London, UK—The father of 007 spy
James Bond undoubtedly had one of these fine products he could use to deal with those pesky foreign agents that go bump in the night. This walking stick was made in Germany.
This darling little toy would put America’s gun hating politicians into a major seizure if they saw it.
Wouldnt that be an AOW??
Can I get those at the SHOT Show?
If the cane served as the gun it would be an AOW requiring BATFE registration. This is simply a gun and the cane serves as a holster. So this is not a traditional cane gun. The owner has the cane on loan right not to a museum.
The SHOT show is not a place for this type of antique. The Beinfield Antique gun show in Las Vegas might be a good place but this one it too rare for that show!
Will Eagle make you a new "sheath" out of some exotic material?
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