Monday, January 23, 2012

Springfield Armory’s Little Gem, the XDS .45 ACP Sub Compact!

Las Vegas, NV—I’ve never been a fan of polymer frame guns. It’s more because of the sensitive triggers and my fear of an unintended discharge.

Springfield Armory just released their XDS compact .45 ACP pistol. It has an additional grip safety that makes me feel somewhat better.

The size, feel and quality of this little self-defense gun are wonderful.

Sit back and let delightful Dawn present this to you.

California Highway Patrol Officer Convicted of First Degree Murder

Los Angeles, CA—This case should have been a winner but Oakland CA. lawyer Darrell Stallworth apparently was not up to the task.

Of course Stallworth had to deal with his client, Tomieka Jones Lemons Johnson’s statements made to police investigators when she killed her husband, Marcus Lavar Lemons with a single shot from a tiny Browning .25 automatic pistol.

There was a history of domestic violence and a disparity of force involved. Stallworth just did not overcome the prosecutor’s lame suggestion that Johnson was somehow a superior combatant because of police training.

The case was winnable because it took some two years for prosecutors to indict Johnson. Their case was week but the courtroom defense was even weaker.

The defense needed a solid investigation and qualified expert witnesses. It had neither.

Johnson is now facing the rest of her life in prison.

Meet A Gun Rights Advocate, Trainer, Wife and Mother set to shake up the firearms landscape.

Las Vegas, NV—Erin Simpson is also a big gun Tucson lawyer! I met this interesting lady in Pittsburgh at last year’s NRA convention. Erin is one to watch as she forces open even more doors to the gun rights community for yet more women.

We have, “Right to Carry” laws in all but a handful of states thanks to some dedicated women like Marion Hammer, Sandi Frohman, actress Lee Purcell and a handful of others. It was a plea from the weaker sex that changed the direction of American gun laws.

The NRA was slow to recruit women perhaps because the good old boys thought only men understood the value of guns as a lifesaver. Women broke down the membership doors of the NRA when they should have been aggressively invited. Thankfully the women are here to stay.

Another sign of hostility that has made women feel unwelcome is some of the thoughtless marketing campaigns exploiting scantly clad ladies using sex to get the attention of men. Erin pointed this out to me in a recent conversation at the Las Vegas SHOT Show and she’s absolutely correct.

Ruger Firearms has used a delightful woman, Kelly Glenn Kimbro. Kimbro is a well known rancher, hunter, guide from Southern Arizona. She’s never caught wearing provocative outfits and her real image is that of an attractive women who is serious about fine firearms. She can be seen in dozens of Ruger posters. Kimbro is a women’s role model in every way.

Sex sells in our world but it need not be tasteless and sleazy. Indeed, women are sexy and using real elegance, glamour to sell fine firearms would offend nobody. Sleazy gun ads don't speak well for men either. Perhaps it's time to bring some class to eye candy.

Erin Simpson is a rising star in the world of Gun Rights, firearms training and self-defense advocacy. I was so impressed with Erin I asked her to sit down in front of the Crimefile News camera so I could introduce her to my blog visitors. Erin has her own informational site and blog that can be seen at:

Sit Back and meet Erin:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Drew Peterson Untouchable is a Joe Hosey Smear Job

Joliet, IL—Putting someone in a jail cell for more than three years without even a trial date is incredible and un-American. This is all because Will County Prosecutor James Glasgow wants to introduce the worst kind of hearsay evidence into an American courtroom.

The trial judge refused to allow the hearsay and Glasgow is appealing his loss until he reaches the court of last resort. In the meantime Peterson is being held in jail on a $20 million bail bond requirement.

Most Americans don’t have a clue just what hearsay is or how grossly unfair it is. When we formed America we created protections for people charged with crimes. The simple and foremost right is the one that gives the accused the right to face, confront anyone or anything used against him in court. In the case of testimony that means the right to cross-examine what’s being said.

Let’s begin with hearsay being a simple quote being repeated by an honest person. Remembering and repeating exactly what someone has told you is a difficult task even for news reporters. They take notes and manage to get it wrong more often than you could imagine. You can change the meaning of anything said with the slightest variation of a word. The tone and emphasis of a speaker can also take the exact same words making them sinister when they were not.

