Showing posts with label Andrew Breitbart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Breitbart. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Was Brittany Murphy’s Death A Murder? I Smelled the Same Cover-up Odor While Investigating Andrew Breitbart’s Death!

The late actress Brittany Murphy and her late husband, screenwriter Simon Monjack

Los Angeles, CA—Are operatives in our government murdering citizens questioning the subversive activities of public officials? 
Has Los Angeles County Coroner death investigation shortcuts covered up murder? 
Under the Obama Administration some terrible and ominous things have been happening that the mainstream media has ignored.  Obama has given himself absolute power over Americans by suspending The Bill of Rights in connection with wiretapping, surveillance, searches, secret detention, due process and even the power to kill Americans.  
It may take more than a decade to sort out the legal challenges to these actions but in the meantime this tyranny seems unstoppable. Additionally Homeland security has purchased millions of rounds of small arms ammunition for use inside the USA we can only presume for use on citizens.   
Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, 43 tried to warn anyone who would listen and at the height of his influence suddenly died on March 1, 2012 after drinking a small amount of wine at the Brentwood Inn.  The coroner’s report claimed a heart attack killed Breitbart.
I interviewed an eyewitness, Chris Lasseter twice on Breitbart’s death the first time was on the day after this death.  Lasseter told me enough information to convince me poison may have been involved. That witness described Breitbart’s face to be bright red.  As a former US Army medical corpsman I learned first hand that heart attack victims become cyanotic where their skin usually turns blue not red!  No pun intended here, this was a huge red flag of heavy metal poisoning.
Coincidently a forensic photographer working for the Coroner’s office died from poisoning contemporaneously with Breitbart’s autopsy.  Did that worker die as a result of contamination by powerful toxins released during that post mortem examination? A coroner’s office spokesperson later told me that the employee was not in anyway involved with the Breitbart case.  Was that assertion the truth I wonder? 
Earlier on December 20, 2009 an apparently healthy actress Brittany Murphy, 32 unexpectedly died.  The Los Angeles County Coroner blamed the death on pneumonia.   They did not screen for heavy metals.  That is now in question after a new private toxicology report commissioned by Murphy's father claims the actress had deadly heavy metals within her system.  
Strangely enough her husband, screenwriter Simon Monjack, 40 died some five months later under similar circumstances.
What’s troubling here is that Murphy and her husband were publicly backing the claims of a Homeland Security employee, whistle blower Julia Davis.  Davis called attention to serious security flaws allowing terrorists to easily enter the United States. 
There are too many unexplained deaths of people that knew too much or talked too much about the Obama Administration.  Members of Navy Seal Team Six were wiped out preventing any embarrassing disclosures about the raid to capture Osama Bin Laden.  The secret disposal of Bin Laden’s remains sill leaves many more questions than answers.
 There is a list of deaths connected to Obama that can be found here:
Here is a second video interview I did with Chris Lasseter for WND who actually saw Andrew Breitbart fall and die. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Paul Huebl to be interviewed by Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson Tuesday Morning

Chicago, IL—Morning drive time is a great spot to be on Chicago’s radio. Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson are talk radio hosts in the Windy City are always looking for thought provoking topics and guests for their show on WIND-AM 560.

They’ve asked me to join them to talk about the sudden death at age 43 of Conservative blogger and frequent Obama critic Andrew Breitbart. They want my take on the possibility of this being murder.

Call in with your questions!

Tune in Tuesday morning 24 April @ 8:00 A.M Chicago time. If you’re outside the broadcast area you can listen to the shows live stream right here:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Andrew Breitbart’s Autopsy Report Lacks Important Answers and Raises More Questions

Los Angeles, CA—The untimely death of Conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart the night before he claimed to be releasing bombshell evidence that would derail Obama’s reelection campaign is beyond suspicious.

I interviewed witness Christopher Lasseter who saw Beritbart cross the street from the Brentwood, step onto a curb and, “drop like a sack of potatoes.” Breitbart collapsed on the sidewalk in front of the Starbucks. Civilians, cops and paramedics treated him at the scene. He was then transported to and pronounced dead at the UCLA Medical Center in nearby Westwood.

Lasseter went on to describe Breitbart’s clothing down to his high-end Converse sneakers. Lasseter was not familiar with Breitbart or his background. Lasseter was there walking his dog and became involved with the attempt to follow a 911 operator’s instructions to save the dying man’s life.

I asked Lasseter specifically about Breitbart’s skin color and he said it was “bright red.” That bothered me because as an Army medical corpsman I knew that most heart attack victims turned blue.

I quickly got on the telephone to Palo Alto, California with one of the most respected vascular surgeons in the nation, Tej Singh, MD and asked him about that revelation. I also informed the physician that Breitbart was was consuming wine just before he died.

Dr. Singh reminded me that wine was a vascular dilator and enough of it would turn Breitbart’s skin red. He went on to tell me about Japanese men that drink lots of wine and suffer heart attacks. It’s all too common to see their skin turn red.

The shock of the Breitbart autopsy report is that Beritbart had a blood-alcohol concentration in his blood of .04, which is minimal. Why then was Breitbart’s skin bright red?

Poisons like cyanide, or carbon monoxide are known for turning skin red. There are poisons that can be criminally delivered orally, or through skin that mimic heart attacks, but for the condition of cyanosis where the skin turns blue. Some of these poisons have been in the arsenal of our CIA for decades. The reality is they cannot be detected by normal toxicology testing.

There have been cases where physicians have been convicted of murdering people with such drugs despite the ability of medical examiners to discover the toxins used to kill.

The Los Angeles Coroner released a statement, a preliminary report of their opinion of the cause of Beritbart’s death. They say the 43 year-old suffered a heart attack and they don’t suspect foul play.

It was Breitbart that brought down ACORN, a billion dollar criminal organization that was involved in massive vote fraud efforts that helped Obama get elected for his first term. ACORN lost millions of additional government funds because Breitbart exposed tem to the world for what they were.

There is no question that Breitbart was a target of concern and hate by people inside and supporters of the Obama Administration. Silencing Breitbart had to be high priority for anyone with a serious financial stake in Obama’s reelection. It’s safe to say people were gunning for this man who already inflicted tremendous damage to the campaign.

I’m having a hard time buying the suggestion that this young man simply had a heart attack considering his “big” announcement never materialized. Breitbart was silenced and those connected to ACORN and the Obama Administration had motive, means and opportunity to kill their nemesis.

Update: I conducted a second interview of Lassiter for and have posted it below:

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Andrew Breitbart was an Internet Genius

Los Angeles, CA—They either loved or hated Andrew Breitbart subject to their particular political orientation.

Breitbart began as a behind the scenes creative force behind both the Drudge Report and the Huffington Post.

Soon it was his very own Big Government and Big Hollywood. Breitbart was a master at throwing hot blog content bombs and making waves on the World Wide Web.

Breitbart rallied against the formerly all-powerful liberal and politically unified mainstream media in America.

Breitbat made a huge difference in the information world during his short life.

When you create an Internet news site the most difficult task it to publicize your offering so that the visitors learn of your existence. That can be painfully slow process.

I’ve watched great writers and reporters come and go that could only establish double digit hits per day. I have watched less talented quickly gain tens of thousands of hit per day.

It’s all about figuring out old-fashioned publicity stunts or for that matter any method that will get you noticed. Breitbart knew where and how to generate viral content. That is the secret to success publishing on the Internet.

Phone calls and mouse clicks made by a web promotion expert like Breitbart make some bloggers rich. If you can garner 300,000 hits a day you can quit your day job since advertisers will support you.

I’ve not figured out how to do that yet. There are millions of people out there that would love my content but they don’t yet know I exist. Of course if I break news rather than just report it that’s always helps because others will point the way to me.

If the masses either love you or hate you it will bring success in blogging. The expected relative safety of measured and moderate blogging is a guaranteed slow and painful Internet death.

My readers tend to be either cops, gun rights advocates, lawyers and some TV news folks I’ve worked with over the years.

I’d love to have the funding to travel to where news and history is being made. That’s just not happening for me yet. But I continue forward every day. I will continue as long as it's fun.

Friday, March 02, 2012

An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene.

Los Angeles, CA—It was just after midnight when Christopher Lasseter was walking his little dog in Brentwood. He watched a man he now knows to be Andrew Breitbart crossing Barrington from The Brentwood.

Beritbart was walking without apparent distress in the direction of the Starbucks across the well-lit street. Once Breitbart stepped up on the curb, as Lasseter put it, “He fell hard like a sack of Potatoes.”

A man unknown to Lasseter called 911. The 911 operator told them to begin chest compressions on Beritbart until the police and paramedics arrived.

The very top photo shows where Breitbart died on his back with his head close to the lamp post on the left and his feet under the newspaper vending machine to the right.

Lasseter described Breitbart’s skin color as bright red.

I obtained the interview on video but it’s now property of so look for it over there. I will post a link here once it’s available.

We will be waiting with bated breath for the Medical Examiner's and the Toxicology Reports to know exactly what cut a young man's life short.

Update:  This video investigative report was requested from me by WND and was posted on May 9, 2012: