Showing posts with label BATFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BATFE. Show all posts

Monday, December 15, 2014

Last Week’s Los Angeles Downtown Inferno, an Update

Los Angeles, CA—Last week’s fire at the downtown Da Vinci Apartments under construction seemed to me to be an obvious case of arson.  Motives in significant arson cases are nearly always financial. 
The fact that the fire engulfed the entire, well over one million square feet evenly and suddenly indicates, at least to me a very large amount of accelerant like gasoline or paint thinner was used.
Arsonists often mistakenly believe that fires will consume all the evidence of their crime.  The reality is gravity preserves arson evidence.  The temperatures of fires are the coolest on the bottom of structures conserving precious clues.
Investigators are being understandably tight lipped about the things they know.  I also suspect that because the vast amount of real estate involved this crime involved multiple arsonists.
In this case the first arsonist that can get to a lawyer, contact authorities and snitch on everyone else wins!  With compelling information and testimony a, “Get out of jail free” card will undoubtedly be available.
I think it’s very safe to say arrests will be made in this case.  
Released LAFD video shows at least one male being aggressively pulled from the construction fence fire by firemen.  I’m amazed they did not hold him for police.  I’m waiting to hear that strange story for sure.
This fire was faster and more furious than any I’ve seen and that causes me to suspect that as investigators scour the scene that may find one or more bodies of arsonists that burned to death.  If that’s the case murder charges will be certainly brought against anyone connected the arson. 
The fire department just released a video of two men found by firemen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  A mere coincidence? Somehow I don't think so.  
They are suggesting these two are simply witnesses and that’s laughable.  The LAPD and BATFE investigators can’t wait to slap the handcuffs on those clowns and sweat full confessions out of them.  Extensive search warrants will be served I'd be shocked if they don't catch at least one really big fish to fry. 
Right now authorities are simply hoping that these lads are dumb enough to fall for the ruse thinking they might even be treated like heroes. 
Stay tuned because this story is just getting started!  Just who will we see caught up in this obvious conspiracy? 
Here are at least two of the obvious suspects:



Monday, December 08, 2014

Huge Downtown Inferno Rocks Los Angeles Overnight

Photo courtesy of KNBC-TV News
Los Angeles, CA—The City of Angeles was the scene of an overnight structure fire larger than I have ever seen before.  Reportedly over 250 firefighters battled the firestorm since it was reported at 1:20 AM. 
The massive blaze was adjacent to the Harbor #110 Freeway at the 900 block of Fremont Avenue. 
Additionally two nearby commercial high-rise buildings were severely damaged by heat, smoke, hundreds of broken windows and flooding from the sprinkler systems. 
Broken glass and debris could be found all over the neighborhood.  
By mid-morning the fire was nearly out but visibly smoldering.  I sent my drone up from the opposite side of the Harbor Freeway, which apparently was the only vantage point to see the ruins. 
The structure itself, which incidentally is located adjacent to a fire station, was to become the Da Vinci Apartments.  At least one million square feet of prime property was totally destroyed. 
Fire officials have said the blaze is very suspicious in nature and a massive investigation has begun with the LAPD and BATFE pooling their best resources. 
There are no damage estimates available right now but I'm sure it will be well into the hundreds of $Millions.

Reports are coming in that there has been criticism concerning the massive amount of wood used in the construction.  That causes me to shudder what a disaster this could have been had the apartments been completed and fully occupied.  Perhaps this was a cheap lesson in public safety. 
Here is some drone video of what’s left of the structure this morning. 

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Obama’s Ownership of America’s Liberal Mainstream Media is Suddenly a Major Embarrassment

 Washington, DC—Our mainstream media were all in lockstep behind Barack Obama as a new Messiah.  Scandal after scandal was laughed off beginning with the candidate and now President’s suspicious and questionable birth qualifications.  His alignment with a high-profile racist preacher along with long personal ties to known Communist terrorists, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were simply guffawed. 

