Okay, this is in his past and should not count. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of police applicants rejected and blackballed for the very same behavior in their past lives. Use of cocaine is a felony under every state and federal laws. That makes Obama a felon.
The broad support for Obamma’s candidacy along with the huge amount of unchecked drug abuse in this country is a clear sign that the numbers of Americans that don’t break drug laws are in the minority.
Can anyone please help me make sense of these facts?
The president has no police powers, he cannot enforce the law, he can only help shape it.
Obama is the anti-Christ
His family has Islamic ties. He and his church gave the 'man of the year' award to Louis Farikon (spelling?)
And he's the most liberal socialist senator in the Capitol right now. DANGEROUS
Did you clowns ever think that Obama never did coke? That he was exaggerating to make a point?
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