TMZ.com is a website/blog not unlike Crimefile. The difference is a staff of two-dozen seasoned photographers, producers and webmeisters in the TMZ stable and the non-stop popular Hollywood gossip. TMZ’s content along with well paying sponsors keep TMZ afloat. Crime Guns and Video Tape is still just a labor of love.
The Mel Gibson DUI/Jew baiting rant is Levin’s hottest story yet. For Levin this is his breakout and vindication as the Captain of the TMZ ship. Levin’s job is to continue throwing gasoline on this bonfire and make TMZ a household name.
Is Levin hurting an alcoholic for his own gain? I don’t really think so. I see this outrageous event ending in a huge love-in where Gibson comes out healthy, wealthy and wise from the hype. America likes to forgive the high profile repentant.
In the very end TMZ's Managing Editor, Harvey Levin will somehow make Mel Gibson even more popular and sell more tickets to his movies.
Harvey Levin is a HATE MONGER!
So is TMZ good? Or is it whack?
That is a troll.
Harvey Levin is not.
Your resident trolling expert,
-dan l
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