public relations fallout from the SWAT concept.  They recoiled at the idea we would become urban commandos.
They did have so-called heavy weapons training but that only involved the Ithaca Model 37 .12 gauge shotgun, the .30 US M-1 Carbine and a few 308 hunting style scoped bolt action rifles.  These weapons were kept in wagons dubbed, The War Wagon and they were dispatched to difficult crime calls. 
Ballistic vests were yet unheard of and our issued batons were made of wood.  Our required duty weapon was a Colt or Smith & Wesson revolver chambered for a .357 or .38 special round.  We were issued 12 round of .38 special ammunition.  They were solid lead, round nose 158-grain bullets that bounced off most car windows.
Later they went to a hollow point all lead .38+P round that was somewhat better.  We were allowed a second firearm either semi-automatic or another Colt or Smith & Wesson revolver.  Many chose the Dirty Harry .44 magnum Model 29 or 1911 .45 semi-auto pistols.  Now they heavily restrict the types of secondary handguns allowed.
Today they operate something they call the Hostage and Barricade Unit.  It’s a SWAT team by another name.  They have adopted military methods and now they have all that commando equipment.
The militarization of police agencies is reminiscent of the darkest times of Germany 1933-1945.  They created the Brown Shirts (SA) and later the SS to do things most honorable military men would be ashamed to be involved with. 
At a rapid pace our police have been ignoring our Bill of Rights and advancing on Americans with military tactics and rules of engagement.  That is frightening for sure.
The response by Boston authorities to raid homes and remove families at gunpoint while they were looking for the marathon bombing suspects was incredibly un-American and wrong.  That was absolute TYRANNY!
The above photograph speaks for itself; police should not be pointing military style rifles at our faces absent a real threat or probable cause.  
I can’t help but believe that our own government has nasty plans for those of us that disagree with the administration’s Red politics.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why A Simple Majority Cannot Take Our Gun Rights in America

Washington, DC—The Second Amendment to our Constitution reads as follows:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Now CNN claims their poll shows 52% of Americans favor “gun control”, whatever that means.   
Many ignorant Americans and our politicians think that asimple majority can ban guns.  That’sjust not so since the right to possess and carry guns is spelled out in our Constitution.  Amending the Constitution and Bill of Rights was not intended to be easy. 
Our politicians take shortcuts around the amendment processevery day to restrict our rights with the promise of more security.  Likewise our courts have been doing a poor job of protecting our rights by creating various exceptions to our rights often just because they think they can.  Of course the politicians appoint the judges and the jurists too often return the favor with a quid pro quo of bogus rulings.
By the way, our gun control laws were born in the Deep South as a way to keep newly freed Negro slaves disarmed under Post Civil War reconstruction.  The 14th Amendment giving us equal protection was the intended cure for that outrage.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently rediscovered the SecondAmendment because gun rights groups like the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association began to litigate the un-Constitutional laws.   The members demanded this action and it was successful particularly in the Heller and McDonald Cases that struck down gun bans.
The court simply stated that the possession and carrying of firearms by law-abiding Americans is constitutionally protected activity.  The court dissolved the gun bans.  There are still hundreds of state and local gun laws that are flat out unconstitutional in the states controlled by the political Left.  Many Republicans are in conflict with our gun rights too.
Citizens can’t be forced to pay money to enjoy rights obtain permits or licenses before enjoying them. Rights are not privileges like driving a car, hunting or practicing a profession. The courts however have held that rights are not absolute and some minimal regulation can be imposed.   
So why can’t a simple majority pass restrictive gun laws?  It’s because they’d first have to amend the Constitution.  That would be an impossible task on the issue of gun rights. Too many Americans want firearms for basic protection, hunting, andsport shooting.  Additionally manyAmericans like me want their arms to threaten and fight government tyranny. 
Gun control laws are the choice of every political tyrant.  They can’t easily enslave, abuse and terrorize an armed citizenry.  Ourfounding fathers were wise to understand that situation.  History is replete with lesson after lesson of government tyranny.
Here’s how our Constitution can be amended.  It’s all spelled out in Article V, the Constitution can be amended by a vote of two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  That must be followed by a ratification of three-fourths of at least 38 state legislatures. 
There is another way to amend through a Constitutional Convention but that is even more difficult and in fact has never happened yet.
The current resurgence of gun control efforts will fail because the Second Amendment is the law of the land.
The politicians and their supporters that think they’re above the law and make efforts to trample on American’s rights can expect real violence if they begin banning guns and arresting gun owners.  
Our cemeteries are full of war veterans that gave their lives for freedom, liberty and our Constitution.  It may become necessary to again have another holocaust because our own politicians may try to dictate to us. 
It would be totally proper and lawful for Americans to shoo tand kill government agents, soldiers or anyone trying to forcefully take their firearms by threat of force.   If they want my gun I will be happy to give them all my bullets in their face first.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

