Showing posts with label Citizen Journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citizen Journalism. Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2016

So you Wanna Be A Citizen Journalist? Here are a few tips!

Los Angeles, CA—We are now in a truly multimedia world.  TV and Newspapers are on life support because of declining viewers and readership.  Today’s people want news on their terms, instantly, short, sweet and with compelling video.
People want to see news on the iPhones and IPads.  They want it while they are between tasks. They seek it out while in the grocery checkout line or when waiting at the barber’s office or hair salon.
The opportunities for citizen journalists are starting to surface.  Today the pay may be low but now’s the time to prepare.  You can be creative and lead the pack or be left in the dirt.
You need writing skills.  Hopefully you learned them in school.
Multimedia is the venue.  That means writing, photography, video and video editing.  You must be a master of all media forms.  You also need to learn how to transfer your work to the Internet. 
Most people have some of these skills right now.  The technical aspect has never been easier to learn and the equipment and tools gave never been more affordable.
For starters the iPhone 6 plus is a great platform.  You need a selfie-stick and a good lavalier microphone like the Rode for $80.00.  You can simply obtain the iMovie app for $5.00 and you’re in business.  For the absolute best results, so-called prosumer cameras, wireless microphones and lights are recommended.
For spot news the iPhone is quick and easy. 
If you go to YouTube there are a huge amount of tutorials on every technical aspect of shooting, editing and getting your material posted.
If you get an exclusive story on a hot subject you can be paid a small fortune.  Those opportunities are rare but they do exist. 
The first rule is to always hold your iPhone sideways because that’s the way video monitors and TV screens are positioned.  Vertical cellphone video simply stinks.
When you’re at the scene of news events being shy will destroy your chances of success.  Get up close and into the face of the event.  Ask lots of questions!  For news you need not get anyone to sign a release.  If you’re using the video for a documentary or entertainment by all means a release is a good idea.
Learn how to put voiceovers on your video keeping the natural sound.  Crappy audio makes for unsalable video.  Using a second audio source like a Zoom H4N microphone is always the best failsafe.
Drones are great.  Get it up, get the shots and you may have something exclusive, unique and sensational.  You don’t need to ask permission to fly over property!  That’s First Amendment protected activity.
Libel avoidance is an absolute must.  You better have solid proof before making accusations.  Rather than accuse, it’s better to simply ask the question, did your protagonist do something wrong?  
Be bold, be accurate and get the details.  Understand your subject matter and tell the story.
I have one story below done with just my iPhone in London.  It took me just minutes to put the story together and post it on YouTube.
Below that is an exclusive story I did for WND that uses all the things I talked about.  Here I used some prosumer gear because it was warranted.   

Monday, December 28, 2015

What's The Future of Your Video News Delivery?

London, UK--Since the inception of TV news other than a switch to color, the use and abuse of the green screen technology and live on scene live broadcasting not much has changed over five decades. 

Suddenly we have the Internet, cheap quality video cameras and big changes are rocking the world of video news delivery. 

Television news management miscreants often took great delight in making their talent that left or were jettisoned just disappear. No goodbyes, no thank you, just nothing.  

That left viewers to wonder where about the fate of those once familiar faces. Now thanks to Facebook and Twitter that vile practice has ended for good.  That along those bogus non-compete contracts preventing reporter from moving to nearby stations are gone.  

However sadly the shrinking TV news audience has cost countless jobs and made reporters in too many markets eligible for food stamps. Making a living as a television journalist seems more challenging than ever. 

The speed and quantity of news delivery today is unprecedented however the quality has faltered.  The explosion of quality video devices has at least provided a somewhat unfiltered and often unflattering view of our world.  

Even the best video is lacking watchability without creative editing and clever, well written voice overs. 

Will the population ever learn the proper and incredibly easy way to shoot, edit and publish acceptable news stories with their cell phones? Most will not but many are learning the art well. 

Unlike days in the past we no longer have to wait for news crews gather their equipment, travel to, set up and begin to cover breaking news events.  Anyone already there with a smartphone, the ability and the desire can begin on the spot reporting.  Getting content video broadcast live on platforms such as Youtube, Ustream, Livestream and Periscope is a snap. Alerting your potential viewers on Twitter and Facebook is a must. 

The only seemingly slow issue to get resolved is funneling the revenue for the content to the creator's pockets. Additionally those that publish their exciting content must also learn about promotion.

Anyone with a modern smart phone has the most important tool to report news.  After that comes photography skill, storytelling ability and effective use of editing software such as iMovie or Final Cut Pro X.  

