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A nice friendly looking mob! |
Chicago, IL—As the weather becomes warmer in Chicago's young thugs will again be targeting their victims out on the streets on
the Gold Coast for assault, robbery or worse. Tourists are particularly
desirable targets because the experienced thugs know they will not return to
appear in a Chicago courtroom to testify. It’s a fact of life, particularly in the Windy
With the proliferation of inexpensive cell phones groups of savages can assemble quickly out of nowhere.
They count on their numbers to overcome and brutalize their
victims. Don’t let their young ages or
initially friendly appearance take you off guard. Avoiding them on sight is the best policy.
If you must be out do not leave home without a decent
handgun, preferably a modern large caliber semi-automatic. Also carry at least two extra magazines. Hopefully you’ve already obtained some
professional training.
Chicago’s bans on possession and carrying firearms are
blatantly un-Constitutional and under review in the courts as we speak. I don’t see a quick resolution. I advocate ignoring the bans because your life
is far more important than the whims of the politicians who want you
You have an absolute right to use deadly force against mobs
whether they are armed or not! Just
because you don’t see a weapon does not mean they are unarmed.
You will never reason with or obtain sympathy from a mob, so
don’t bother to try. The closer they get to you the less ability
you will have to escape. Don’t let them get close.
As a mob approaches you in a hostile or threatening manner
all bets are off.
Don’t pull your gun and expect they will quit. They will overwhelm, disarm and perhaps kill you. Instead look for your exit path, draw your gun and fire at the most menacing thugs in center mass. You’re not required to warn anyone! Shoot until the threat is over. Scoot to safety and keep on going. Do not call 911 or talk about the event to anyone but a lawyer assigned to defend you.
Don’t pull your gun and expect they will quit. They will overwhelm, disarm and perhaps kill you. Instead look for your exit path, draw your gun and fire at the most menacing thugs in center mass. You’re not required to warn anyone! Shoot until the threat is over. Scoot to safety and keep on going. Do not call 911 or talk about the event to anyone but a lawyer assigned to defend you.
If you’re in a car that is surrounded the people in front of
your car are reasonably presumed accomplices of those trying to assault or
extract you from your vehicle. Step on
the gas and run them over! This is no
automobile accident and the traffic laws of leaving the scene of an accident do
not apply! Again you need to scoot and
stay mute.
If the police detain you, it becomes more imperative than
ever that you keep your mouth shut. You
won’t be able to talk your way to freedom if they have you detained. Cooperation will only cause you bigger
problems. The police will understand
your request for a lawyer.
The magic words to live by are shoot, scoot and stay mute! The majority of cops will have little
interest in tracking down someone who fought back and escaped with their lives.
You must escape these mobs at all cost. The cops will never be able to respond in
time to save you. Self-help is really, all
you have.
Here is a great choice for a carry gun for Chicago's streets:
Here is a great choice for a carry gun for Chicago's streets:
Absolutely spot on. I note that the early violence are in areas in which concealed carry is effectively banned. I carry two .45ACPs with two extra magazines for each. They are loaded with Hornady Critical Defense and I figure I only need one shot in each target to stop him or her. It's important to realize that women will kill you just as fast as a man will, so gallantry is out. It's easier to escape when anyone who can chase you is dead or down.
And Paul...you've been blocked at work. Sucks.
You are 100% totally correct and accurate in this matter.
The mobs will get you, especially if you try to reason with them - which they see as 'victim weakness'.
The best defense is to try to stay hidden & hope they don't even SEE you. Gas Station inside bathrooms have those GREAT metal doors & locks, nobody can get in there, even with a gun - so if they overwhelm a Tiger Mart, hide in there!!
I love the part about the car, it seems like common sense, but, the truth is white people don't WANT to kill people!! That is one thing & the hesitation gets them killed.
Of course then if you do run them down, later the peabrains are all 'well you SHOULD have done this or this or this' it's easy for them to say.
This crap has got to stop, and the more people get shot or run down doing this, the less likely the are to do it.
I keep an AR15 pistol in my vehicle and plenty of mags ontop of my CCW handgun.
Thank you for all the advice. I will certainly use it for my own protection.
That’s all good advice but the best advice is to stay away from venues that offer these animals a chance to attack you. This summer it would be wise to stay away from public events such as the Tease of Chicago and areas the flash mobs are known to hunt – such as tourist attractions in any city.
Don’t be shy to be a little paranoid, it could save your life this summer.
To the person who said 'avoid the scenes', I respectfully disagree. Why not just live in the middle of Idaho then? This is not THEIR city to take over. But they WILL take it over if we let them.
