Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Wow! A new development to stop trauma related bleeding!

Los Angeles, CA— a lot of my readers know that I preach that you obtain first aid training and have a trauma kit available for serious and life-threatening injuries, including gunshot wounds, and stabbings. 

The current method is to apply a tourniquet, tightly pack gauze and a hemostatic agent into the wound.  Well, you were shoving your fingers and gauze into someone’s wound. They’re gonna be screaming in pain .  Times change and thankfully smart people come along like in this case and gave us an exciting new method. The product is self is made from algae and it comes in a syringe without a needle, and you simply apply it to the bleeding area.  This is much less traumatic for the patient and the application is incredibly simplified.  

The product is not yet for sale, but I believe it will be available over-the-counter very soon.  If you believe in self-defense and preparation for violent times you are going to need a trauma kit with adequate supplies for your loved ones.  Be sure to get your hands on this and put it in your kit.  If you go to the website, you will see a video showing you how to apply the gel.  Again, this is one of the most exciting things that has come to trauma care.  

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