The Law and Order zeal of too many of our politicians have written punishment into our laws regarding people accused but not convicted of any crime. I guess we now punish first and try them later these days.
Delay’s lawyers are readying their appeal of Justice of the Peace Jim Richards’ order suspending Delay’s permit. Let’s hope the Bill of rights and fundamental due process wins this one!
I agree the Democrats are seeking a vendetta, but it's not without precedent that he have his permit suspended pending the outcome of the criminal trial.
Look at any bond receipt for Cook County and you'll see a firearm restriction while out on bond.
When he's acquitted, he should get his permit restored.
I know that dishing out punishment before conviction or minimal due process has been the recent practice in the USA.
DUI arrests, civil domestic violence allegations along with indictments have caused many professional business and gun license suspensions.
Letting an accused suspect out on bail is to insure a person will appear in court. Punishment through loss of rights at this stage is wrong.
Just because it’s done does lot make it right or Constitutional.
No, of course it's not Constitutional, nor is it right. The Lautenberg Amendment wiped its ass with the "presumed innocent" principle. I guess my question is, why should DeLay get special treatment? Because he's a member of Congress? Nah.
I’m not looking for special treatment of anyone. I support any effort he makes though the courts that will overturn this Constitutional outrage. Perhaps exposing this may help end the concept of punishment before due process…
I didn't mean to imply that you did. I was referring to an editorial I blogged about recently that stated DeLay should get his guns back. Yes, he should, and so should thousands of others who lost their rights by mere accusation. But I don't see the media taking up the cause of the countless people victimized by this constitutional outrage -- just DeLay. I see a problem with that.
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