Showing posts with label City of Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City of Chicago. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chicago Politicians Are In A Gunfight With The Federal Judiciary.

Chicago, IL—The Windy City is awash in murder.  The bloodshed is predictable precisely with the weather.  Rain, sleet and snow hampers Chicago’s thugs and soft summer nights are filled with relentless victimization, savagery and carnage.
Chicago’s politicians are all hard corps Liberals and have promulgated every kind of gun ban they could dream up.  Gun laws never impact criminals and always impact the law-abiding.  The results are far more predictable than Chicago’s weather.   The thugs, thieves and rapists are actually emboldened and facilitated by the gun bans. The politicians either don’t get it or they want law-abiding innocents defenseless and in harm’s way.   
The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has mandated Chicago follow the law of the land.  Unfortunately the politicians are just as lawless as the thugs.  These Fascist bastards refuse to release their iron-fisted control over the law-abiding folks as ordered by the court.
The court ordered The State of Illinois and that includes their political sub-divisions like Chicago to end the ban against the law-abiding people from carrying concealed weapons. 
The court took the unusual step of giving the politicians a half-year to create a new law that will respect freedom and liberty. These politicians will steadfastly defy authority.   The deadline will pass and they won’t lift the ban.  The court will lift it for them.
The game will continue with attempts by Chicago and Cook County to create ordinance violations to replace the voided state law.  Taxpayers will be paying the bills for those arrested, prosecuted for the bogus and unconstitutional ordinances. 
The good news is that ordinance violations come with minimum bail requirements, no fingerprints or photographs and no real expectation of jail time. They are less than misdemeanor violations.
The citizens of Illinois will be able to carry concealed weapons as long as they have a standard state Firearms Owner’s Identification Cards.  
Rank and file cops will have little taste or desire to arrest gun- carrying Chicagoans and then face lawsuits under USC1983 for Violation of Civil Rights.  Cops will not be falling on their swords for the glory of Chicago’s lawless politicians.  The vast majority of street cops steadfastly hate the unlawful gun bans themselves.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

More than 500 Chicago Murders in 2012 , A Liberal Milestone Revealed.

Chicago, IL—All of the elected officials and bureaucrats in the Windy City are Democrats and most are from the far Left fringe.  There are no Republicans or Conservatives to blame.  Here they have enacted the most unreasonable gun bans in the entire nation.
Corruption in Chicago is beyond legendary.  A significant percentage of the 50 member City Council are either street gang members themselves or are closely related to them.  When it comes to combating crime these politicians will try anything at all as long as it cant and does not work. 
The policy of the city government is to insure that the city’s criminals are the only ones armed.  Over the years they even banned the cops from using police style shotguns.  They have allowed the police department manpower to dip into dangerous levels.  As they cite budgetary problems they handed millions in cash grants to known criminal groups such as Cease Fire
Who could forget when the City bankrolled the old P. Stone Nation later known as El Rukin.  The gang members bought lots of guns, ammunition and capitalized their drug, prostitution and extortion activities in style.   The leader, Jeff Fort is still in a Club Fed warehouse somewhere today.
The criminal/political organization running Chicago knows that gang extortion and their armed robberies could be hampered if their intended victims could fight back. 
The keeping and bearing or arms is an American Civil Right.  The city has shamelessly and shockingly violated those rights for decades.  The quality of life has diminished and thousands productive, tax paying citizens have fled for their very lives.
Is the 500 murders figure correct?  I say that it is much higher because of the way the administration cooks the crime statistic books.  They insist on classify a significant number of murders as open death investigations to avoid reporting.
The reason I know about this is that a few years ago I brought WBBM-TV and investigative reporter Pam Zekman a story showing the shenanigans.     I arranged to quietly obtain the entire database of the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office
We then pulled from the list the Chicago cases where the Medical Examiner listed the causes and manner of deaths by homicide.  When we compared that with the official police department’s Uniform Crime Reporting totals they undercounted murders by around 200. 
People have a right to defend themselves and families even from criminals that are being facilitated, protected and enabled by government. Chicago’s government is a criminal enterprise that should be resisted and shut down by any means available.
Unfortunately Chicago cops can’t do their jobs as the oath they take demands.  They are far better off simply turning their heads when citizens use deadly force to protect their lives, families and property.   The younger cops are never going to see the money they pay into the pension system and better get out while they can.
Business in the Windy City is doomed.  The voter rolls are so over- bloated with the non-productive, entitlement addicted and the criminal element that there is no hope or help for the future.
Those 500 murders a year in Chicago is only the beginning of a horrific story.  Don’t forget that the 500 undercounted figure is pure fiction anyway.    

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chicago’s Magnificant Mile is Under Siege and Very Dangerous. Stay Away!

Jimmy Harris (Chicago Police Booking Photo)
Chicago, IL—The Windy City is under siege.  Tourists, residents and workers are constantly under attack by violent predators.  The victims are almost exclusively White.  The predators are exclusively African-American.  Chicago has been a breeding ground for a bankrupt, dangerous and violent culture that has devoured African-Americans.
Let me make myself clear.  This is not about genetic deficiencies or the color of skin.  This is about a culture that was adopted, nurtured and encouraged over many generations.   This was and is simply just another diabolical and insidious form genocide designed to destroy the Black race.
Chicago’s politicians here have created this culture by encouraging African Americans to remain ignorant, totally dependent and completely void of any family values.  
Through entitlements, tolerance of violence, generally bad behavior and acceptance of educational failure Chicago has created this cultural monster.  It’s frightening and incredibly expensive for businesses and taxpayers.  This phenomenon must be dealt with but instead it’s ignored.
In yet another stunning example this state of affairs a peaceful family gathered to enjoy the Festival of Lights Celebration and quiet dinner inside the Westin Hotel on Michigan Avenue. 
The horror began inside the restroom where a recently paroled career criminal 56 year-old, Jimmy Harris attacked stabbing and slashing his victim, an Oakbrook, IL physician.    The bloody victim tried to flee from Harris and the struggle continued outside of the bathroom.  A bartender from the restaurant tried to intervene but was also was stabbed by Harris. 
Harris was eventually located and arrested by police who charged him with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated battery with intent to do great bodily harm and aggravated unlawful restraint.
The victims were transported to the hospital for some lifesaving care and will definitely receive huge medical bills very soon.  Thankfully they survived.
Chicago’s gun bans to not protect the innocent by keeping them disarmed and defenseless.  Chicagoans have the right to keep and bear arms only on paper because the local politicians have hijacked the Bill of Rights.  
Anyone carrying a firearm for needed protection from criminals such as Harris are simply arrested, unmercifully punished and given a criminal record for the rest of their lives.   They also lose their business licenses and future employment opportunities because of the public record.
Chicago’s politicians have squandered billions on wasteful programs designed only to enrich their campaign contributions.  They have let the Chicago Police Department become underfunded, under-armed, ineffective and largely irrelevant.   
I have to beg the question, how can Chicago thrive under it’s current politicians?  Chicago’s government has taxed businesses far beyond extortionate levels. They have made safe travel into the city impossible and parking insanely expensive.  The Miracle Mile is all but on life support.
The City of Chicago refuses to protect its citizens and visitors and then refuses to let them protect themselves.  Chicago can become a ghost town like Detroit or simply get smart. 
As for those law-abiding people still living in Chicago they need to place their safety far above those un-Constitutional gun bans.  They need to get training and then carry firearms on their person so they can protect themselves and families.   They also need to leave the scenes of any shootings for their own safety and NOT talk to or cooperate with police. 
There is no law requiring the reporting of a shooting like we have for automobile accidents.  Americans have an absolute right to remain silent and that silence cannot be used against them in court.  Juries can’t be told you did not report the shooting or talk with police.
The rank and file cops have to simply ignore enforcement of the gun bans and avoid locating or arresting anyone that has used, or more commonly threatened deadly force in self-defense.
Chicago’s politicians have gone the wrong direction for decades and will never change their ways.  The citizens however must stand up to Tyranny or be swallowed by it. 

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Mayor Rahm Emanuel Invites the World’s Tourists to Chicago!

Mayor Emanuel has some excitement in store for Chicago's Tourists!

