Sunday, April 28, 2013

Will Our Shopping Malls Now Face Terrorist Attacks?

Los Angeles, CA—There is no shortage of radical Muslims living in the City of Angels.  Planning a bombing and firearms attack here would be incredibly easy for those determined fanatics.
Instead of backpacks bombs and weapons could be brought in without notice using large shopping bags from popular retailers.
Imagine how the untrained and unarmed mall guards would be running for their lives rather than confront attackers.  Gun laws in Los Angeles insure that there will not be any armed resistance to any deadly attacks. 
There are lots of surveillance cameras and someone will make the necessary 911 call.   Will the response be similar to the stunning failure of the Jefferson County, CO Sheriff’s Department during the Columbine High School Massacre?
The question will be how many people with be shot, stabbed, burned with gasoline or blown up by bombs before any armed resistance begins?   The answer is to expect a major bloodbath. 
Have the malls done anything to deal with this very real kind of a threat?  The answer comes in the way of visibly unarmed guards wandering around for minimum wage or little more.  These people are just more hostages or victims.
The corporate suits that make decisions about security matter are not cops.  Worse, they are inclined to take horrible advice from big city police department officials that must stay in political lockstep behind gun-rights hating mayors.  
After a deadly attack they will all exclaim that they took every reasonable step to protect life and property.  That is as long as the steps were guaranteed to fail! 
Do shopping malls have plans in place to resist terrorism?  The answer is that mall patrons can count upon total abandonment.  The government and mall owners can’t and won’t protect mall patrons.  Perhaps customers need to simply ignore those unconstitutional gun carry bans.  If you think wearing a seatbelt is important when you drive so is having a meaningful way to defend your life at a busy mall. 
If you must, shoot straight, often and escape with your life.  Never make any statements to police or anyone outside the presence of a criminal defense lawyer representing you.  
No law to report a shooting exists in America anywhere.  In fact your absolute right to silence is solidly reinforced by our Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.   Shoot, scoot and stay mute! 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Can Use of Social Media Help the Wrongfully Accused?

Los Angeles, CA—Recently a UCLA student and water polo athlete, Hokop Kaplanyan was arrested on April 2 2013 after being accused of raping a coed in a residence hall.  The school suspended Kaplanyan after his arrest.
Since the arrest the actual charge/s were not filed and Kaplanyan was released.  The matter is currently under review by both prosecutors and UCLA officials.
Kaplanyan had insisted that he was dating the alleged victim and they had consensual sex.  The coed has so far avoided any media attention. 
Kaplanyan’s lawyer Berc Agopoglu, used Facebook to say thet the suspension would be appealed and that his client was innocent suggesting that he’d prevail at clearing him. 
Soon a group of eleven of Kaplanyan’s friends took to YouTube and posted a video of support for him. 
One thing for sure the allegation is serious and may be difficult to prove.  Under our system of justice it will take more than the coed’s testimony alone to convict Kaplanyan.  Physical evidence and witnesses or a lack of them will decide Kaplanyan’s fate.
The influence and effect of Social Media in such a case exceeds TV and newspaper coverage substantially.  Anyone with interest in such a story will direct their computer search engines, locate and devour the text, photos and videos.  Traditional forms of media would most likely go unseen by the people that count.
I can guarantee that school officials, the involved cops, prosecutors, judge and even jurors will read this article.  So will the alleged victim, her friends and any witnesses.
The other benefit of Social Media is those normal mainstream media protections of so-called victims and their personal baggage don’t apply.   Things that would normally never see the light of day such as a so-called victim’s prior perjury or prostitution arrests or other lurid information can be freely published on Social Media.
Social Media is a game changer in the criminal justice system.  I’ve seen numerous criminal cases affected in positive ways.  Prosecutors and judges hate finding themselves on the wrong side of public opinion since they are political animals.
In addition to needing a lawyer and private investigator today’s accused need Social Media experts to get the right information out for public consumption.  YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are playing a huge part in nearly every serious criminal case. 
Lawyers even the accused, are restricted as to what information they can reveal to the media.  Nothing would preclude a suspect’s family from hiring an accomplished blogger or filmmaker to posting credible information that would shed light on a criminal case.
The Social Media consultant entrusted with such a task needs to have a solid understanding of the law along with the judgment to avoid having efforts to help an accused backfire and actually damage the defense.
Cops and prosecutors have very thin skin and can be counted upon to retaliate against an accused if they feel they are portrayed in a less than favorable light.  Any Social Media manager or consultant must be careful every step of the way.
Frankly I enjoy using the power of Social Media to keep cops, prosecutors and courts under the Social Media microscope.  Social Media can’t do much for someone facing overwhelming evidence and confessions.  It can however go a long way to help the innocent.
Here is the YouTube friends posted in support of Hokop Kaplanyan:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Boston Marathon Bombing and its Political Fallout

Boston, MA—The cowardly bombing of innocents here brought out the worst and best human behaviors putting them in the spotlight.
We now seem to know what happened in that two young, male Muslim Jihadists used IED bombs against innocent men, women and children near the finish line of the 26-mile race.
Despite real danger many fine men and women risked their lives to aid those who had their limbs blown off at the scene.  The medical community rallied to save all the lives and limbs they could.  The law enforcement community banded together identifying, locating and capturing suspects. 
We really don’t know the extent of this sleeper cell of terrorists that carried out this horrible act.  We may soon learn more from the four surviving suspects taken into custody along with the items and computers seized by police.
Terrorism by nature consists of random violent acts against soft targets.  Pretend preventive measures like TSA airline passenger frisking can easily be defeated by determined terrorists.   The TSA was really nothing more than a jobs program brought in to exploit a crisis. The TSA was and is pure Security Theater. 
Realistically terrorism can’t be even reduced by government.  Fanatics will simply find the right shopping center, movie theater, school, church, sporting event, convention or concert to attack. 
Think for a moment, how difficult would it be for some twisted freak to enter a busy shopping center before Christmas with a bomb concealed in a Lord & Taylor shopping bag and setting it down near children lined up to visit Santa Claus?
As for the worst behavior, it came from the political Left and their news media propaganda organizations.  They wasted no time blaming or at least casting suspicion on the Tea Party, NRA and other political conservatives for this evil crime.  They were shamelessly exploiting this suffering for purely political purposes.  They did the same thing just a few months ago for the Sandyhook school shooting.
The people of political right are angry about the seizing of the liberty, freedom and property by Left Wing politicians and the Obama Administration.  However if the political Right ever felt the necessity for violence they would target the object of their scorn, not innocent Americans.  Expected violence would be directed at government agents such as those attempting to seize constitutionally protected firearms.  Perhaps a treasonous politician or two would wind up in Conservative crosshairs.
Many members of the political Left are pathetic and hateful bastards operating on pure envy and greed.  They see themselves as romantic Robin Hood characters, rather than the Hitlers and Stalins they really are. 
This very sad Boston Marathon Chapter seems to have come to a close.  Americans on both sides of the political spectrum need to find common ground and begin to protect each other and their rights.  The hate that divides us must end.  We need to be better examples to the children and work to improve their educations and overall American productivity. 
We need to wean Americans off of entitlements and lethargy.  We all must work together to reward rather than to punish productivity.  Americans should all be entitled to respect for their contributions to society.  Those who don’t contribute will never learn how in a welfare Socialist state.  That being said we owe it to the disabled to insure their quality of life.
As for those injured in the Marathon bombing I’d like our government to guarantee their medical bills covering the uninsured and underinsured. Our intelligence system failed them.
Let’s learn tolerance to freedom along with the right of all Americans to self-defense.  Lets put envy, greed and class hatred to pasture where it belongs.  We need to learn how to protect each other show respect.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Court Records Reveal More about the Tempe Arizona Lawyer Arrested in Shooting Case

Phoenix, AZ—Tempe criminal lawyer Joseph Palmisano appeared before a a judge this morning with his lawyer Jason Goldstein on charges of Atempted 2nd Degree Murder and kidnapping in connection with the shooting of Ryan Hall, 25.  Bail was set in the amount of $180,000.00.
According to a police report, Palmisano who was in his car allegedly approached Ryan Hall in the lawyer’s parking lot with a .357 handgun.  As the lawyer exited his vehicle he approached and ordered Hall at gunpoint out of his car.  Hall grabbed the barrel of the lawyer’s gun and during the struggle Hall was shot in the back.  Unnamed witnesses observed Palmisano entering his office with gun in hand. 
Police took the cooperative Palmisano into custody without incident.
Police said that Palmisano waived his rights against self-incrimination and told them he came to his office to deal with a child custodial exchange for his secretary/girlfriend, Catelyn Foster.  Hall and Foster apparently had a son together in their prior troubled relationship.  Palmisano said he’d been dating Foster for the last six months.
Palmisano told police that he thought that Hall had hacked his computers and tapped his telephones.
The kidnapping charge obviously came as a result of Palmisano telling police he wanted to bring Hall into his office.
Hall told police he was recording the event on his iPhone, which police recovered.  
Hall remained in a local hospital this morning where he’s recovering from his single gunshot wound.
Palmisano was ordered back to court on April 25 @ 8:30 AM at the Southeast Judicial District in Meas, AZ.

A side note here is that even experienced criminal lawyers fail to follow their own advice. Never enter interrogation rooms or waive your right to remain silent.  Simply tell them that you want a lawyer.  On the face of things his blabbing to cops brought on the kidnapping charge and his bail was more than doubled as a result. 

There seems to be a lot more to this story beyond the information provided to the court by the Tempe police.  I'm looking for anyone that can tell me about Ryan Hall's activities good or bad.  Send me an e-mail to housedick @ please. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Arizona Lawyer Arrested for Shooting His Secretary’s Ex-Boyfriend

Tempe, AZ—Tempe criminal lawyer, Joseph Palmisano, 48 is being held for Kidnapping, Attempted Murder and Aggravated Assault today.  Apparently the lawyer’s secretary’s former boyfriend, Ryan Hall, 25 was at the law office when something went terribly wrong.
Hall was conscious and talking to paramedics and police and is being treated at a local hospital where he was listed in serious condition.  
Somehow this case has the familiar impression of self-defense.  It’s unlikely that the lawyer talked to police because of his training and experience.  With only one participant talking to police, cops can be counted upon to label the loser of the battle the victim as the arrest the winner as the suspect.  
We will have to see how this case shakes out but the defense investigation was made for the best self defense specialist private investigator I know at to find the necessary answers. Okay that's me!  

I'm looking for information about Ryan Hall and I'm hope people that have it will contact me with that right away at housedick @   

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It was Social Media Not the Main Stream News Media That Reported First on The Boston Marathon Bombing.

Boston, MA—Times are changing faster than even the news productions experts could imagine.  Ordinary people are carrying smart phones and sophisticated cameras that can even upload instantly to sites like UStream
Yesterday the bombing was covered from nearly every conceivable angle by hundreds of cameras shooting high-resolution images.  These images undoubtedly captured the criminals responsible for this mad and cruel act.
There were numerous mainstream photojournalists on the scene shooting but for few if any live broadcast cameras their images were not broadcast or published until they were first transmitted to their electronic news gathering hubs for redistribution.
Some people were uploading still and video images to Internet sites as they were actually happening.  One thing for sure the world will not have to guess what happened because of the massive presence of cameras.  Courts and the jury will also see many of these images as critical evidence needed to bring justice to the offender/s.
Police will have to learn not to obstruct those with cameras capturing images, video and audio at live crime scenes.  They are beginning to understand the value of the potential evidence.  It would make much more sense for cops to allow those shooting cameras and to get their contact information for follow-up investigators.  The old police habits of aggressively chasing photographers away needs rethinking.
The first celebrated citizen journalist of our time was the unlikely, Abraham Zapruder who by chance captured on color movie film the actual assassination of President John F. Kennedy.   He had a new Super 8 movie camera.  His stunning film was the centerpiece for news broadcasts and the massive investigation that followed.   Imagine what an evidence and media bonanza there would be it that happened today.  Many more questions about that crime would have been answered.
Arson investigators have long known that photographs showing bystanders at fire scenes very often reveal the suspects admiring their work in crowds of onlookers.
Oddly enough the first reports of yesterday’s bombing were posted on Twitter and Facebook!  Television broadcasters took much longer to get live images to their viewers.  Our sophisticated media giants are more concerned about copyright protection and the business aspects of their images than members of the public shooting pictures.
One L.A. TV reporter, Alycia Lane of KNBC-TV was off duty and in Boston close to the scene in a restaurant.  She did not miss a beat and became a “Citizen Journalist” when the police came in evacuating them to the street.  She had a companion shoot her in a broadcast standup with an iPhone as she walked in the street described what was going on.  The bad news was the companion was not smart enough to hold the camera horizontal like our TV screens.  The valuable video made air anyway.

View more videos at: