Showing posts with label CCW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCW. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Concealed Weapons and Yesterday’s Ninth Circuit Court’s Intellectually Bankrupt Decision

San Francisco, CA—The Ninth Circuit Court’s three judge panel originally ruled that California’s Concealed weapon law was void in light of both the recent Heller and McDonald cases in the US Supreme Court.
California counties and cities issue carry permits except that the jurisdictions controlled by Democrats simply deny them except for a select few politically connected favorites.

Yesterday the full court, at the urging of State Attorney General Kamala Harris revisited the case, en bank.  The full court reversed and allowed for the continued blanket denial of permits.

The case Peruta v. County of San Diego is now been positioned in direct conflict with the Supreme Court and other Circuit court opinions to the contrary.  Here the Ninth Circuit Court simply repealed the right to bear arms through an outrageously biased and defective judicial action. 

The next fight will be in the US Supreme Court and we must now guess who will be confirmed to fill the absence of the late Conservative Judge Scalia.  

However hope is not lost depending on the November elections. Donald Trump has vowed to make sure every law abiding American has a right to a concealed weapon for self-protection through national legislation.  With Obama and his minions this was all but impossible.  

Out Constitution and gun rights cannot be left in the hands of Democrats, Socialists or Communists. We need to remove all of them and those Republican pretenders from every political office in the land. 

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

The Final Gun Rights Battles--Campus Cary and Gun Free Zones

Washington, DC—The United States Supreme Court reaffirmed and settled the primary Second Amendment rights issues of all Americans in two somewhat recent cases, Heller and McDonald.
Despite this some arrogant politicians feel they and some of their supporters are above the law.  They still seek to use the full force of government and violence against anyone exercising their gun rights.
It looks like it may take several more years of lower court battles before these determined and lawless political thugs are reigned in.  These cases move ever so slowly through the courts.  
The Second Amendment simply says we can possess and carry firearms.  Impairment of these rights by government is nothing more than a pure Civil Rights Violation.
On their face laws barring Campus Carry or those that allow for Gun Free Zones clearly violate the law of the land.
Campus Carry:
These prohibitions like every law only affect the law-abiding.  The late convicted serial killer Theodore “Ted” Bundy was a very real beneficiary of the bans on Campus Carry. 
Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophilia addict who assaulted and murdered numerous young, primarily college women during the 1970s and possibly earlier.  
On at least two occasions this incredibly clever killer broke out of jail only to continue his raping, slashing and murdering of America’s beautiful daughters. 
College campuses were Bundy’s choice to prey on young, vulnerable and unarmed women.  Bundy, a one-time law student positively knew he’d never find armed resistance on any college campus. 
Just before his execution, after more than a decade of denials, he finally confessed to at least 30 homicides committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978.  Bundy actually beheaded at least 12 of these young women.  The true victim count remains unknown, and could be substantially higher.
I have to ask why some of our politicians insist upon being accessories and enablers to the all of the Ted Bundy’s of America?
Gun Free Zones:
What people and lawmakers seem to forget is that our cops can’t just simply search people for weapons even if they look shady or suspicious.  That is unless or until they actually commit a crime! 
The Fourth Amendment protects foreign terrorists, killers, criminals and the law-abiding equally.  The difference is that the law-abiding respect the various gun bans, even those that violate their rights.
Gun Free Zones are found at libraries, Parks, malls, government buildings and schools.  Accordingly, these are guaranteed soft targets and popular choices for mass shootings.  
This comes after decades of our politicians handing over massive amounts of military weapons and cash to Islamic people that hate our culture and us. 
We’ve meddled in these Muslim nation’s affairs trying to police them.   Accordingly they continually look for ways to murder innocent Americans where we live, work and play.
Aside from dealing with our own existing robbers, rapists and killers we have to deal with military trained and well-armed Islamic assassins.
The public policy of the Gun Free Zone is the product of incredible bliss and ignorance.  This concept deeply flawed and actually increases any potential danger.
Disarming the law-abiding in no way protects them.  On the contrary the Gun Free Zones are in fact nothing more than government created Killing Zones!