Chicago, IL—The exciting places to visit are the Gold Coast, Oak Street Beach, Trendy Michigan Avenue and The River North Areas.  There are fine hotels, restaurants and cultural diversity is everywhere.  Summertime seems to bring out the best that the Windy City has to offer.
The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office is the finest anywhere but get your reservation in early because soon they will be running out of accomadations.
Below are some of the friendly native Chicagoans that can’t wait to meet you and your families!  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Better Government Association Speaks Out on Detective ShavedLongcock’s Blog!

Chicago, IL—Let me begin by saying I have put the BGA on the spot here.   I’ve asked them some tough questions about their investigation of Detective ShavedLongcock's Blog and they have at least responded.  I’m far from satisfied that I have gotten my questions answered but frankly I did not expect much. 
BGA spokesman Robert Herguth informed CrimefileNews that their organization had concerns that a public employee may be using taxpayer’s time and resources to publish what they believe to be a racist blog.   
In fairness let me agree here in that this is a legitimate question because personal blogging on government time would be an abuse of public money. 
I specifically questioned who or what motivated their investigation of Detective ShavedLongcock and Herguth declined to provide that information.  Additionally I asked Herguth if he could cite any actual passage or two that suggested that African-Americans were inferior or deserved fewer rights that others.  Again he declined that opportunity.
Most importantly here Mr. Herguth told me he was unaware that the Chicago Police Department had long ago blocked access of the department’s computers to every police related blogger that is critical of the administration including mine.  Saying that, the stated concerns of the BGA should end immediately unless they have some additional agenda 
What I find interesting here is that the BGA is a private organization conducting the investigation rather than the police department.  The department may find stepping on their officer’s First Amendment Rights can be very expensive.  I have to wonder if perhaps the BGA is somehow working as an agent for the city?  
One thing for sure is that this story has already taken on a life of its own because anytime efforts are made to chill the rights of Americans to think, speak or publish it’s everyone’s business. 
Let me make it clear that the BGA can investigate and publish what they please unless and until they commit some actionable offense.  I’d like to think that they are above that sort of thing.
I can’t help but bang my head against the wall here that the BGA is not out asking about the $1,000.000.00 taxpayer grant to felons and thugs connected to a group called Ceasefire.  Instead they are going after some little guy writing controversial crap from his laptop. 
I will stay on that I’m always looking for information and tips about any efforts to silence my fellow bloggers.   My cop friends all like to say they all hate the ACLU, that is until they need them.

Breaking News! Has a Popular Chicago Blog been Shut Down?

Chicago, IL—Today, the popular Chicago police inspired blog, Detective ShavedLongcock has been taken down but for a somewhat convoluted report about alleged harassment by Chicago’s, Better Government Association
I’m not sure why the BGA would care about an alleged Chicago cop’s Internet publishing that happens to be more than a little critical of Chicago’s corrupt and rapidly collapsing government. 
Most of this blogger’s readers refer to him as “Shaved”.  Shaved writes biting messages that calls attention to the vastly disproportionate violence in Chicago committed by African-Americans. 
Various local Chicago media operations have denounced Shaved and his blog as racist.   I have to ask, it somehow racist to call attention to and report, that African-Americans commit nearly all of Chicago’s violence? 
One only has to go to the morning felony court call at 26th & California and look at the nearly exclusively African-American defendants answering up to the most violent and despicable crimes imaginable. 
Chicago’s media and politicians have been trying to cover up the reality for decades.  They refuse to face the fact that Chicago is totally under siege by an African-American culture of depravity, drugs and carnage.
Until the problem is acknowledged treatment and cures can never be found or applied.  Shaved has used satire and the stark reality to call attention to the problem
Shaved critics have threatened his life, complained to his advertisers and Google trying to silence him.  Until now Shaved has not wavered.
Now, the privately funded Better Government Association has apparently joined in the attack on Shaved and his right to think, write and publish.
I just put a call into the BGA for their side and concerns about shaved and perhaps other police bloggers like myself.  I’m sure they will get back to me as they promised sometime today.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shocking Chicago Child Abduction Cover Up is only Tip of the Iceberg!