In the Peterson case the people offering the banned hearsay evidence stand to profit from Drew Peterson being convicted of murder. They have sued Peterson in civil court and a conviction in the criminal court would assure a money judgment in the civil court.

Our founding fathers understood the dangers and simple unfairness of hearsay and outlawed it in our Constitution. However that act has never stopped politicians like James Glasgow to make every effort to undermine that protection.

We can either have fair trials or accept judicial tyranny like we had in the Salem Witch trials of long ago.

No matter what anyone wants to believe there are certain facts in the Peterson case that won’t go away. Kathleen Savio had been embroiled in a divorce with Peterson and suffered a fatal injury in her bathtub. She changed the locks on the house and Drew Peterson did not have a key. The manner and cause of her death is far from resolved. If she was murdered there is zero evidence Peterson was somehow involved.

Savio’s relatives all claim she was afraid of Peterson and suggested Peterson would harm her. Those claims are thrown about in every contemptuous divorce at one time or another. Thankfully in all but a tiny fraction of cases those claims of threats were either lies made to influence divorce courts or were simply ugly emotional outbursts.

As for Stacy Peterson she is simply missing as her own mother was been long before she ever met Peterson. The presumption of her death is premature and suggesting who may have killed her is anything but proof or even mildly credible evidence. Peterson is not charged with anything related to Stacy Peterson however the finger pointing at Drew Peterson is beyond out-of-Control.

Drew Peterson fought those allegations not only by denial but also by ridiculing his accusers. It’s an understandable position if he’s killed nobody. The families and friends of “victims” are sacred cows and are placed above ridicule in our society no matter what they say or do. The problem here is we must guess if they are even victims.

One time neighborhood newspaper reporter Joe Hosey saw an opportunity to profit from a smear job of Peterson and wasted little time publishing a book and selling rights to a made for TV film.

Peterson’s Innocence Tour of the network TV morning shows backfired and now his ability to obtain an unbiased jury is in serious jeopardy. The crappy made for TV film has poisoned the jury pool forever.

The thing people forgot about Drew Peterson is he has never been accused of a crime in his life and enjoyed a 30-year career with an unblemished record as a cop.

Peterson’s real crime is that he’s become a media legend, based on the reports that he repeatedly traded aging wives for younger and more attractive women.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sig Shakes up the Sub-Compact Pistol World at the SHOT Show Yet Again.

Las Vegas, NV—The Sig Sauer Exhibit at this year’s SHOT Show had another compact surprise!

One of my blog visitors wanted me to do a piece on yet another gun being released. I foolishly passed on taking a second look that the gun because of a personal bias against most polymer frame guns. This all black gun had that familiar look from the distance. Boy was I wrong!

The P224 is simply a cut down larger frame P229, making yet another terrific hideout gun. This can be obtained on .40 S&W or .357 Sig.

This is small enough to look like a mouse gun but looks are deceiving. This gun packs a real punch.

I thank my visitor for making me take a second look. Sit back and watch Scott introduce you to the P224:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sig Shakes up the Sub-Compact Pistol World at the SHOT Show!

Las Vegas, NV—The SHOT Show always has a few surprises and I found a good one at the Sig Sauer exhibit. It’s the P 938 sub-compact 9 MM pistol.

It’s based somewhat on the venerable 1911 design but in miniature! This is a 9MM that will take the title of the ultimate backup or hideout gun.

Sit back and Adam will show you this gem that’s available right now.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Live streaming video from the SHOT Show in Las Vegas!

Las Vegas, NV--I will have LIVE video up and running during the SHOT Show in Sin City. The show runs 17-20 January. On 16 Jan they will have Media Day at the Range...

Read more:

Video from the Las Vegas Strip I shot last night:

Sunday, January 08, 2012

How Many Young Mothers Must Go to Bed Fearful Every Night in America?

Chicago, IL—In this city law-abiding people are routinely placed into unnecessary danger and abject fear by their own government.

Is being placed in fear somehow more tolerable than hunger or being denied medical care? For too many politicians, forcing people to live in fear is a desirable goal.

