The Obama Administration, BATFE gun running scandal was intentionally designed to create bloodshed that would be blamed on American Gun Rights. This propaganda effort took the lives of at least two Border Patrol Agents and hundreds of Mexican Nationals. The media blew it off as a bureaucratic bungling and a mistake.
The Whitehouse kept a Nixon style enemies list and the IRS
was sent to punish any political opposition.
Again, the mainstream media did not find this newsworthy. No tough questions or criticisms like the
firestorm Nixon suffered.
The NSA Spy Scandal that was revealed by Edward Snowden is
of unprecedented, criminal and epic proportions. The mainstream media simply made a traitor
out of the whistle-blower as they ignored a clear and obvious case of Treason
by Obama.
Obama gave himself absolute power with the destruction of
the Posse Comitatus Act while authorizing secret detention or even killings of
Americans without Due Process of law. In
effect, Obama simply suspended the United States Constitution. This is exactly
what Adolph Hitler did in Germany. What
did the mainstream media say? Absolutely
Our military veterans were sold out. VA physicians at great personal risk exposed
the horrible cover up of deaths of patients seeking critical medical care. The mainstream media burped and Obama had to
respond with a symbolic forced resignation and finally a subdued reaction.
The Bizarre and Shocking Case of Treason, Obama and Bowe Bergdhal
is Far Worse than imaginable. The
mainstream media seems to be a bit red-faced and blind-sided. Will this be the beginning of the saddest
chapter of American history? When will
we finally rid our Whitehouse of that traitor?