I regret I still never met Gloria or got to make a complete fool out of myself trying to date her. I would have stuttered like Porky Pig if I ever got to look into her gorgeous eyes.
I have a dear contemporary actress friend living in Sherman Oaks whose known Gloria for many years. I hope that I may yet get the opportunity to impress this babe/actress/songbird with my unintentional Porky Pig impersonation.
Yes, she's currently married to Rene Lagler and her son Robin Thicke is a huge star now.
I must confess to borrowing Gloria's picture from her website. You can visit Gloria's site, see many more pictures and buy her great music at the Official Gloria Loring Site.
Sit back and watch Gloria sing her hit, Friends and Lovers.
Maybe they'll remake "Fairwell My
Lovely" and replace Mitchum w/you Paul. Then, she'll come lookin' to meet you!!!!!!
So you think Gloria would go for a Phillip Marlow type private eye? If that was the case I’d break out my old fedora and pinky ring in a heartbeat!
I somehow suspect Gloria would be more attracted to creativity and intellect than some tough old private eye. No sweat either way she goes I can handle it. That is until she flashes those baby blues and cracks that great smile and I pass out!
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