They let tourists in with cameras and I of course brought in my video camera and tripod and was having a ball until an official with the park threw me, and the camera out when I was at Chicago’s very own, singer Minnie Riperton’s grave. I was invited to get rid of the video camera and downgrade to a still camera and return. Through the magic of desktop video editing you’ll see I didn’t miss much.
Before I was evicted, Marilyn Monroe and I caught some quality time with my video camera. Don’t ask me what it was but Marilyn’s resting place seemed to be healing. I was at in a special place for sure. Who can blame Playboy publisher, Hugh Heffener for shelling out the big bucks for the crypt next to Marilyn’s for his own ride to the hereafter?
Sit back for a few minutes and watch what I experienced during this adventure.
Here is original film of Marilyn's memorial service in Westwood.
Dear Mr. Huebl,
thank you for your vlog cast and the information you brought to people who have no chance to visit this place in person. But, there is a bit more to the story: I do not agree that Marilyn Monroe's resting place feels "healing."
Did you notice, that the great screen legend is resting on top of a parking garage? As that one was built later, and after Marilyn entombed there. An ugly barb wire is right on top of the wall--makes it almost appear as if you are on the inside of a cemetery prison. Hollywood Forever is giving some of Hollywood's greatest a way more respectful "Hotel Eternity." Don't you also think that Marilyn would deserve some sort of mausoleum? The Estate of Marilyn Monroe just cashed in $ 7 million, and certainly could provide such a project easlily. But Anna Strasberg seems not to care at all. She did not even appear to the revealing ceremony of Marilyn Monroe's first Monument that the City of Rome gifted to its sister City LA. How sad and uncaring of the Estate of MM. But also very telling.
You seem to have great respect for Hugh Hefner, who published one of the most disgusting photos of Marilyn Monroe, just last December in his famous Playboy magazine (12/05), including interviews that are still screaming for a correction!
June DiMaggio, a woman who came out of the wood works and many other self proclaimed "friends" of Marilyn certainly are making it very difficult for Ms. Monroe to ever find respect and peace.
Did you miss the graves of MM's two time director Billy Wilder? Her co-star Jack Lemmon, and the famous writer Truman Capote, who once danced with Marilyn?
I urge you to add to your "crime files" the recently scandal of the now stopped "Marilyn Monroe--the exhibit."
A fellow Chicago resident of yours, Mr. Robert W. Otto is now being suit, for bringing tons of fake items to the Queen Mary in Long Beach--for a seven months long lasting exhibition. The majority of these fakes was provided by June DiMaggio, who is about to self publish her memoirs. Until these people are exposed and completely are discredited--Marilyn Monroe will not be able to find peace. If you come back to Los Angeles again, I am more than happy to tell you more about our findings and our investigation, on the biggest scam in Marilyn Monroe history.
Paul next time you come to LA, lets have a bit to eat. Let me know in advance so I can free my calender.
I'd also like to learn how to upload videos onto a Blog. Yours is the best.
Mark I went to your site and found it to be informative and interesting. I have been offended by the shameless exploitation of Marilyn for many years now. I wrote about the exploitation in at least one prior article on my blog.
As for Marilyn’s final resting place, its pretty, clean and healing. Sure it’s in the middle of a business district but I either did not notice or did not want to notice the negatives. While I was there at her crypt, an amazing calm came over me. The simple nature of the crypt sends a message that Marilyn is real and one of us. Her royalty is not lost on me while I stand at the foot of her casket.
I’ve seen all the pictures of Marilyn that were published in Playboy and a million other publications. I think it was impossible to take a bad or disgusting photo of this woman. She was truly one of God’s more beautiful creatures. It was much more than her looks it was who she was.
I’ve recently learned a few secrets about Marilyn and her death that lead me to believe that she was the victim of an accidental overdose, not murder. (No, I’m not writing a book or doing a documentary on Marilyn!) In those days the use, even misuse of prescribed drugs was not considered to be in any way evil. Doctors handed out deadly medications like candy. Marilyn had a lot to live for despite more than her share of heartbreaks.
Look for a new release of, Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep being sung by Sue Ann Pinner in an album called Illumination to be released next month. The song was written especially for Marilyn.
That's cool, Paul. Have you read the book that's out about famous people and their gravesites?
