Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Jodi Arias Trial Is a Groundbreaking, Government Sponsored, Social Media Lynching!

Phoenix, AZ—American Justice has taken a shameful turn here with the murder trial involving a troubled young woman.  Jodi Arias is on trial for her life but throngs of has been television pundits along with a Social Media lynch mob have been allowed to seriously corrupt our trial process.
With today’s technology the vast majority of jurors can be counted upon to break every rule to avoid media and get their verdict guidance from all the wrong places.
A public criminal trial was never an invitation to turn a metropolis into a worldwide entertainment event.  Aside from a celebrity prosecutor mugging for photos with his new fans while signing autographs this inquisition extravaganza has been out-of-control from the beginning. 
Cries of Justice for Travis Alexander, the young murder victim seem to suggest he will somehow be resurrected after the hanging of Jodi Arias.  Millions of young women have injected themselves emotionally into this trial and are demanding the jury reach a guilty verdict and death sentence.  They all want to watch a public execution.
The government here has sponsored this Roman Coliseum style event and should at least have opened a box office to collect money from the worldwide lynch mob.  TV rights, advertising placards on the courthouse and the court personnel and witnesses should wear logo tee shirts.  The shirts worn by the defendant and her lawyers could defray the defense costs.  Absurd?  No more absurd than what they have already created.
Trial must be public but live broadcasting; tweeting and curbside television studios outside the courthouse are beyond over the top. 
They way to end these freak shows is for a higher court to invalidate any convictions obtained as they set the accused free.   Doing that would cause suicides among these pathetic true crime swine, court viewers that must watch these trials because they don’t have lives of their own.
One thing for sure the jury has plenty of guidance from the fine people sending them important thoughts on Twitter.

UPDATE!!!  The jury has announced that they have reached a verdict.  It will be read at 1:30 PM Phoenix time.  Perhaps they should call in Nancy Disgrace from her HNL street studio and have her read the verdict!  

THE VERDICT:  The jury voted Guilty of Capital Murder as the huge bloodthirsty lynch mob cheered outside.  Disgraceful to say the least.  

APPEAL? It will be automatic with a litany of disasters that robbed this woman of a fair trial.  Decades and million of dollars will be wasted trying to kill this woman...

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Whitehouse Propagandists Claim 90% of Americans want Expanded Background Checks. Really?

Protesters across from The George Brown Convention Center in Houston Texas
Houston, TX—The National Rifle Association just held their Annual Meeting here.  Membership of the NRA tops five million.  This meeting hosted a record crowd of over 86,000 folks that came in from all 50 states.   The economy of Houston was boosted along with public safety.  You see most of the NRA members came armed with lawful loaded and concealed weapons. 
As for that 90% claim there were about two-dozen determined demonstrators that can be seen above.  I guess it’s time to wonder where these 90% are hiding.  The answer is abundantly clear that 90% figure is the product of an Obama wet dream.
I was hanging out for a while with none other than Glen Beck at the Eagle Grips booth who seemed to like Mother of Pearl and Ivory grips for some of his personal firearms.

Glen Beck visiting with Paul Huebl

Walmart Bathrooms are Filthy and Disgusting.

Houston, Texas—While visiting a local Walmart getting supplies for our exhibition for last weeks NRA Convention I visited the bathroom. 
This is a filthy and unnecessary blight on an otherwise well-established American brand.  They obviously don’t take pride on having sanitary bathrooms.  This one was average or better than most for Wal Mart stores in America.
On every stainless steel panel in the stalls or next to the urinals there are various bodily fluids that are growing bacteria and germs from Hell.  I’m sure children wind up touching this vile material with their little hands.
My question is how difficult would it be to clean this hazardous filth up?   Every Walmart Bathroom seems to have the nasty, caked up filth like this.  Why don’t they take a little more pride?  This is sad indeed.  
Check out this video!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arizona Has Decimated the Liberal, Feel Good “Gun Buy-Back” Schemes!

Guns from a recent Tucson Buy-back event. 

Phoenix, AZ—In Phoenix and Tucson there is the Large City Disease called Liberalism.  For some reason the larger cities of our nation attracts the Looney political Left and their facilitation of poverty, crime and ignorance. 
Between the larger cities are the smaller ones and the rural areas inhabited for the most part by hard working, law-abiding, and taxpaying productive people. 
The political Right controls the productive and peaceful areas.  The Left abets violence, dependence and ignorance in the places under their control.  It’s is a simple fact that per-capita violence, crime and despair is always over the top in large cities run by the Left.  The collective self-esteem of big city inhabitants is usually right in the toilet.
The Left hates gun rights preferring that their intended victims cannot endanger criminals.  The bans against possession and the carrying of firearms; serves as nothing more than a “Mugger Protection Act”. 
The Left renamed numerous ordinary firearms as, Assault Weapons demonizing them.  Gun safety is a term for handling firearms in a way to avoid accidents.  The Left has renamed that as, "Sensible Gun Laws.”  Their so-called Sensible Gun Laws are simply bans of every description and obstacles that only impact the law-abiding people. 
The Left has found a terrific way to waste tax money and sometimes involve sponsors from the community.  They are the gun buy-back events.  These government gadflies invite anyone and everyone to exchange unwanted guns including toys for tax money!  No questions are asked as they hand out the cash, sneakers and debit cards.  Leftist media collaborators give the politicians free face time while promoting the massive waste.  Then the Liberals all pat each other on the back as the collected firearms are destroyed by wasteful fools.  
Arizona found a great way to stop the ineffective and wasteful buy back events.  They simply created a state law forbidding the destruction of the collected firearms.  Any firearms collected for any reason by state or local government agencies must be sold to law-abiding citizens.   
Phoenix and Tucson can deal with crime by sending the tax money to schools, police agencies and foster parents.  That might actually work to reduce crime far more effectively than these gun buy-back charades.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The German Government is Still Hunting Old Nazis

Germany's top Nazi Hunter, Kurt Schrimm in on  mission!
Ludwigsburg, Germany--Germany's Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes is located in this picturesque hamlet close to Stuttgart.  
The head honcho of this Nazi-hunting agency is Kurt Schrimm.  Schrimm is on a desperate mission to round up as many as 50 former guards from the Auschwitz concentration Camp believed to still be alive. 
Schrimm will not have to run fast after these guys because the old fugitives are well into their 90’s and have canes, walkers and wheelchairs.  Others are blind, deaf or suffering from dementia. 
What Schrimm lacks is convincing eyewitness testimony of the alleged crimes.  Schrimm will try to make these cases using old Nazi records that seem to place the men at Auschwitz during the time when atrocities were committed. 
Considering name similarities and the hearsay nature of these records this questionable legal quest seems incredibly complicated and flawed. 
There is no Statute of Limitations preventing prosecution but there comes a point in time when the quest for justice is purely symbolic but in reality totally meaningless. 
I don’t suggest for a moment that some or even all of the men were not involved in mass government sponsored murder and kidnapping.   The difficulty will be to separate the criminals from those conscripts that somehow avoided committing atrocities.  There were many cooks, clerks and medical workers within the ranks of the camp staff. 
The last man tried for War Crimes was retired Cleveland autoworker and naturalized U.S. citizen, John Demjanjuk.  Demjanjuk was tried convicted, sentenced to hang and was later cleared by an Israeli Court.  Nonetheless Demjanjuk was rearrested by Schrimm's agents and tried again in Munich and convicted.  He was sentenced to a nursing home where he peacefully died soon thereafter.  The irony was that the old man would have been confined to a bed no matter the outcome of the expensive and meaningless show trial.
Demjanjuk’s case was long fraught with despicable shenanigans committed by the U.S. Office of Special Investigations that essentially framed him with forged documents.  The OSI was struggling for funding and needed to justify its existence as a government agency at the time. 
What the Nazi’s did to fellow Germans, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Communists and Jews was shocking.  Hitler’s regime murdered six million of their castigated minorities but it’s somehow forgotten that over nine million German’s also perished under the Nazis. 
The U.S. Office of Special Investigations and Germany’s Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes has outlived their usefulness.  They need to shutter their doors and fade away like the old Nazis they’ve been chasing. 
It would make more sense to create better safeguards in every government preventing government tyranny and murder under color of law. 
After the Holocaust surviving Jews began to chant, “Never again!  The fact is that history is replete with acts of genocide and government sponsored mass murder.  It will happen again and again as long as humans roam this earth.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Death Row and Prison Media Interview Ban is Horrible Government Policy

Florence, AZ—Currently there are 121 men and three women on Death Row in Arizona.  The killing here substantially exceeds larger states like Texas for per capita executions.  There has been a number of exonerations here and certainly more are expected.
The State of Arizona like several others has cut off TV news from access to any inmate for any reason.  Inmates can write letters but letters don’t make watchable TV and prison officials know this.  A huge percentage of inmates are illiterate and can't even write a simple letter.
Prison officials try and justify this by suggesting that crime victims become traumatized whenever inmates appear on TV.   That’s hogwash unless of course some "victim" falsely accused and obtained a conviction against an innocent person.  Yes, that does happen far more often than we will admit.
The media does not like wasting time listening to inmates whine about their troubles.  They only will commute to the remote locations where the prisons are for compelling reasons. These kinds of interviews happen rarely even in the jurisdictions that allow them.
Most lawyers hate for their clients to talk to the media because they tend to incriminate themselves even further during the appellate process. 
Often an inmate can raise issues of corruption or doubt that have real merit.  Is there somehow harm when an inmate wants to make it public that prosecutors and courts are refusing to administer DNA tests that would exonerate him?
The inmate media embargo is really about saving law enforcement agencies and prosecutors from embarrassment in wrongful conviction cases.  The claim of saving victims from emotional harm rings deceptive, hollow and disingenuous.
Texas allows TV news crews full access to their condemned inmates right up to death’s door.  Often it is an inmate wanting to express remorse.   Sometimes it’s simply a self-serving gesture to gain sympathy.  Other times it’s a frantic effort to get their cases reinvestigated with today’s better tools before the death clock runs out.
When government hides their inmates from the media it flies in the face of open government.  Transparency is reduced to zero by solid steel doors and high prison walls. 
Our prisons are being reduced to secret Gulags where anonymous inmates are housed in seclusion.  When inmates are so isolated that nobody can observe, horrible things begin to happen. 
It’s time for Arizona and California to return to the policies of the past where the media has reasonable access.  Our penal systems seem to be headed for the policies of Devil’s Island or North Korea.  This departure from civilization is dead wrong.