Here is a one take video story I recently created in London about that giant Ferris Wheel called, The London Eye. Although not perfect, I simply wanted my viewers to get a sense of my experience visiting this iconic tourist attraction.  

This was all shot, edited and uploaded to YouTube on my iPhone 6 Plus.  Additionally, I used a Rode lavalier microphone and a selfie stick.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Crimefile News Needs Reporters!

To my visitors:  From time to time I get requests to post the writings of others.  Unfortunately some of these people are really promoting their personal businesses rather than providing information suitable for Crime, Guns and Videotape.  I want more news in Crimefile News but I can’t be everywhere to do it myself.
This is where some of my skilled visitors come in. I want your stories.  They must be up to journalistic standards.  I don’t want rewrites of published news stories.  They should contain video or at least pictures taken by the contributors.
That means getting interviews of your newsmakers, vetting the information properly and avoiding libel.  Diligent use of public records is a must. 
There are few limits on subject matter if the material is compelling and interesting.  Submitting stories about government policies, crimes, courts, corruption or your latest gun are acceptable.  Perhaps the actions a local hero, or some inspiring person may be great material.  I’m not looking for commentary or opinion material from the contributors however I expect to see opinions pop up in provided interviews of newsmakers.
I want acceptable and properly edited video.  An iPhone can be used with iMovie can accomplish great things with minimal training.  May I suggest an E-book called iPhone Millionaire by Michael Rosenblum.  You can get this through Kindle, iBooks or It will give you a great deal of information you will need. 
The bad news is I can’t pay for your material.  The good news is your work will be seen and properly credited.  Additionally of this idea flies there could be money down the road. 
I don’t want discourage your quest to report news but there are roadblocks and speed bumps.  CNN has had iReport out there for years.  It’s been a colossal disappointment. I would hope someone would be able to dazzle CNN enough to hire them.  I call that missed opportunities. 
Occasionally excellent raw and unedited video has come in as news was breaking at violent events and disasters.  But for the most part all that came in was unwatchable crap.   If you’re at a news-breaking event get some interviews.  Most people will talk if you bother to ask them. 
For your video editing you need to put in well-written voiceovers.  iMovie has the tools for this.  Added voiceovers are much better than trying to narrate on the fly.  That’s how the people you watch on TV news do this.  You can also do a stand up where you face the camera to tell a small part of the story.
For my cop, paramedic and fireman friends may I suggest that you use a pseudo name to avoid difficulties with your departments?   This is a great way of exposing the truth that too many government administrators can’t handle.
Below is a simple video news package I did on the death of Conservative Blogger Andrew Breitbart’s death in the Brentwood neighborhood of L.A.   It contains a voiceover, graphics, an interview and a standup: 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It was Social Media Not the Main Stream News Media That Reported First on The Boston Marathon Bombing.

Boston, MA—Times are changing faster than even the news productions experts could imagine.  Ordinary people are carrying smart phones and sophisticated cameras that can even upload instantly to sites like UStream
Yesterday the bombing was covered from nearly every conceivable angle by hundreds of cameras shooting high-resolution images.  These images undoubtedly captured the criminals responsible for this mad and cruel act.
There were numerous mainstream photojournalists on the scene shooting but for few if any live broadcast cameras their images were not broadcast or published until they were first transmitted to their electronic news gathering hubs for redistribution.
Some people were uploading still and video images to Internet sites as they were actually happening.  One thing for sure the world will not have to guess what happened because of the massive presence of cameras.  Courts and the jury will also see many of these images as critical evidence needed to bring justice to the offender/s.
Police will have to learn not to obstruct those with cameras capturing images, video and audio at live crime scenes.  They are beginning to understand the value of the potential evidence.  It would make much more sense for cops to allow those shooting cameras and to get their contact information for follow-up investigators.  The old police habits of aggressively chasing photographers away needs rethinking.
The first celebrated citizen journalist of our time was the unlikely, Abraham Zapruder who by chance captured on color movie film the actual assassination of President John F. Kennedy.   He had a new Super 8 movie camera.  His stunning film was the centerpiece for news broadcasts and the massive investigation that followed.   Imagine what an evidence and media bonanza there would be it that happened today.  Many more questions about that crime would have been answered.
Arson investigators have long known that photographs showing bystanders at fire scenes very often reveal the suspects admiring their work in crowds of onlookers.
Oddly enough the first reports of yesterday’s bombing were posted on Twitter and Facebook!  Television broadcasters took much longer to get live images to their viewers.  Our sophisticated media giants are more concerned about copyright protection and the business aspects of their images than members of the public shooting pictures.
One L.A. TV reporter, Alycia Lane of KNBC-TV was off duty and in Boston close to the scene in a restaurant.  She did not miss a beat and became a “Citizen Journalist” when the police came in evacuating them to the street.  She had a companion shoot her in a broadcast standup with an iPhone as she walked in the street described what was going on.  The bad news was the companion was not smart enough to hold the camera horizontal like our TV screens.  The valuable video made air anyway.