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

LAPD Has Bad Some Advice For Those Facing Armed Robbers

Los Angeles, CA—I spend a lot of time in L.A. when I’m not in Phoenix or Chicago.   The crime rate here is climbing because of prisoner releases by California Corrections and the Obama Administration dictating the mass release of criminal aliens.  I don’t know where this is going yet.  Hopefully, I’m as prepared as I can be if a thug or thugs actually select me for victimization.
The good news here is that in two separate rulings the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the current scheme that bars people from carrying concealed weapons for simple self-defense is unconstitutional.   
The current law is now unenforceable.  Some California Sheriffs already began processing thousands of new CCW permit applications because the Supreme Court settled this in McDonald vs. City of Chicago.  
The Mugger, Rapist Killer Protection Act (as I call it) in California is about to die a quick death.  The reasonable expectation that potential crime victims are unarmed will be a memory.   Darwin is about to begin collecting the tarnished souls of many really dumb criminals. 
L.A.P.D’s Wilshire Division just tweeted that if you’re confronted by robbers, don’t resist and to give up your property.  They suggest this may save your life.  There are plenty of things that can go wrong and despite full cooperation you still can be murdered.  I won't fault the advice if you are untrained and unarmed. 
I’m a believer in conflict avoidance.  I will for example avoid confronting suspicious people around my car or home.   That’s why we have cops.  However if I’m somehow in a trap I’ll never cooperate.  I will pretend and show fear and quickly give the bastards all the hot lead I can. 
There is absolutely no guarantee that with all of my military, police and civilian firearms training that I will survive.  Among cops I rank in the top five percent of our shooting scores.  The average gun owner never gets necessary training to deal with rapid fire, night fire and multiple assailants.  That brings me right back to conflict avoidance!
Even if my gun mortally wounds my attacker/s that does not mean they won’t succeed in killing me before they die.  Instant kills are very rare except in fictional motion pictures.  Once again, that brings me right back to conflict avoidance! 
My gun does not make me taller, stronger, braver or smarter.  It only gives me a much better chance of survival if the unthinkable happens. 
If you ever have to use a firearm in self-defense you must know what your, obligations, rights and responsibilities are.  Most people would rush to call police and tell them what happened.   Particularly in Leftist LA-LA Land, a jail cell will house you as you wait a jury determination that may take as much as three years of your life.   You’ll probably be bankrupt and homeless by the time you are cleared by a jury and released.
Here are the rules that will save you from the jaws of Hell if you’re lucky enough to survive a shooting!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Why the No Guns Signs in Restaurants and Shopping Malls are Unenforceable

Chicago, IL—As thousands of concealed weapons permits are being issued here some people running local businesses apparently fear anyone law-abiding that is also armed.   They are putting up signs prohibiting guns.
Illinois politicians opposed to gun rights have offered up a feel good solution allowing businesses to ban guns on their property that’s otherwise open to the public.   Some of the businesses are following corporate mandates others are ignorant and perhaps frightened by the idea of guns. 
Of course all armed and dangerous criminals can be counted upon to ignore the signs.  Adding to the madness the business owners utilizing the signs are telling criminals that they can rob, kill or rape without encountering armed resistance! 
These days in most safe appearing neighborhoods finding armed security guards not involved in money transportation is nearly impossible.   No local business would dare begin TSA style frisking.  If they tried doing that, it would guarantee a trip to the Bankruptcy Court.  
Putting up the signs sends a political message that will bring more than enough customer loss and economic damage.   Frankly you have a choice and can avoid doing business where such signs are displayed.   It’s simply one more good reason to use, skipping the brick and mortar Gun-Free Zones altogether.
First and foremost concealed weapon arrests are made almost exclusively during vehicular traffic stops.  Occasionally some arrests are made incident to unrelated arrests for shoplifting, street disturbances or trespassing cases.  Shoplifters that carry guns find out the hard way that packing heat may raise a misdemeanor offense to a much higher-level felony crime in many jurisdictions.
Thankfully none of us have ever seen police enter businesses and restaurants and begin searching patrons.  There is still a shell of the Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable search and seizure preventing that kind of police nightmare.  The fact is entering a sign posted business with a No Gun sign carries almost no risk of discovery.  That may and should change with a breach of the peace.
If a permit holder were discovered armed, they’d have to prove that the sign was not obstructed from view.  Often I’ve seen the signs posted on glass doors that were actually propped open and not facing where people could reasonably be expected to see them.  Did the patron enter behind a large person blocking view of the sign?
One thing we can all count on thugs, robbers, rapists and killers will never obey these or any signs or laws.   Why put yourself at risk simply to obey a stupid sign?   
If there was the rare situation where a violent crime occurs like a robbery and a patron was armed and actually displayed or otherwise used the firearm judiciously I think an arrest would be highly unlikely especially of a violent crime was halted.
The signs have no real impact but to divide businesses from customers.  A concealed weapon permit guarantees that the holder is a sane and law-abiding citizen.  Felons, the insane and otherwise troublesome people cannot be barred from businesses without fear of bringing the wrath of the ACLU and government regulators. 
If you have a concealed weapon permit and you are armed you need not fear arrest provided that you are not intoxicated or disorderly.  If something happens and you either display or otherwise deploy your weapon do not answer questions but instead ask for a lawyer.   
My advice is to not patronize any business with these ridicules signs.  If for convenience, you feel the need to give them business they don’t deserve you should simply ignore the signs.  Never let some politician or law deter you from protecting yourself or someone you love.  Be safe, not sorry! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Gun Free Zones vs. Gun Rights and Survival

