After an entirely too long period of time KNBC finally brought Kovacik on board as a full time reporter. Kovacik has perfect diction and the good looks any TV news organization would want to tell their news stories. I enjoyed the short time I worked with him.
Since local news is not the least bit competitive in the Los Angeles market this morning provided a real surprise. Kovacik recognized the wanted murder suspect involved the very story he was doing during the middle of a live stand-up.
Kovacik kept his cool as he conducted an impromptu, somewhat short but meaningful interview with suspect, Alvaro Williamson. Williamson wanted to set the record straight while he turned himself in to the LAPD station where Kovacik was doing his stand-ups. The suspect was calm and rational saying; his neighbors had harassed him for nearly a decade. Williams seemed satisfied his neighbor dispute had ended for good.
How many other L.A. market reporters would have confronted a murder suspect that was a foot taller and 75 pounds heavier without fainting? Kovacik, ya did good kid!
Could this start a much-needed competition war in the L.A. TV news market? I certainly hope so!
Now if only someone will actually get to the bottom of this deadly dispute and maybe tell us about the criminal backgrounds of all of the players. Perhaps news directors like KNBC's Robert Long might get new viewers and revenue for his news broadcasts if they begin to supply their viewers why rather than just who, where and when. You know such as some follow up investigation and interviews…
See the KNBC story and video here.
July 8 KNBC-TV update on this story.
He deserves an Emmy! I've seen his reports and expect to see him at the networks soon!
Wow! Great reporting! That's the way to do a stand-up Robert!
Robert Kovacik, IS THE BEST!
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