View more videos at:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Video Vigilantes and The Romney Campaign, a Sign of the Times

Los Angeles, CA—Back when the mainstream media had money the sensational hidden camera story was all the rage.  Ambiguous privacy laws, deep pockets and lawyers changed the game, at least for well-healed broadcasters.
The days of big broadcasters using hidden cameras has ended because of the omnipresent specter of expensive litigation.
The landmark case that changed everything was in 1992 when ABC News, PrimeTime Live did a revealing hidden video exposé of the Food Lion supermarket chain’s really disgusting meat marketing deeds.
Food Lion was selling outdated meat to unsuspecting shoppers.  ABC claimed the practice was a health hazard but allowed six months to pass before airing their story for the industry sweeps time.  I guess it wasn’t that serious of a health threat after all.
It’s a safe bet that Food Lion would never have let ABC News come unannounced in with cameras, inspectors and reporters to show the public what they were actually buying.  ABC News understood that and went in another more sensational direction.  
ABC resorted to a clandestine route of deception, concealment and, of course the sneakycam.  They infiltrated Food Lion with reporters, spooks and spies to gather news and make history.
The truth is always a defense against libel.  Cameras seldom lie and wining a libel award over a hidden camera piece would be unprecedented. 
As it turned out this was not about libel or for that matter the truth.  Instead it was about trespass, deceptive acts and invasion of privacy.
Food Lion went to their lawyers who sued ABC and obtained a $5.5 Million jury verdict.
How does this impact today’s citizen journalist, blogger or the opportunist that uses a concealed IPhone or similar device to capture what might turn out to be a regrettable conversation or performance?
ABC News had really deep pockets, insurance and assets that Food Lion’s lawyers were confident in seizing.  Had some small group of video vigilantes done the same thing, the lawyers would have had zero interest in pursuing Food Lion’s claims. 
I’m not saying that Food Lion or anyone could not sue a citizen journalist, it just would be burdensome and a giant time waster.  If they did prevail no jury would return such a large verdict against some vigilante with a camera.
Collecting even tiny judgments against ordinary folks can be very challenging or even impossible. 
There are however laws in various states, about gathering audio or video that can be quite draconian and punitive.  Citizen journalists must be very careful not to wind up charged with wiretapping type crimes.
The hidden camera investigations are again making headlines.  
The Mitt Romney Campaign my have picked up several million new votes from his apparently candid remarks.  Most Conservative voters could find little difference between Obama and Romney.  Now they may take a chance in voting for a Liberal Republican.  The effort to cripple the Romney campaign may have backfired!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breaking News! Has a Popular Chicago Blog been Shut Down?

Chicago, IL—Today, the popular Chicago police inspired blog, Detective ShavedLongcock has been taken down but for a somewhat convoluted report about alleged harassment by Chicago’s, Better Government Association
I’m not sure why the BGA would care about an alleged Chicago cop’s Internet publishing that happens to be more than a little critical of Chicago’s corrupt and rapidly collapsing government. 
Most of this blogger’s readers refer to him as “Shaved”.  Shaved writes biting messages that calls attention to the vastly disproportionate violence in Chicago committed by African-Americans. 
Various local Chicago media operations have denounced Shaved and his blog as racist.   I have to ask, it somehow racist to call attention to and report, that African-Americans commit nearly all of Chicago’s violence? 
One only has to go to the morning felony court call at 26th & California and look at the nearly exclusively African-American defendants answering up to the most violent and despicable crimes imaginable. 
Chicago’s media and politicians have been trying to cover up the reality for decades.  They refuse to face the fact that Chicago is totally under siege by an African-American culture of depravity, drugs and carnage.
Until the problem is acknowledged treatment and cures can never be found or applied.  Shaved has used satire and the stark reality to call attention to the problem
Shaved critics have threatened his life, complained to his advertisers and Google trying to silence him.  Until now Shaved has not wavered.
Now, the privately funded Better Government Association has apparently joined in the attack on Shaved and his right to think, write and publish.
I just put a call into the BGA for their side and concerns about shaved and perhaps other police bloggers like myself.  I’m sure they will get back to me as they promised sometime today.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

IPhone and IPad Video Journalism is for You Too!

