Showing posts with label Bimbos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bimbos. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Is Britney Spears just another used and abused woman?

Yes she has real talent and has amassed a fortune giving her everything but happiness. She went into two meaningless marriages and now has children and that does not seem to fulfill Britney’s life.

The problem is Britney can buy and sell her managers, agents, personal trainers and bodyguards. They cater to her every whim. They dare not intervene in Britney’s personal life or fear losing the gravy train. These people in Britney’s life are using her and not helping her.

Britney needs a mentor or parental figure that’s not impressed with her wealth long enough to guide her through the abyss she’s found for herself. Someone that will do something novel, tell Britney the truth.

Britney has no choice but to straighten out her life or die. The latter would be horribly unfair to her children.

If Britney were under my care I’d take her and her kids to a quiet and beautiful place in India I use as a refuge for about three months. There she could detoxify and get the snakes out of her head. She could catch her breath and figure out just what she wants to do with herself and for her children.

Britney is not a joke, she is a suffering human being. Britney needs to reinvent Britney in a more mature model now that she’s is a little older.

Britnay Will Do Anything For Attention-Anything

Britney Spears will do anything for attention these days. That is anything other than entertaining her fans with singing and dancing.

She gained new and unsavory world attention when she flashed her cooter for the paparazzi and partied non-stop. The latest insanity is that she shaved her head and got a new tattoo. The poor girl is making a fool out of herself while she self-destructs.

Apparently she flirted with thoughts of rehabilitation yesterday but opted to leave the facility.

Will Spears try to equal Anna Nicole Smith’s latest horror? I’d say Spears is in desperate need of some forced, life-saving intervention before its too late.

She photos of the self-destruction here.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Death Analysis

I did not want to touch this story for a lot of reasons but after more than a dozen e-mails and one comment on the blog I feel compelled to give you my take on this giant tragedy.

Anna Nicole Smith was no Marilyn Monroe by any stretch and I detest the comparisons. Marilyn was a talented actress, singer and dancer. That and she was a serious student of those entertainment arts. Anna Nicole was only a talented stripper.

Marilyn Monroe took great care of her body while Anna Nicole did not. Marilyn used lawfully prescribed drugs that the medical community later learned was dangerous. Anna Nicole was a recreational drug abuser and alcoholic. Other than being flashy blonds any similarity between these two women ends.

Anna Nicole was exploited by everyone and used the only thing she had, her occasionally fit body to exploit others. It seems like a shallow and sad life for anyone. I can’t imagine being viewed only as a prime piece of meat and only then at certain body weights.

As for the cause of death I suspected and still do that her body was damaged by horrific dieting practices, prolonged drug use and alcohol abuse. I don’t rule out improperly applied lifesaving efforts as a contributing factor. It’s now obvious that the cause of death will be settled through toxicology reports but how the drugs were delivered or ingested will be the subjects of future conspiracy books. Proving a crime will be impossible.

Anna’s baby daughter, Dannielynn is the real intrigue. I strongly suspect that Anna Nichole’s daughter was in fact at the hotel and under the sometime care of Anna Nicole's nurse rather than in the Bahamas. If the baby were found in the United States she would have been put under the jurisdiction of American courts. I suspect that Anna Nicole’s boyfriend, Howard K. Stern to avoid court ordered DNA testing, quickly removed the baby. Stern has yet to surface anywhere.

The conspiracy theories, books and documentaries will flourish for years to come as this tabloid born saga unfolds.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Device Will Save Cop’s Careers

I’ve never been a fan of the Taser stun gun. They are a public relations nightmare in too many cases. The Westwood, CA, November 2006 UCLA library incident is an example where an 18-year veteran officer is battling the threat of unwarranted civil litigation. This in a land where the jury pool is polluted with extreme, Liberal cop haters. As for the UCLA officer’s continued employment, I suspect that’s shaky too in an academic institution top-heavy with the Liberal elite. The Taser carries the reputation with it of an ugly American past where cops used cattle prods on African-Americans to gain compliance in Southern states.

Personally, I would not have used the Taser in that UCLA incident only because I fear the predictable outcry and circus especially when applied to an unruly minority group member. Nobody seems to care that the UCLA case like so many others only injured the pride of the so-called victim.

At the Orlando, FL 2007 SHOT SHOW, I met with Taser representative, Jay Keyhoe who is a Connecticut cop. Keyhoe showed me a somewhat new accessory for that Taser device. The Taser Cam is a small digital video camera that captures all of the behavior and sound from the suspect. Because of the built-in microphone the entire verbal exchange is fully recorded too. This device will would perhaps end any and all questions as to how and why the Taser was used.

I knew that Taser intended to offer the camera nearly two years ago but I have not seen that concept materialize until now. The Taser International website does not yet show this offering. Taser does have a full-page photo ad featuring this on the back cover of this months POLICE magazine.

I suspect that California’s goofy law against surreptitious audio recording even when it’s your own conversation will interfere with deployment of this accessory in that state. The device can be altered to collect only the video if necessary. There is a law enforcement exception to the law that may well allow that audio recording. Security people would not be exempt from that law.

I think that this camera apparatus will go a long way to defuse incendiary and misleading descriptions of the use of the Tasers in the future. I anticipate this will save officer’s reputations, jobs and taxpayer dollars used for defending bogus lawsuits.