Is it perhaps because these oblivious politicians live in safe well-protected neighborhoods, drive reliable cars and work in government buildings where everyone is searched before they enter? Is there a more sinister motive to their gun prohibition agenda?

Every night in places like Chicago, New York and Newark young mothers must put their children to bed in abject fear. Working mothers must take public transportation to various night jobs throughout these cities that have stripped them of their human right to self-defense. The vicious predators roaming around in these cities all depend on government to keep the people they rob, rape and murder unarmed.

The cities that deny the right to meaningful self-defense are also the most crime-ridden and dangerous.
We all know in most places in our nation we can order a pizza by telephone and get a quicker response than by calling police.

When you call the police in an emergency you’re simply asking for someone with a gun to come and protect you from a real threat.

Is it just too much to demand from our politicians the rights to keep and bear arms already granted by our Constitution?

In Oklahoma a very young mother widowed days earlier spent 20 agonizing minutes on the telephone with a police dispatcher while two armed creeps were trying to force their way into her home. Finally they succeeded in this home invasion threatening young Sarah McKinley (pictured above) who was forced to shoot and kill one of the intruders. Thankfully she was armed with a revolver and a shotgun.

That story got a lot of press attention only because deadly force was actually used.

There are many millions of other similar crimes that are simply interrupted when potential victims are armed and threaten cowardly thugs that flee for their lives. Those cases never get media attention because there’s no blood on the sidewalk to photograph and sensationalize.

The founders of this nation gave gun rights to Americans so that citizens need not fear criminals without and within our government.

We must purge every last political traitor that tampers with the basic human right to self-defense.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Gun Rights Must Become Recognized as a Global Human Right.

Berlin, Germany—It’s appropriate that the fight begin here because this is where the Nazi’s actually perfected gun control.

It’s here in Berlin that Adolph Hitler and his propaganda minister; Josef Goebbels demonized citizen’s gun rights as a threat to public safety.Guns were outlawed and the especially law-abiding and obedient German people surrendered their guns and liberty to that despicable and criminal regime.

Too many people on this planet have forgotten how 12 years of gun control and National Socialist rule caused the deaths of six-million Jews and Gypsies along with nine-million Germans.

It was the successful Nazi administered gun control that facilitated the abject horror on this nation and its citizens. Without arms it became impossible for Germany’s population to regain their liberty and freedom by any means.

We have experimented with gun control in America since it began during Post-Civil War Reconstruction as a way to keep the newly freed slaves disarmed and defenseless. Gun control has failed as a crime control tool everywhere it’s been tried. Not only has it failed, gun control actually guaranteed criminals safety as they robbed, raped and murdered. Gun control became the very best protection a violent thug could ask for.

America has more guns than ever with a sudden increase over the last decade to an estimated total nearly 300,000,000.

The rate of shooting and violent crimes has gone down everywhere gun laws have been relaxed. Gun related accidents have also gone down dramatically with the increase in gun ownership.

Governments are always the most prolific killers of their own citizens. Why would any Human Rights Advocate suggest citizens surrender the ability to fight genocide and tyranny?

The possession and carrying of arms for self-defense is a basic human right. No government should be able to disarm law-abiding citizens. No law-abiding citizen should ever have to go to bed frightened and disarmed.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Microsoft Patents ‘Avoid Ghetto’ Feature For GPS Devices

Chicago, IL--Carrying a firearm in this city is forbidden and only the law abiding obey that unconstitutional mandate. So what do you do when government holds you down for muggers, rapists and killers? You do whatever you can to avoid the savages that inflict harm. Here is an idea I had several years ago that is finally being developed. A filter for your GPS that will warn you as you stray near dangerous ghettos. There is no question that this will save lives!

I always recommend that law-abiding gun owners always avoid conflict. This application will help you do just that!

This ought to prove fun when the Liberals and whiners call this idea racist. No it's all about taking steps to insure personal safety.

Microsoft Patents ‘Avoid Ghetto’ Feature For GPS Devices « CBS Seattle

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Phoenix Broadcasting Icon and Mentor Bill Heywood and Wife Found Dead

Scottsdale, AZ—One of the fathers of Phoenix radio broadcasting, Bill Heywood and his wife Susan were both found dead from gunshot wounds in a hotel here.

