For failure to answer questions and provide documentation to hold the office of President as a Natural Born Citizen impeachment is warranted.
For association with terrorists and enemies of America like Jeremiah Wright, William Ayres and fellow members of The W.E.B. Dubois Club impeachment is warranted.
For adoption of a political platform that is un-American and designed to destroy free enterprise impeachment is warranted.
It is politically incorrect to question the messiah.
Civilian Voluntary Domestic Security Force, (Barack's new idea for homeland security) = Nazi-like gangs patrolling the neighborhoods looking for thought crimes. And you better have a clean behind or else the point-of-a-gun will send you to a re-education camp (mental hospital, jail, work camp, welfare, job denied) to change your ways. I am not kidding, something like this is going to happen.
You are going to the Gulag for that comment about, the "Infallible Emperor Osama Bama"
Okay, so within a square mile of me, there are 1200 'Obamatons' on their cell phones.
The power of that is, a riot/protest could be called up on my block within 30 minutes.
It will not happen, the power is there, although.
How did this happen??Why did it happen.Obama has been hiding his true backgound since the begining.He is part of the Chicago Machine(OC ties) and has dealings with known terrorists.
We should send letters to our elected officials & the Supreme court thanking them for the lack of cajones on questioning BHo's qualifications!
Just wait and see - he will ride himself to hell! All we have to do is wait and watch those dummies shocked faces as they see their main dude sell them out... We still do NOT know who Oboma really is?????
Back in the 70's and 80's, many of us were victims of racial quotas which kept us from getting into certain schools, getting jobs, and getting promotions.
Does anyone know if BHO or his wife got into college or law school under a quota (thus depriving a better-qualified non-minority of the spot)?
if I may play devil's advocate for a moment......
B. Hussein Obama has been accused of being ineligible for the Office of President.
he doesn't have to say a word to the authorities about any of it, he can simply remain silent.
it's up to the accusers to prove his citizenship lies elsewhere.
(man!...that hurts!)
Obama is not the problem. It's the extremist left that will be more in power if O is impeached; Biden and g-forbid Pelosi! You have to remove them all!
What is sad is that the poorer people get, the more they are going to want government to take care of them and pay their bills. What does that lead to boys and girls? ............. Socialism.
Socialism sound very good to the poor and underprivilidged. The very thing our forefathers fought and died to get away and stay away from. Now it's being voted in. Sad about the ignorance in this country.
How about that market downturn yesterday? The largest ever on a Presidential Inauguration Day.
Deflation for now, rampant unchecked inflation shortly and then economic collapse.
Socialism doesn't work!
Chicago Alderman Sharon Denise Dixon arrested for DUI by CPD/024 lastnight.
it's up to the accusers to prove his citizenship lies elsewhere.
(man!...that hurts!)
January 20, 2009 7:44 PM
Lets see his real birth certificate and school records and tax returns.McCaine turned over everything including his DD214.
im suprised you didnt upload the federal lawsuit PDF
January 20, 2009 7:44 PM
No, the burden of proof is not on the "accuser". This is not (yet) a criminal trial, it is (at least should be) a governmental inquiry into eligibility to hold public office.
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