If as first reported Karr broke the law in Thailand he will never be extradited and escape any and all punishment there. In many jurisdictions Karr will not even be required to register as a sex offender for his misdemeanor convictions.
You ask if this is the end of the story now? Hardly, additional grief and aggravation is in store for our pedophile.
I fully expect greed to take over as parents start coaching their children into repressed memory nonsense as a way to go after school districts anywhere Karr has been employed. Cops will do their investigations, arrest and extradite Karr and start the circus all over again.
If this somehow all blows over, perhaps the very creepy, John Mark Karr will have a handsome book contract.
Paul, how come he wasn't charged for lying? What a nut. Now he'll be getting a book, movie deal, and this creep will be back on the streets....
Wow Paul you really called that one and you speak the truth about Karr. Sad really, but hubris makes people, even district attorneys, do strange things. They get drunk with power...
t's a cold day in Hell as California went to the trouble to extradite Karr. Of course they did not think the case was important enough to save the evidence! This really bad joke just continues here...
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