Heywood had the perfect mellow voice and could talk sensibly to a microphone about nothing for hours. He was considered a broadcasting pro and seemed destined to work forever in his well-paying high profile gig. He always had a warm smile in his voice and never dared utter a discouraging word. All of that changed.

Radio audiences dwindled but for drive time. Formats changed from music to hot-button talk shows. The local disk jockeys like Heywood were replaced by syndicated talent and forced out of the business. Heywood was washed up well before his time and then went into real estate just in time to see that industry tank too.

Heywood’s wife, Susan was his agent and with her primary client out of work she was idled too. Along the way were collection lawsuits, the foreclosure of their comfortable Biltmore Estates home and a Bankruptcy. Health insurance was another disaster as Susan began to suffer.

For the Heywoods there was no way out as hope and our economy failed them. They had suffered enough so after leaving a suicide note they shared a gun to end their misery.

I wish there was a lesson here we could all learn but there’s not. The reality is the Heywoods somehow deserved better but it’s a very tough world for so many. Perhaps the religious people are right and there’s a hereafter with no troubles or stress. I hope that’s the case and they can once again enjoy laughter.

Here is some vintage promotional video for Bill Heywood:

You survived the deadly shooting and suddenly your next grave threat is inside the Criminal Justice System

Phoenix, AZ—It’s appropriate that we get specific to Arizona because they have a much better tolerance for people that use deadly force in self-defense or the defense of a third person. This is about the Golden Hours between and arrest and an Indictment by a Grand Jury. Once you’re arrested or otherwise labeled as a suspect the race begins to indict you for, Manslaughter or even Murder.

Needless to say you’ve not uttered a word to police beyond your name, date of birth along with a request for a lawyer.

The Golden Hours is a tiny time period where you can defeat a prosecution and spare yourself and family from Bankruptcy, divorce, home foreclosure, car repossession and even years in prison. Depending on complications prosecutors could secure an Indictment against you in just a day or two.

Aside from being a gun rights leader of our nation, Arizona has solid protections from abusive arrest and prosecution as well additional protection from bogus lawsuits. Just because that’s the law does not mean you will be spared a spin at the Wheel of Judicial Misfortune.

Judges, lawyers and prosecutors all think they understand the dynamics of lethal self-defense. They fact is most only got they education from Hollywood productions. Just because they are in the criminal justice business does not mean they understand what happened in a fight for someone’s life.

Unfortunately criminal defense lawyers are sometimes little help because real self-defense cases are very rare in the system. Assumptions are made that the violent event is the product of an argument rather than an attack based on race, robbery, mistaken identity, rape or a violent over-reaction to a driving infraction on some highway.

For example you shot a carjacker in the back. The police and prosecutors may understandably believe you simply played God and executed the hapless criminal. There are various things that happen in the split second of a shooting and a self-defense expert can often give a convincing explanation for the back wound. You can wait two or three years for a criminal trial and a jury to decide your fate or you can make a case before a Grand Jury.

These two case cites, are the law that creates your golden hours:

Herrell v. Sargeant, 189 Ariz. 627 (1997) holding that the state's failure to present a fair and impartial presentation to the grand jury of the facts that related to the justification of crime prevention required that the case be sent back to the grand jury.

Trebus v. Davis, 189 Ariz. 62 (1997) holding conditions where the state must inform the grand jury that the defendant is requesting to testify to the grand jury. The state must also present exculpatory information sent by the defense in a letter to the prosecutor.

The Trebus case is about a suspect giving testimony before the Grand Jury. Such testimony is nearly always a terrible idea and must be avoided. Trebus does force prosecutors to fairly present exculpatory information to a Grand Jury empowered to determine if you should stand trial on a felony accusation. Having a lawyer present Trebus material to a prosecutor is critical. Saying that, too many lawyers routinely let those Golden Hours slip away ignoring Trebus.

The big question is how can you save yourself from an unnecessary Indictment and criminal trial with the help of Trebus? That’s where I come in as a criminal defense private investigator.

First I must be called, retained and let loose to do my job. Your lawyer if you have one will be busy trying to arrange your bail. My responsibility is to respond to the scene and investigate on your behalf. I need to find possible witnesses and interview them right away on video or digital media before their stories get spun to what prosecutors want to hear.

