Friday, March 03, 2006

Perhaps It’s Time To “Off” An Alderwomen?

The incredibly stupid and racist Madeline Haithcock told the the Chicago Sun Times that the favorite slogan by her murdering Black Panther heroes, “Off the pigs” was only a figure of speech.

Perhaps sending the message that it’s a great time to off Madeline Haithcock will help make clear the kind of hate she is generating with her effort to name a street after the late, convicted robber and accused kidnapper, Fred Hampton.

Read the article...


Anonymous said...

I like it!

Anonymous said...

I don't think she's going to be too happy about your idea Crimefile. Watch her try to now say those words are now a real terrorist threat!

I'm sure she'd like to have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at her-I'll bet she has had it both ways!! Actually, are we sure "she" is really a she?? Looks more like a man! Crimefile-can you check on that and advise??

Anonymous said...

The 1960's, years of great social uphevals. The iconic images of the Police for most Blacks in America were people like:
Sheriff Willis V. McCall (Florida),
Sheriff Jim Clark and The Alabama State Police, Sheriff Rainey and Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price (Miss),
Sheriff Z. T. Matthews (Georia)Sheriff Eugene "BULL" O'Connor (ALA),Lester Maddox, George Wallace these were the more vocal and televised images of law and order.
So when a group like The "Black Panther's" arrive on the scene they aren't seen as "The Bad Guys" well at least not in most Black communities, with "America's Slide Rule Morality Gauge" people are able to slide back into the past and place todays moral standards on incidents and groups of a by gone era. A prime example would be saying that Slavery was wrong then and still considered a wrong now.
But to say that slavery was how things were done then and to wait a hundred years past to say that it was wrong is unacceptable. It's always fascinate me that people who scream the most today, were mute to the point of non exsistence during the course of these on-going travesties of injustice. The irony about Chicago is that almost 8 years after this infamous raid on the Black Panthers, The City of Chicago via of Justice Prentice Marshall were forced to opens it ranks and files to minorities and women who had been systematically denied job opportunities purely by racial and gender discrimination. I DO NOT endorse the renaming of West Monroe St. in honor of Fred Hampton, but I do understand the rationale of why some might think that its a good idea.

Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

To March 03, 2006 9:15 AM

The Black Panthers did not take their fight to the South but instead targeted big city cops that were just protecting the neighborhoods were the Panthers were living. I don't buy your argument.

The only good Black Panther is a dead Black Panther!

Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

TO: March 03, 2006 9:03 AM

What me check? No way, you do it!

Anonymous said...

Clarification: The Black Panthers were most active South of The Mason-Dixon Line. Chapters, and coalition organization on Historicall Black Colleges were wide spread. Last time I looked the majority of these Colleges were in the South. The Panthers aligned themselves with SDS, SNCC, RNA and actively supported the Deacons for Defenses (louisiana), the Panthers established a voter rights organization in Lowndes County Alabama and several in Mississippi. They had a loose alliance with CORE and FOI. So to try to interject that they only targeted Big Northern cities and I hope that you aren't alluding to the point that these places were free of discrimination and the police only were protecting and serving, this is especially comical since Chicago at the time was following a long standing design of exclusion of minorities and females from their rank and're from Chicago at least you saying so! This is the same city at the time that had people like George Lincoln Rockwell in and around Marquette Park, Blacks or Jews could be arrested for trying to enter South Shore Country Club 7100 S South Shore Drive, minorities entering or exiting Bridgeport had to pay a blood toll. Its most unfortunate that a group like the Black Panthers had to come into exsistence, but evil begets evil

Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

Murdering cops over hatred was the goal of the BPP pure and simple. The cops killed were not the KKK or responsible for social policy.

The BPP was every bit as evil as the KKK. Remember the KKK was created after grave injustices involved with post Civil War reconstruction.

Injustices don't get somehow fixed or eliminated by killing innocents over simple hate.

The Old Man said...

She is almost as clueless as Jesse Jackson. Riding the black swell to $$$....

Anonymous said...

I wonder when Bill O'Reilly and FOX NEWS will weigh in on this travesty?