The unthinkable happened this time. Instead of a couple simply turning over their cash or property, they strong-armed one of their armed robbers taking his gun away and shooting him.
Wounded, Jon Diego Sylvester, 31 then fled to a get away car. The vigilante killer held a second robber at gunpoint until police arrived. Sylvester’s third unknown accomplice drove him to West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park where he died.
It turned out that the trio of robbers obtained another man’s cash and wristwatch moments earlier. At least that man did not try to take the law into his own hands!
I’m sure Chicago’s lawmakers are wringing their hands to come up with some new laws to prevent crime victims from harming other robbers like poor Jon Sylvester who simply need money.
Note: Some people don't get that I wrote this in jest to Chicago's gun bans. The victim here are not a vigilante but a hero. Score one for Darwin!
Here is what WBBM-TV had to say.
Sabian, that Vigilante label is in jest to Chicago's really stupid gun bans.
Anyone who can survive a forcable felony and send some felon to rot in some land fill is not a vigilante but a hero!
I got your use of vigilante. But I don't follow your description of the incident based on the news report. Using your description the intended victim at some point had control of the gun meaning that the victim was in violation of Chicago's ban on private handgun possession. Why isn't this "dangerous" victim being charged? Possibly because the police are charging the captured accomplise with the shooting crime.
reference: http://cbs2chicago.com/local/local_story_261134509.html
They can’t charge the victim who gained possession of the gun because it was valid self-defense and that the momentary possession of the firearm fell under the necessity defense. That’s all under IL state law.
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