Showing posts with label Boston Marathon Bombing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boston Marathon Bombing. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Boston Marathon Bombing and its Political Fallout

Boston, MA—The cowardly bombing of innocents here brought out the worst and best human behaviors putting them in the spotlight.
We now seem to know what happened in that two young, male Muslim Jihadists used IED bombs against innocent men, women and children near the finish line of the 26-mile race.
Despite real danger many fine men and women risked their lives to aid those who had their limbs blown off at the scene.  The medical community rallied to save all the lives and limbs they could.  The law enforcement community banded together identifying, locating and capturing suspects. 
We really don’t know the extent of this sleeper cell of terrorists that carried out this horrible act.  We may soon learn more from the four surviving suspects taken into custody along with the items and computers seized by police.
Terrorism by nature consists of random violent acts against soft targets.  Pretend preventive measures like TSA airline passenger frisking can easily be defeated by determined terrorists.   The TSA was really nothing more than a jobs program brought in to exploit a crisis. The TSA was and is pure Security Theater. 
Realistically terrorism can’t be even reduced by government.  Fanatics will simply find the right shopping center, movie theater, school, church, sporting event, convention or concert to attack. 
Think for a moment, how difficult would it be for some twisted freak to enter a busy shopping center before Christmas with a bomb concealed in a Lord & Taylor shopping bag and setting it down near children lined up to visit Santa Claus?
As for the worst behavior, it came from the political Left and their news media propaganda organizations.  They wasted no time blaming or at least casting suspicion on the Tea Party, NRA and other political conservatives for this evil crime.  They were shamelessly exploiting this suffering for purely political purposes.  They did the same thing just a few months ago for the Sandyhook school shooting.
The people of political right are angry about the seizing of the liberty, freedom and property by Left Wing politicians and the Obama Administration.  However if the political Right ever felt the necessity for violence they would target the object of their scorn, not innocent Americans.  Expected violence would be directed at government agents such as those attempting to seize constitutionally protected firearms.  Perhaps a treasonous politician or two would wind up in Conservative crosshairs.
Many members of the political Left are pathetic and hateful bastards operating on pure envy and greed.  They see themselves as romantic Robin Hood characters, rather than the Hitlers and Stalins they really are. 
This very sad Boston Marathon Chapter seems to have come to a close.  Americans on both sides of the political spectrum need to find common ground and begin to protect each other and their rights.  The hate that divides us must end.  We need to be better examples to the children and work to improve their educations and overall American productivity. 
We need to wean Americans off of entitlements and lethargy.  We all must work together to reward rather than to punish productivity.  Americans should all be entitled to respect for their contributions to society.  Those who don’t contribute will never learn how in a welfare Socialist state.  That being said we owe it to the disabled to insure their quality of life.
As for those injured in the Marathon bombing I’d like our government to guarantee their medical bills covering the uninsured and underinsured. Our intelligence system failed them.
Let’s learn tolerance to freedom along with the right of all Americans to self-defense.  Lets put envy, greed and class hatred to pasture where it belongs.  We need to learn how to protect each other show respect.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It was Social Media Not the Main Stream News Media That Reported First on The Boston Marathon Bombing.

Boston, MA—Times are changing faster than even the news productions experts could imagine.  Ordinary people are carrying smart phones and sophisticated cameras that can even upload instantly to sites like UStream
Yesterday the bombing was covered from nearly every conceivable angle by hundreds of cameras shooting high-resolution images.  These images undoubtedly captured the criminals responsible for this mad and cruel act.
There were numerous mainstream photojournalists on the scene shooting but for few if any live broadcast cameras their images were not broadcast or published until they were first transmitted to their electronic news gathering hubs for redistribution.
Some people were uploading still and video images to Internet sites as they were actually happening.  One thing for sure the world will not have to guess what happened because of the massive presence of cameras.  Courts and the jury will also see many of these images as critical evidence needed to bring justice to the offender/s.
Police will have to learn not to obstruct those with cameras capturing images, video and audio at live crime scenes.  They are beginning to understand the value of the potential evidence.  It would make much more sense for cops to allow those shooting cameras and to get their contact information for follow-up investigators.  The old police habits of aggressively chasing photographers away needs rethinking.
The first celebrated citizen journalist of our time was the unlikely, Abraham Zapruder who by chance captured on color movie film the actual assassination of President John F. Kennedy.   He had a new Super 8 movie camera.  His stunning film was the centerpiece for news broadcasts and the massive investigation that followed.   Imagine what an evidence and media bonanza there would be it that happened today.  Many more questions about that crime would have been answered.
Arson investigators have long known that photographs showing bystanders at fire scenes very often reveal the suspects admiring their work in crowds of onlookers.
Oddly enough the first reports of yesterday’s bombing were posted on Twitter and Facebook!  Television broadcasters took much longer to get live images to their viewers.  Our sophisticated media giants are more concerned about copyright protection and the business aspects of their images than members of the public shooting pictures.
One L.A. TV reporter, Alycia Lane of KNBC-TV was off duty and in Boston close to the scene in a restaurant.  She did not miss a beat and became a “Citizen Journalist” when the police came in evacuating them to the street.  She had a companion shoot her in a broadcast standup with an iPhone as she walked in the street described what was going on.  The bad news was the companion was not smart enough to hold the camera horizontal like our TV screens.  The valuable video made air anyway.

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