Sorry to advocate blatant violence, but these punks are not going to learn any other way and I agree that they'll get you (at best) rob you or (at worst) do harm to you before any police show up.
I carry hornet spray, it will totally immobilize a mob of savages and let's you keep your distance.
Mark, two 45's? How do you keep your trousers up?
I never leave the house without at least my Glock 36 and 4 mags and most of the time I have my 19 in the car with 3 extra mags as well. The 36 goes everywhere though right in my front pocket. Everyone stay safe out there and don't be a victim.
Just because a Person avoids potentially bad areas such as the Taste of Chicago does Not mean they have to, "live in the middle of Idaho" - not that there's anything wrong with that, but there are plenty of other places to go besides Chicago.
Even small towns are not immune I suppose, but the odds are more in your favor in smaller cities, imho.
And, if enough People avoid cities like Chicago maybe it will speed up the needed change in CCW laws and other screwed up rules and regulations?
Anonymous wrote, "This is not THEIR city to take over." - Um, yes, it is their city,... not just the mobs, but the rulers who enable them at your expense.
- clark
**"Even small towns are not immune I suppose, but the odds are more in your favor in smaller cities, imho."**
You mean, small towns like Gary, Indiana? Or do you mean towns without abundant diversity? I'd take the Detroit of 60 years ago over Detroit 2012. Contemplate the differece, Sherlock.
It's nice living in Florida where I can carry a Glock .45 (G36)
This former Marine & his wife will definitely not be some helpless victims of some savage flashmob that you see on TV.
Place your 1st shot in a guy like the big boy in yellow - and the rest will scatter like cockroaches when the lights come on!
You can run, but you can't hide from the mud-tide!
Areas of our once great country that ignor our Constitutional Rites do not get any of my tourism dollars.
A little common sense (which is extremely uncommon) goes a long way. I live in a rural area and my wife an I run a small farm. We have 7 kids between us ranging from 2 to 24 years old.
When our 2 and 3 year old girls are outside and start to wander toward a wood pile, we tell them to stay away because there could be snakes. When they wander toward a pile of dirt, we tell them to watch out for ants. When they go toward a small grove of saplings, we tell them to watch out for spider webs. When they go into the chicken house to gather eggs, they know to check the nest box for egg-stealing snakes before putting their hands in.
The point is, when you wander toward an area where "creepy crawlies" are likely to exist, don't be surprised when you come upon a "creepy crawly". Duh.
Sometimes, the area where creepy crawlies are likely to exist on my property is unavoidable. So, I carry a pistol loaded with rat shot. and am always aware of my avenues of retreat in case I encounter a creepy crawly.
Certain areas of major cities are no different from life on my property. Always be armed with the appropriate tools and awareness of your situation so the creepy crawlies don't get ya.
I live in a city about 120,000. I do my business, errands early in the day, usually before lunch, then home. We don't go out at night period. Purse snatching, muggings happen even in daylight in mall areas. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and places. Don't wear expensive looking jewelry, etc. and wear gym/jogging attire/ dress down.
Dang Laura...where do you live???
This is satire.
Hitting the guy up front is great advice. But don't fire and run. Unload on as many of them as it takes to make them think they're all gonna die and turn tail. That's your exit. Look over your shoulder on the way out and if any of em have gotten brave put a few more down range to make the point.
If you have the option, carry and carry always and carry lots of ammo! You can never have enough! You can never be prepared enough! There's no such thing as paranoid, what you're feeling is your evolved brain's instinct to survive. Paranoid is what people feel after they've become victims of assault, smart people are instinctively aware and prepared.
This article is 100% true & while some Canadians are anti-gun, liberal moron's not all of us believe in that anti-gun non-sense. I'm a Canadian commenting here and many are in full support of your U.S. 2nd amendment rights. If only we had enough freedom loving citizen's fighting for our rights, we'd have less crime.
Many of us have been victims of crime and I speak from first hand experience...head these words it will save your life!
"You will never reason with or obtain sympathy from a mob, so don’t bother to try."
A right is not a right if it cannot be exercised...exercise your RIGHTS, you are human beings, with God given inalienable rights. Protect yourselves!
What you believe has nothing to do with what a criminal is capable of doing to your or you loved ones.
Save forgiveness for those who are remorseful, and swift and just punishment to your enemies. No remorse, no excuses for criminals.
Truth, honor and liberty to all!
Sage advice indeed. If even just a few of these verminswarms are met with gunfire from their intended victims, that will have a definite dampening effect on the trend.