I don’t care where you live on this planet history is constantly being made.  You can either, observe and trust your memory or capture events forever on a quality camera. Trust me making videos pays!
I’m a believer in using the raw power of capturing moments that will otherwise be lost forever, especially when there is no discernible cost involved.  When in doubt I shoot video with the best camera I have available.
When it comes to video the rules are simple, hold the camera as still as possible, get as close as possible to your subject and let  every shot roll for at least 15 seconds.  Keep the camera rolling gathering more video not less!  Only use the zoom when you can’t come in for the close-up.  Tight zooming without a steady tripod increases camera shake dramatically and shaky video is trash.
Always shoot the video horizontal and never vertical.  Your video needs to conform with our wide screen TV sets.  
The other thing you need to do is ask questions to the subjects you're shooting on video.  Here is an example, you are shooting video of person being placed in the back seat of a police car.  You can quietly shoot the video or ask the suspect, why is he being arrested?  He may try to convince you his actions were justified or confess to a crime.  Whatever he says to you is always pure gold!  Keep them talking!  Smart cops won’t interfere with your questions because they know that the more a suspect talks the more they will incriminate themselves. 
Getting up close is the only way you can get good audio when using a camera’s on board microphone.  Trust me, you need good audio.  Professionals use wireless hand-held or Lavaliere clip on microphones kept close to the sound source.  You will be okay with you your on board microphone as long as you stay close as possible.
The latest versions of the IPhone and IPad come with amazing cameras for both still and video photography.  You can easily and professionally edit what you shoot in the $5.00 IMovie app.  IMovie even provides titling, music and sound effects you can add! It can be done on the IPhone but editing is much easier on the IPad or a laptop computer.
Always carrying a camera is like buying a 24/7 lottery ticket,  it can pay big bucks at any second!  Being in the right place at the right time and capturing video pays!  Media giants are waiting to write you a generous check for anything newsworthy. 
Over the last several years I have been paid handsomely for video I never expected would even seem interesting.   Video shots of historic moments like the Rodney King beating,  Kennedy assassination, Kent State Shooting, or celebrity missteps can sometimes bring you a six-figure check.  
You have the need to always carry a cell phone so when making that purchase why not make sure it has a topnotch little HD camera built in?
Practice deploying that camera quickly.  You don’t want to be fumbling when you could be capturing history and earning the price of that badly needed new car. 
Everyone should learn how to do a simple reporter’s package.   That is the typical TV news story that should not be longer than two minutes in length.  You shoot, edit and later add narration of an event.  Practice on a simple project like the building of a tree house or your kid’s first lemonade stand.  Don’t forget to interview your kids on camera!
Never give your video away for free just so you can see it on TV.  Don’t load it up on YouTube either unless you have exhausted efforts to sell what you have captured.   The media buyers will tell you what to do with the video and you will be precluded from revealing to others what you were paid. 
Below is the first test video I captured and edited on my new IPad.   I finished the job and up loaded it on YouTube in less than 15 minutes!  This exercise was done by me simply so I could become familiar with the IPad and IMovie app.   The sound is both natural and the added effects built in to the IMovie application. 

Here is a second IPad created video that shows what I had for lunch one day near Chicago.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Go Pro Cameras and Streaming Video is a Media Game Changer

Go Pro Camera with WiFi kit

Chicago, IL—During the recent NATO protests in the Windy City, there were as many as a dozen people using IPads and IPhones to broadcast live streaming video to the Internet.
The images were only as good as the WiFi connections available and the tiny camera lenses would permit.  Some were better than others.  The real breakthrough here was that this technological marvel could be managed by nearly anyone.
I spent several hours watching what the NATO protest I-cameras were broadcasting and found it interesting along with some very candid remarks by protesters.   I had to guess the locations they were broadcasting from, by the local landmarks because the camera operators were not professional or even marginal reporters.  They simply let the cameras roll.
Perhaps or the camera makers could direct their consumers to some places where they could get some very basic reporter instruction.  Reporting on who, where and why this event is unfolding is as important as broadcasting the pictures.   Of course you never want to interrupt important sound from your newsmakers.  YouTube has several such tutorials posted right now.
The incredible power here is that with minimal cost anyone can instantly broadcast live video at a breaking news event where the whole world can see exactly what’s happening.  
Go Pro has been making inexpensive cameras for primarily capturing sporting activity from skiing, surfing to every form of racing sports.  The quality of the video and images is breathtaking.
Now they are offering Wi-Fi kits that would enable people in the thick of civil unrest, rescue efforts or any major newsworthy to wear live HD video cameras.   The images can be seen on sites such as and can be picked up by any other broadcasters such as television news.
I fully expect to see a variety of inexpensive, stand-alone WIFi kits being offered to use with today’s prosumer video cameras for even better images and audio. 
The only limitation for live broadcast is a steady broadband Internet connection.   In populated areas outside of the Third World this is less of a problem every day.  
In case you were wondering these cameras are also incredibly effective for surveillance applications.  They can be placed covertly almost anywhere subject to battery life or external power sources.
I favor Go Pro because of the price, quality of images and their commitment to engineering every possible way to mount their products.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Blogging and Citizen Journalism is Making Giant Gains in America

