Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Justice Phoenix, AZ Style—Caught On Tape!

Phoenix, AZ—The video is indeed shocking! Detention officer Adam Stoddard snoops at the defense table then swipes the item. He then hands it over to Sheriff’s Deputy Francisco Campillo.

This is a crime and the officers involved need to be made into an example. This is a clear violation of civil rights of both the defendant and the defense attorney.

Here is the KPNX-TV news story:

Here is the complete unedited video:


Socialism Sucks said...

Those guys are out of control. Not to mention seriously out of shape!

Ed Skinner said...

Joe's gonna be pi$$ed!

Inland Empire PI said...

Paul it all depends on the intent of the deputy. What he whispered into the other deputies ear just prior to taking it is the area to zoom in on.

Deputes have a right to examine discovery for drugs, pins, needles, staples, LSD, handcuff keys ect.

What the deputy did that was for certain 100% wrong was keeping his side arm wide open to the defendant. His chains were loose enough to grab his gun.

The whole thing is WHY did the deputy do it. Did he have a lead that something was in that stack that needed to be looked at contraband wise? Was this attorney being investigated for distributing?

The deputy knew he was on film and wasn’t sneaking around either.

If he was just trying to snoop at attorney work product… then shame on him. But let’s not throw the deputy under the bus just yet. He also has rights and due process.

A Defense Investigator

Anonymous said...

I dunno about this one............. I have to read more and hear more about it. But I don't trust any lawyer that represents these shitheads.

Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

I’m sure this defendant is where he belongs. The action of the detention officer and the deputy were no different than tapping a telephone without a warrant to hear what a client tells his lawyer.

There is a double danger here. This kind of misconduct will get a defendant’s case dismissed altogether. I doubt that will happen here because this misconduct did not affect a trial. He had been already convicted. It may get him a lighter sentence than he deserves.

An Arizona case comes to mind State vs. David Pecard who was facing perhaps 100 years in prison. Sheriff’s Joe’s morons actually were responsible for this guy walking for the same conduct.

If they will do this to some gangbanger they will do it to an innocent defendant too.

Anonymous said...

Did these guys work at 26th and Kali???

Anonymous said...

Socialism Sucks said...
Those guys are out of control. Not to mention seriously out of shape!

November 04, 2009 9:42 AM

Crook County will hire them.

Anonymous said...

Socialism Sucks said...
Those guys are out of control. Not to mention seriously out of shape!

November 04, 2009 9:42 AM

Crook County will hire them.

Very true!!! They will be hired as a boss of some sort.

Dan Hood said...

What the hell? How is that not considered tampering with evidence or obstruction of justice?