On the mirrors at the old O'Brien Street, Chicago Police Academy and in all districts there was a slogan, “Does your appearance command respect?” I don’t recognize this dirty dozen but they look like the vagrants I used to lock up for safekeeping.
There’s nothing uniform about these officers except their shameful appearance. J-Fed needs to do what former Superintendant O.W. Wilson did and crack down on the officer’s personal image.
Protective vests should be under the uniform shirts or be less obvious. Those tragically and beyond ugly ball caps would make minimum wage security guards look bad if that's possible.
The proper Chicago Police field cap needs to return to properly groomed heads.
I believe that it’s long overdue for all Chicago officers including supervisors to wear dark blue shirts. Light blue and white shirts stand out like brightly lit targets at night.
I would ask that all the individual officers to please do what the department won’t make them do and clean up this mess on their own.
I must say... I have to agree with you. There was a huge difference at the St Jude March. The ISP looked very crisp and marched almost like our military. Some of the CPD had blue toothes in their ears, etc.
I agree with you Paul. I have yet to buy any of the new "outfits". Them stupid new baseball and skull caps are way to easy for the bad guy to get ahold of and even wear. And cargo pants just look stupid. I like the dark blue shirt idea, the lock up and e.t.'s wear them, and they clean up better.
Paul , I can remember going through the Academy back in 1968 and the sign that read "Does Your Uniform Command Respect" I see NO respect in the way the officers in that pic are dressed . That is the worst looking bunch of PO's that I have ever seen. Most of them look to be younger with not many years on the job. One would think that they would all strive to look their best but apparently they just don't care . God save the CPD.
I agree in that we need to clean up our act or some on the job do. Still, your suggestion of making us wear the vest under the shirt would be awful. Tried it numerous times and I'd rather wear it outside. BTW with almost 20 years on I still polish the shoes,belt etc. Be safe all
Navy blue shirts for everyone for daily wear. White shirts when you wear your dress blues.
Problem is, that would be a change in uniform specs and the city would have to buy first issue. No way Daley will cut loose with that kind of dough, he'd rather throw it away closing up Meigs field or other stupid shit like that.
I agree. We look like that hillbilly copper from Hill Street Blues that wore the baseball cap. They should revert back to the old school look, wood shampoos for everyone.
Paul , I wish you would take down that pic. It is totally disgusting.
Why don't you show a pic of a horses ass , that would have a better look and be more appealing.
Where are the supervisors? Where is the District Commander? It also takes someone with pride to wear the uniform. My son who was a CPD Officer worked a ghetto district, he spit shined his shoes every night before going to work. Others where he worked looked like they shined their shoes with a chocolate bar. I think he got the pride from being prior Army Airborne. Come on guys and gals, get some pride. That picture looks horrible and I blame the bosses who need to get off their asses and do an inspection of their troops. Be careful out there.
Why in the hell does anyone wear the vest on the outside it just reminds the bad guy to shoot for the head. Be safe
Most bad guys know we wear vests and they try for the head anyway.
Paul, you're right. Every one of those officers looks like a shit-bag. What's up with the idiot wearing a black vest over his blue shirt?
I agree with most of you that the "new police" don't care and look like morons. However, I've been a Chicago Police Officer for 20 years and when you get a guy in charge that has NEVER been the police and bad mouths the entire department almost daily this is what your gonna get. They lowered there standards and raised the education but in my 24 years in law enforcement I've never seen a great cop that needed a degree! These kids are using this department for school and moving on. They will stop your mother or wife but WON'T stop the real bad guys out of fear of having to do REAL police work the they are not trained to do. Again, this is what you get when kids train kids.....
The boys in the pic look like amatuer security guards not professional coppers. The CPD is destroyed beyond rehabilitation and it keeps getting worse on a daily/DALEY basis,no pun intended.
Thanks to Fat Phil Cline's approval of all 15+ uniform variations,there is no uniformity or discipline anymore.
The young guys disagree!!! The alternative uniforms are more confortable and practical than those 80/20pants. I used to work in a city wide unit and observed that the old timers wearing some faded blue shirts that almost fit them. What about them patches that are faded instead of blue they look purple. We should keep the baseball cap for only field work in case you loose it. The vest is more confortable in the outside and specially to some old timers that are supervisors they can use it as bib. So the black vest its a great idea. And if you want discipline what about the old timers with a bad attitude that are always drunk in the morning and they stick behind the desk. It isnt our fault that they are drunk in the morning. I cant wait when the department tries to go to 10 to 12hrs Days and we have to hear the old timers bitching. Do everybody a favor just retired if you are not happy anymore.
Has this uniformity problem been fixed yet? What are the uniform regulations for the CPD's uniform?
Nurses look just as bad. I remember their white uniforms, shoes an caps.
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