Showing posts with label Brewer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brewer. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2024

The NRA Is Dead to Me!

Arlington, VA—Wayne LaPierre, who became Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the National eRifle Association (NRA) in 1991, announced his resignation on January 5, 2024, effective January 31, 2024. This marks the end of a shameful reign marred by corruption, greed, and betrayal.

It has become glaringly clear that LaPierre embezzled millions of dollars in dues paid by loyal members for his personal extravagance. During his decades-long grip on the NRA, he used the organization as his personal piggy bank, leaving members disillusioned and betrayed.

The true scope of this misconduct came to light in August 2020, when New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against the NRA. The lawsuit exposed a staggering level of financial corruption under LaPierre’s leadership. It revealed that millions of dollars meant to defend the Second Amendment were instead spent on LaPierre’s lavish lifestyle, sweetheart deals for cronies, and contracts to silence former employees. These allegations include outrageous spending on personal luxuries, no-show jobs, and blatant mismanagement of funds.

The NRA’s once-proud reputation was shattered as members learned that the state of New York had to step in to expose the rot within its leadership. The lawsuit even sought to dissolve the NRA, citing violations of nonprofit laws that destroyed its charitable purpose.

One glaring example of LaPierre’s mismanagement was the NRA’s relationship with Ackerman McQueen, an Oklahoma City advertising firm. By 2017, the NRA was bleeding $40 million a year into this partnership. How much of that money found its way back into the pockets of LaPierre and his associates? The deal was so toxic that the two organizations eventually severed ties—but not before irreparable damage had been done.

Prominent celebrities once proud to stand with the NRA—like Tom Selleck, Ted Nugent, R. Lee Ermey, and Chuck Norris—walked away in disgust, unwilling to be associated with LaPierre’s toxic regime.

Until April 2024 John Frazer was General Counsel and Secretary. He held that title for nine years with a crazy salary of $400,000 a year.  The problem was that Frazer had no experience and only enjoyed the title.   Frazer was reelected as secretary, but he was removed from the general council position by the incoming CEO Doug Hamlin. In 2018 Bill Brewer was hired and seemed to handle the bulk of the legal work for the NRA bleeding the treasury to death.  It remains to be seen what the board is going to do now.  

I have some serious, unanswered questions:

1. What steps has the current NRA board taken to recover the millions LaPierre stole from its members?

2. Who is footing LaPierre’s legal bills? Are members still paying for his defense?

3. Can you tell me why the NRA has consistently been paying millions of dollars to the law firm of Brewer and Associates that hasn’t won a single case for the NRA yet?

4. Why is John Frazer still on the payroll? He was moved from General Counsel to Secretary, yet faces a serious State Bar complaint. Why hasn’t he been removed?

5. What accountability has been imposed on the board members who enabled and protected LaPierre’s cabal?

6. Has the NRA taken any meaningful steps to clean house and refocus on protecting gun rights, or is it still a personal ATM for corrupt leadership?

Members should also be deeply concerned about the NRA Museum, which holds countless priceless exhibits. At this rate, those treasures could be lost in a bankruptcy sale to pay for leadership’s failures.

Until every last parasite is removed, held accountable, and brought to justice, I will not rejoin the NRA. The organization I once supported has been hijacked by corruption, and its current leadership shows no signs of redemption.

Update: I’m hearing the Virginia State Bar complaint against Frazer was dismissed just last week.