I have to examine the scene of the incident looking for things the cops missed like, surveillance video sources, shell casings or suspected blood. I need to shoot still photos and video of the scene so defense lawyers can see what was there. Getting out late to a scene may be disastrous especially in construction areas.

I need to find those witnesses that the cops blew off because their stories did not match what they wanted to hear. Believe me that happens all the time. Either I find them early or they may never be found. I also must examine the backgrounds of witnesses for criminal or civil fraud history.

Police and prosecutors almost never turn over witness statements or for that matter any evidence to the defense until more than a month after an Indictment when it’s way too late to use this information.

I have to see what material the cops gave to the news media because often I find gold in what they provided to them and sometimes more importantly withheld. Police agencies love to flood the media with self-serving press releases about their “heroic” deeds connected with high profile arrests. Yes, any self-defense type shooting will qualify as high profile.

I have to remain in constant contact with your lawyer during the Golden Hours to make sure nothing is overlooked.

What happens next is any helpful information I find is reduced to writing in a “Trebus Letter” and delivered to the prosecutors before the Grand Jury is convened. Let me also say prosecutors are not necessarily evil; even they don’t like prosecuting innocent people. There are those cases where prosecutors want a jury to decide if your use of deadly force was really justified. The only problem is that may take years and all of your worldly assets.

I have seen more than one person jailed for years only to be tried and acquitted having lost everything while they were in jail pending trial. They leave the jail wearing the same clothes they had on when they were arrested. How sad is that?

Call me to do your investigation and perhaps I can help you choose a top-notch lawyer like Jed Stone or Joel Brodsky of Chicago or Richard Gierloff in Arizona.

You can visit my PI website at the top of this page on the right hand side. Simply click on hire me.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The L.A. Arson Case get’s Stranger by the Second and Very Sad

Hollywood, CAHarry Burkhart, 24 lived with his 53 year-old mother, Dorothee Burkhart on Sunset Blvd. Apparently they ran a sex entertainment business website called They advertised sex services just short of prostitution. Dorothee Burkhart is seen here in a photo from that website.

Dorothy was arrested by the feds on a German theft warrant related to non-payment for a boob job and some fraud related to apartment rentals. On it’s face it looks to be an issue of a fugitive from German justice who was visiting here on a 90-day tourist permit.

When Harry’s mother was taken away by authorities on December 28, he was suspected of engaging in a 53 fire arson spree.

Apparently Harry’s story is far more complicated since a physician had previously diagnosed him as autistic along with suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and other issues. Harry Burkhart was obviously in a major state of panic without his only support. Acting out through the dangerous arson spree was obviously a desperate cry for help.

Considering Harry’s being stranded in a foreign country his world was coming to an end. We can’t hold Harry responsible for his mother’s conduct and apparently his own conduct may well be beyond his control too.

My thoughts are to return both mother and son to Germany under the circumstances. I know Germany will obtain the proper treatment for Harry as his mother faces the music for the allegations against her.

Harry’s arson spree was horrible costing some $3 million dollars. Thankfully nobody died. Isolating Harry Burkhart in an American prison under these circumstances would do far more harm than good.

Harry will face a judge in Van Nuys Wednesday morning and his mother has another date with a federal magistrate on Friday. They both need lawyers. Neither has a particularly good command of the English language.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Was it Immigration Injustice that motivated the Los Angeles Arson Fires?

Los Angeles, CA—We have an immigration law long on the books but we also have a government run by Communists and Socialists. These criminals simply obstruct justice by providing sanctuary for certain illegal immigrants.

Our officials allow for the tsunami style importation of crime poverty and drugs from all of Mexico and Central America. Additionally these same traitors have opened our borders to millions of Muslims from nations wanting to destroy us.

This engineered and illegal immigration policy has destroyed our health care and educational system by overloading it with Hispanic and Muslim freeloaders. Our “elected” insurgents are intentionally destroying our entire economy and our free market.

Most Americans are unaware that our Immigration policy is much different for English speaking, educated and wealthy Europeans wanting to live here. To begin with the Europeans follow our laws and cooperate with Immigration officials. For that, they are rewarded with instant deportation. It’s far more difficult for a European to immigrate to our soil even though they always pay their own way.

