Showing posts with label Chicago Flash Mob Violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago Flash Mob Violence. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Creatively Dealing With Mob Violence without Firearms

Chicago, IL—I had lunch yesterday with a lovely retired lady cop in the Windy City.   She has enjoyed retirement as she plots her exit from Illinois tax slavery and this corrupt and bankrupt metropolis.
After lunch I walked this gal to her car and we talked about how the law abiding citizens and how they are forced to become bait for mobs of thugs by unconstitutional gun laws forced upon them by moronic politicians.  To my surprise she had a very creative and effective solution!

With the plague of criminal Flash Mobs violently assaulting tourists and yuppies in Chicago's Loop and Near North Gold Coast areas people need protection. 
Of course because of HR 218 (The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act) she can carry a loaded firearm nearly anywhere she wants.  But her first line of defense is not the gun!  She’s got a big can of Raid Insect killer!
As scientists have raced to find non-lethal and non-toxic sprays like tear gas and pepper spray that will only temporarily disable an attacker there are other ways.
The pepper sprays are not so reliable.  Drunks  and insane attackers don’t respond well to the gentle applications of the non-lethal stuff.
The answer is in the deadly chemicals the Insect killer provides.  Permanent blindness and death can result with the application.  Of course you need to get the spray to your attackers before they get to you.  The Wasp and Hornet spray is perfect because it’s designed to spray 20 feet to kill entire nests of these aggressive insects.
No cop can arrest anyone for mere possession of a spray can even though many jurisdictions have gone out of their way to ban even non-lethal defense weapons!
Of course deploying insect spray on an attacker must be because your attackers have reasonably placed you in fear of being beaten, robbed, raped, seriously injured or killed.  Anytime you have more than one attacker deadly force through the use of deadly weapons are justified.
It’s really very simply spray your assailants directly in the eyes and faces.  Let the thugs suck in the fumes of today’s version of Zyclon B!  Then make your escape.
As always if the police are able to locate you later you should immediately say nothing beyond requesting to have a lawyer.  Don’t deny or admit anything!  Of course telling them you had to use the spray to defend yourself may well get you arrested.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chicago’s Media has Become the Public Relations Arm of Local Government

Chicago, IL—I’m going to single out WLS-TV 7, however this applies to every major news organization in the Windy City.
I want to begin with a quote from a late and great writer.  You should always keep this quote in mind when reading news stories: 
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell
There has been a racist war on white people primarily on Chicago’s North Loop and Gold Coast areas.  Those engaged in ongoing mob violence are exclusively young African-Americans.  The victims are exclusively white, affluent residents, visitors and tourists. 
These are the facts and the Chicago’s administration officials along with the media are well-aware of this but they are engaged in a conspiracy to hide the truth from the public.  The facts are frightening and the public should be warned.  White people need to be warned to avoid young African-Americans because their very lives depend on it.
Call them Hate Crimes or a crime trend.  Call this whatever you like but it’s real and it’s news and should be reported.  City officials and the news organizations are convinced that Chicagoans can’t handle the truth.  The media simply avoids the issue and refer to the African-America thugs as teens and teenagers even though many are adults.  It seems as if they are describing ordinary children out having fun. 
The motivation for these racial attacks is far more than theft.  This is wanton cruelty, sexual assault and worse.   These are hate crimes by blacks targeting white people.
Michelle Gallardo
I contacted two WLS-TV reporters, Evelyn Holmes and Michelle Gallardo, responsible for reporting half-truths about two of these recent attacks.  They responded back to me defending their failure.  Gallardo called informing the public about the race issues, “counter-productive.” Wow! Imagine that!
I put a call into the News Director, Jennifer Graves of WLS-TV and she has refused to return calls or comment. 
We cannot ever begin to deal with this race war without acknowledging that it even exists.  We can pretend as visitors are invited to come to the Gold Coast of an evening of good food, entertainment and fine hotels.  What they are finding is sheer horror and life saving trips to hospital emergency rooms or worse.
The police department is undermanned, demoralized and outgunned.  They can’t begin to guarantee safety for their own officers.  They can’t protect the public under present conditions.
As for Chicago’s media they have been doing a great job of public relations for Chicago’s mayors, police superintendents and assorted officials.  I understand that the news business is in trouble and the only place to go for laid off reporters is to the ranks of public information officers.  The reporters are simply too afraid to make Chicago politicians angry. 
Illinois needs to allow citizens their constitutionally protected activity to bear arms in self-defense.   People should never be denied meaningful self-help when it comes to protecting their own lives.  The police can only do so much and thugs avoid their dreadful conduct when the cops are on the scene.  As always in Chicago, there’s never a cop around when you need one.