Phoenix, AZ—I’ve been in the fight for Gun-Rights here since the 1980’s.  Arizona had a real Wild West mentality mixed with the Liberal ideation of the huge influx big city Eastern transplants that brought their gun bans with them.
Those from New York, New Jersey and Chicago fled from their cities but quickly demanded the same kind of Liberal baloney that made them run away in the first place!  It may not make sense, but it’s reality. 
Gun control has long offered the false promise of greater public safety.  Some people actually believe that in a free society you can simply make laws and people will somehow obey them.  If we can’t keep drugs and weapons out of our maximum-security prisons how can we possibly control them in our cities? 
The problem with gun control is a simple one.  Gun bans are unenforceable.  The Fourth Amendment in our Bill of Rights guarantees the right to be free of unreasonable searches.  Okay, many people hate our hard won freedom and the Second Amendment that guarantees the right to keep and carry firearms more than anything.  
How can our government search everyone in order to seize his or her firearms?  As it is, every year we spend hours, even days and weeks in lines waiting to be frisked like a criminals as we enter government buildings, planes, boats and trains.
Gun bans are only enforced by the honor system.  Since when do violent criminals and psychopaths have honor?  It’s obvious that honorable and law-abiding people are the only ones that obey the gun bans.   By banning guns we guarantee only criminals have guns. 
Okay, some believe that cops are the solution.  However we’ve redundantly seen how poorly they’ve responded in virtually every mass shooting.  The cops are too little and always too late to stop the carnage. 
Today our cops can only be counted on for a great show of military might with their fashionable SWAT gear and military style vehicles for the nightly TV news.  We can of course remember well their wonderful victories in places like Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho.  
Who can forget the pageantry of Jefferson County, CO SWAT cops marching around the Columbine High School while school kids were being slaughtered inside?  The cops dutifully waited until the gunmen committed suicide and the victims bled to death before they entered the school.
When the dust settles after a mass shooting we get the body count and see the grieving relatives on TV.   Quickly politicians promise us the violence will end with just one more gun ban.  Of course we know the answer to that, gun bans only make things worse.
The most dangerous place in America is those places with the feel good, Gun-Free Zone signs.  Ignorance is bliss if anyone actually believes that those signs do anything but remind deranged misfits they need not fear any resistance if they begin killing people.
There are those that believe that the police should handle everything and that they have no personal responsibility to protect themselves, families, and neighbors or for that matter their country.
Self-defense is really not about politics.  It’s not about laws either.  Self-defense is deeply rooted in the law of survival.  Simply put, those that can’t or won’t step up to the plate and use every means to survive were not meant to live.  Charles Darwin is the obvious ultimate authority here. 
Darwin was not yet around to influence our founding fathers but they seemed to understand the concept he later established in his widely accepted teachings.
Every sane, sober and competent American has an absolute duty to make sure they and their families survive.  Abdicating this responsibility is not a sign of civilization but one of ignorance. 
That means firearms must be treated like fire extinguishers, seat belts and first aid kits.  Professional training and safety are key elements too. 
Propaganda generated by history’s worst despots, has always brainwashed the citizenry into believing that they should surrender their instinct for survival to the agents with the bucket helmets, jackboots and rifles.
Fools fall for that old line every time.  What’s past is prologue. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

San Diego Sheriff Announced he Won’t Appeal from 9th Circuit Appellate Decision Striking Concealed Weapon Ban!