The 55 arson fires set in three short days may have been set by a German national over the treatment by our government of his mother. For me it is very understandable that this German fellow apparently used arson to call attention to the deportation of his elderly mother. I can’t forgive his crimes but understand the anger at the blanket discrimination against Europeans.

Our officials simply refuse to enforce and apply all immigration laws on an equal basis. The government assisted the massive Hispanic immigration invasion of our nation is for one reason alone. It’s to change the balance of values, culture and power to favor Socialism.

I don’t blame the immigrants. It was the insurgents and terrorists in our own government that have done all they could to succeed as they have in this bloodless coup d'état.

Now these same Communist insurgents have declared war on Americans, our freedom and way of life through the Patriot Act, TSA terror and the new government power of indefinite detention without trial of American citizens. They also ended the prohibition of the military performing police functions over Americans on their own soil. These are the tools of an iron fisted police state.

The victims of Nazi, Chinese, Soviet and Cambodian atrocities all cooperated and could not visualize what was happening to them. They failed to resist and that failure facilitated Holocaust after Holocaust. The time to resist government tyranny is now. Waiting for a political fix for tyranny never works. Tyrants must be severely punished right now or we will never have another chance.

You can simply cooperate your way to your death camp or you can stop the bastards cold in their tracks before they disarm and murder you. Our own government has given itself absolute power and our funding fathers are rolling over in their graves right now.

Suspect information and update:

An immigration official recognized the suspect from his mother's deportation hearing and notified the Sheriff's department and LAPD. He is being held on a $250,000.00 bail. His name is Harry Burkhart, 24. His DOB is 7/21/87 and he's due in court on Wednesday.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Los Angeles is Under an Arson Siege. Is this Terrorism?

Los Angeles, CA—In a world where the word terrorism is misused to describe schoolyard children threatening each other there are real threats. Our government has been using scare tactics to justify eliminating privacy and liberty exactly like Nazi regime did during the Third Reich. Josef Goebbels and Obams’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel both understood the power grabbing benefits of crisis exploitation.

What’s very real here are some 40 similar arson fires apparently started in building carports. The fires include Hollywood, West Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, Burbank Sun Valley and at least one on the Westside of L.A. If this is the product of a single arsonist he is prolific, busy and very dangerous.

Today they released a grainy video of an older heavy, pony tail wearing, White male with a resemblance to the legendary rocker, Meatloaf. Police say unknown subject is a “person of interest”. Cops also say the same subject has been seen at more than one of the arson fires.

Arson is a peculiar crime that can have numerous motives including sexual release. Revenge, insurance fraud or an attempt to cover-up some other crime are the most common motives.

Arsonists leave signatures behind and that’s usually their undoing. We are in age of video surveillance and police may have much more incriminating video of their ‘person of interest” they are ready to disclose. Details of the method used to ignite the fires ,is being kept secret by police as not to taint the interrogation process should they bag a suspect.

Video surveillance cameras are cheaper and better than ever and should be freely used by property owners. It’s important to keep carport areas free from rubbish and flammable materials. Motion detectors that activate lights and alarms are advisable. Vigilance is important. There are never enough police to prevent crime.

Every state allows the use deadly force to stop an arsonist. You don’t need to make demands he stop the attempt before you shoot. Shooting an arsonist is generally a good idea but confessing such an event to police is not.

Could this be genuine terrorism? It’s too early to say

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Before Steven Speilberg there was Leni Riefenstahl!

Berlin, Germany—As a film lover and novice filmmaker I am beyond fascinated and spellbound by a truly amazing woman. She was an athlete, rock climber, mountain climber, dancer, actor, photographer, filmmaker, writer, scuba diver and major artist. This woman was gifted, talented and downright gorgeous.

Leni Riefenstahl was born in 1902 in this great city. Riefenstahl was raised in prosperity and rather than follow in her father’s business footstep chose to make her mark in performance and art. Riefenstahl was a strikingly beautiful contemporary of fellow actress Marlene Dietrich.

Riefenstahl had a problem, this incredibly lady had to master absolutely everything she ever tried. She made it her goal to do everything perfectly. She failed at nothing and was redundantly proven to be fearless.