How the Impending Second American Civil War Will Play Out.

During the Clinton Administration tyranny came in the form of the 1994 ban on new sales and manufacturing of certain common firearms.   They did not try and outlaw or confiscate the ones already possessed by Americans. 
Soon there were two serious incidents of violent resistance. There was the Waco Branch Davidians standoff and massacre followed by the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building.  The anger of millions of Americans boiled over they as removed an unprecedented Leftist members from Congress in the midterm elections.
Under the Obama Administration not only are the Leftist desperately trying to establish a far more restrictive gun ban they are now poised to seize the 401 K retirement accounts of millions of hard working Americans to prop up the Ponzi Scheme we call Social Security.  Many Americans would consider this an act of war, at least the ones that have set aside savings for retirement.
The National Defense Authorization Act was obviously created to use against any Americans that disagree with the Obama Administration.  When Conservative Americans begin to disappear it won’t come without serious retaliation. 
Today’s America has never been so deeply divided.  Instead of state borders, Americans are divided by the boundaries of the larger urban areas.  The large Leftwing inner city urban areas are nearly all completely surrounded by Constitution loving Conservatives.   Should a massive insurrection break out the large concentrated urban areas would be crushed in a hurry.
The inner-city entitlement addicted people have no self-reliance skills, internal food, and water or fuel sources. They are tightly concentrated in geographic areas.  During an insurrection they’d soon be fighting among themselves for survival. 
The suburban folks are somewhat more self-sufficient, and likely to have survival staples.  They will be able to trap or shoot small game when normal food supplies are interrupted.  The will also get support from others away from the cities.
Next we have the rural areas that are solidly self-sufficient and politically Conservative.  They control nearly all of the nations food, fuel and water.  Starving off the urban areas would be very easy.  Additionally millions of well-trained military veterans live in these politically conservative areas. 
Needless to say there are no shortages of arms and bomb making resources throughout the vast areas of rural America.  The population there has the skills and discipline to use them.
The federal government would watch the loyalty of the alphabet police and the military to the Obama Administration become seriously strained.  Adolph Hitler insured loyalty by letting his upper echelon SS members keep a great deal of the spoils of their conquests.  Will American law enforcement and military allow themselves to be similarly corrupted?  Certainly some will. 
Right now all over America,  churches, VFW halls along with American Legion Halls are loaded with veterans and concerned Conservatives.  Many of them have been quietly making contingent civil war plans.  
Conservatives have stockpiled millions of weapons and billions of rounds of ammunition over the last four years.  They can be counted upon to already have solid plans in place to disrupt federal government operations, the courts and wipe out any collaborating alphabet police.
State and local police will begin picking sides.  This scenario would bring the greatest bloodbath this continent has ever seen.  The large urban areas would fall hard along with their starving entitlement zombies.
Even with all of the technology it will be impossible for the urban areas to inflict significant damage to vast rural areas especially without food, water, arms and fuel.
The inner-city people have some handguns.  The people in the rural areas have those too but they’re backed up with millions of rifles and shotguns.  The arms, ammunition and military hardware manufactures are all located far from the Leftist controlled cities.
The American Leftists would soon beg Communist China to send their troops and military resources.   With any luck tyrannical Leftist leaders will be dangling from scaffolds everywhere before that happens.
We must remember history, only three percent of American participated in the Revolutionary War.  Determined Conservative Americans don’t have to accept government Tyranny.   They just have to get serious and make Tyranny personally very expensive for rogue government politicians and their appointed bureaucrats. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The American Economy and Way of Life is as dead as Dillinger

Washington, DC—We are over-populated with the ignorant, the needy and criminals.  Government at every level is over-bloated and cannot be sustained.  Pensions everywhere are bankrupt or will be very soon. 
We have taxed the productive people to the point of forcing them to flee a very real form of slavery.  We have become  a police state.  American citizenship has been greatly devalued.
There is little incentive to manufacture products here.  The nation is at a point of despair.   With our massive economic downturn government at every level has grown and become even more oppressive.
Soon you can expect critics of government corruption and mismanagement to be silenced and their words banned as Hate Speech. 
Every business we drive away from our shores brings unemployment.  That takes significant numbers of productive people and places them on the dole.  In turn creates more helpless dependents that become too discouraged to ever be productive again.
We’ve allowed or public school system to become a program for day care, complete with free breakfast and lunch.  American teachers have been programed into being uninspiring, pathetic and totally mediocre.   Teachers have been reduced to only being concerned with their unions, tenure and seniority. Our children graduate from high schools as barely functional illiterates. 
We have let our politicians turn the Drug War and threat of terrorism into a massive freedom stealing, government jobs program.
We have forced Americans and legal aliens to compete with millions of illegal aliens for work, housing, medical care and government entitlements.  The illegal aliens manage to unlawfully find their way into the voting booths supporting politicians that give them our precious tax money.
We are getting much closer to the society envisioned by the prophetic, film Soylent Green.  Euthanasia, forced abortions along with more enslavement and misery is in our future. 
Passports and the ability to leave America will be reserved for the politically connected.   A new, Berlin Wall is in the making.  It’s only a matter of time before our citizens  begin to risk their lives to immigrate to non-Communist nations.  Will we be imprisoned or perhaps shot if we are discovered trying to flee?
The upcoming Presidential election simply is a race between two known Socialists.  No matter who wins, Americans lose.  The two-party political system in America is dead.
Perhaps the only salvation will be for freedom loving Americans to take to arms as our founding fathers knew we would have to some day.  What that means is we will suffer some serious population reduction in the form of yet another horrible human  holocaust.
We can either choose to live as slaves to a Fascist police state or we can re-earn our freedom through massive human sacrifice.  The entrenched Socialists in the Congress and Whitehouse have no intention of simply restoring our Bill of Rights. 
Governments are never the solution and always the problem.  Our founding fathers understood this only too well. 
If I sound pessimistic it’s because of the fact that what’s past is always prologue.  It is the inherent failing of the human race.   A second and much bloodier Civil War is inevitable in America.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It’s Reasonable Fear of Martial Law, and Government Oppression boosting Gun Sales

Chicago, IL—As the Windy City residents prepare for a long, hot and violent summer the Chicago Police Department will be unable to keep the peace. Currently as the thermometer goes over 60 degrees African-American neighborhoods become war zones.

Wait until summer. The new African-American craze to create flash thug mobs to overwhelm and rob business can’t be stopped by the meager amount of cops patrolling city streets. Each incident will only empower these criminals more until they are stopped dead.

Chicagoans need to be trained, armed and ready to fight for their lives because 911 calls won’t bring a meaningful response. The mayor and police administration only knows this too well.

There is a greater amount of racial divide in this nation than since the Civil War. That’s been all brought on by, Communists in the Obama Administration and a racist Attorney General. Obama’s minions are itching for a chance to take absolute control of this nation and all of its assets.

The gun stores are nearly sold out of guns and ammunition and the manufacturers are working night and day to fill the orders.

Obama’s Homeland Security Department has just ordered 450 million rounds of ammunition. That revelation has sent a clear message to many Americans that Barack Obama is planning something unthinkable in what used to be a free society.

This can be stopped only by a swift, sure and determined defense. I see little way around the dark days ahead. Everyone will need to stockpile food, water, batteries, ammunition, family service, walkie -talkie, ham radios and medical supplies. Power, the Internet and cell phones will be shut down. Generators and fuel will be coveted.

Cooperating with government under these conditions will be suicidal. Resist, resist and resist some more.