Kelly and Amanda with their children      Chicago Tribune Photo
Chicago, IL—Last Saturday evening, at one of Chicago’s most visible landmarks at the Daley Center Plaza a young Caucasian couple were enjoying the Picasso sculpture with their two tender-aged daughters.  Suddenly an African-America, ex-convict snatched two year-old, Myla Davis-Green by the arm claiming the little blond girl was his daughter.  
Imagine the horror that 31 year-old, Kelly Davis and the girl’s mother Amanda Green, both unarmed experienced fighting for possession of their little toddler and her precious life?
After the struggle the kidnapper, James Gates, 55 took off running through streets, alleys and building lobbies.  Davis bravely pursued Gates and finally with police assistance Gates was apprehended blocks away.
I can’t imagine the results of the attack would have been if the couple became so frozen with fear that they let the abduction happen.  The maniac must have had the most unthinkable plans with the innocent and helpless child.    
This story is what our worst nightmares are made of but it did not get media attention for four days!  Chicago’s political creatures are doing whatever they can and have been aided by local media in the effort to cover-up the dangerous epidemic of Black on White crime.
Officials have constantly fudged on the actual murder statistics and suggested that  African-America terror mobs are just ordinary teen-agers out on some mischievous lark. 
The failed Chicago politics of stolen gun and self-defense rights have created an unlivable situation.  The criminals are heavily armed and the law-abiding citizens are helpless, vulnerable and accordingly subjected to unspeakable horror.
The reality of lame efforts by Chicago’s prosecutors and courts to keep known, dangerous and often convicted thugs like Gates segregated from society has made my home town as dangerous as many war zones. 
What will it take to get Chicago’s officials to change their decades old failure to control violence?  Their programs are only considered and accepted if they cost the taxpayers millions and won’t work.
Chicago needs to immediately ask the Illinois Legislature to enact a program that would restore the rights of its law-abiding citizens to carry defensive concealed weapons.
Next the city has a serious police manpower shortage.  The best immediate Band-Aid would be to hire back some of its fit officers who have retired young.  They can be called out for Chicago’s warmer months when crime goes into over-drive. 
To continue pretending there’s no public safety crisis and the incredibly insane policy handing out $1,000,000.00 grants to groups of ex-convicts to control crime has to end.
Chicago’s thugs have been enabled, facilitated and protected by their city administration co-conspirators long enough. 
Chicago’s local media has lost sight of their mission and instead choose act as public relations agents for vile politicians that are snuffing out the very life of a once great city.  Chicago’s media has long ago forfeited the public’s trust.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Funding Big Cities Through a Reverse Tax—Incentives Can Make a Difference

