Showing posts with label Beverly Hills Hilton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverly Hills Hilton. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Whitney Houston Homicide

Beverly Hills, CAWhitney Houston’s scalded and battered remains were found in a bathtub at the local Hilton Hotel.  Despite the first "accidental death" findings by authorities serious and undeniable signs of foul play linger on.  Nobody’s buying the accident story, especially not me or the working cops.
Despite the publicized findings, the investigation was not going away anytime soon.  In fact the investigation is heating up.  Those responsible for the singer’s death know only too well about the loose ends that will soon snare them.   It turns out that Ms. Houston had a guardian angel that is now demanding justice.

As in every case involving multiple offenders the first one that breaks ranks and runs to the prosecutor gets a free ride even in death penalty qualified cases!  There will be no jail, no criminal record and even an all expense paid relocation for one lucky conspirator. 
Despite physical and photographic evidence prosecutors always want inside information and never fail to use the tools provided by immunity from prosecution. 
Who will win this race to guaranteed freedom?  I have my bet on one particular person who just may be smart enough to come forward and win the prize. 
Upon request, I will provide safe passage to the District Attorney for the lucky one that contacts me. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Now It’s Time To Slam Whitney Houston and What She Became.

Beverly Hill, CA—She had it all a truly gifted voice, adoring mentors and legions of zealous fans. Incredible wealth was showered over this woman who traded everything for mind-altering drugs.

Whitney Houston managed to transform herself self-absorbed, filthy, disgusting crack whore.

She maybe missed right now but by no one more than those selling illegal drugs to her.

Houston was a monumental disappointment to anyone that ever helped her.
We have a War on Drugs and nearly everyone engaged in that war profits from its continuation.

We need to legalize the poison just to remove the obscene profits. Regulating and taxing this toxic garbage will be no improvement. I do mean legalize.

At the same time we must refocus on treatment for only those who want to be returned to health. Right now hundreds of billions of treatment dollars are wasted on those in treatment for cutting jail time rather than to quit drugs.

I hate drugs but I hate the violence, corruption and loss of liberty and privacy more. The Drug War has taken a huge bite out Americans Freedoms. We need to get liberty returned.

As for the addicted we know that don’t seek treatment the only correct way to help them is through tough love. Feeding the addicts has never been helpful.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let The Conspiracy Stories About Whitney’s Death Begin!

Beverly Hills, CA--It’s inevitable that whispers of murder and cover up will surround Whitney Houston’s untimely death.

There were rumors of a huge debt owed to drug dealers. Houston also had monumental drug fueled relationship problems.

I’d like to think Houston was worth more to the parasites of her inner circle alive than dead.

Was this an accidental overdose, drowning or combination of both? Do we have yet another case of a physician prescribing whatever Houston wanted for a big fat paycheck? I'm sure we will hear the name of her personal doctor tossed around.

It will take up to six weeks before officials will know just what chemicals were in Houston’s blood and organs. Just how they got there will be another source of speculation.

There will be telltale signs like needle marks and irritation of nasal passages odors connected detected on her clothing and body.

Cops and the medical examiner will be looking for signs of a struggle or injuries on the singer. The red flag of little blood spots in the whites of Houston’s eyes would quickly alert cops of strangulation if that were the case.

A drowning in absence of drug or alcohol intoxication would send homicide rumors into overdrive. However the truth is that accidental falling in bathtubs and showers do kill even young and healthy people.

Cops reportedly told the press that no illegal drugs were found at the scene. That does not answer questions about paraphernalia commonly used to prepare or consume those poisons.

The odds are beyond overwhelming that Houston was juiced up on drugs based on her public appearance and behavior in the preceding hours and days before her demise.

If illegal drugs are found in Houston’s body and none were found in her hotel room it becomes obvious that somebody did some cleaning before the cops could respond to the scene.

Prescription drug abuse or mixture with alcohol could be just as dangerous as any common street drugs.

The only truth we can bank upon is that there will forever be more questions than answers about this woman’s death that will live on long after she’s laid to rest.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston’s Hasty Exit

Beverly Hills, CA—It was here at the late Merv Griffin’s old Beverly Hills Hilton that the award overloaded Whitney Houston took her last breath.

It’s a sad tale of an African-American woman who despite immense talent could not escape addiction to the deadly poison that obviously killed her.

Houston’s public behavior so-often lacked any of the dignity of her mellow voice. She was well beyond the point of humiliation.

Despite her music catalog’s incredible earnings Houston seemed barely a step ahead of the process servers and collection lawyers.

The last photos of her are pathetic. It shows an entourage of parasitic types holding her up. It looks like they were propping up their personal ATM.

The good news here is the courts will take control of her music’s future earnings for her only child. Most of her inner circle will now have to suck someone else’s blood for a change.

As for the War on Drugs, that was won against liberty, privacy, and has made all the wrong people hundreds of billions of dollars or more. Our politicians love that cash cow and will never let it go.

As for drug treatment, it’s only available to people who need it. They don’t want or need it for a cure but to reduce they time they’d otherwise be spending behind bars. Treatment needs to be reserved for only those that want to change their lives.

Every drug addict in America knows they can do whatever it takes to get the cash to purchase what no War on Drugs can stop.