And the WLS-TVcoverup continues with censored reports about new black mob attacks on white physicians near hospitals.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Survival Tactics for Flash Mob Violence

A nice friendly looking mob!

Chicago, IL—As the weather becomes warmer in Chicago's young thugs will again be targeting  their victims out on the streets on the Gold Coast for assault, robbery or worse. Tourists are particularly desirable targets because the experienced thugs know they will not return to appear in a Chicago courtroom to testify.  It’s a fact of life, particularly in the Windy City.  
With the proliferation of inexpensive cell phones groups of savages can assemble quickly out of nowhere.  They count on their numbers to overcome and brutalize their victims.   Don’t let their young ages or initially friendly appearance take you off guard.  Avoiding them on sight is the best policy.
If you must be out do not leave home without a decent handgun, preferably a modern large caliber semi-automatic.  Also carry at least two extra magazines.  Hopefully you’ve already obtained some professional training.
Chicago’s bans on possession and carrying firearms are blatantly un-Constitutional and under review in the courts as we speak.  I don’t see a quick resolution.  I advocate ignoring the bans because your life is far more important than the whims of the politicians who want you defenseless.
You have an absolute right to use deadly force against mobs whether they are armed or not!  Just because you don’t see a weapon does not mean they are unarmed.
You will never reason with or obtain sympathy from a mob, so don’t bother to try.   The closer they get to you the less ability you will have to escape. Don’t let them get close.
As a mob approaches you in a hostile or threatening manner all bets are off.  
Don’t pull your gun and expect they will quit.  They will overwhelm, disarm and perhaps kill you.  Instead look for your exit path, draw your gun and fire at the most menacing thugs in center mass.  You’re not required to warn anyone! Shoot until the threat is over.  Scoot to safety and keep on going.  Do not call 911 or talk about the event to anyone but a lawyer assigned to defend you. 
If you’re in a car that is surrounded the people in front of your car are reasonably presumed accomplices of those trying to assault or extract you from your vehicle.  Step on the gas and run them over!  This is no automobile accident and the traffic laws of leaving the scene of an accident do not apply! Again you need to scoot and stay mute.
If the police detain you, it becomes more imperative than ever that you keep your mouth shut.  You won’t be able to talk your way to freedom if they have you detained.   Cooperation will only cause you bigger problems.  The police will understand your request for a lawyer.  
The magic words to live by are shoot, scoot and stay mute!  The majority of cops will have little interest in tracking down someone who fought back and escaped with their lives.
You must escape these mobs at all cost.  The cops will never be able to respond in time to save you.  Self-help is really, all you have. 

Here is a great choice for a carry gun for Chicago's streets:

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Meaningful Security Steps to deal with Chicago’s Flash Mob Violence

Chicago, IL—If you have a business in the now Flash Mob targeted Magnificent Mile insuring safety is vital. There are effective steps you can take to deal with theft and violence.

Armed security is the most effective way to deal with thugs. These criminals are cowards and you can use their fear against them. If you can hire off-duty cops that will use their training and experience to effectively control the situation.

Security cameras are meaningless except to warn you of what’s going on outside your front door or in difficult to monitor areas. Catching the images of thugs for potential later identification and apprehension does not protect anyone.

If you have adequate training including the law and liability of the use of deadly force arm yourself with a heavy caliber handgun for self-defense.

Keep valuable and unprotected merchandise away from the front door that might tempt such criminals.

If you are the subject of a Flash Mob attack immediate and violent resistance is the easiest and only effective way to stop the assault. Cooperating with these criminals will give them total control over you, your customers and staff. Surrendering to multiple thugs will invite more serious events such as rape and even murder. You may not get a second chance to resist.

You have an absolute right to use deadly force including shooting an attacker if, the attacker is armed with a dangerous instrument or if there is more than one assailant. Of course don’t shoot anyone in the back that running away at the sight of your weapon.

If you use deadly force do not make any statements to police under any circumstances other than to tell them you want a lawyer. Save that, “I was in fear of my life” script for a courtroom if someone decides to charge you with a crime.

The existing laws of Illinois and Chicago that ban the possession or carrying of firearms are in fact unconstitutional and will fall soon under their own weight. Don’t let such laws protect anyone wishing to harm you, your customers or your workers.