Chicago, IL—All of America’s big cities are exclusively run by, Democrats.  They never met a tax they did not love and in fact they have strangled their local businesses to death.  Big city taxpayers and businesses flee by the droves or simply fall under the weight of taxation from every possible direction.
Big city taxes are job killers and that of course takes even more revenue from city treasuries.  Detroit is the poster child for a city that has taxed itself to death.  Cities in California are now filing bankruptcy one after another.  Inept and corrupt politicians are everywhere.
A reverse tax is needed to draw productivity and life back to the cities.  A reverse tax is simply payments or grants for businesses to create new life, business and jobs.
A simple revenue-generating program needs to begin for the motion picture business.  Perhaps it’s time to look at Europe, specifically Germany in this regard.  This is where I got the inspiration to write this article.  
I’m involved in the making of a feature film right now that should be and could be made in the USA.  However first I need investors or funds from every direction and I need a lot of them.  Films are considered risky investments.   I was able to find no less than $9 million in the form of a government cash grant; yes that’s a grant not a loan!  It’s coming from the German government! That’s about half of the total budget of what’s considered a low budget film!  Once I have half lined up it is so much easier to get the second half! 
The only requirement to get the money is that 25% of the filming must occur in Germany under the care of a German film producer.  More than 75% of the film I’m involved currently with can be made in Germany with ease!  Germany hands out the grants because they learned the grants generate badly needed jobs and revenue! 
Take Chicago and filmmaking.  Chicago invites filmmakers to the Windy City and proceeds to offer them all kinds of cooperation for a very hefty price.  Films are being made but not nearly enough.  State and local governments nickel and dime filmmakers to death from every form of permit fees and regressive taxation.  Making a film in Chicago is expensive and running off to film friendly Canada to fake Chicago is always an attractive alternative.
Germany on the other hand has done the math and found that these generous grants pay off well.   The returns on job generation, and money spent by filmmakers brings big returns to government coffers.
Chicago is in unique position to attract filmmakers because it’s a terrific film location. It has every kind of weather; massive parks, the lake, and huge vacant buildings that can be easily converted into sound stages.  If Germany can get the return on the investment, why can’t Chicago?
Mayor Emanuel’s brother, Ari Emanuel is probably the most powerful man in Hollywood right now.  He runs Endeavor, William Morris , the largest talent agency in the world.  The talent agencies, not the studios call the all the shots on American films. 
If the City of Chicago partnered with filmmakers it would be both lucrative and fun for everyone.   They need to somehow learn how to follow the German model. 
If the Emanuel brothers got serious with this window of opportunity they could bring billions to the Windy City and get great films and TV series made that would never otherwise see the light of day.  
By comparison California never figured out how to be film friendly and have lost hundreds of billions to Canada over the decades.   They call that phenomenon runaway production.  For example anything beyond making a home birthday party movie requires a minimum $1000.00 film permit in Los Angeles.   
No budget producers like me must resort to guerilla filmmaking.  Our crews have to keep a sharp eye out for the cops as we set up, shoot and scoot before they can stop us.  Perhaps lowering the fees and bureaucracy could be a good start.
The Great film director Werner Herzog learned long ago to not let government get in the way of his art.  Herzog goes so far as to suggest to his students that they forge film permits!  Perhaps local government paying the filmmakers instead of extorting from them might induce new life and business. 
If this works for Chicago they can do the same for any industry they want to attract.  Imagine a city that pays productive people and their businesses to stay and produce!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chicago Cops And Duty Disability Pension Issues

Chicago, IL—A local newspaper did a front-page story on cops who were deemed injured on duty and unable to do police work.  The story seems to suggest abuse and malingering by those injured while protecting others.
They cited a few officers that went on to new careers and have left the city never to return.  I can’t really see how this is newsworthy.  Millions of people receive similar benefits, though most are from private insurance plans.  Some of the insurance plans are far better than others.  The City of Chicago is self-insured.
Cops must say fit as they face injuries constantly.  People assault cops on a regular basis and a busy cop gets slammed into walls or worse routinely.   The rough stuff for cops begins in training where recruits are injured in defensive tactics and physical agility classes.  The human body can only take so much abuse.
The City of Chicago used to have a light duty program for injured cops.  I remember a cop confined to a wheelchair that was assigned as a police dispatcher despite his double leg amputation.  He proudly wore his police star and gun every day.   He lived to work in his chosen profession.
For some reason the city became committed to disarming injured cops whenever they could.  The Illinois courts however ruled that a disabled cop on pension was still a peace officer and could carry a gun whenever they wanted to do so.
Cops like anyone else have the right to convalesce anywhere they choose including Europe.
It was the city that made some peculiar rules  that prevented officers from working limited duty assignments.  Frankly many of them would rather remain somewhat active in a limited capacity than to vegetate at home doing nothing. 
If an officer can’t work at the position he was hired for he should not be penalized for attempting to take up another career.  Perhaps some think these cops should just curl up and die rather than try and function.
Officer Jim McMullan was nearly killed and remains a quadriplegic after being shot on duty.  He began a second career as a TV reporter at WBBM-TV.  Needless to say that was an overly ambitious effort that could not be sustained because of the excessive cost to transport the crippled officer around town to work.  He has since began marketing applesauce from a family recipe.  Is it fair for the city to try and destroy this officer’s attempt and staying useful?  This hero is only alive because he has had the will to not let his devastating injury destroy him.  
I guess we can extend this discussion to Social Security that gives disability benefits to criminals and drug addicts because they are unemployable.  Members of Congress and politicians everywhere get wonderful benefits.
We generally consider public safety workers worthy of the promise that if they are injured taking risks on our behalf that they will be treated well.   We cannot lose sight of what we ask these men and women to do for us.  We must continue to protect them and their future. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers!

Chicago, IL—Over the last seven years blogging has become popular with many Americans including Windy City cops. Blogs have broken news that media organizations simply wont report.

Having spent the last 24 years as a freelance TV news producer I learned the primary reason that important stories go untold and published. Journalists all think they need cooperation from politicians, bureaucrats and government in order to report news. In fact journalists beg for exclusive tips on government activities like police crackdowns, raids and important crime stories. The payoff for the tips comes in important exposure and glad-handing for certain self-serving accomplishments real or imagined. That, along with killing any unflattering stories.

Reporters can’t seem to develop independent information sources and wrongly think without government official’s help they would be unable to report on government at all. Very few reporters have the courage to become persona non-gratia with any government agency. The unwritten rule is to never make the government Gods angry. If you make them angry you must be able to destroy them or they will punish you for eternity.

Bloggers have little to lose especially ones run by anonymous writers. They can say nearly anything they like without interference or repercussions. Mainstream media types can only dream about having such freedom to report whatever they chose.

Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats have suffered many embarrassments at the hands of cop bloggers. A WBBM-TV reporter caught the public cowardice of former Superintendent Jody Weis on tape by accident. The cop bloggers and others commenting on these sites were unmerciful and unforgiving as they exploited this story.

Second City Cop had already named Weis, J-Fed because of his past employment with the FBI. After the incident he was quickly renamed J-Fled for his lack of valor. How embarrassing is that? The real problem was that SCC get’s well over 10,000 hits per day but that includes nearly every cop, crime reporter and the others involved in any form of public safety.

Detective Shaved Longcock is another wildly popular cop blogger here that has been absolutely fearless in his open discussions of the out-of-control Black on White crime. He like SCC has ridiculed department brass for their ineffectiveness and incompetence.

The identities of these two bloggers have not been publically established and if they were unmasked they would quickly be made to disappear by their victims.

Personally I share the disdain for the criminal mob running Chicago’s government. I’ve long ago parted ways with the Chicago Police Department and am totally free to blog under may own identity. Any current department members would be crazy to reveal themselves. They would be framed, fired and destroyed at a minimum.

The Chicago Police Department just promulgated a new General Order to its membership regarding blogging or posting on Social Media. It effectively outlaws posting anything not officially approved by the department. The penalty for disobedience is termination from employment. I guess the First Amendment has passed away in my hometown.

This action against the bloggers is the greatest compliment because had they been insignificant and ineffective they’d not have been outlawed.

I’d like to hope that the First Amendment would prevail and the slime running the city would behave themselves a little better. They have targeted the bloggers for total elimination with the new anti-blogging edict.

I’m here to say if my cop blogging colleagues somehow vanish, there will be many more to take their place. Chicago cops know that I will be happy to expose waste, fraud or mismanagement by any Chicago official. They also know that I will relentlessly attack the monster until it’s dead.

Department members have spouses and children that use the Social Media too. The department can’t also claim any jurisdiction over those close to cops that dare to blog.

Update: SCC has hit a speed bump and has gone dark for 24 hours, but that turned out to be a personal issue and not an end to the flow of information. Welcome Back SCC!

The General Order is Below:

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Learning How To Stop Chicago’s Government Extortion Games

Chicago, IL—The city I was born and raised in has become tyrannical and oppressive. Crooked politicians have turned taxpayers into a human ATM machines enslaving them. The time for resistance is long overdue. The best form of resistance is for taxpayers to remove themselves from the city radar.

They can only own you if you let them so why would you allow that? In the coming weeks I will tell you how to force these crooks out of your pockets. You can make life miserable and impossible for your slave masters.

Let me begin by telling anyone charged with any city ordinance offense to demand a jury trial. Juries won’t convict you any faster than today’s judges but if everyone demanded a jury trial the courts would collapse in a single day. Chicago’s officials could not begin to handle that kind of overwhelming pressure.

You can vanish from the extortionists that are out looking for new ways to rob you through their raw power. Stay tuned right here and you will see your magical powers! Watch the short video below: