Under the circumstances it’s understandable why they are all in love with our new Marxist leader, Barack Obama. I’ve been over-exposed to three days of Obama PR overload.
January 19: Non-stop coverage of what to expect during $170 million spectacle, from reporters gushing with admiration and love for Obama.
January 20: Non-stop coverage of the $170 million spectacle, from reporters gushing with admiration and love for Obama.
January 21: Non-stop coverage of what happened at the $170 million spectacle, from reporters gushing with admiration and love for Obama.
Can we get back to the real news about how our government is destroying honest and profitable banks and businesses by rewarding their failing and crooked competitors with free taxpayer money?
Can we get back to the news about how our government can make us all safer by further restricting our rights and liberties?
Can we get back to the news about how American jobs are evaporating?
Can we get someone to give us news we can use such as showing us how our Bolshevik leaders can simply print money backed by nothing to give this nightmare a happy ending?
The inmates are truly running the asylum now! God Bless and Help America!!
Was looking at the architecture of the Supreme Court Building in Jerusalem, richly adorned with Illuminati symbols. Seeing this again reaffirmed that we will have one world government and evil will reign for a spell, prophesy fulfilled. The only thing that bothers me is seeing so many suckered, especially by noobs like Barky..front men that really aren't that slick. Glad to see you are clued in Paul. Even atheists I have spoken to see the agenda to destroy America. I hope you reach many leo's to prepare for the spiritual war.
was this not, Crime, lies, and videotape?
now is, Crime, guns, and video tape?
Don't say anything.
I always index the link, 'lies' for my bookmarks to this page.
I think maybe it was, 'Guns, lies, and videotape.
Does not matter. I enjoy it anyway.
Any how, this blog rocks. Have a nice evening.
O.K., Mr. Anomymous.
[Anonymous said...
Was looking at the architecture of the Supreme Court Building in Jerusalem, richly adorned with Illuminati symbols. Seeing this again reaffirmed that we will have one world government and evil will reign for a spell, prophesy fulfilled. The only thing that bothers me is seeing so many suckered, especially by noobs like Barky..front men that really aren't that slick. Glad to see you are clued in Paul. Even atheists I have spoken to see the agenda to destroy America. I hope you reach many leo's to prepare for the spiritual war.]
January 21, 2009 1:09 PM]
YOU can leave a ficticous, 'NAME' under the ,,, "Name/URL option" for every one of your posts. It would make the post a hellualot more intresting than just "anonymous". Thank you. SabraUltra.
Refined advice here. Good posts.!
If you will, Mr. Anonymous poster, choose a different ficticous name for each of your posts, under the "Name/URL" option when commenting.
If you said, 'Mr. Gaza'or 'Mr. Mosher', it would make the post more interesting to read than just posting under 'anomymous', 0;,....
Personally, I was busy working and trying to support my family throughout most of the ordeal.
Get to work, America.
Thank God we have the Bill of Rights and civil liberties in the USA. Every American needs to be a sentinel for freedom. Support the NRA, if the 2nd Amendment goes they all follow.
South Korean blogger charged with spreading false info
CPD PO Bill Cozzi pled guilty today to Federal Civil Rights charges. He already pled guilty and served his probation on a state charge. I guess double jeopardy doesn't apply to coppers.
This injustice has rung the death knell permanently on the CPD.
Obama swore an incorrect oath of office at the Presidential inauguration on Abraham Lincoln's Bible. The oath was readministered yesterday correctly without the use of any Bible.
A president is required by the Constitution to say, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Obama could NOT guarantee preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution while swearing his oath upon the Bible.
At the inauguration, Justice Roberts instead said: "that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully."
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