As a budding filmmaker she was nothing less than a major pioneer that invented cinema techniques still being used today. She’d go to any length to create an exciting film shot out of the most ordinary human movement. Riefenstahl created cranes, rails and every conceivable kind of device to capture nearly impossible cinematic shots.

She attended one Nazi Party rally and like most of the world at that time, she admired Adolph Hitler as a potential savior of Germany. Her goal was always to gain opportunities to act, perform and make films. Hitler and his propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels was mesmerized by the exceptional young woman and invited her into what became an incredible nightmare.

Riefenstahl made a film that showcased the Third Reich called, Triumph des Willens or Triumph of the Will. The film was a documentary of feature film proportions that was made in Nuremberg. The film was a masterpiece of precession and military pageantry. Today the film is banned in Germany as a result of aggressive de-Naziification. For Riefenstahl this was more about art and filmmaking than documenting the birth of what would later become a ruthless, cruel and monstrous political regime.

In 1936 Riefenstahl created 200 miles of film to show the world the Olympics. Her film never once slighted America’s black athletic wonder, Jessie Owens of his stunning victory. With her films Olympia I and 2, Riefenstahl became the quintessential sports filmmaker that is still the role model of every sports photographer or filmmaker worldwide.

Josef Goebbels understandably wanted to make a mistress out of Riefenstahl but the truth was that she found him unattractive. To Riefenstahl's chagrin, Goebbels embellished their “friendship” in his personal diaries.

The war ended and despite the fact that Riefenstahl never once placed an anti-Semitic scene in her films or let such a word to pass her lips was arrested and put on trial. Her career was over and the best years of her life were just beginning. Riefenstahl was condemned, castigated and blackballed. Rather than to accept total defeat Riefenstahl went to Africa and began filming primitive tribes and even pursued groundbreaking oceanographic filmmaking. She never found real success again as the cinema legend she truly was.

Like all German civilians Riefenstahl was misled by the criminals running her government and only learned about the death camps after the war ended. This gifted artist was soon blamed for creating Hitler’s image and allowing him to seduce the world through her films. Unfortunately the world still remains ignorant of the truth nearly a decade after her death at the age of 101.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Identification requirements for voting and buying a gun should be the same

Click on Image to enlarge
Washington, DC—Possessing firearms and voting are considered rights. To obtain a firearm from a licensed dealer a citizen must provide solid documentation of identification. Falsifying the gun purchase forms carries significant felony punishments. To vote no Identification is required and falsification carries little or no punishment.

Someone please explain to me why there should be any difference in the requirements to exercise these two rights?

Of course the Leftists have had a 60-year lock on Congress. Those Leftists hate gun rights but want to extend to every third world needy trespasser the ability to vote because they’re unskilled, uneducated and needy and all beg for redistribution of the wealth.

Looking at the map above you can see that voter identification is never required in Leftist run states. Just try buying a gun in any state without ID.

All rights should be equal in America. Some rights are more equal than others.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas during Trying Times to My Blog Visitors

Los Angeles, CA—I’m here this year and won’t see any snow. I will however have fun anyway because this season is about friends, family and the most important part of our lives. Our faith, liberty and way of life have been challenged like never before in our lifetimes.

This Christmas has many Americans suffering because of unemployment and underemployment. The Socialist engineered destruction of our economy has placed millions of retirement pensions in certain jeopardy along with the Social Security Ponzi scheme.

We have a new American Marxist inspired culture of rewarding failure and punishing productivity that makes an economic recovery impossible.

The worst news story of the Christmas season was to see African-Americans resorting to nationwide savagery in order to waste their government entitlement cash on over-priced sneakers. Those shoes are nothing more than a twisted status symbol that won’t improve life. This demonstrates just what we can expect in the future where flash mob violence is becoming an everyday terror tool.

I don’t have any answers that don’t involve stiff resistance to the Obama Administration and their Socialist policies. We must get ready for severe tightening of our police state, suspension of the Bill of Rights and perhaps another Civil War is inevitable.

Our two political parties today are more reminiscent what existed in 1933’s Germany, the National Socialists and the Communists. The current GOP and Democratic parties have changed into something frightening and un-American. Both parties favor brute force war, the TSA and slavery by excessive taxation.

