Showing posts with label Burke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burke. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sergeant Alan Haymaker’s Needless Death And Chicago’s officials.

Chicago, IL.—Town Hall is a busy police district. Cops working there like everywhere in this city are overwhelmed because of a manpower shortage.

Cops are at the mercy of the Daley/Burke Crime Families that run the town within a 50 member city council. This bunch of thieves, thugs and liars may bear serious responsibility for Sergeant Alan Haymaker’s death.

This city’s politicians once had the perfect incumbent Protection Plan. It was called patronage. They controlled nearly every city job. These workers had two functions, campaigning for the local ward boss and performing the actual work they were hired to do in the first place.

The government jobs in Chicago were all union, well paying and provided great benefits. The Federal courts took a dim view of the practice and dismantled the patronage game but only to a point. This crippled the politician’s reelection efforts and forced them to pay for campaign workers. The money for this quickly came from city contractors.

The city privatized what jobs they could and handed out huge cash contracts to their political cronies who gladly financed the campaigns and showered Chicago’s political whores with wealth. The cash was a true narcotic and spending on unneeded public works was put in overdrive.

State Street was turned into a cost prohibitive mall snarling already overloaded traffic patterns and adversely affected the stores income potential. Soon hundreds of additional millions more were wasted, turning State street back into a street.

Project after project sprang up for so called beautification that was never needed. Chicago has always had its own beauty that cost taxpayers nothing.

Huge concrete planter boxes sprang up everywhere complete with irrigation and federalization requirements for the installed plant life. There are three overwhelming problems with the planter boxes. The boxes snarl traffic, are downright dangerous and detract from the city’s natural beauty.

As a result of reckless spending by Chicago’s political prostitutes, the police department is undermanned, underfunded and crippled.

Police vehicles are in disrepair. Retreaded tires are used as officers are expected to quickly respond to hot calls where lives are on the line.

City officials found the planter boxes had another deficiency and that is the plants inside die from salt used to melt ice on Chicago’s streets. The fix here was a simple one, to skip the salt. That may have created a deadly trap for one good cop who was responding to a burglary call.

Instead of an impartial investigation of this accident and conditions leading up to it, is there a cover-up going on in Chicago right now? Many officers believe that is the case

When the Second City Cop blog and SLC publicized these facts the Mayor, Police Superintendent and others went into a rage about the revelations.

The fellow officers and family of Sergeant Haymaker will never let this outrageous act of official malfeasant conduct go unnoticed.

Chicago is in a crisis that can only be repaired when every last incumbent political creature is removed from office. Strictly enforced term limits will reduce the political corruption.

It should be a crime for any person or business to pay political contributions to any politician connected to a client’s work contract. Those businesses that work for the any should get the contracts without paying extortion to city officials.

Officer Down, Alan Haymaker.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Chicago Corruption Fighter And Author Bob Cooley Has Blagojevich Information

Chicago, IL—Chicago cop, turned corrupt lawyer, turned Corruption fighter and author Robert Cooley talks about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich running a suburban Chicago gambling racket. Cooley brought down more than his share of rats.

Cooley wrote about his work as an FBI mole during undercover operation called Operation Gambit in his book, When Corruption Was King. As we speak Cooley’s book is being turned into a major motion picture in Hollywood.

Watch Cooley talk about Blagojevich in a 14 minute interview:

Part two 7 minutes:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is Richard M. Daley Ed Burke’s Puppet?

It’s Alderman Ed Burke the Finance Committee Chairman that doles out millions of taxpayer cash like water to campaign contributors like Jenner & Block to do the work of Chicago’s Corporation Counsel’s lawyers. This is done with little or no oversight.

Alderman Burke that is perhaps the only Alderman in America with a 1$ million dollar a year police bodyguard detail over a long forgotten decades old threat. Is Daley asleep at the wheel or just too afraid of Alderman Burke to end this kind unnecessary waste? What about the 49 other Aldermen and women?

How does Alderman Burke get to keep a $9 million dollar donated campaign war chest when he’s not been opposed in any election in memory? Generous contributor’s with lots of clout and huge wasteful city contracts paid Burke well for throwing tax money away.

The Shackman Decree may have ended patronage appointments but Burke and Daley have been able to outsource enough work. Work like that of the Hired Truck scandal to maintain any power lost because of Shackman.

Why do Chicago’s taxpayers have to pay millions of dollars to lawyers to protect Edward Burke whenever he’s been the target of federal investigations?

This Burke story is one that will keep on giving. Club Fed is waiting for their new residents.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Chicago May Be ready for Reform

A new investigation is expected to be launched into the criminal activities of Chicago Alderman Edward M. Burke and his wife, Illinois Supreme Court Justice, Anne M. Burke. The Burkes are accused of fixing murder cases and at least one high profile child molestation case.

There are some serious issues involving statutes of limitations that won’t affect State Bar and judicial conduct matters. There are plenty of matters recent enough to bring indictments.

Payoffs in the form of contracts awarded for Chicago’s legal work, Chicago Mob ties, new ghost pay-rolling allegations, along with fixing a court appeal to help the Emerald Gambling Casino regain their revoked license will all be under a new government microscope.

Alderman Burke was the son of a politically appointed Sheriff’s Deputy who rose through political ranks. Burke became a Chicago cop in 1965 and worked his way through DePaul Law School. When Burke’s father died in 1968 the younger Burke took a leave of absence from the police department to succeed his father’s position in the 14th Ward. Allegedly Ed Burke aligned himself with the Chicago Mob, got his inexperienced lawyer wife appointed to the Illinois Appellate Court and later the Supreme Court.

Many of these allegations are not new and were profiled in Robert Cooley’s book, WHEN CORRUPTION WAS KING that’s now being developed in Hollywood as a feature film.

Alderman Burke has a limousine, drivers and a large contingent of Chicago police bodyguards at his disposal because of an alleged threat made decades ago. I’ve been told taxpayers fund this at 1$ million a year. Along with his bodyguards Burke is also allowed by law to carry guns. No wonder Chicago is the land of constant tax increases.

If Chicago has a King and Queen they are the Burkes. They have the real power over the city’s government, at least for now. I’m told their lives are about to change.

Stay tuned! I expect to get some documents that are part of the investigation and will publish them here.