Showing posts with label Civil Unrest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil Unrest. Show all posts

Friday, May 04, 2012

A Shotgun for Self-Defense

Chicago, IL—The greatest defensive firearm ever is the .12 gauge shotgun.  A semi-auto beats a pump anytime.   The promise of civil unrest and a long hot summer seems to be in the cards for the Windy City.
They call this type of shotgun a “riot” gun because it’s very effective against mobs or multiple assailants.  For business owners a shotgun to supplement your handgun may be a needed addition. 
The chilling sound of a shell being racked in a pump shotgun is great for the movies.  The reality is a knowledgeable adversary will know the sound and will realize he must act quickly to neutralize you.  The sound also gives away your position.  The only sound you want them to hear is the last bang they will ever hear in life.
The drawback of the shotgun is the range but in an urban environment that’s not a problem.  You should always keep a loaded bandoleer with a combination of buckshot and slugs nearby. 
When the chips are down and you feel it necessary to draw your handgun the feeling of impotence quickly will overcome you.  The shotgun is definitely a confidence builder.   
I love the discontinued HK-Bennelli M-3 convertible pump/semi-automatic the best.  It has a bit more weight and that makes the recoil more tolerable.  They are out there but exceedingly rare.  Production of this model ended with the HK and Bennelli had their corporate divorce about a dozen years ago. 
These guns are around but are anything but inexpensive if you find one. 
In the video below I send some 0 buck down the range at the target. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It’s Reasonable Fear of Martial Law, and Government Oppression boosting Gun Sales

Chicago, IL—As the Windy City residents prepare for a long, hot and violent summer the Chicago Police Department will be unable to keep the peace. Currently as the thermometer goes over 60 degrees African-American neighborhoods become war zones.

Wait until summer. The new African-American craze to create flash thug mobs to overwhelm and rob business can’t be stopped by the meager amount of cops patrolling city streets. Each incident will only empower these criminals more until they are stopped dead.

Chicagoans need to be trained, armed and ready to fight for their lives because 911 calls won’t bring a meaningful response. The mayor and police administration only knows this too well.

There is a greater amount of racial divide in this nation than since the Civil War. That’s been all brought on by, Communists in the Obama Administration and a racist Attorney General. Obama’s minions are itching for a chance to take absolute control of this nation and all of its assets.

The gun stores are nearly sold out of guns and ammunition and the manufacturers are working night and day to fill the orders.

Obama’s Homeland Security Department has just ordered 450 million rounds of ammunition. That revelation has sent a clear message to many Americans that Barack Obama is planning something unthinkable in what used to be a free society.

This can be stopped only by a swift, sure and determined defense. I see little way around the dark days ahead. Everyone will need to stockpile food, water, batteries, ammunition, family service, walkie -talkie, ham radios and medical supplies. Power, the Internet and cell phones will be shut down. Generators and fuel will be coveted.

Cooperating with government under these conditions will be suicidal. Resist, resist and resist some more.

Friday, January 27, 2012

With Obama’s elimination of Habeas Corpus and Posse Comitatus Act War Games Begin on Americans!

Los Angeles, CA—In the area of the United States that embraces Barack Obama and his band of committed Communists our military are learning how to make urban war on Americans.

The LAPD and Special Forces have taken to our skies to plan urban assaults on civilians. This should send cold chills down you back.

Okay I understand our schools have longs ago abandoned teaching anyone about their rights or our Constitution. You can't begin to protect rights you don’t know about.

At the end of our own Civil War we enacted the Posse Comitatus Act. The purpose was to end any military organizations functioning as civilian law enforcement.

Habeas Corpus is about our rights to never being imprisoned without, probable cause, the right to a lawyer, bail and due process of law. Obama has signed into law a provision that simply eliminates this important liberty.

Obama has recently signed measures into law that eliminates Habeas Corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act. The motivation for this is beyond sinister.

Now the military is free to prepare for war on Americans and they're doing it right now in Los Angeles!.

With class warfare on the horizon we can count on certain things. Government workers to be so needy and dependent they will willingly engage in atrocities just to stay employed.

We can either resist now or suffer tyranny for the rest of our lives. We have no choice.

Click here to read more…

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today It’s Greece

Europe--In as many days The United Kingdom, Italy and today Greece has exploded in mob violence. This dramatic video shows a deadly effort to kill the local cops. When will this unrest come here? It’s a just matter of time.