Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A slice of Chicago as seen through my blogger camera lens

I had to return to Chicago for an investigation of tragic proportions.  Needless to say my camera came along for some of the sights and sounds of The Windy City.


Chi-town 1488 said...

Hello, I am interested in doing film and it is very refreshing to see how you filmed on the plane. What equipment did you use? I am also a sworn member with CPD. I was trying to take classes at a certain filmmaking school on the North side and well, find it hard to grasp when the world is catering to only the "Millennials." So, it is a breath of fresh air to see a tradionalist filming. What camera, besides your Iphone do you film with? What program do you edit with.Stay safe

Chi-town "inspiring filmer"

Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

I used a great little camera, the Canon G7Xii. It has great properties for blogging. I also shoot a Canon 80D and I use Go Pro cameras too. I edit on Final Cut Pro X. The old movie making ideas have changed with new technology. There are many tutorials on blogging styles on Youtube. Don't try to emulate your favorites but instead be unique and true to your self. Don't be intimidated when it comes to filming yourself in public. There are few rules except be a good story teller. There are some talented Millennials you can yearn from. Whatever you do don't stop learning, it will keep you young. Vlog Promotion is the hard part... Start with stories less than two minutes and build from there! Be safe and record some history!

Joe Dymit said...

Hi, I just discovered your vlog and am really enjoying browsing through your archives! Question, around 12 minutes in you've included some really swinging piano music. Can you please identify this recording for me - I must get that recording, what a treat! I am looking forward to many hours of fine viewing on your channel. Please keep this excellent material coming.

Joe, a fellow Chicagoan