San Diego, CA—Yesterday Sheriff Bill Gore announced that he wouldn’t appeal the decision in Peruta vs. County of San Diego.
That of course was the ruling that struck down California’s ability to obstruct the issuance of concealed weapon permits to law-abiding people requesting them. 
The permits were nearly impossible to obtain in the state's most populous jurisdictions.  Officials had the power to arbitrarily and capriciously deny permits.  Only the politically powerful, very wealthy or connected applicants got the permits.
Some California Sheriffs would routinely and nefariously sell the permits to their campaign contributors. 
Under the now invalidated law CCW permit applicants had to prove "moral fitness" and a compelling need for the added protection.  Those nebulas factors were so incredibly vague that they were void.  Despotic California sheriffs and police chiefs got away with violating the Second Amendment rights of citizens for decades.  

Several plaintiffs sued and when the case finally reached the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals California’s long-standing but unconstitutional concealed weapon permit law was shot down and invalidated. 
The obvious reason for not appealing the case to the U.S. Supreme Court is that the high court’s recent rulings in the Heller and McDonald cases solidly reaffirmed the right to not just keep but to carry arms outside the home.
By not appealing it the gun banners are seeking to avoid total destruction of their ability to regulate the permits and violate the privacy of applicants.
Politicians in a few other Leftists run states don’t want SCOTUS making yet another ruling that would have an immediate impact on their own various gun bans.  There’s no doubt that these other jurisdictions have been in communication with California gun ban proponents.
Just what hat does this all mean right now for California’s millions of gun owners? 
It means that prosecution of cases involving the carrying of concealed weapons by otherwise law-abiding people is impossible.  The law was invalidated pure and simple.
California must now rewrite their law to cure the defect.  They can’t just simply create new obstacles to replace the old ones. 
Until then Constitutional carry will be the law of the land.  I’m sure a few cops will make some bogus arrests that will fail in court later. 
Anyone currently charged with a CCW offense would be crazy to enter into a plea agreement.  Litigating the matter citing Peruta vs. County of San Diego along with the Heller and McDonald cases would bring certain vindication.
There are still serious issues with non-California residents and thousands of security guards with so-called Exposed Weapon Permits that need to be addressed. 
It would save California taxpayers millions if the simply took the exposed weapon permits and relabeled them additionally for concealment.  The holders of these permits have already completed background investigation and training requirements.  No need to do anything with these permits but to simply rename them carry permits that allows both exposed and concealed carry.  
There is no reason to redundantly relicense thousands of security guards and private investigators to deal with parallel requirements and costs.  California's  Bureau of Investigative and Security Services has already satisfied any and all present or future needs.  
The BISS weapon permit program that’s already in place has more than adequately addressed all of the public safety needs and Constitutional questions. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Breaking News! California’s Concealed Weapon Ban Struck Down By The 9th Circuit Court of appeals!

San Francisco, CA—Today the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals followed recent rulings by The United States Supreme Court by striking down the California ban on concealed weapons.
In a 127page opinion ruled that the long standing law that allowed for “may issue” permits was un-Constitutional. 
The stricken aw had given police official’s absolute power to issue or deny permits to applicants.  The permits were almost exclusively issued to politicians, bureaucrats and heavy political campaign donors in the more populous jurisdictions. 
Appeal is unlikely because of the SCOTUS McDonald decision that is in fact the law of the land.  That case is what toppled Chicago’s ban.  Illinois officials  are currently issuing thousands of permits to law-abiding citizens. 
What this really means is that if a gun owner is free of felony or domestic violence convictions and is not mentally ill the current law requiring a permit to conceal a loaded firearm in their vehicle or on their person is simply unenforceable.
The police may still decide to make an arrest but the case will eventually crumble in court. At some point arrestees may be able to sue police for violating their Civil Rights for making such an arrest.
California will now have to write a new law that is not in conflict with citizens Second Amendment rights.   That law must mandate that permits be issued freely to qualified gun owners.  
If California chooses to not promulgate a new law there will in effect be no law to regulate concealed weapons.  I’m sure they will write something.
Here is the opinion below: