Showing posts with label ABC News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABC News. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

“Crazy” Ted Kaczynski Was Not Insane! He was Clairvoyant!

Lincoln, MT—In 1978 a two-decade bombing campaign began that untimely took three lives and maimed some 23 people.  Ingeniously hand constructed bombs were delivered, mailed or otherwise planted targeting people involved with advanced technology.  It was an effort to intimidate those involved to obstruct and discontinue their efforts.
I worked on this massive investigation myself for among others, ABC News.  The FBI dubbed the bomber as the, "UNABOM" (UNiversity & Airline BOMber).  Their agents meticulously reconstructed the bombs in their investigative process that consumed many of their entire careers.   
Everyone was trying to guess the reasoning behind this frightening serial killer’s actions.  The New York Times received a somewhat strange letter on April 24, 1995.  The author promised "to desist from terrorism" if the Times or the Washington Post published his manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), in which he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization. 
That manifesto eventually led to the unmasking of the man responsible, Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski.   Kaczynski was a genuine Harvard educated egghead with a PhD in mathematics.  Kaczynski was so beyond brilliant he did not fit into our society.  He shunned anything involving technology including automobiles.   He took up residence in a tiny shack and spent countless hours at his local library. 
Friends were elusive to Kaczynski who limited his human connections to two women in the small hamlet of Lincoln.  One was the librarian and the other headed the local Chamber of Commerce.
Kaczynski was not pleasant to be around primarily because of his lacking personal hygiene and unkempt appearance.  Most people avoided this eccentric fellow.  Once Kaczynski’s own brother David tipped off the FBI the so-called UNABOM suspect’s mad world came to a halt. 
This was a huge news story at the time and I was once more working with ABC News network reporter Bill Redeker.  I worked with Redeker before on the Oklahoma Bombing case and on both of these stories and our reports came way out on top.
A picture of Kaczynski soon emerged and the consensus was that he was simply crazy.  His redundantly re-published manifesto was anything but an easy read.  However to me Kaczynski’s message was clear and hauntingly ominous.
Technology was about to strangle all of society in a world far worse than George Orwell’s 1984!  Both Orwell and Kaczynski were absolutely right in their prophecies.  Government and select corporations now have the massive power to see and hear whatever they want almost anywhere they want. There is no privacy and there is no escape from those in power.  Between Google, the NSA and thousands of smaller government contractors we are in a police state that would make Adolf Hitler a very jealous man.
Right now in Oregon there are some brave men that are challenging the federal government’s authority to seize and control public land.  Decades of family business are at stake.  Now the government is about to crush this protest just like the BATFE, FBI and our military unlawfully did to the men, women and children in Waco, TX during the Branch Davidian Massacre.
Already in Oregon the Feds have compromised cell phones, deployed listening devices and drones to selectively locate, ambush and even kill one protester so far. 
The question remains as to how far this kind on tyranny will continue.  Will the federal enforcement agents follow their oaths of office or remain loyal to tyrannical government bureaucrats instead. 
We have learned from history that despots like Hitler maintained control by allowing his thugs to seize and keep citizen’s personal property, money, businesses and land.
Keeping government enforcers on the side of the citizenry always fails under despotic regimes.  Corruption always rules.  Today we have a totally corrupt government and our elected and appointed leaders are controlled by greed for power and money.  They don’t give a rat’s ass about the people that elected them.
Kaczynski saw the power that technology would give politicians and had the vision to understand that eventually life, as we knew it was on a track straight to Hell.  Kaczynski unsuccessfully tried to stop this but nobody would listen.  
Our Second Amendment to keep and bear arms has been completely hijacked.  It was meant to give the people defense parity with our government.  We allowed this important right to become meaningless.   The government has the power and technology to murder far beyond anyone’s worst nightmare.  The small arms we have are no match for our government’s current killing tools.
Kaczynski was a lot of things, but crazy he was not.  His warnings went ignored as we laughed him off.  I for one am not laughing anymore.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Milwaukee and National Media Failed on their Reporting of the Sikh Temple Shooting.

Milwaukee, WI—I guess the reporters in this town were all off enjoying their Sunday at Home.  A mass shooting at a Sikh Temple is apparently not worthy of any meaningful attempt at reporting.  Other than a few video and photojournalists that captured some material the media had nothing.  The reporting was limited interviews of a few on scene Sikh worshipers with more questions of their own than answers. 
This important news story was totally produced and reported by police spokesmen!  There were simply weak rewrites of what officials reported rather than anything resembling enterprising efforts to explain this important story. 
The media failed to notice the suspect’s vehicle that’s surely been towed by police.  That would have been an important thing to do. Getting the owner’s name and examining various court record and government databases was an overlooked must. 
The police quickly raided a residence in nearby Cudahy and the media could have gotten names of residents to investigate.  They could have found plenty of people to help them build a profile of the dead suspect. 
Local law enforcement quickly labeled the incident as “Domestic Terrorism” but weren’t pressed for any information or details that would justify that moniker. 
The American media has forgotten how to do their jobs.  I guess we must wait for the obligatory ABC News, Brian Ross report to tell us that the Tea Party was behind the killings.
Have journalists been muzzled by government and intimidated into not reporting news?   This is a sad reflection of the death of journalism in America.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Air Marshall Service Pistol Is No Secret

ABC News has suggested that Sig Arms has endangered the nation by revealing that the Air Marshall’s service pistol is now the P 250 Compact in .357 Sig.

Their sensational claim is that the bad guys could somehow benefit from this information.

All semi-automatic handguns operate in similar fashion and law enforcement stopped using revolvers long ago. There are no secrets about these semi-automatic firearms that have not changed much in nearly 100 years!

This knowledge is nothing special and releasing it in no way places anyone in harm’s way. This will however cause silly people who don’t know better to wring their hands because the “experts” at ABC news did this story.

As for the weapon and caliber chosen, I’d have rather picked the .45 ACP version but have no problem since the Air Marshall’s ranks include metrosexuals and women that might find the more powerful caliber intimidating.

I can’t imagine why they chose the double action only option. That reduces the ability of user of this weapon to quickly and accurately fire shots. Many timid police administrators feel this reduces liability of an accidental shooting. I guess they’d rather endanger their sky cops rather than train them.

Here is the ABC news story…