Sacramento, CA—Excuse me for being a pessimist in this solid Land of Bolsheviks but I don’t think this bill has a snowball’s chance in Hell. California’s gun haters will spend millions to protect the state’s muggers, rapists and killers.
With the pending release of tens of thousands of felons from California’s prisons California’s politicians would rather provide safer working conditions for carjackers, kidnappers and serial killers than allow for the meaningful self-defense of the law-abiding people.
None the less, contact those assembly members in your district as well as the following members and tell them to pass this important measure for public safety:
Jose Solorio
2400 E. Katella Avenue
Suite 640
Anaheim, CA 92806
Curt Hagman
23355 E. Golden Springs Dr.
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Warren Furutani
4201 Long Beach Blvd.
Suite 327
Long Beach, CA 90807
Danny Gilmore
1489 W. Lacey Blvd., Suite 103
Hanford, CA 93230
Jerry Hill
1528 South El Camino Real
Suite 302
San Mateo, CA 94402
Fiona Ma
455 Golden Gate Ave.,
Suite 14600
San Francisco, CA 94102
Nancy Skinner
Elihu Harris State Building
1515 Clay Street
Suite 2201
Oakland, CA 94612
The Bill:
Bill Number CA Ab 357
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The ministers of several Southside Chicago Churches are chartering busses this weekend to lobby lawmakers in Springfield for stiffer gun laws.
They just dont get it.
Rumor has it that streets & san picardi's last day is friday.
What is Gov.Terminators view on this bill??
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