There's a book out here (about Chicago people) that I think you can get at your library.
And don't forget about Resurrection Mary...
Dear Paul,
thank you for you acknowledgement regarding my site and findings. I assume by the photos, that you are a former police officer?
One of my findings also states against June DiMaggio regarding her Playboy interview, that she claims to have entered the house of Marilyn, to retrieve her pizza pan and other "artifacts" that were belongings. As June claims also to have had a key to Monroe's home! How ridiculous is that! That June DiWho literally wants all of us to believe that she has not one snapshot of Marilyn Monroe--but she has her keys! LOL
She is also making the LAPD look pretty stupid, as every four year old child knows, that the homes are sealed when someone dies, due to the fact that they were investigating.
Photos of all doors, sealed by the police, are existent. Bad try and absolutely provable wrong.
Regarding the photos: I bet you did not look exactly at the picture that Hugh Hefner carelessly had printed (or was it his daughter Christie, who now is running the "show" all together mostly from Chicago and New York?!)
That pic was taken during a press conference and it proves that our Marilyn was indeed no fan of underpants (got it Mr. Robert Otto?--that clown displayed grandma's ugly and huge underpants as MM's--her name written in big black letters (with a modern Sharpie) on the inside of the waistband.
"Wonderfull" but easy to detect crime--fraud that is!, don't you agree, Paul?
The other disrespectful photo was printed by British writer Anthony Summers who is famous for his blackened out files that could say anything--even that she had a manecure instead of a "date with Robert."
They are no proof, whatsoever. He is just a big conspirator.
But to publish this shocking, this outrageously disrespectful photo of Marily in the morgue--for that, this ex journalist should never be forgiven.
Shame also on Anthony Summers--whose "theory" I never believed--not even when I though that dreadfull Jeanne Carmen was for real.
She is not. She has simply NO PROOF! Did you know that Ms. Carmen appeared the last time in a movie that is called "The Naked Monster?!" Nomen est Omen--truely! lol
And I don't think that I need to tell you, how important it is to have proof for any claim--when you crawl out from under a hidden rock and claim to have taken some of Marilyn's calls and that Marilyn "asked for more sleeping pills!" Whatever Jeanne--do what you knew best in your dreadful long life: take your cloth off!
Marilyn took her clothing off, too in periods of her life--I know, but between Marilyn and Jeanne Carmen, there was an Universe--still is, always will be, forever. When Marilyn was getting naked--a firework happened--her beauty is undiscribable and her breast are the most amazingly beautiful ones. MM never looked vulgar and cheap as the old pin up who even copied the MM photoshoot of Marilyn with her terry cloth towel around her head, taken by Andre de Dienes.
Jeanne Carmen may have taken some shots--but they look vulgar and she was a wanna be Marilyn--a rip off wanna be copy. But never ever even close to the ORIGINAL!
Yes, Paul--I am mad and angry--that there are so many people are trying, especially very recently to murder the legacy of Marilyn Monroe. Plus--I have a collection of real memorabilia, and that needs to be protected as wll, against the fake Marilyn Monroe Pucci dresses, that sold already on eBay and in live auctions like recently in London.
IIt is an ongoing scam--a crime that seems to not bother people. Does it not?
Do you think that I was looking for a reason to step up and stop the biggest scam in MM history? When I saw the fake hair curlers that June DiMaggio "provided," I knew that I had to do something--as I had the BEST REASON to do something--cause I bought the REAL hair curlers, five months before the "exhibit,' from the own Estate of Marilyn Monroe.
You know what I mean?
How would anybody felt who paid his entire savings and the inheritance of your father, into this collection. Would they, would you not also be upset, angry and mad?!
Please, put yourself in my shoes for a moment. Then you understand, why I point my finger at the fake and phoneys.
It was about time--cause enough is enough!
I am sorry that the people kicked you out while you were filming some memories for you reports--which is enjoyed by many people! This really makes me angry, as this ridiculous Jeanne Carmen is using every August 5th for her own appearance and sick claims--she is literally running after the reporters and tries to sell her lies for big $$$!
And the people from the cemetery should do--really do, what they did to you, to her: KICK THAT OLD BITCH OUT!
Friends Through Marilyn
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