Hell is Phoenix, Arizona in the summertime. It gets so hot you believe you’re in a blast furnace. But if you have a good imagination you can visualize this. Snow is so rare in Phoenix I had to stop and capture this video. Scott Drier will sing, Pure Imagination just for you!
which climate do you prefer: CA or AZ, Paul?
my choices are Phoenix in the winter and Chicago in the summer.
L.A and San Diego. is nice most of the time. The Bolsheviks make California way too hot for me!
I live in the NW corner of Illinois
now(3 minutes from both Iowa and Wisconsin). Most of my neighbors (a
lot of them John Deere Retirees) have lots and 5th wheels in AZ and go there for the winter. Maybe your on to something Paul.
I really love it here; the Bolsheviks ruined Chicago for me...
The Bolsheviks are after AZ's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Where to next: Idaho?
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