The Obama Administration, BATFE gun running scandal was intentionally designed to create bloodshed that would be blamed on American Gun Rights.  This propaganda effort took the lives of at least two Border Patrol Agents and hundreds of Mexican Nationals.  The media blew it off as a bureaucratic bungling and a mistake.  
The Whitehouse kept a Nixon style enemies list and the IRS was sent to punish any political opposition.  Again, the mainstream media did not find this newsworthy.  No tough questions or criticisms like the firestorm Nixon suffered.
The NSA Spy Scandal that was revealed by Edward Snowden is of unprecedented, criminal and epic proportions.  The mainstream media simply made a traitor out of the whistle-blower as they ignored a clear and obvious case of Treason by Obama.  
Obama gave himself absolute power with the destruction of the Posse Comitatus Act while authorizing secret detention or even killings of Americans without Due Process of law.  In effect, Obama simply suspended the United States Constitution. This is exactly what Adolph Hitler did in Germany.  What did the mainstream media say?  Absolutely nothing!
Our military veterans were sold out.   VA physicians at great personal risk exposed the horrible cover up of deaths of patients seeking critical medical care.  The mainstream media burped and Obama had to respond with a symbolic forced resignation and finally a subdued reaction.
The Bizarre and Shocking Case of Treason, Obama and Bowe Bergdhal is Far Worse than imaginable.   The mainstream media seems to be a bit red-faced and blind-sided.  Will this be the beginning of the saddest chapter of American history?  When will we finally rid our Whitehouse of that traitor? 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Lies and a Cover-Up Now Surround the Killings Committed by Elliot Rodger as Leftists Shamelessly Use this to Promote Their Political Agenda.

Isla Vista, CA—Elliot Rodger was under the outpatient care of a psychiatrist.  His cadre of mental health professionals allowed Rodger to roam free despite his numerous and very public threats to harm innocent women. When they finally tried to intervene it was too little and too late.

Rodger had steadfastly refused to take his prescribed anti-psychotic medications.  Instead of institutionalizing Rodger his keepers knowingly let this time bomb walk our streets.
Rodger’s family repeatedly did all they could to warn police of the very real danger.  We’ve yet to hear their repeated 911 calls they made in effort to get police to have Rodger picked up for a 5150 psychiatric hold and examination.   Police finally contacted the troubled lad and then simply failed to actually investigate and do their job.
California has some of the most onerous gun bans and restrictions found anywhere in the USA.  No sale or transfer of any firearms can take place without waiting periods and comprehensive background investigations of the purchaser. 
The Santa Barbara Sheriff, Bill Brown falsely and outrageously claimed to the media that the sale of and subsequent registrations of three 9MM handguns to Rodger was lawful.  The fact is Rodger lied on the BATFE gun purchase #4473 forms about suffering from mental illness.  More importantly California’s Department of Justice failed to flag and prevent Rodger’s gun purchases over his serious mental health disqualification. 
Each of the Rodger’s three lies on the #4473 form should have resulted in felony arrests and the penalty for each violation would put Rodger away for 10 years in federal prison for each purchase!
When the massacre began, Rodger used simple knives to murder three young men at his apartment.  Next Rodger used his BMW as a deadly weapon to maim four other people.  Finely he used a gun to kill two young women and a man.  A gun was apparently Rodger’s last choice to use as a weapon.  

The laws that effectively keep the non-permitted, law-abiding people from carrying guns did not stop Rodger.  Gun laws never stop criminals.  There was no knife or automobile prohibition and the three dead stabbing victims or those run down by Rodger's car are no better off.  
Of course the political Left is again using this preventable deadly crime spree as an excuse to demand more unconstitutional gun bans despite the fact that California authorities simply did not enforce the laws already on the books. 
California politicians made the entire state a Gun Free Zone.  That assured Rodger that nobody could effectively resist his deadly crime spree.  Thankfully in two separate cases the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has recently shot down the state’s ban on concealed weapons.  Soon intended victims or other lawfully armed citizens will be able to stop armed maniacs like Rodger. 
The victims of Rodger’s violence including his own parents have a lot of people to sue over this horror story.  They have a huge medical malpractice over the failures of Rodger’s cadre of Psychiatric professionals.  They have a equally huge claim against the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department for their failure to take proper action on the frantic efforts of Roger’s father and others warning them of the pending massacre.  Last but not least,  California’s Department of Justice must be brought to book for mistakenly approving the illegal firearm transactions. 
Yes, officials have a lot to hide right now as taxpayers are sure to be paying millions to anyone victimized by Rodger’s rampage.

In the end we must remember that this maniac was stopped by armed men and women risking their lives to protect us all.  Yes, guns save lives.