Los Angeles, CA—The so-called, main stream media had a uniform approach and lock on news and commentary for decades in America. The 1980s brought Talk Radio and new life into broadcasting and for once, different opinions.

Soon the Liberals excessively whined about the Conservative talkers and renamed Talk radio, Hate Radio. Liberals were never fond of our First Amendment except to get their own self-serving message out.

The Liberals tried to launch their own talk shows and to a one, they all failed. Americans were waking up and discovering other views! Americans began to debate things like never before. Additionally the political divide in America became more pronounced and noticeable.

I personally thank talk radio for exposing the folly and failure of Gun Control laws. Americans finally learned that gun bans, registration and restrictions only had an impact on the law-abiding. As a direct result, concealed weapon carry for ordinary law-abiding citizens is permissible in all but two locations, Illinois and Washington, DC. Pending litigation shows promise to establish the right of self-defense empowerment everywhere.

The Internet is celebrating its 20th birthday. The Internet gave anyone that embraced the technology the power to publish text, photos, audio and video!

Internet bloggers were born and were making a difference. The best example is when The Swift Boat veterans audited John Kerry’s claims of his Viet Nam service. Kerry’s campaign was derailed. That was during the period that Dan Rather was exposed by bloggers as having smeared George W. Bush with forged documents in a 60 Minutes hit piece designed to throw the presidential election. Rather slithered away from CBS News in well-deserved disgrace.

Citizen journalists usually lack the training and don’t understand just how they can gather news material. Too often they rewrite existing news stories and call them their own.

Citizen journalists are finally learning how to locate and interview newsmakers and how to find and use public records. They are also learning how and where the established reporters and producers get those press releases. Citizen journalists are becoming more empowered as they have learned how to aggressively confront newsmakers to expose the when, where, how and why to the world.

Some bloggers have captured and published great photographs and a few are learning how to shoot, edit and embed video into their blogs. Frankly the population of America is becoming more illiterate every day and can’t read well enough to get much out of text. Video is more important by far, especially with viewing screens absolutely everywhere including pockets and purses.

One benefit is that some bloggers have been able to quit their day jobs because of their business skills to utilize advertising for much needed revenue. That in turn enables expanded resources and better content for the bloggers.

The most fun part of all is that the Internet’s new Citizen Journalists have been taking viewers and readers away from the main stream news organizations along with their advertisers!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You Too Can Expose Government Gone Wild!

Chicago, IL—I was somewhat dismayed that the local news broadcasters are vanishing before our eyes. There are massive layoffs underway and investigative journalism projects are the first to go. The danger here is for an unchecked government gone wild. We all know when the cat’s away the mice will play.

As this is happening so-called citizen journalists are springing up everywhere. They are slowly filling the void. Equipment to produce, and distribute stories we can all use is cheap or even free. There is also lots of free newsgathering and technical advice all over the Internet.

The easiest way is to simply capture video and still pictures that tell the story and share it with your favorite bloggers like me. It helps to have both broadband Internet service and a $3.00 per month Skype account. This is what you need to send your video or audio recordings and photos.

Video and pictures alone are helpful but while you’re there be sure to get interviews from relevant newsmakers and witnesses. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Don’t just complain about problems when you can capture and publish the things that need attention.

Second City Cop has been a great site for Chicago cops to get to the bottom of rumors and spread news affecting the cop on the beat. They are however, really weak on putting up video or pictures. With all the cop readers running around with cell phone cameras an unstoppable army of reporters already exist.

For those willing to invest $200.00 in a tiny Flip Mino HD camera the video image is stunning.

The power to publish protects cops and other public employees better than any labor union can.

Simply advise your bloggers or news outlets of the story and upload your video. I know SCC and this blog know how to and will protect our contributors. They only requirement is that the information be factual.

There is information galore available on news gathering, shooting video and getting that story out into the sunlight.

YouTube just launched a new channel designed by the pros to help you capture, expose and stop GOVERNMENT GONE WILD. There are loads of how to videos for you right there!