Gun laws, and an all important gun fee zone again made mass murder all to easy for a twisted 14 year-old killer in Cleveland, OH yesterday. When will we learn that these gun prohibitions only affect law-abiding people and not those who rob, rape and murder? Soon we will know just how many feel-good gun laws were broken that enabled Asa Coon’s, two-gun rampage.
Did the school have armed security or police present? Not a chance in yet another city run by gun-rights hating politicians. Had a teacher or security guard been armed this catastrophe could have been prevented or considerably minimized.
Asa Coon wore a Marilyn Manson T-shirt and that was more than enough information that young Asa Coon was headed for trouble. Asa Coon wore dog collars, back trench coats and nail polish. Where were his parents? Have we learned to tolerate and accept any bizarre and anti-social appearance demonstrations by our children? This child was a walking billboard that spelled HELP ME!
Any parent or school that wants to allow kids to dress so outrageously is inviting the other kids to tease, assault and otherwise victimize them. At some point these kids will have a case of full blown, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from that abuse. Revenge and violence will surly result at some point.
America's schools have a very poor record when it comes to dealing with bully boys. Dealing with the school bully is a constant ugly part of going to school. School fights are always resolved by punishing all participants rather the the student who began an assult. That disposition clearly sends the wrong message to the entire student body.
Let's add also that this PUNK violated MANY existing gun laws. From minors with guns, to the gun must be registered to him. To firearms in public, Ecetera, and those 'gun restrictions,' did not restrict him
Also the schools are so into their teaching hypocracy - that they forget that there can be no teaching in an admosphere of fear and bullyism.
The Universities and Colleges of this country are to blame also for looking the other way, (take for instance Virginia Tech and then another 30 died which could have been prevented!)
Also the Universities and Colleges have a habit of always making out the victim to be the bad guy or making stuff up or just plain crazy.
The Schools enlist many to cover up the victimization of the victim.
In addition at times the bullyism and intimidation can come from the University teachers or administration themselves especially when it comes to discrimination in all its forms.
Also the schools are so into their teaching hypocrisy - that they forget that there can be no teaching in an atmosphere of fear and bullyism.
The Universities and Colleges of this country are to blame also for looking the other way, (take for instance Virginia Tech and then another 30 died which could have been prevented!)
Also the Universities and Colleges have a habit of always making out the victim to be the bad guy or making stuff up or just plain crazy.
The Schools enlist many to cover up the victimization of the victim.
In addition at times the bullyism and intimidation can come from the University teachers or administration themselves especially when it comes to discrimination in all its forms
Yup, schools need to do a better job of maintaining a teachable environment. I doubt that security guards are the answer, where a deputy was too afraid of the boys to confront them, and the SWAT team was afraid to go inside until the danger was passed (and the teacher had bled out). Gotta use sense in restricting the student body to those who can get along with others.
"Asa Coon wore a Marilyn Manson T-shirt and that was more than enough information that young Asa Coon was headed for trouble."
What does Manson have to do with this? Johnny cash wrote songs about drugs and prison and murder but yet we idolize him in movies. Everytime a kid shoots up his school we always start throwing blame on the people who it will stick to. We should be asking ourselves why did this kid do it? who cares about gun laws. This has nothing to do about guns. It has to do with a kid who was emotionaly disturbed and he couldnt take it. and im pretty sure he didnt want to die alone.. i dont blame him. It sounds like from other news articles that he must have felt alone. So he took some with him. To solve these issues and to stop school shootings it has to start with taking care of the kids. Thats the heart of the problem. If he wasn't emotionaly disturbed would he have done it? probably not. If the other kids wouldnt pick on him, would he have done it? probably not. It's everybodys fault that this happened. they should have listened to him. they should have told a teacher he said he was going to do it. everybodys to blame. not just the gun or manson or the way he dressed or his home life. it was everybody. the situation was just poisoned.
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