Chicago, IL—So many first responders in Illinois and California have put their life and blood into careers of public service. They were all put into government pension programs for retirement rather than Social Security. Corrupt politicians have found ways to misuse the pension funds like they did with every government fund under their control.
The government pensions were promised to allow retirement for a job well done. Every pension is in mortal danger now in these two states. These two states can be counted upon to file bankruptcy first under Chapter 11 to reorganize their debts by significantly reducing the amounts paid to retirees. After the reorganizations fail, and they will, Chapter 7 will kick in and a single and small lump sum will go to these folks if they get anything at all.
These two states are already begging for a federal bailout. A bailout here is nothing more than the printing of more counterfeit currency by our government. This bailout should not be allowed to happen or the entire country will be in this mess. In the end it may not make a difference.
Every state controlled by plundering Democrats can’t be far behind California and Illinois. Businesses in these states will have to relocate or simply vanish.
Of course the pension funds are only a small part of a bigger mess. Social Security was doomed the day Franklin Roosevelt and his Socialist pals in our Congress forced this program on America. Ponzi schemes always run out of money and Social Security is no exception.
The unskilled, unemployable and unwashed dependent masses of these states can be counted upon take to the streets unleashing unstoppable violence. Police departments like Chicago’s could never control a significant ghetto uprising. Neighborhoods will be controlled by whoever has the best weapons and ability to effectively to use them. Frankly most cops will understandably abandon their posts to go home and protect their own families in any real insurrection.
Our military and National Guard has been neutered by deployment with their assets to Iraq and Afghanistan. We have little left to protect America from an attack of our continent except individual Americans with small arms.
The Socialists will be offering a new form of government for America and I only hope these bastards are the first to be led to the scaffolds along with the politicians that were responsible for these disaster.
The future of America can only be anarchy and war. We will soon be asking ourselves, “How’d that happen?”