The bill gives a broader definition to a retired law enforcement officer to include those who served as Amtrack officers and several federal agencies. The bill reduces the requirements for time on the job from a minimum of 15 to ten years of service.
Former officers suffering from disabilities related to mental condition, drug addiction and felony convictions, will still not be allowed to possess firearms.
A copy of the bill Obama is expected to sign is here below:
HR 218 LEOSA Improvement
The only states doing it right are Alaska, Arizona & Vermont. Seeing good folks groveling before Manhattan Beach police this past weekend (and assigned a sliver of space on which they could stand) highlighted yet again how far, especially in CA. we are from where we should be with gun carry.
Yeah, because some guy who worked for the PoDunk police department in Montana should be able to carry anywhere in the country.
But guys like me (20 years Active duty in the Army) cant carry in my own home state...
2 combat tours in the most recent "wars", original Gulf war and the Panama invasion I am pretty sure I have fired more shots in training and in anger than 90% of cops... yet I cant carry.
This bill is a f'n joke
Pissed off in Illinois.
Cop have put their cash together and pushed the LEOSA act every year for over 25 years before it passed.
I’m a vet and have never seen an effort for vets made like this.
I’d like to ask you what you’ve done to pass nationwide concealed carry of at least in Illinois? I think I know the answer and that’s nothing.
Every state that became right to carry in the last two decades did it with hard work from those who demanded the right to self-defense.
The minimum you should do is join the NRA, Illinois Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation. They use your dues money to lobby Congress, the state legislature and city councils along with funding litigation like McDonald vs. Chicago.
I am a member of the NRA and ISRA. I often shoot at the ISRA range in Kankakee that I live by.
I have been to all the igold events, called and wrote my rep (who tries to tell me this is a "states's rights issue" and doenst want the Fed involved in concealed carry), Called and written my two senators (I bet you know how that went). I have even supported (through money and voice) that Concealed carry bills in IL.
I have since worked AGAINST my congressional reps re-election but... you know illinois politics.
I have been part of the carry town meetings that have been going on around illinois and have a FL concealed carry permit for when I am OUT of illinois...
This is my issue. Law enforcement HAS lobbied for this. Good for them. Just my point. They essentially lobbied for themselves (more of an only-ones mentality).
Are we not (in illinois) allowed to be pissed that a guy from Mississippi with 10 years as a local cop can carry in my state but I can't?
BTW, this is NOT a knock on you or the blog! I love this blog and visit daily for the insigt. I am just venting here...
The cops that pushed this legislation are like everyone, looking for a way to survive in an unthinkable event.
We all have the same problem Only the dumbest or most corrupt people seem to hold political office. It’s been that way since politicians and government began and will continue as as long as the human race.
I'm retired ISP and am really glad that we can legally carry concealed in all 50 states. However, I have to agree with the military vet that he too should be allowed to carry. Actually, I think that all sane, law abiding citizens that have been trained in both the legal aspects of deadly force and marksmanship should be allowed to carry. The thugs would learn real quick that their chosen profession is a fast track to being six feet under.
Thanks retired ISP. I dont want to seem as if I am knocking cops here. Cops (like the Military) get the benefit of the doubt from me in most cases...
My problem is not all cops that get face time have your attitude. I ahve met plenty that DO, but plenty that dont also. Once their part is secured they forget about everyone else.
Hopefully Illinois will see the light. The idea of being the last state in the union with no mechanism to carry is insane... Hell If I leave the sig in my glove box with a mag next to it I AM GOING TO JAIL. yeah I may beat it based on the latest illinois supreme court ruling, but that doesnt stop the process.
Illinois is one of the worst for restricting the legit from carrying concealed, but is one of the best for letting Criminals run amuck, and slip thru the Criminal justice system cracks. It is changing though, people are wising up. The push has to be kept on for the good Guys to get their rights, no longer should we be all that concerned with career criminals rights.
The problem with Illinois is that has been controlled by the Chicago Democratic Machine for decades. Mayor Daley is a known gun rights hater and has kept the citizens of Chicago disarmed for years. I don't think they plan on changing anytime soon, unless people keep up the good fight.
How come no one has mentioned how cute that booty is in the accompanying pic?
Wow,five years of service,doesnt help me any.
How come no one has mentioned how cute that booty is in the accompanying pic?
October 09, 2010 11:34 PM
go ahead, throw caution to the wind, why don't ya?
(ie., always check the package before opening.)
NEVER trust an Obama...........
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