A mob like that you will need an AR15 pistol like the guy above posted ... Make it look like the scene in Blackhawk Down where the two Rangers are pinned down by the helicopter taking single shots at the waves of savages that came at them ...
This whole thing gives the term "The Black Plague" brand new meaning.
Good post, but lets have some courage and boldly state that flash mobs are 99.9% black while the victims are almost always white. Unfortunately, white victims must defend themselves with lethal force since the police are too afraid to prevent the attacks for fear of being called racists. After all, taking a proactive stance on black flash mobs would be considered racial profiling and racism.
99.9%? Where do you get this figure? I see 100%. So far a Caucasian violence flash mob is unheard of...
CF,where do you hide that giant HK during the warmer months or climates???
I hope you not one of "those" types that is a sloppy gun toter that thinks and says "Im a retired cop...fuck it"
When I carry in Chicago,im the invisible man.No printing,no bulges,no flashing,no telegraphing.
Nice gun,excellent quality but for most CCW applications, HUGE!!
Two lightweight J-frames maybe? Two small 380s with extra mags??
I love 45acp but often too big for daily carry except in cold weather/heavy clothing.
In the US today following your good advice will cause that 6'3" 240 lb thug into an instant warm cuddly "unarmed honor student". NEVER expect "help" from today's affirmative action, diversified goons in government issued costumes.
A long time retired LEO from a formerly professional law enforcement agency.
"When I carry in Chicago,im the invisible man.No printing,no bulges,no flashing,no telegraphing."
Can you tell us what you carry and how you go about being "invisible", especially during the summer months?
Anonymous said...
"When I carry in Chicago,im the invisible man.No printing,no bulges,no flashing,no telegraphing."
Can you tell us what you carry and how you go about being "invisible", especially during the summer months?
May 06, 2012 10:55 AM
J-frame Smith and Wessons are easy to conceal,Walther PPK/s,Colt Mustang pocket light,HK P7,even a Browning High Power/P-35 is a slim and easy to carry full size auto.
Buy quality gun leather from Milt Sparks,Matt Del-Fatti,Andy Arratoonian,etc,dont buy junk.Uncle Mikes low cost $10 pocket holsters are great.Gould&Gouldrich belly band for deep concealment but slower to access(always a compromise).
Dont dress like the tactical tommy 5.11 gear poster child.Some places are training officers to look for the CCW holder.Dont look like a security contractor.Blend in with the crowd,know your surroundings and try not to stick out.
Make sure your car is tip top.All lights,signals,stickers,plates,registration and insurance is all up to date.make sure your car doesnt look like a shitbox.Dont drive like a tool,obey the traffic laws.If stopped,be polite,say your sorry to the traffic nazi and take your ticket,let them feel in control.
Warm/hot weather climates,carry a smaller gun in a quality holster set up.I can carry a lightweight J-frame in a pocket holster in some beach shorts and you wont know.
Carry slim guns and check for printing in a mirror.Check for bulges and printing if sitting,squatting and careful when reaching for that can of peas in the supermarket.
rI am Canadian but my Ex lives in Barrington with our 10yr old daughter. I visit them 3-4 times a year, Chicago scares the shit out of me! There are wonderful people in Chi-Town but it's gotten worse & worse. I just stick to the 'burbs but over the years I see more of these 'bangers' in the burbs. I'm 54 & I used spend my summers with my Aunts in Evanston & Skokie since I was 8yrs old (1960s, 1970s,1980s). My Ex has an FNH.45 & Glock19 plus 2 DDR/GSDs but when I visit them, I can't carry any of her guns because I'm not a US citizen! I do take one or both of the dogs with me when I go on outings with my daughter. Still I worry about them when I go back home to Canada.
I am Canadian but my Ex lives in Barrington with our 10yr old daughter. I visit them 3-4 times a year, Chicago scares the shit out of me! There are wonderful people in Chi-Town but it's gotten worse & worse. I just stick to the 'burbs but over the years I see more of these 'bangers' in the burbs. I'm 54 & I used spend my summers with my Aunts in Evanston & Skokie since I was 8yrs old (1960s, 1970s,1980s). My Ex has an FNH.45 & Glock19 plus 2 DDR/GSDs but when I visit them, I can't carry any of her guns because I'm not a US citizen! I do take one or both of the dogs with me when I go on outings with my daughter. Still I worry about them when I go back home to Canada.
You have to be careful when you shoot Obama's sons. He might want to get revenge and persecute you like he did Zimmerman.
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