Our nation cannot continue without Civil War because there are too many Americans who will never relinquish their freedom, liberty and what so many patriots died to give us.

Real Americans must band together and learn how to say no to excessive government by the means allowed under our Constitution. Perhaps someday we can again have a Christmas season with liberty, safety, financial security happiness and love.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Nuremberg, Where Firearms Manufacturers Meet From Everywhere—March 9 thru 12, 2012

Nuremberg, Germany—This venerable and historic old city every March is the site of the International Arms Exposition or IWA. This is similar but just a bit smaller than the international SHOT Show most often held in Las Vegas, NV. The IWA Nuremberg show is split into a civilian sports section and a military and police area. Some 35,000 people visited over 1100 exhibits last year. There are also many exhibitors with exciting new products never seen before in the United States.

Aside from the show the real draw here for me are the sights, elegant women and food. Located in the state of Bavaria it’s just a two hour drive North of Munich and there is a lot to see if you can stay an additional week or more.

As for sights you will be able to visit the Hall of Justice where over a dozen trials were held bringing many Nazi to justice for War Crimes. Six-million Jews and Gypsies were murdered by the National Socialist regime but over nine-million Germans were annihilated as a result of Nazi tyranny. The penalty for any German citizen criticizing or revealing Nazi atrocities was certain death.

Nuremberg was considered the epicenter of the failed National Socialist movement. This was the place where the Nuremberg Race laws were born that stripped Jews of their citizenship enabling their deportation. As such this became the ideal place to try and hang Nazi tyrants that were convicted.

After Germany surrendered over 200,000 women and girls were savagely raped by the smelly, Communist Russian swine that took brutal control over much of Germany. These Russian criminals all escaped war crimes justice because of a willing accomplice, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Somehow Germany rebuilt better than ever and became a great ally for America and the free world. The grand children and great grandchildren of this sad chapter in Germany history are an educated, social and creative bunch. They work, play, love and many enjoy collecting firearms and shooting like Americans.

IWA also exhibits state of the art firearms for police and military. Of course the technology of firearms has evolved little over the last century. They are prettier and somewhat better functioning today than they were in 1911. The best of the best can be seen and handled right here.

If you love history and firearms Nuremberg is the place to go. I must warn you that attendance to the IWA like the SHOT show is limited to people in the firearms trade and manufacturing businesses.

Saying all of this I’m looking for some company to send me to IWA for the show to work at marketing and or public relations. I speak German and know my way around this great nation.

Click here for the official IWA show website.

Here are two videos from the last show:

Monday, December 19, 2011

Why Fly When You Can Avoid the TSA’s Goons?

Phoenix, AZ—Flying between Los Angeles and Las Vegas used to be a snap. Bargain air fares and the pleasure of having your friends see you off or meet you at the gate instead of baggage claim. Not anymore, TSA tyranny has arrived.

Today you must face a gauntlet of the lower form of life that is the TSA. They’re simply there to provide the illusion of security because they are not trained, equipped or even capable of providing real protection. This American insult comes with their zero tolerance policies that shred our rights to be free of unreasonable searches and our privacy.

The TSA has taken on all kinds of additional concerns such as drug laws and currency reporting violations that are in no way related to terrorism.

I will take the risky six-hour drive anytime instead of being miserable at the hands of the unemployable TSA thugs. There are other benefits such as the secure transportation of my personal firearms, computer and camera equipment. Additionally, I never need to rent a car once I arrive.

I’m not alone in my avoidance of air travel. Millions of people simply stay home rather than travel. This consumer reaction to TSA tyranny has had a huge and crippling impact on the entire travel and hospitality industry.

It would have been a lot more effective, smarter and tolerable if people traveling on passports from hostile nations were simply banned from traveling on our planes. That and simple profiling of passengers for terror risk factors. Every pilot should be trained and armed along with selected crew members. Sworn state and local police officers should be encouraged to fly with their side arms in exchange for reduced rate air fares.

The TSA will only support security measures that are expensive, unworkable and destructive to the American economy.

Here is a TSA goon in action trying to prevent me from shooting video outside a terminal at LAX. She had no authority to stop me or assault me the way she did.