Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

YouTube has now taken on the role of a self-appointed arbiter of political correctness, gun control, and thought regulation.

Los Angeles, CA—The platform recently announced new terms of service concerning videos related to firearms education. These new censorship measures are driven by ignorance and emotion.

The controversy and politics surrounding guns are often misunderstood, even by the well-educated. Meanwhile, other significant societal issues like drug abuse, DUI, and various tools of violence receive far less attention. Guns have been increasingly glamorized by violent movies and video games.

Neal Mohan, a 50-year-old Indiana native of Indian descent with an MBA, is currently at the helm of YouTube. He is navigating the platform amidst loud public outcry, leading to what many see as a sociological disaster.

YouTube enjoys legal immunity, allowing it to selectively publish content unless Congress or the courts intervene.

Content creators are increasingly frustrated with YouTube's algorithms, which direct viewers to and away from specific videos. Erratic monetization decisions can devastate creators who depend on YouTube revenue to make a living.

Creating compelling videos is hard work, requiring skills in research, writing, photography, video editing, and sound engineering. Despite advanced technology and successful influencers like Casey Neistat, the current path to YouTube success involves avoiding any potentially controversial topics. Many creators now resort to AI to produce their content.

YouTube's policies affect all creators, not just those related to firearms. For instance, even those teaching camera use and videography have been impacted. The terms of service are often confusing, vague, and inconsistently applied, reflecting a subjective and increasingly restrictive political correctness.

The platform has grown so large and convoluted that its management appears out of control. While legal immunity offers some protection, YouTube still faces potential litigation.

YouTube should cease its algorithmic manipulation, but it likely won't, as it seeks to control the thinking of its millions of viewers and influence public policy. It has become a self-appointed, left-leaning thought police.

Most other social media platforms are similar, though X may soon overtake YouTube as a video-sharing space. Content creators need a platform driven by advertising sponsors, free from algorithms and censorship.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chicago Cop Blogger Under Fire For Exposing the Truth

Chicago, IL—The subtle genius behind the name of the blog, Detective Shaved Longcock made it nearly impossible for the mainstream media to publicly talk about.   It’s the blog with an unrepeatable name that tactically made media criticism incredibly difficult. 
For the last several years DSLC has been authored by an anonymous, faceless and alleged Chicago cop.  He’s a Chicago cop all right with loads of inside departmental information and a mindset that could only be shaped by working the mean streets of the Windy City.
I’ve talked with DSLC but will never remove his mask or describe his current duty assignment.  I can say that I have sufficient information to report he’s not posting material while on duty. 
DSLC is as edgy as any writer can be as he walks the tightrope between legitimate controversy and what our society deems unacceptable.  DSLC’s reasoning is more than for sheer sensationalism.   He’s desperately trying to give his readers a window into a major life-threatening crisis that the media and city officials simply refuse to face.
Chicago's Better Government Association has gone after DSLC in a not so subtle chilling investigative effort to silence him and his criticism of our failed political leadership.  Along the way the BGA labeled his blog as racist. 
DSLC is far from a racist.  He recognizes the grave threat to public safety in Chicago that we have today and simply demands real solutions. 
In the early 1960s, poor, ignorant and idle African-Americans migrated by the millions from the Deep South.  This was just after the U.S. Supreme (Warren) Court invalidated the one-year residency requirement to collect Illinois’ generous welfare entitlements.
The Southern states offered these African-American economic refugees free one-way bus tickets and $5 to leave.  They found it much cheaper to export this group rather than to continue supporting them.
Communists, Marxists and Socialists operating under the flag of the Democratic Party controlled America’s large Northern cities. They engineered and programed their new migrants to become totally dependent, helpless, ignorant and eventually dangerously violent.

Today some five generations later the Marxists have deliberately created as a new culture of people with zero self-reliance, self-respect or respect for any human life.
Marxism can only work with a huge ignorant poor population living under the boot of a police state.
Today, African-Americans commit nearly all of Chicago’s murders, rapes and robberies.  It’s not about skin color, genes or some biological failure, it’s about a bankrupt, vile culture that’s tolerated, facilitated and enabled.  It’s nothing less than a very real form of genocide.   How many more dangerous human monsters are we going to create?
Until we admit we’ve created this class of destroyed lives and lost souls we can’t begin to find treatment or cures.  It’s not about money.   It’s about self-reliance, self-respect and the will to be productive.  Link cards, food stamps and free housing destroy the human spirit.  
We must turn the Chicago Public Schools into educational facilities rather than the free day care it has been providing.  We must snuff out the culture we created by inspiring children into becoming role models instead of gangsters and whores.  We need to instill manners, etiquette and simple politeness to every child from day one. 
We must force African-Americans to speak English and to prepare themselves for professional responsibilities.  They must learn how to raise children in two-parent homes and follow the Golden Rule.  
If we can somehow return Chicago’s African-Americans to the human race they can survive and prosper.  Right now our politicians will only try anything as long as it wastes millions and does not work.
In the mean time all law-abiding citizens need to be able to defend themselves and the African-American combat zones must be tamed and reclaimed.
As for DSLC, he’s never once suggested that African-Americans are inferior or don’t deserve equal protection under law.  He has simply done all he could to expose what our city administration and media wants covered up.  If we can’t even talk about it how can we find the remedies we need? 
We must be prepared to vigorously and aggressively protect DSLC from anyone who’d dare silence him.   If we don’t protect his freedom of thought, speech or the right to publish, who will protect ours?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Better Government Association Speaks Out on Detective ShavedLongcock’s Blog!

Chicago, IL—Let me begin by saying I have put the BGA on the spot here.   I’ve asked them some tough questions about their investigation of Detective ShavedLongcock's Blog and they have at least responded.  I’m far from satisfied that I have gotten my questions answered but frankly I did not expect much. 
BGA spokesman Robert Herguth informed CrimefileNews that their organization had concerns that a public employee may be using taxpayer’s time and resources to publish what they believe to be a racist blog.   
In fairness let me agree here in that this is a legitimate question because personal blogging on government time would be an abuse of public money. 
I specifically questioned who or what motivated their investigation of Detective ShavedLongcock and Herguth declined to provide that information.  Additionally I asked Herguth if he could cite any actual passage or two that suggested that African-Americans were inferior or deserved fewer rights that others.  Again he declined that opportunity.
Most importantly here Mr. Herguth told me he was unaware that the Chicago Police Department had long ago blocked access of the department’s computers to every police related blogger that is critical of the administration including mine.  Saying that, the stated concerns of the BGA should end immediately unless they have some additional agenda 
What I find interesting here is that the BGA is a private organization conducting the investigation rather than the police department.  The department may find stepping on their officer’s First Amendment Rights can be very expensive.  I have to wonder if perhaps the BGA is somehow working as an agent for the city?  
One thing for sure is that this story has already taken on a life of its own because anytime efforts are made to chill the rights of Americans to think, speak or publish it’s everyone’s business. 
Let me make it clear that the BGA can investigate and publish what they please unless and until they commit some actionable offense.  I’d like to think that they are above that sort of thing.
I can’t help but bang my head against the wall here that the BGA is not out asking about the $1,000.000.00 taxpayer grant to felons and thugs connected to a group called Ceasefire.  Instead they are going after some little guy writing controversial crap from his laptop. 
I will stay on that I’m always looking for information and tips about any efforts to silence my fellow bloggers.   My cop friends all like to say they all hate the ACLU, that is until they need them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers!

Chicago, IL—Over the last seven years blogging has become popular with many Americans including Windy City cops. Blogs have broken news that media organizations simply wont report.

Having spent the last 24 years as a freelance TV news producer I learned the primary reason that important stories go untold and published. Journalists all think they need cooperation from politicians, bureaucrats and government in order to report news. In fact journalists beg for exclusive tips on government activities like police crackdowns, raids and important crime stories. The payoff for the tips comes in important exposure and glad-handing for certain self-serving accomplishments real or imagined. That, along with killing any unflattering stories.

Reporters can’t seem to develop independent information sources and wrongly think without government official’s help they would be unable to report on government at all. Very few reporters have the courage to become persona non-gratia with any government agency. The unwritten rule is to never make the government Gods angry. If you make them angry you must be able to destroy them or they will punish you for eternity.

Bloggers have little to lose especially ones run by anonymous writers. They can say nearly anything they like without interference or repercussions. Mainstream media types can only dream about having such freedom to report whatever they chose.

Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats have suffered many embarrassments at the hands of cop bloggers. A WBBM-TV reporter caught the public cowardice of former Superintendent Jody Weis on tape by accident. The cop bloggers and others commenting on these sites were unmerciful and unforgiving as they exploited this story.

Second City Cop had already named Weis, J-Fed because of his past employment with the FBI. After the incident he was quickly renamed J-Fled for his lack of valor. How embarrassing is that? The real problem was that SCC get’s well over 10,000 hits per day but that includes nearly every cop, crime reporter and the others involved in any form of public safety.

Detective Shaved Longcock is another wildly popular cop blogger here that has been absolutely fearless in his open discussions of the out-of-control Black on White crime. He like SCC has ridiculed department brass for their ineffectiveness and incompetence.

The identities of these two bloggers have not been publically established and if they were unmasked they would quickly be made to disappear by their victims.

Personally I share the disdain for the criminal mob running Chicago’s government. I’ve long ago parted ways with the Chicago Police Department and am totally free to blog under may own identity. Any current department members would be crazy to reveal themselves. They would be framed, fired and destroyed at a minimum.

The Chicago Police Department just promulgated a new General Order to its membership regarding blogging or posting on Social Media. It effectively outlaws posting anything not officially approved by the department. The penalty for disobedience is termination from employment. I guess the First Amendment has passed away in my hometown.

This action against the bloggers is the greatest compliment because had they been insignificant and ineffective they’d not have been outlawed.

I’d like to hope that the First Amendment would prevail and the slime running the city would behave themselves a little better. They have targeted the bloggers for total elimination with the new anti-blogging edict.

I’m here to say if my cop blogging colleagues somehow vanish, there will be many more to take their place. Chicago cops know that I will be happy to expose waste, fraud or mismanagement by any Chicago official. They also know that I will relentlessly attack the monster until it’s dead.

Department members have spouses and children that use the Social Media too. The department can’t also claim any jurisdiction over those close to cops that dare to blog.

Update: SCC has hit a speed bump and has gone dark for 24 hours, but that turned out to be a personal issue and not an end to the flow of information. Welcome Back SCC!

The General Order is Below:

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers