The Minneapolis Airport seems to be a hotspot of sorts for men looking for sex with other men. Remind me next time I fly to use the lavatory on the plane instead. I find this whole subject revolting and have no problem with police arresting trespassers, loiterers, or people engaged in public bathroom sexual activity.
The Gay Foot Tapping Code is another matter. As long as they don’t tap my feet or arrest me for tapping my foot to some piped in music I don’t see the problem. To arrest someone for sending a coded foot tapping message seems to be a long reach even for the long arm of the law. To make a lifetime sex criminal out of a restroom foot tapper seems extreme. Imagine what the sufferer’s of that dreaded disease, Restless Leg Syndrome must be going through?
I don’t know what codes Idaho Senator Larry Craig was sending at the time of his arrest. As long as the code was not giving away our secrets to an enemy country I just don’t see what’s the big deal.
I would be just as annoyed to hear that Senator Barney Frank was nabbed for foot tapping. We all know that Gay politician must have been tapping his feet for very many decades.
Can’t we do something about the people that hijack airplanes or pilfer airport luggage instead of serial foot tappers? To reply to me simply send me an e-mail, I’m just not into the foot tapper’s code.
An Update! Women do this do! See an actual arrest caught on tape!
Foot tapping clowns are haunting my blog! Go AWAY!!!!
Paul as defense investigators we both know that many persons who were innocent, have later pled guilty to the charge or often a lesser charge. However usually there are many factors that cause them to do so.
They can't afford a good defense
The embarrassment of a trial (might be the Senators case here)
Corhersion and false promises by the DA, the defense attorney and/or the police officer.
Mental capabilities, incompetence ect.
The stresses involved in a trial
The consequences of a guilty verdict vs what was offered if they plead out.
But how can a U.S. Senator make that mistake and plead guilty if he is in fact innocent? This is a man that makes crucial votes in our U.S. Capital? Personally I am a conservative Christian. But am an honest one that wont just point fingers at democrats. If the GOP wants to survive, it can not just wink and nod at the lies and/or corruptions of some of its own leaders; While only pointing fingers at the democrats. That's what the democrats have done all along. The GOP must be better than them. Having worked VICE for 2 years, I also understand who easy it is for an officer to assume that 'something's occurring that really is not. That's why they must always error on the side of 'he's not doing what I think he's doing.' I also know how easy it could be to entrap a person. After listening to the Senators conversation with the VICE Cop, he probably was entrapped. The defense could have won a not guilty verdict based on the audio alone. Or perhaps they could have won a motion to have the case dismissed. But the Senator pleads guilty? That's not the kind of guy I want representing my Country.
He was guilty,that is why he pled guilty and why he resigned. The good Senator can now change parties and have a successful future assured in the Democratic Party.
That would suck if you had the Gene Kelly School of Dance students in the stalls next to you... lmao
When will people learn? When the police are trying to question you about your alleged conduct you simply offer to answer any and all questions where you have a lawyer present and not say another word. You can easily talk your way into being arrested but you can almost never talk your way out of an arrest.
Only a moron would sit in an interrogation room with a cop without a lawyer present.
Had Larry Craig clamed up he would have avoided arrest and the firestorm.
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